Li Da is stupid, but also very smart.

It's stupid because Li Da completely sold Mrs. Lu's people.If hanging the head of Manager Xu was a last resort, it would be a stupid act to find out all the people under Manager Xu's command.If Qin Zheng is here for a day, Madam Lu will definitely make a move.

Then if Mrs. Lu made a move, Li Da might be the first one to get rid of.

But it is also said that Li Da is smart, although he got a fatal situation with Mrs. Lu.If Qin Zheng died, no one would know who betrayed them.And it can save his life, at least in this wooden yard, Qin Zheng will not attack again.The next thing Qin Zheng has to do is how to send those people in charge to hell.

Now that Qin Zheng has praised him, Li Da feels at ease for the time being.

"How is the strength of the bandits you encountered?" Qin Zheng is now concerned about the strength of the bandits.Now Madam Lu has known the people that Madam Lu can mobilize in the woodyard, although she doesn't know who Madam Lu will send to come.But those people didn't understand before they shot.The most important thing now is to understand the strength of the bandits.

"Reporting to the third young master, this bandit came three times in total, and the one with the highest level of cultivation was at the fourth level. The most ferocious attack was six days ago. The bandit came with a total of seventeen or eight people, two of which were at the fourth level. The rest seemed to be Five or six are third-tier, and the rest are first-tier and second-tier." The news of Li Da gave Qin Zheng a headache.

Which of these bandits is not a desperado?Everyone has struggled from life and death, and this fourth-level cultivation base is estimated to be comparable to ordinary fifth-level masters.I didn't expect the bandits to be so powerful, but after hearing the news about Qin Yue, many places near Yangyu City were harassed by the bandits.

"How about the casualties in the conflict?" Qin Zheng needed to know the combat effectiveness of these guards.

Li Da thought for a while, and then said; "Previously, there was an officer in command, plus armor-piercing and powerful flying crossbows. The loss of Kiba is still within the acceptable range, eighteen third-tier, and fifty first-tier and second-tier. Kill seven rogues, three of them are third-tier, and the rest are first-tier."

Qin Zheng was extremely surprised by the news of Li Da. Eighteen third-levels were exchanged for three third-levels, fifty first-levels were exchanged, and two levels were exchanged for four.This price is quite high, very high.Thinking of this, Qin Zheng asked, "How many flying crossbows are there in Muchang?" Qin Zheng now needs to know the number of powerful weapons in his hand.

"There are [-] armor-piercing flying crossbows, [-] chain crossbows, and [-] longbows in the woodyard." Li Da dug out the accounts and found out the detailed list of weapons.Qin Zheng looked at the list of weapons.The Qin family is indeed rich and powerful, and this small wooden farm in the eastern suburbs has bought so many weapons.

Li Da looked at Qin Zheng's furrowed brows, and then said, "Third Young Master, it's time to say the next sentence."


"According to the several disturbances by the bandits, it seems that the bandits wanted to enter the Red Forest to find something, and these bandits came to this Sunny Rain City to make troubles. First, they wanted to seize daily necessities and property. Armor-piercing powerful flying crossbows, chain crossbows and other weapons."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Li Da told Qin Zheng what he saw and thought.Then Qin Zheng pondered for a while, the bandit came too suddenly.Although there were natural disasters in some places, those who came to Yangyu City should be refugees, not bandits.According to Li Da's statement, those bandits were very purposeful and wandered in the red forest, so there were indeed many suspicious things.

"I'll write down what you said. You step back and arrange defense. I don't know when the bandit will arrive. I'll take a rest first." Qin Zheng sent Li Da away.Now that I have understood what I want to know, Qin Zheng doesn't want to waste time.And Li Da should understand what he thinks in his heart, this person is a material for work.

Qin Zheng, who was sitting on the side, was thinking about something, and it has been a while since he came here.Apart from the learned Mang Niu Shenli Quan, I don't know much about other martial arts skills.As for the Xingyi boxing and some vigorous techniques in the previous life, they are all secret and ultimate moves.In Xingyiquan, form first, then intention.

Although the current Mangniu Shenli Fist has been comprehended by myself, the meaning of the fist has been realized, but it is at a low level.Using the internal strength of a mere first-order realm to stimulate the fist, although it can cross one or two realms to kill the enemy, it must be because the opponent has no other powerful means.I still have some poison in my hand, but I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

In the evening or at ten o'clock at night, Mrs. Lu should have received the news.Qin Zheng was not in a hurry, now that he had arrived at Muchang in the eastern suburbs, he could just see who Mrs. Lu would send to deal with him. Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he carefully flipped through the roster beside him.

But at this moment, Qin Zheng thought of the bandits. Logically speaking, the highest level of cultivation of these bandits is the fourth or fifth rank.There should be many masters in Sunny Rain City who can deal with these bandits, and it is impossible to trust them for so long.And according to reports, the other aristocratic families seemed to only send good masters, but they didn't send any real experts.

Qin Zheng was quite suspicious of the trickiness in it, but he couldn't think of a reason for it.The best way is to be able to catch one or two leaders of bandits, and then press to find out their purpose.But now Qin Zheng didn't care about it, and sat cross-legged, recalling the scene of Bai Ri dealing with Manager Xu.

Although Xu Guanshi said that he had only realized the meaning of the fist, the force of that punch still caused Qin Zheng to suffer a lot of injuries.Although I realized the martial arts of Mang Niu Shenli Fist.But even if the gap in realm strength has been narrowed a lot, there is still a big gap.When you see yourself, you not only need to understand, but also need to practice.

Just like in the previous life, even if you have superb martial arts, you can't resist the peerless power of that missile.Even if the missile is just a dead object, it just falls towards a destination.But that power, that gap is unavoidable.Qin Zheng sighed slightly.The mind is also slightly cleared up.

Because the martial arts on the earth have only stayed in enlightenment and moves, without the powerful spiritual support of practitioners, even if there is a gap, it can be relatively easy to close.But this gap in spiritual power is real.The difference between missiles and bullets is obvious.

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng recalled the battle with Xu Guanshi carefully. Qin Zheng has a habit of summarizing every battle.Maybe Qin Zheng's cultivation realm is not as good as others.However, Qin Zheng was a boxing master in his previous life. In terms of comprehension, to sum up, even those of the seventh and eighth ranks are far inferior to Qin Zheng's talent.

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