Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 39 Lunzhang Oath

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Yu Jie has been in retreat for three days.Standing outside the cave, Qin Zheng's expression was very ugly. Qin Zheng didn't know how the people from the Lu family found this place, so he sent someone to inform him directly. If he didn't come to the Lu family before noon tomorrow, then Li Shaobai life is gone.

Qin Zheng's eyes were red, and he wanted to slap that crazy messenger to death.But for the sake of Li Shaobai's safety, Qin Zheng forcibly endured his anger and looked at the departing members of the Lu family.At this time, Yu Jie is retreating to expel the injuries left by Fairy Qijue, and he will definitely not be able to get out of the customs for a while.

Looking at his face, Qin Zheng gritted his teeth and decided that if Yu Jie hadn't come out before nightfall, then he would go directly, presumably with his own magic turtle returning to Yuan Gutai formula and blood river ten thousand shadows escape method, as long as Li Shaobai was rescued, he would escape. There is still a chance.Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Qin Zheng looked at the still cave, and stepped on Qin Zheng's kung fu and left.

Qin Zheng hid at the corner of the street, waiting for the darkness of night.

About ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Qin Zheng quietly escaped into the Qin mansion with concealed breath.Qin Zheng's first place was towards the dungeon.The Lu family sent someone to inform him that this was a blatant conspiracy, and the other party must have expected him to come back, so he was so unscrupulous.

There are not many guards in the dungeon, Qin Zheng directly runs the river of blood to melt away the light, and goes to the depths of the dungeon at the fastest speed.A moment later, Li Shaobai, who had been pierced through the lute bone, was seen chained to the pillar.Qin Zheng suppressed his anger, broke the pipa bone, and then mixed the medicinal power of the blood coagulation pill with his own spiritual power, and slowly entered Li Shaobai's body to repair his body.

Li Shaobai, who had entered the Blood Congealing Pill and Lingli, opened his eyes, looked at Qin Zheng in front of him, got up and pushed Qin Zheng regardless of his pain, then burst into tears, and cursed, "Why are you so stupid, this is a trap, Why did you come?" Li Shaobai trembled angrily, involving the injuries in his body, he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood again.

"I know this is a trap, but you are my brother, and I will not abandon you. I have sent the herdsmen to a safe place. I will rescue you first." Qin Zheng carried Li Shaobai on his back, and cast blood He Wanying escaped and shot towards the outside of the dungeon.Qin Zheng, who was in the courtyard, found something wrong.

The entire courtyard was covered with a layer of restraint, and Mrs. Lu and the others had already been waiting in it, a handsome middle-aged man smiled slowly; "Mr. Qin, why are you in such a hurry to pick people up without saying hello? Keep the treasures of the three-talent treasure box and the four-element treasure pillar that you got in Little Void that day, and I will spare your life."

Qin Zheng glanced at Mrs. Lu and the middle-aged man coldly, and then said, "Could it be that the members of your Lu family have practiced too much ghost art, and everyone likes to talk nonsense? Let me go? Ask the bitch next to you No." Qin Zheng glanced at Mrs. Lu and said, basically besieged by all sides at this time.

Li Shaobai, who had Qin Zheng killed, looked at the surrounding scene and said to Qin Zheng: "Let me go, you can escape by yourself, there is still a chance, leave me alone."

"Shut up." Listening to Li Shaobai's words, Qin Zheng roared, staring at Li Shaobai behind him, yelling at him so that he dared not speak.But Li Shaobai sighed slightly, secretly accumulating strength, and helped Qin Zheng at the last moment.Qin Zheng felt the quiet Li Shaobai, and looked at Mrs. Lu solemnly.

"Little bastard, sharp teeth and sharp mouth. I don't know if you can still be so stubborn later." Mrs. Lu patted lightly a few times, and several monks escorted Qin Yue out.Then he said to Qin Zheng; "I don't know if the treasure is more important or your father is more important?" Mrs. Lu said.

Qin Yue looked at Qin Zheng in the courtyard with a face full of shame, and then said to Madam Lu: "We have been husband and wife for many years, why bother to kill each other and let Zheng'er live." Qin Yue looked at the cold Madam Lu , I hope that my relationship with her for many years can make her feel a little softer.

"Haha, married for many years? I am a dignified young lady of the Lu family. Marrying a countryman like you is the stain and shame of my life. If you don't want to die, just shut up." Mrs. Lu slapped Qin Yue and shouted, The distorted face spoke of the unwillingness and madness in his heart.Qin Yue's swollen face and the bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth all showed the reality.

Looking at Qin Yue, Qin Zheng took out a scroll, and then said: "Let my father go, I will give you this scroll, and I will give you the treasure box of three talents after we leave." This is the last chance, I hope the other party will be scruples The treasure in his hand can let him escape with a slight slack.

"Zheng'er, I, Qin Yue, have been willing to have your son in my life. Haha, Lu family, you want to get my son's treasures in your dreams. Haha, Zheng'er, let's go." Then Qin Yue didn't know why, and suddenly went crazy , and the aura in his whole body soared, and suddenly expanded like a balloon, just listening, with a bang, a fifth-level master exploded directly.

The manic power raged, Mrs. Lu and Lu Ji did not expect that Qin Yue would resolutely choose to self-detonate. Although a fifth-level expert self-destruction could not kill Zhi Zhi and others, there is still the possibility of injury if he is not careful.

Over there, Qin Zheng looked at Qin Yue who exploded in front of his eyes. Although he hadn't been in contact with Qin Yue for a long time, his feelings and guilt for him could be felt by Qin Zheng both now and in the past.It's just that Qin Zheng is not a person who is good at expressing feelings. Today, seeing that he resolutely blew himself up and died in order to gain a little life for himself, Qin Zheng realized that he, as an orphan, is now longing for family affection and friendship.

After reincarnation, I felt a trace of family affection, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Madam Lu, I will take your life in the next day." Qin Zheng used the Blood River Myriad Shadows Escape Technique, the icy light between his brows and the blood river's extinguishing light condensed, forcibly breaking a gap in the restriction, and jumped up want to escape.

"You don't have another day." Mrs. Lu drove the three Shura kings to kill directly, and Lu Ji also flew out two bone lock prison beads, trying to trap Qin Zheng in them.Towards the dharma door that is getting closer and closer.Qin Zheng operated the Ice Soul Divine Light and the Blood River Extinguishing Light to the extreme, and then transformed into a vajra statue. Although everything was forced to be activated, it was still very powerful.

"Bone lock prison, sleepy." The two bone lock prison beads in Na Luji's hands turned into a square of heaven and earth, directly sucking Qin Zheng's wave of attacks into it, and then used spiritual power to dissolve it.On the other side, Mrs. Lu's three Shura kings have also arrived.

Li Shaobai whispered softly in his ear; "Brother, Shaobai has known you enough in this life, take care." Li Shaobai slapped Qin Zheng, flew out from his back, and then sent Qin Zheng out of the restraint. After seeing Qin Zheng for the last time, he smiled sadly and said in his heart, "Brother, goodbye." Then he turned and laughed wildly at Mrs. Lu, "Aren't you very powerful? Try my innate poison, haha."

"The soul is a guide, as a medicine, I hate the sky, resentment, resentment, resentment, resentment!" The four words of resentment roared out, Li Shaobai's eyes were red, and his body was covered with black lines, as if the sky was blue by his resentment , There were bursts of miserable screams, and a trace of black mist eroded the surroundings, and Li Shaobai turned into a black vortex, which suddenly exploded.

With the Qin Mansion as the center, a wave of poison was swept away, regardless of trees, insects, birds, people, and monks, all those who could not hide were turned into dead bones.The sky kept falling and fluctuating, and the small half of Yangyu City was already shrouded in black mist.Madam Lu and Lu Ji looked at the Qin Mansion in the distance with ugly expressions.

At this time, Qin Zheng had already been rescued by Yu Jie who rushed over, watching him die for Li Shaobai and Qin Yue in front of his eyes.But he himself was helpless, Qin Zheng was like a wounded beast, his eyes were red, he grabbed his hair with both hands, and knelt in front of Jie in pain.

"Lu family, I, Qin Zheng, swear, I will never destroy your Lu family in this life, never enter reincarnation, fall into the nine hells forever, and never be reborn." Qin Zheng roared crazily, and a red lightning bolt descended from the sky, It directly slashed towards the ancestral land of the Lu family far in the depths.

Yu Jie, who heard Qin Zheng's roar, sighed slightly, swearing in reincarnation, blood will destroy the sky.

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