future king

Chapter 32


spn Juventus' effective counterattack finally had an effect. In the 81st minute, Cristiano Zanetti successfully intercepted the ball in the backcourt. He looked up at the midfielder's running position and made a strong pass. The ball was found accurately Bojinov, who was defended by the midfielder, unloaded the ball with his chest, and made a direct pass without waiting for the ball to hit the ground. The ball directly penetrated the Naples defense line. Arrow lightly leads forward, this lead is very skillful, the general striker will stop the ball and then speed up the ball, this kind of action is likely to be destroyed by the chasing defender or return to the position, but Pierrot does it in one go , cleverly used one action instead of stopping the ball and accelerating, and directly rushed forward to the penalty area.

Piero's speed has declined with age, and his seasoned experience made up for this shortcoming. When he was 30 meters away from the goal, he found that Naples goalkeeper Izzo abandoned the goal and hit the bottom of the ball with his toes. Flying high and falling towards the goal, Izzo stepped back in a hurry and stared at the ball in the air, only to see that the ball had passed over his head at this moment, fell quickly, rubbed against the beam of the goal and jumped into the net.

This game was really a disaster for Izzo. The two conceded goals made him very embarrassed. They both abandoned the goal and let the opponent break the goal. Once again, this kind of goal that was so close but could do nothing made him lie on the grass. Covering his face in pain.

Piero, the hero of the goal, ran to the goal, picked up the ball in the net, kissed it hard, and raised his arm to the sky.

With the end of the goal celebration, the game has completely lost its suspense. Juventus led Naples 2-0 in the away game, securing the victory of the game. [

In the remaining 10 minutes of the game, Naples, who had one more player on the field, no longer had any desire to attack, as if they also accepted the result of the game. The garbage time passed quickly, and the game ended, 2-0.

With Li Yu and captain Piero's wonderful goals in the first and second half, the away game once again beheaded the opponent Naples.

Naples head coach Reggia had a gloomy face after the game. He was very dissatisfied with the team's performance in the second half. Leading by one man made his team collectively disorder in the second half. The tactics arranged did not work at all, but Juventus seized the opportunity to make another victory. He secretly felt ruthless in his heart, "Tomorrow we must make those little bastards suffer." He threw down a ruthless sentence, and walked towards the news alone angrily. Release Hall.

In the post-match press conference, the media did not care about Naples' strong performance in the second half, but the unanimous collective attention. In the first half, Li Yu scored a goal to celebrate the red card he got.

"May I ask you, what do you think of this red card breaking the record?"

"With regard to the automatic suspension of the red card, will you negotiate with the Italian Football Association for exemption from punishment?"

"What do you think of Li Yu's stupid celebration?"

It was all questions about Li Yu's red card. The Naples coach Reja, who was completely left alone, couldn't listen anymore, and walked away with an angry face. Less than 10 minutes have passed.

Deschamps also wanted to leave at this time. He didn't want to answer any questions like this, but Deschamps, who has always been kind to the media, now had no choice but to use an official tone with a smile on his face. The post-match press conference has become a red card discussion meeting, and it seems impossible for Li Yu not to want to make headlines tomorrow.

"Stupid celebration, embarrassing record! A new Juventus record is born!"

Now I can only comfort myself, for this to happen, keeping a low profile and keeping silent in the face of the media is the only way out. Wait until this 'redness' passes.

Nai put aside his search plan for the time being. Li Yu has been maintaining a low-key life of training and going back to the apartment at two points and one line recently. Finally, after a week, the last wave of media paparazzi faded out of his sight, and he felt that the red card craze was over. It is not a first-line star now, and people's attention is only temporary.

The Juventus club also chose to keep a low profile, acquiescing to the rule of automatic suspension for one game, and did not take any measures.

Facing the attention of the media once again, Li Yu handled it very well, and there was no phenomenon of distraction affecting his state during training.

This allowed Deschamps to see the gradual maturity of his disciple, and his doubts about Li Yu's use gradually weakened in his heart. The only thing he was still a little hesitant about was that whenever the kid appeared on the stage, there would always be some weird scenes.

Deschamps attributed all these to the lack of field experience and lack of eq. The latter cannot be solved, and the former can only be practiced and observed through continuous competition. Some of Li Yu's behaviors on the field are not very professional. When he faced penalties and some irregular scenes in the game, he appeared to be different on the court.

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