The seventh-rank monk smiled and said, "There are a lot of inconveniences in the square market. In order to prevent the prey from causing trouble, we moved here. You can see it a little further. Fortunately, my brothers are all good players. I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain that beast." The monk became more and more remote along the way.

Qin Zheng smiled, and then said: "That's right, this wilderness is indeed a good place to rob, don't pretend and ask the three sneaky people behind to come out, but the performance of the four of you is pretty good. "Qin Zheng's soul has already reached consummation after being broken and reunited, let alone a primordial womb fused with bodhi seeds, which is extremely wise.

Along the way, Qin Zheng had already discovered the difference between the people behind and the person in front.Those small movements are in Qin Zheng's eyes.These seven seventh-rank monks are really nourishment for them. It's a pity that these people look like blood shadows, so they use them to practice the Nine Orifices Yuanlian Sutra.A loud laugh came from behind, as if he didn't know that he and others were already dead in Qin Zheng's eyes.

"Boy, I saw that you were sent away by the smiling face of the steward of Jiji Pavilion that day. You must be a rich man. Hand over your belongings obediently. My brothers and sisters will consider letting you live." The three behind them walked out from the dark Undoubtedly, it was the three people who were in front of the Tianji Pavilion at that time. They looked at Qin Zheng with a three-point smile, as if they were fully sure.

Qin Zheng picked up a playful smile and said, "Gong Yan Huang, I didn't expect that we would meet people who couldn't open our eyes as soon as we went out. It's really happy." Gong Yan Huang raised his shoulders, and Qin Zheng didn't need to Worried, but worried about what kind of tragic posture these four people will be killed?

"Boy, don't pretend to be a ghost there, and be obedient if you are sensible, otherwise, brother, the magic weapon in my hand will not have eyes." The seventh-level monk said coldly, holding the magic formula in his hand, and sacrificed a pretty good magic weapon Unfortunately, it's not a magic weapon in Qin Zheng's eyes.

"It's really quiet." Qin Zheng glanced at the monk holding the sword, and the next moment it turned into a long strip of flesh and blood and wrapped around the monk's body. A head condensed on the flesh and blood. Qin Zheng smiled. Said in the monk's ear; "You are welcome to show me."

In less than a breath, this cultivator directly turned into Qin Zheng's blood shadow and merged into the blood river, while his soul was quietly swallowed by the operation of the Nine Orifices Yuanlian Sutra. The remaining three cultivators did not expect that only The sixth-level Qin Zheng killed one of his own members as soon as he made a move. After looking at each other, he knew that he had kicked an iron board.

The three of them looked at each other, their spiritual power was running like they were running away, but how could Qin Zheng just let these people go like this, raised his hand and fell with three icy soul lights and the blood river melting light, directly killing the three of them Executed, and then turned into three blood shadows.The performance at the side Huang Yan said; "In the future, don't use the method of splitting blood and transforming gods. It looks disgusting."

Qin Zheng shook his head indifferently, and said, "It's good to have this unexpected harvest now, hurry up and get to the Black Demon State earlier, I can't wait to see what methods the Lu family has prepared." Qin Zheng Leaving Tianyuanzong, although he brought the Tianji Stone with him, the Lu family must have received the news of his departure. Back then, even Chai Cheng could use it, so it was really easy to inquire about some news.

"There are dozens of large cities in the Dark Demon State. Let's go as far as possible to the edge of the Dark Demon State. Although we are not afraid of some masters from the Lu family, it is inevitable that they will send a ninth-level expert. Be careful is quite dangerous." Performance Huang Yan said.Qin Zheng also has some understanding of the previous affairs, so it is necessary for Gongyan Huang to remind him, lest Qin Zheng be dazzled by hatred and do something irrational.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements in my heart. Besides, you have the seven-bird divine art, so do I have to worry?" Qin Zheng also has some understanding of the level of the seven-bird divine art. Compared with the so-called seven-bird divine art He also needs to be tough and mature, Qin Zheng has the feeling of a dog-headed military strategist when it comes to performing Huang.Qin Zheng also didn't know the purpose of Huang's following him in the performance, but these things should be discussed later.

The two turned into two streamers and flew away. After driving for a day, the two found an open space to rest. The performance Huang lit a bonfire and roasted some wild game on the fire. Looking at Qin Zheng who was sitting cross-legged beside him, he said, "When the performance family was wiped out, I wandered around and learned various ways to support myself."

The pheasant on the bonfire was roasted golden, dripping oil and water, making a stinging sound, Qin Zheng looked at the somewhat lonely performance Zodiac; "Why do you follow me? It seems that there is nothing in me worthy of you focus on?"

"When the family was destroyed, my parents and seniors worked together to deduce a secret, the sixth Buddha, and the Sanqingyuan. This is the direction my father and others guided me. I feel this eight-character mystery in you. I think you can The person who helps me take revenge. Of course, I can also help you take revenge." Gong Yanhuang's words made Qin Zheng's eyes jump.

Qin Zheng didn't know whether what Gongyan Huang said was true or not, but the horoscope did surprise Qin Zheng quite a bit. Now he has practiced two parts of the Dharma of the Sixth Buddha himself, and now he is still missing four parts. Already appeared.Watching the performance of Huang Dao; "These are all things to say. If I can destroy the Lu family in the future, I can also help you get revenge. But now, I should practice honestly."

Not much to say, Qin Zheng was carefully running the Nine-Aperture Yuanlian Sutra.Qin Zheng didn't pay much attention at that time, but later he discovered the mystery. A golden book was suspended in the sea of ​​gods, and a ninth-grade golden lotus slowly bloomed on the cover, and Qin Zheng's divine sense penetrated into it. , the golden book turned into a sea of ​​gold, and every word of the scriptures wandered in the water.

Now that the words of the scriptures are chanting, Qin Zheng feels that the Yuantai transformed by Bodhi is squeezed in the hand, and a ninth-grade lotus falls into it. This golden lotus has four petals and is slain by Bai Ri. Those four seventh-rank monks were transformed.This leaf lotus petal can be hit immediately.

Now that Qin Zheng has realized the Nine-Aperture Yuanlian Sutra, he somewhat understands why Ouyang Duan asked him to find the Nine-Aperture Yuanlian Fire.It is said that lotus is born from fire, if you get the Jiuqiao Yuanlian fire, add the Jiuqiaoyuanlian Sutra.After giving birth to that primordial lotus, the lotus can be produced repeatedly at that time, which also has an additional means of saving life.

The Jiuqiaoyuanlianjing has almost been cultivated, and his complexion is about to turn pale this day, Qin Zheng got up and woke up Gongyan Huang, and the two headed towards the Black Demon State together.It is said that the Black Demon State is controlled by the Lu family, and many people believe in the Black Prison Demon God, and the Lu family also controls most of the Black Demon State through this.

But since there is a fairy world, then the mansion of the Hell Demon God should also exist, but now Qin Zheng is not interested or interested in thinking about it.There are still seven or eight days away from the Black Demon State, so it was a waste of time for Qin Zheng and Performer Huang to stop and go.However, there were many unsightly things along the way, which made Qin Zheng receive a lot of blood shadows, and the nine-orifice primordial lotus was also full of nine petals.

"The Black Demon State is approaching in front of us. It's a small town. We can go in and have a rest, and get some news about the Lu family." Gongyan Huang said.

Qin Zheng nodded, and then his appearance changed completely while his flesh and blood squirmed, saying, "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, change your appearance first." Gong Yanhuang nodded, and shot a ray from the Seven Birds Fan. The streamer was integrated into the body of the performance Huang, and the performance Huang also changed into another appearance.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the gate of the city.There was a notice pasted next to the city wall, on which was a picture of Qin Zheng and Gongyan Huang. Qin Zheng smiled and it turned out that changing his appearance was a good choice.This precious mirror is hung at the gate of the city, and the precious mirror shoots beams of light to cover the passers-by.

There are many people in black robes guarding at the side, Qin Zheng and the two went forward, the mirror fell, covering the two of Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng was a mass of blood red, and Performance Huang looked like a scarlet fiery sparrow.The guard was surprised, he didn't expect these two people to be transformed by monsters, but he didn't dare to say more, he let it go, and then whispered in the ear of the man in black.

The black-robed man froze slightly after hearing this, then ran towards the other direction of the city. "Keep an eye on those two people, and tell me at any time, don't get lost." The black-robed man who looked like the leader said, and after giving the order, he also headed in another direction.

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