Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 35 4 Elephant Pillars 3 Talent Boxes

The ancient stele of the monster clan powerhouse almost smashed the floating coffin to pieces, and the other major sects and forces all resorted to their own magic weapons and spells to bombard the floating coffin indiscriminately.However, this stone tablet is quite strange, and the floating coffin made strange movements several times, but was suppressed by the stone tablet.

About two hours later, the floating coffin was broken inch by inch, and with the floating coffin fragments as the center, four whirlpools appeared in four directions in the soul-detaining pool. After a while, four beads the size of a person's arms slowly emerged from the pool.And the objects in the floating coffin in the middle of the four pillars also appeared.

Those are two humanoid souls, a male and a female, and four soul-locking chains are locked on the male and female souls.Groups of soul power were cut directly from the soul to the four pillars for maintenance.And there is soul power below to replenish the two souls.While repairing, while separatist.Seeing the tortured appearance of those two humanoid souls, everyone probably guessed their appearance.

But at this time, no one pays attention to the souls of the man and the woman. Instead, it is the four pillars that attract everyone's covetousness.That was a dozen light clusters flashing above the pillar.Those who knew the goods began to introduce others, and Qin Zheng also learned that these four pillars were called the Four Elephant Pillars.Generally, there are all major sects.

There are magic treasures, pills, exercises, and various things sealed in the pillar. Whether you can get it or what you can get depends on chance.A bright cluster among the four elephant pillars represents one thing.There are only thirty or forty of these four pillars in total.If it is given to a family, it is quite a treasure.

But now that so many people come to carve up, thinking of this, the members of the Lu family are itching with hatred.

"The treasures in these four elephant pillars depend on their power, and those above the seventh rank cannot be sold, otherwise don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." Xuanji Poison Venerable said.Undoubtedly, Xuanji Poison Venerable is in charge of the overall situation at this time.The elders of several big families watched from the sidelines, but they didn't dare to make a move.After instructing the juniors around him to pay attention to things, he began to watch the situation.

I don't know who made the first move, and groups of people rushed towards the pillar in an instant.Qin Zheng and some masters were watching from the sidelines.At this time, it is still not appropriate to make a move.At this time, a leisurely cultivator took out a ball of light from the pillar, but before he could hold it firmly, a sword flew from behind, chopped it off, and the ball of light flew away.

There were so many things like this, and the light clusters flew back and forth above the deep pool.

At this time, Qu You moved, and the sword light flew out, directly beheading a child who didn't know it was from the He family, and took a light group into his hands. The powerful sword energy directly smashed the light group, revealing the core of the light group. It was a medicinal pill exuding fragrance.After putting the elixir into his bosom, he made another move to grab other things.

Jinmo, Sang Yu, Yanhua, Lu Qitian and others were not far behind, and each of them took in one or two treasures of light.On the contrary, many dark horses appeared in the idle cultivation, not to mention the tiger's mouth, and the cultivation base was not much worse than these younger generations.

Qin Zheng knew that his cultivation base was weak, so he either didn't make a move, or he made a move with a thunderbolt to seize the treasure.Qin Zheng turned into a blood shadow and wandered around.All the light clusters in the Four Elephant Pillar flew out, and the Pillar burst apart inch by inch with a cracking sound.

The half-dead souls of a man and a woman suddenly opened their eyes, eyes full of resentment, the chains rattled, and the man's soul said, "Fenfan bitch, I'm finally out of trouble." Before he finished speaking, I saw the two of them making unbelievable expressions, and their souls continued to expand.

The masters who originally captured the light group had all withdrawn one after another, and after a burst of turmoil in the future, the two souls split apart instantly, turning into a powerful shock force and fluctuating.The stele of the Yaozu powerhouse drew a line of defense, isolating the deep pool and preventing the fluctuation from spreading.

But the eyes of those affected were dull, and they fell into the deep pool one after another, and instantly turned into bones, sinking into the depths.

After the aftermath dissipated, two light curtains, one red and one gold, were the most conspicuous. The light curtain was like a pair of Taiji Pisces covering the deep pool. The light curtain was composed of simple and mysterious ancient characters of the monster clan. On one side is Feifeng.Above the light curtain are three boxes.

This is a real treasure.Many elders and strong men were drooling, but just when a group of forces wanted to seize it, the strong man of the monster clan who was hiding in the void turned into a giant claw and fell, and the giant claw scattered slowly. Open a magic weapon like a painting scroll, and the flying dragon and phoenix turn into a piece of gold, with one red and two beams of light scooping it up.

"Senior Yaozu, didn't you say that you can't do anything above the seventh level?" The elder of Jianzong's face is not good-looking. The two golden and red dragon and phoenix beams are obviously extraordinary, but now they have fallen into the hands of the Yaozu. .

The monster clan master snorted coldly, and then said; "This is the dragon and phoenix formula that the demon emperor specified. If you have any opinions, you can discuss it with the demon emperor of my clan. Today, our mission has been completed , Retire." After the monster clan master finished speaking, everyone dared not say what it was.

What is the demon emperor?Although the Yao Clan does not have as many sects and families as the Human Clan, there are also many races, and the Yao Clan is a strong man who controls all races.Some people say that the demon emperor is a clone descended from the demon emperor in the upper realm of the demon realm, while others say that this is the reincarnation of the demon god.No one knows the origin of the Demon Emperor, but everyone knows that the Demon Emperor once killed a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal with one move.

No one from Jianzong or other sects dared to speak, but at this moment, a blood shadow rushed into the deep pool.Qin Zheng saw a green glow in the core of the dragon and phoenix.Although Qin Zheng didn't know what it was.But the pharmacist Liuli Sutra and Dari Tathagata Sutra in the soul have been sending out strong fluctuations.

Qin Zheng took advantage of the time when the group of people were slightly in a daze, and used the Blood River Myriad Shadows escape method to the extreme, snatching that bit of green light.Then he brought a black box and three light clusters into the sea of ​​gods, and trapped them with nine-color glazed fire.

"You dare, junior." Those Yin gods and innate powerhouses did not expect that someone would dare to steal treasures under their noses.Between the elders of Tsinghua Gate, a green thorn flew over.And the elder Jianzong also flew a flying sword.

Although Tsinghua Sect's Tsinghua Xuan Thorn Binding Qi Rope is a first-class restraint technique, there is just a way to restrain it in front of Qin Zheng.A blue light flew out between the eyebrows, and the icy soul divine light immediately disintegrated the Tsinghua mysterious thorns binding the air rope, and then the divine turtle Guiyuan Gutai formula transformed into a divine tortoise form, forcibly blocking the blow of the flying sword.

Under the tremendous power, Qin Zheng almost had his head cut off, and a bloody hole appeared on one shoulder.The illusion of Qin Zheng's face at this time was also broken, revealing his true face.A group of people looked at the young man in disbelief.And the most unbelievable ones over there are Qin He and Lu Bo.

"Why you little bastard?" Qin He exclaimed.

Qin He's exclamation made the old woman of the Lu family frowned, and Uncle Lu and Young Master Qin stepped forward to explain.The old woman narrowed her eyes, and then said: "Qin Lu is a family, Qin Zheng handed over the treasure, and I will protect your life." The old woman said.However, he had already concentrated his mana slightly, and was ready to strike with all his strength.

"Haha, I am a disciple of Fairy Bingpo, if you dare to touch me, my master will come and destroy your Lu family even if it is not far away." Qin Zheng said.The blue and white divine light in front of him exuded inexplicable power, and other sects also dared not do anything because of their preparations.

However, the elder of Tianji Pavilion shook his head and said, "As far as I know, Fairy Bingpo has sealed herself in the ice field for more than 300 years in order to avoid catastrophe. When did you have more disciples like you? Could it be that you are over 300 years old?"

"Third brother, hand over the treasure, and the Lu family will protect your life." First Young Master Qin said.

"What qualifications do the bastards of the Lu family have to call me third brother? Even if I die, I will take down you bastards first and clean up the family." Qin Zheng said coldly, and then his whole body exuded a faint red light.

"Be careful, this kid possesses the secret method of the Blood River Sect." The old man of Tianji Pavilion said again.

Qin Zheng's face was extremely ugly, and he stared coldly at the old man Tianji Pavilion for a while, and then the old woman of the Lu family let out a shrill laugh, turning into a black glow in her hand and killing Qin Zheng.Qin Zheng turned around and turned into an afterimage, and then a blood light fell directly on Young Master Qin.

That Young Master Qin immediately turned into a mummy, and his soul flew away.As soon as the red glow turned, it was injected into Qin He's body again.

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