future king

Chapter 25


spnps: Another chapter for those watching football!Collection, ticket!

Li Yu rubbed against Bojinov's car and came to Captain Pierrot's home together.

Piero and his wife stood in front of the villa to welcome the guests, "Valery and 'Noodle Boy' are here together! This is my wife Sonia Amoruso, you can call her Sonia."

"Nice to meet you, I hope you have a good time here tonight." Sonia reached out her hands to shake hands with the two, and led them into the room.

The two came to the living room only to find that they were the only ones who arrived on time. Sitting on the sofa in the living room, they had to chat casually to pass the time, waiting for their teammates to arrive. [

"The captain's wife is very beautiful! Is she a beautiful star?" Li Yu asked while holding a glass of juice and looking at the photo in the living room.

"Haha, you don't even know this! You always say that Lao Ji is an otaku, I think you are even more nerdy than him!" Bojinov sat next to him and was very happy, imitating Li Yu's sarcasm about Ziellini, sarcasm Li Yu.

"I don't know what's wrong? It just means that I'm only thinking about playing football, and I never worry about gossip!" Li Yu didn't take it to heart at all, and took a sip of the juice, looking carefree and proud.

"You have the nerve to say that you don't know something that the whole team knows, and you're so proud of it!" Bojinov really couldn't understand Li Yu's stinky expression, so he hit him first, and then told the captain's love story, "The captain's wife Sonia is not like the wives of other famous Italian stars. She is either a model or a TV star, but an ordinary salesperson. However, this is also a romantic story. One day 6 years ago, Del Piero walked into the city In a store in Lingling, I stared at a beautiful and pure salesperson. The salesperson didn’t know that this handsome young man was a famous football star, so he also took a look back. The two fell in love at first sight, started dating and living together, and got married in 2005.”

Hearing the story of love at first sight, Li Yu's mind suddenly appeared, the scene at the University of Turin that day, especially the girl's face, after so many days, is still so clear in his mind, "Could it be love at first sight?" ?”

Li Yu, the first brother in love, was confused for a moment. Throughout the banquet that followed, he always seemed out of his mind, thinking about what happened that day, and the hands that touched the girl's waist swayed back and forth in front of his eyes. smile.

"Do you think that kid has been stimulated again?" Ziellini asked, pointing at the smirking Li Yu.

"Old Ji, you can't even understand this. Based on my years of experience in love, this kid wants a girl!" Bojinov looked contemptuous, and he felt ashamed, after all, he was the one who brought this nympho boy Yes, now Ziellini, who is also in the same house, has noticed something strange, which means that Li Yu has become very conspicuous, and he dragged his friends around him to leave Li Yu for a certain distance, and then analyzed in surprise.

"Yes, it's the same based on my experience! After the banquet is over, why don't you set up a bar for that guy to ask?" Baumsong nodded and made his proposal.

The other three members of the foursome in the bar were talking about Li Yu's abnormal performance.

As the captain, he has the responsibility to think about the team's training tomorrow, and Piero's team party at home ended before ten o'clock.

Because Li Yu wanted to take Bojinov's car back to old Leopold's house, he was successfully taken by the other three to the bar where they had a party in the city center last time.

Once the four of them sat down, the other three didn't say a word, they just stared at Li Yu who was sitting next to him.

"You can drink whatever you want!" Li Yu, who found something wrong, looked at her seriously, and sat there staring at her on the dance floor, pretending to be nothing, without turning her head, and said.

"'Noodle Boy', aren't you going to explain your abnormal performance at the leather team's banquet just now?" Ziellini was so curious that he couldn't hold back his breath at first, and asked.

"Okay, let me say! The dishes at the leather team's banquet are really delicious, so I couldn't help but eat more. You all know that I usually like food, so it's not okay?" Li Yu had a ghost in his heart, deliberately Nonsense trying to get away with it.

"Okay, why don't you tell me! Old Ji, order vodka, and the three of us will drink this kid. If you don't believe this kid is too drunk, he won't tell the truth!" Bojinov started to move, which is an obvious threat. You drink You have to say it, you have to say it if you don't drink it, let Li Yu choose.

"Isn't it just the fruit juice cocktail I drank last time! Who's afraid of anyone? It's like soda. At most, I'll go to the bathroom a few more times." Li Yu, who didn't know what vodka was, was still thinking wildly. Turning around, he said It was so arrogant, completely disregarding the threat of one-on-three, that posture was like a hero in wine, "Small, who is afraid of anyone! Drink as you like, now I can make a deal, the three of you will drink together in a while." Drunk, can't keep up with training tomorrow and will be fined, don't blame me."[

Three bottles of vodka were quickly placed on the wine table. Seeing the words on the three bottles representing 40% alcohol content flashing under the neon lights, Li Yu began to feel hairy, "There is also baijiu in foreign countries? 40° My God, two bottles of beer How much of this wine can you drink?"

"What's the point of drinking this? You want to drink the one with the highest alcohol content, why is Laobai with 76° Hengshui? Let's drink this!" Although his heart was trembling, he insisted on clamoring for stronger alcohol, Li Yu was holding on, He wanted to bluff the three of them with his own performance.

"Are you sure you want wine with a degree of more than 70 degrees?" Bojinov obviously didn't know Hengshui Laobaigan, but rum and vodka also contain high-strength alcohol. Try it out.

"Well, it must be at least 70 degrees. If you don't have strong alcohol, what's the point of drinking it? I used to drink those cocktails with you, it was to take care of your face. In China, the lowest degree of liquor is only this degree. I am in China. Drink high quality!" Seeing that Bojinov was hesitant, Li Yu became even more enthusiastic, bragging about his drinking capacity.

"Okay then, wtress! We want two bottles of Bacardi 151!" Baumsong ordered some wine after receiving Bojinov's wink, but Li Yu could hear clearly, knowing that today The three of them were serious. Li Yu, who didn't know what Bacardi 151 was, didn't want to be fooled by them, so he asked, "How much is Bacardi 151?"

"755°, but this wine is usually used as a base wine. Are you sure you want it?" The waitress who replied, did not expect that she could hear such a small voice in such a noisy bar.

"I said it's not okay! You want to drink me to death!" Li Yu's wailing came from the bar, and at the same time, there were laughter from the waitress and the other three.

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