future king

Chapter 107


spn Li Yu moved, it was on the left!

Upson, who obviously couldn't keep up with the reaction, didn't turn around in a hurry. He tripped under his legs and pulled his jersey with his hands. Whoever came and who fell was basically a wrestling action.

Ball immediately blew his whistle at home, and there was no suspense about the yellow card!

A direct free kick at 33 meters facing the goal, the West Ham players didn't say anything about the referee's penalty. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that a yellow card for this action is considered light, and a red card is actually justified, so let's be honest Let's really line up the wall!

West Ham's 5 players formed a human wall, which is a bit too extravagant. [

Goalkeeper Green was still directing the position of the wall, but there was a little episode on Everton's side.

Who will take the free kick?

Of course Li Yu wants to take this opportunity. The problem is that Moyes did not list him as the number one free kicker. He ranks third in the match. Li Yu doesn’t practice many free kicks in training. Being able to score a direct free kick, both the players and the coaching staff thought it was good luck for him, and the accuracy of the shot did not mean that he was still accurate across the wall.

Arteta has always been the penalty taker, and he doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity. The two are still discussing who will take the penalty.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was obviously smoke. The last person who took the penalty must be a Spaniard. The No. 22 went up as a cover. I had never heard of that kid with such a skill before!

"I'll take the penalty!" Li Yu was still insisting. The usually easy-going Spaniard did not give an inch today.

"Not today, I need this free kick!" Arteta said very seriously, not at all like an exchange between teammates.

"Actually, I need it too, but I think I know the reason!" Li Yu made a gesture of stroking his long hair, and took two steps back cheerfully.

Arteta blushed immediately, his girlfriend was watching the game from the stands, no matter how he had to perform, how did this kid know.

Li Yu seemed to have compromised, An Xin set up a cover for his teammates, and he stood on the right side of the Spaniard.

When the referee blew his whistle, Li Yu accelerated instantly, and Arteta slowed down a beat and started immediately.

When the Spaniard swung his thigh and wanted to kick his feet, he couldn't believe his eyes, "This kid is fooling me!"

Where is this cover!Obviously it was the penalty, and the Spaniard felt that he had turned into smoke instead, to confuse the timing of the wall take-off!

Leaf Ball!


The human wall didn't take off at all, and it completely lost its effect!

The West Ham goalkeeper Green, who was shocked, could only dive in a very embarrassed way. He swung his fist and tried his best to hook the ball. The take-off was already a little slow, so he could only use this movement, hoping to block the ball!

After the ball passed the wall, it fell rapidly. Green fell to the ground a little slower, and the ball scored!

Accompanied by the screams of more than 3000 Everton fans, the ball rushed into the net, 0:1, Everton took the lead, and the young man with the number 22 scored the goal. [

However, what about the 22nd person!

After scoring the goal, before Li Yu had time to celebrate, he was knocked down by Arteta beside him.

"It's a good thing you scored a goal, otherwise I would break up with you!" Arteta said harshly, but his face was full of surprise. I really didn't expect that this kid really has a free kick!

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the two are celebrating passionately. Of course, other Everton players will not let go of this rare opportunity. Don't worry, we understand, isn't it just stacking arhats!

The number of Everton players celebrating passionately is still increasing. Lescott, the rapper, was the first to jump on the two of them, and the honest man Yabo jumped on top of them.

On the contrary, the defenders go up faster than the midfielders, and the midfielders are next.

Neville pursed his lips, and the meaning was obvious, you guys go first, I'll cut it off.

Stacked Arhats appeared on the field again, and the fans enjoyed watching it more. Of course, fun is fun. Please don't forget, where is this?

At Upton Park, the home team's fans were booing to witness the entire celebration.

Fortunately, there were boos from the fans of the home team to remind that the Everton players restrained, and the time was not too long.

Li Yu at the bottom hated this way of celebrating to death, especially this time, the previous few times he was on his back, but this time he was on his back, and if he didn't crush him to death, he was considered as strong.

The Spaniard is also having a hard time, who told him to be the second to last!

"It's great!" Jenny kept celebrating Li Yu's goal in her heart. She didn't make a sound and tried to restrain her emotions, but she still couldn't restrain herself. The smile on her face made the West Ham fans next to her feel like a spring breeze. It turns out that the one next to her is not an iceberg beauty, she can laugh!

Realizing that Li Yu was being pushed down by everyone, Jenny frowns again. The change from front to back is all because of Li Yu on the field, and she only has Li Yu in her eyes. In fact, her football world is also It's very simple, with him, Jenny will pay attention, without him, football is just a good sport, and it has nothing to do with Jenny!

"Laughing again, God! Can you tell me what makes this beauty laugh, I'd rather miss a season of West Ham games!"

The fans next to him didn't pay attention to the situation on the field. If he observed the whole process carefully, he would definitely find the reason, and there was no need to swear.

The beauty laughed again. It was Li Yu who finally stood up on the field. She didn't look hurt, but her complexion was a little bad, and it was just a little purple!

Moyes finally saw the goal, it was Li Yu's free kick, a young man who couldn't understand, this young man is Everton's treasure house, and there will always be some rare treasures from time to time, which makes people excited and worried.

Worry about what?

What else could it be? Everton Temple is too small, and the treasures from this treasury don’t quite match the small temple. Perhaps it’s been less than a year, and something might happen in winter. It's possible that instead of smoke, it's the real deal.

The most important thing is that Li Yu is a Huaxia player. This treasure house also has a huge gold vein, which is the most abundant giant mine in the world. Whoever owns the treasure house will have a gold vein. Which wealthy club can give up?

He had known for a long time that more than one club had already sought Li Yu's attention, and there must be more than one top-level scout in Upton Park! [

The game is still going on, Moyes really hopes that this young man in front of him, even if he can be a little mediocre, give him a little more time, not more than 2 years, even 1 year, and wait until Everton digs some gold and can compete with Li Yu Match a little bit, then he will have the confidence, and at the same time, he will have the capital to reject the check waved by the rich.

Suddenly, the entire stadium burst into flames!

It took only 2 minutes for West Ham to tie the score!

In the second attack after the re-kick-off, West Ham striker Carlton Cole received a wonderful pass from Neal and successfully reversed offside, 2:1!

The race is back on the same starting line again!

It came and went quickly, Moyes was distracted for a while, and it was a tie!

The Everton players are obviously not concentrated enough, even the head coach has deserted!

The competition that had just become fierce returned to calm again.

The two teams seem to have returned to the opening stage, and both adopted relatively conservative strategies!

The home team did not launch a counterattack to take advantage of the situation, which was somewhat beyond the expectations of the home fans. They couldn't figure out why they didn't attack when their morale was high.

When Everton took the ball to attack, the home fans knew the reason, it must be the No. 22 player.

Did this kid secretly take doping on the field? Why can't the West Ham players stop his progress? Only fouls and continuous fouls can stop him.

In just 5 minutes, West Ham paid the price of 2 yellow cards. Counting the one that scored just now, there are already 1 yellow cards.

Fortunately, the two free kicks were not scored, and the score was not overtaken again.

Li Yu's condition today is really great. He has never been better than before. It seems to be a completely different person. Neville can even tell that Li Yu's style has changed from his previous fierceness. He is very casual. But surprisingly good!

Whenever Everton has an offensive opportunity, the ball will definitely be handed over to Li Yu's feet to let him attack. It's a bit like in a basketball game, whoever shoots the phone will give it to whomever is hot.

The rest of the first half was completely Li Yu's personal show.

The last player West Ham players want to see is this No. 22. I really can't stop him. If you don't foul, just wait for ashes.

When they were almost exhausted, they finally heard the referee's whistle, and the first half was finally over.

No one has ever made them play so embarrassingly. They want to end the first half of the game quickly. They also know that the head coach will definitely be dissatisfied when they return to the locker room, but they really have no choice.

Unlike West Ham, the atmosphere in the visiting team's dressing room is relaxed.

The players were still discussing Li Yu's fallen free kick, and even jokingly blamed Li Yu for the next conceded goals.

Among the teammates, they were joking and having fun, especially Lescott. This guy usually seldom talks, but he always popped out a sentence or two at critical moments, which always made everyone laugh for a long time.

His words always like to revolve around Li Yu, and when he hardly talks about other people, Lescott just meets this young man's eyes, and he never jokes about others!

Of course Li Yu wouldn't mind, he likes the current atmosphere of Everton, there is no other messy things when everyone is together.

It was not until the head coach Moyes walked into the locker room that everyone became quiet.

"In all fairness, the first half was neither good nor bad. In the second half, I want you to attack. Remember, it's not Li Yu's attack alone, it's the whole team's attack!"

Moyes only said this sentence, and the meaning is obvious, and cooperate with Li Yu to score more goals.

The rest of the time is left to the Everton players to discuss themselves and discuss how to play offensive cooperation.

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