Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 3 The Diabolical Servant is Rampant

After returning from the shepherd's side, Qin Zheng's heart has been a little turbulent. Although he is the Qin Zheng they knew, but after merging the dead memories, the relationship between the herdsman and Li Shaobai and Qin Zheng also made Qin Zheng feel moved. Moved, brother should be like this.Although there is still a sliver of precaution in his heart, he is still Qin Zheng's closest person.

Early the next morning.

There was a knock on Qin Zheng's door, only to hear Uncle Lu's feeble voice outside the door; "Third young master, Madam ordered you to leave today, and it will take some time to deal with the matters in the eastern suburbs." Ma'am asked me to come and help you pack your things."

Just as Qin Zheng opened the door, Uncle Lu, who was dressed in gray and black silk and satin, with a heavy twilight atmosphere, blocked the door.Qin Zheng ignored him and walked towards the practice yard alone.The old guy seemed to catch up with Qin Zheng and followed slowly.The sharp and ugly voice seemed to say: "You can't escape Madam Lu's palm."

This tone made Qin Zheng very disgusted, very disgusted.

But facing a master like Uncle Lu, even with that harsh tone, he could only keep his face sullen and didn't make a sound.A man came to the courtyard where he was practicing, took off his robe, and punched the Mang Niu Shenli Fist.However, in front of Uncle Lu, Qin Zheng never showed his fisting intentions.

For a person who is only fifteen or sixteen years old, especially in the intolerable situation of Mrs. Lu and others, showing his fist will only lead to even crazier frame-ups.Now it is only the first-order realm of refining skin and flesh, but with the second half of Mang Niu Shenli Fist.Qin Zheng can believe that the bone refining will be completed within ten days, when the foundation is laid, he can continue to advance in a short period of time.

What Xingyi Quan is best at is tempering the body and comprehending the artistic conception.

Uncle Lu on the side watched Qin Zheng's set of punches, his small eyes narrowed, and he thought to himself; "This little wild species' punches are getting stronger and stronger. Seeing the slight changes between the punches, it seems to be realized. Fist intent. If you really want to let the kid realize the fist intent, then it will be a matter of time to advance to the fifth level."

"Third young master, it's getting late. I don't know if I can change my clothes and leave for the eastern suburbs? Lu Xing, Lu Yue, you two will serve the third young master back to the room." Lu Bo looked at Qin Zheng, who was steaming white, and was born. He stopped talking, but he didn't ask Qin Zheng for his opinion at all, and directly ordered the two maids to go.

Lu Xing, Lu Yue is one of the maidservants that Mrs. Lu transferred from the Lu family a few years ago. Qin Zheng has never seen the two of them fight, but the strength of the two maidservants last night can be guessed. This Lu Xing , Lu Yue's strength is also extraordinary, at least the third-order realm.Qin Zheng's face changed, and blood rushed to his face, as if he was about to strike at the next moment.

Lu Xing, Lu Yue smiled softly and walked towards Qin Zheng softly.

"Very good." Qin Zheng swallowed his anger, now is not the time for conflict, when he is strong enough, the first one to shoot to death will be this old man.Picking up the robe on the side, hurriedly walked into the room.After changing and washing, he took some clothes and left the room. Qin Zheng was really poor in this house.

Because of the need to hurry to the eastern suburbs, the Qin family prepared several good horses to pull the carriage, but Uncle Lu did not follow.But Lu Xing, Lu Yuelai was sent by Mrs. Lu to follow Qin Zheng.But Qin Zheng ignored it, put a sachet in the package, hung one around his waist, and got into the carriage with the two of them.

Groom, flick the reins, drive!The flattery stomped lightly on all fours, and ran all the way to the eastern suburb of Muchang.

When the carriage was about to leave the gate of the city, Qin Zheng called the groom to stop the carriage, and saw a middle-aged man walking towards the carriage with a box on the side of the road. The man was limping, with a long scar across his face , quite ferocious.Some common people ran away when they saw this person.

"Third Young Master, this is what you want." The middle-aged man handed the box to Qin Zheng, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if broken copper and iron were hitting each other, it was very ear-piercing.Qin Zheng also saw the middle-aged man and nodded slightly.

"Lu Xing, give this elder brother 100 taels of silver." Qin Zheng ordered.

Lu Xing's complexion changed, he grabbed the box, and said, "Third young master, what is this? The master paid you for ten days. If it is spent indiscriminately, the master will not be able to explain it." Lu Xing and Lu Yue opened the box, only to see this pair of pitch-black gloves inside.

The two picked up the glove and weighed it. It was very heavy, at least one to twenty catties. It must have been forged with fine iron and other metals.Lu Xing and Lu Yue looked at each other, with greed in their eyes, and then said, "I will help the third young master to hide these gloves first, and when the third young master succeeds in his cultivation, Lu Xing will use them again." Put it on the young master."

"Here, here's your taels of silver." Lu Yue took 50 taels of silver and threw it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man weighed the silver taels in his hand, and then said: "Third young master, no matter where you put this fist, it is not less than 500 taels. Today you only give me 50 taels. Could it be that the Qin family sees that I, Hu San, are easy to bully?" Holding the silver in his hand, he stared at Yuan Gun, as if he wanted to swallow Qin Zheng alive.

"You can eat food, but you can't talk nonsense. It's good to give you 50 taels. If you continue to mess around here to tarnish the reputation of my Qin family, don't blame me for being rude." Lu Xing pulled out a long sword in his hand, coldly flashing.

"Oh, you're welcome, you little girl, you're welcome to show me." Hu San turned his saber behind his back, his body full of evil spirits, his killing intent was almost strong enough, and he headed towards Lu Xing and Lu Yue with all his brains.Feeling that powerful, bloody aura, the faces of both of them turned pale.

His face was red, and his mouth seemed to be vomiting blood.

"This is your remaining 50 taels." The two threw down the 50 taels, and then hurriedly got into the carriage with gloves, while Hu San picked up the silver, glanced at Qin Zheng, turned around and hid himself in the crowd.

"Then Hu Sanxiu is at least the fifth rank or higher. I don't know how Qin Zheng knew such a master. After returning, he must report to Uncle Lu to prepare." Lu Yue said to Lu Xing, just now that Hu San's evil spirit and killing intent It's really amazing, plus blood, the coercion of the realm.Lu Xing, Lu Yue's cultivation at the peak of Tier [-] was about to be suppressed and cause internal injuries.

Seeing Qin Zheng who was pulling the curtain and entering the carriage, both of them were full of resentment, and they couldn't find Hu San's trouble, so they naturally put the account on Qin Zheng's head.In my heart, I became more and more resentful towards this little bastard.But Qin Zheng looked at the two of them very funny.

He was so rampant just now, so he didn't dare to say anything all of a sudden, and he could only bear with himself when he suffered a disadvantage.

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