future king

Chapter 41 Awakening


spnps: Thank you Zhixia Yiye for your support!Add another chapter, thank you for your encouragement!

With the arrival of 07, Li Yu, who was supposed to return to Italy to report, is now spending the New Year's Day in a coma in the hospital.

In the skill practice of the second level, he has already been able to hit 3 positions. There is no opportunism in this level. He only has to repeatedly kick the ball in the same position again and again, remembering the feeling of each kick, and it becomes a subconscious action again and again. The practice is boring and time-consuming. Fortunately, the virtual time is only one day a week. If Li Yu completes the whole experience, the muscle atrophy will not be able to play football anymore.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of the ball hitting again and again, Li Yu kicked three times in a row at the third point, with no sense of time at all, the fourth point and the fifth point

Outside, Li Yu has been in a coma for 7 days. Hong Li stood guard at the door of the intensive care unit every day and passed out in front of her eyes. This is the third time she has fainted this week. [

Exhausted mentally and physically, and not having enough rest time, "Son, mom is waiting for you to wake up!" These were the words she chanted the most in her heart.

Li Zixu helped his wife to sit down and rest, "Son, are you awake?" Hong Li asked the first sentence after waking up, how much she wanted to see her husband nodding, but her eyes still bowed her head silently, tears No longer falling out of control on the slippery surface.

"Xiao Li, let's be strong! My son will be fine. He is very stable now. He might wake up one day. If you fall down again, who do you think I will take care of?" Li Zixu gently touched Hong Li. The teardrops on the cheeks couldn't help but comfort.

"Of course it's my son. We owe him the debt we sent him to boarding school since he was a child! Don't worry, I feel better after crying, and I will pay attention to rest!" Hong Li said firmly, holding back tears with red eyes. .

Let's wait for Xiaoyu to wake up!

Far away in Italy, the Juventus club was caught off guard when they received the news that Li Yu was unconscious.

The news was quickly disclosed by the media. This time Gladys finally got Li Yu's exclusive, but this time the news shocked her. A player who she followed and reported a few days ago will die in a few days. , in the press release she wrote, she called on fans to pray for the rising star to be out of danger as soon as possible.

"Where am I? I remember watching the computer on the bed at home." Li Yu looked at the probes of various monitoring instruments inserted into his body, and had to ask the little nurse in front of him.

The nurse was listening to some computer, combined with Li Yu's previous misconducts, and then amplified the power limit of Lenovo, blushing and shouting: "Rogue!" Turned around and ran out of the ward.

"Where did I cheat on you? You're a hooligan again, you really look like me?" Li Yu stared at him, thinking innocently.

His mind was a little confused, he seemed to have a dream, but everything he experienced seemed like a dream, and the feeling of kicking the ball was very real. He believed that if he could give him a football, he would be able to kick one out of 10 goals immediately. .

Without thinking about it, the attending physician arrived and immediately began to examine Li Yu. The examination papers were quickly issued one after another. Li Yu, who had just woken up, was tossed for a long time by various examinations.

Li Yu's parents knew that their son was awake at the first time, but they didn't go up to watch immediately. They were afraid that what they saw was an illusion, an illusion that they had been looking forward to for a long time for two weeks but did not appear. They looked at the test results one by one. It all showed that my son got better all at once, and then I believed that everything in front of me was real, and wept with joy to vent my depression for a long time for 2 weeks.

The results of the examination showed that Li Yu is now healthier than his attending physician, but he has not been active for two weeks and his body is a little stiff. After a simple physical therapy massage to relax his body, he can be discharged home.

The club received a phone call from Li Yu's parents, and the official website immediately released the news of Li Yu's recovery. Knowing that the cause of the illness has not been found out, the club was a little worried, and Li Yu was given another two weeks' leave to allow him to fully recover. I will go back to the club to report, but the Juventus Medical Research Center in Turin immediately started working to contact the hospital where Li Yu was treated and began to analyze the cause of the disease. Li Yu will also go there to receive a comprehensive physical health assessment after returning to the club.

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