future king

435 Chelsea's new coach

On June 2011, 6, Chelsea finally announced Ancelotti's successor-Andre Villas-Boas, known as Mourinho II. (You can find this site) The young coach who led Porto to win all the championships this season is only 12 years old. It is suspected that the youngest coach in the Portuguese League will also become the youngest coach in the Premier League, but he has become an international player. The most valuable coach in football, Chelsea paid Porto 33 million euros for his joining-the most expensive coach liquidated damages in history (Mourinho went from Inter Milan to Real Madrid, Perez only compensated Moratti 1500 million euros) !


Even as arrogant as Mourinho, he has to pay tribute to this record, because in his first Triple Crown season in Porto, although Mourinho's winning rate was 77%, Villas-Boas' was 83%!Their team had no defeat in the league throughout the season. On April 2011, 4, with five rounds left in the league, they won the league championship because they won 3-2 at home to second-ranked Benfica!

It took only one and a half seasons for Villas-Boas to reach the top of Portugal.

In October 2009, he succeeded Goncalvio as the coach of the University of Coimbra, the bottom team in Portugal. At that time, the team had not won a league victory. Due to Porto's goal at the last minute, it was a pity that they lost in the semi-finals of the Portuguese Cup.

Porto did not hesitate to bring him to the Dragon Stadium. Here, he not only won all the championships, but more importantly, the way he won. In the big battles with Sparta Moscow and Villarreal, they They all gave each other five balls, and the Dragon Stadium witnessed the birth of another giant.And now, Abramovich invited him to London, Stamford Bridge, what kind of posture will he show up?

From brother to boss, first switch roles London, André Villas-Boas, who stepped off the plane on Tuesday night, took a deep breath. The English media speculated that he was still on vacation, but he couldn't wait. A landing rehearsal was conducted.

They left the city almost in haste as part of Mourinho's coaching staff four years ago.But now, he is back, alone, sitting in Abramovich's private jet. After the Russians paid 1500 million euros in compensation, the 33-year-old Boas finally officially became the new Chelsea coach with an annual salary of 500 million euros. The three-year contract is arduous and full of challenges!

The lightning signing is just a prelude. The name that has been buzzing for a month is Hiddink, but Boas's name has just been mentioned, and it is quickly confirmed. [

Last Saturday, news broke that Abramovich had a four-hour conversation with Villas-Boas in Portugal.On Monday, the British media identified Boas as the No.1 choice for Chelsea's new coach for the first time. Porto Chairman Costa described the process as very affordable, "I don't want to negotiate with Chelsea, I just want to confirm that the money has entered our Account, everything else is out of the question.” The next day, news broke that Chelsea had paid off the 1500 million euro liquidated damages and that Villas-Boas had moved in with his bags. At the same time, the Porto club also confirmed the huge sum of money to the Portuguese stock market.At noon on Wednesday, Chelsea also confirmed on the official website that the 33-year-old Villas-Boas will officially serve as Chelsea coach with a three-year contract.

The young Portuguese will be Chelsea's seventh coach after Abramovich took over, but in terms of the amount of liquidated damages and Boas' age, this time, the Russian boss is preparing a longer-term plan for the club's future.

Villas-Boas, who previously served as Mourinho's "intelligence chief", has spoken to some of Chelsea's veteran players, who have all encouraged him to take the job.Since his assistant coach Pereira has accepted the job of Porto coach, Boas can only bring two coaching staff members from his club, physical coach Rocha and "enemy scout" Sosa.It is said that Boas also intends to bring Falcao and Moutinho with his love in Porto.The former is famous because of his 17 goals in the Europa League last season, and the latter is the core of Porto's midfielder, but Porto's chairman Costa, who has already tasted the sweetness, has already said that only when the buyer pays the players to default It is only possible to release people under the condition of Jin. Falcao's liquidated damages are 3000 million euros, and Moutinho's 4000 million euros.

The Chelsea club will hold a meeting for Villas-Boas around July 7. After everything is ready, Chelsea will finally start their summer purchases.In the past eight years, the club's eo, sports director, coach and other positions have been coming and going. Now, with the arrival of newcomer Villas-Boas, Chelsea will welcome the second large-scale reorganization of the Abramovich era (the last time was Morini. O's arrival).

Negotiations started a month ago. Pinto da Costa is not only a successful chairman, but also a shrewd businessman.In fact, a month ago, he had already smelled Boas leaving.When he discovered that his coach Villas-Boas suddenly chose to spend the weekend in gloomy London after winning four championships in spring, he knew that the storm was coming, even though the whole of Europe was guessing that Hiddink was Abramovich's No. candidate.Therefore, Costa directly called Boas' assistant coach Pereira and asked him if he was willing to take over the position of Porto coach.

Seven years ago, he also experienced a similar situation. At that time, his coach's name was Mourinho.But at the time, he didn't know about it at first, and then he was at a loss. There were five coaches in Mourinho, but he only received 600 million euros in compensation. Costa was so angry that he cursed.But this time, he took precautions as early as January when the situation in Porto was good. Renewing the contract with Villas-Boas was a trivial matter. Raising the liquidated damages to 1500 million euros is the "anti-wolf secret". Juventus, Liverpool, and Inter Milan all So I backed down.

When Abramovich fired Ancelotti as he expected, Costa immediately began to sell his coach in another way. He repeatedly emphasized that he was quite relieved because Villas-Boas' compensation "no one paid. Affordable”; on the other hand, he continued to praise his coach, “Young and promising, more special than Mourinho, and his future is limitless.”In the end, Abramovich finally gave up Hiddink, his number one target, and locked on Villas-Boas.Costa, on the other hand, is biting the 1500 million euros and will not let go.

It's not that Abramovich doesn't want to get rid of the embarrassment of "being taken advantage of". He thought about finding his old friend Guus Hiddink, but the opponent is in the position of coach of the Turkish national team, and because he is 64 years old, he hopes to have a right-hand man. This is really a test of Abramovich's patience. .The Russian boss once tried to contact Basten and Clark for the position of "executive coach", but neither of them was interested in it.

In the end, Abramovich turned to Villas-Boas. The Portuguese youth who impressed Robson with a letter at the age of 17 also easily impressed Abramovich. He is the future of Chelsea. The best candidate for the new Chelsea coach, the 64-year-old Greek DINK is destined to be just a good memory.

Boas is here for adventure, even if he is as aggressive as Abramovich, he puts the weight of 1500 million euros on a 33-year-old Boas who has less than two seasons of coaching experience. It's also a huge adventure.But André Villas-Boas, a motorcycle enthusiast, seems to have lived his life for adventure.

In 1994, England coach Robson, who was coaching in Porto, found a letter in his mailbox. The 17-year-old Porto fan Villas-Boas often put his idol Paciencia on the bench. There was dissatisfaction at the table.

Robson, who knew the little neighbor's British grandmother Margaret, challenged the child jokingly, "You have to give me evidence."As a result, Sir Alex was greatly amazed by a detailed document containing Porto's tactics for the next game.Instead, he arranged Boas Jr. in Porto's youth team coach position, and encouraged young people to study coaching certificates in Scotland, England and other places.He didn't expect that he not only promoted the success of a Portuguese, Mourinho, but also might choose a way to reach the sky for another Portuguese, Boas.

The young Boas once ran to the British Virgin Islands, and then lived in the Porto youth team, and then, Mourinho let him officially start training on the front line.From Porto to Chelsea, and then to Inter Milan, Villas-Boas followed the Madman for seven years.In fact, as early as the Mourinho era, Villas-Boas was no stranger to Chelsea. The Mourinho "Intelligence Director" amazed England with his extremely detailed opponent analysis. In 2005, a 24-page report on his opponent against Newcastle was published by The Times, and the game process verified Boas's amazing ability to judge.

In 2009, he finally decided to part ways with Madman, "Our separation is entirely because of my own ambition. It is important for me to have a period of rest. I think I should start coaching. In fact, even from Jose's point of view , I also see that he doesn’t need me anymore.” Boas made a correct judgment again, without him, Inter Milan still won the Triple Crown, and he started his own glory from the University of Coimbra coaching history.

In 1890, King Carlos I of Portugal appointed Girardo Boas as the first Viscount of Querhumir. Boas’s great-uncle inherited this position. So far, he still has a count, two barons and three nobles relative.Now, the challenge he faces is whether he can establish a football dynasty of his own at Stamford Bridge...[

The picture can now be sketched: On July 7, when Chelsea regrouped, the Blues generals saw a familiar face, but he no longer had a heavy file between his elbows and a clutch in his hand. Hey v, his name is still Andre Villas-Boas, but he is no longer the buddy who called the Chelsea generals four years ago, no longer the post-it boy, but the new Chelsea "Boss", Abramovich paid a lot of money to bring back the "master" Boas from Portugal.

But for Chelsea, who have not participated in the second-level European competition (the UEFA Cup before the Europa League) for almost ten years, what does the Europa League championship that Villas-Boas just won mean?Villas-Boas, who is almost the same age as Lampard, Drogba and other players, must get rid of his past before creating Chelsea's future, otherwise, maybe he will not have a future at all...

Watching the former "Chelsea man" Boas win the UEFA Cup, John Terry quickly sent a congratulatory message to Boas, "Well done, brother!" For a season, Terry and him Many Chelsea teammates have learned from various channels that their former "enemy detective" Boas led Porto to triumphantly on all fronts.

Ever thought Villas-Boas might return to Chelsea?It cannot be denied that this assumption crossed their minds from time to time, but in the end, they all laughed it off.As recently as leading England into their last qualifier, Terry was openly welcoming Guus Hiddink and even Hughes, for whom Villas-Boas as Chelsea manager had always been a distant assumption.

When Mourinho came to Chelsea, he won not only a UEFA Cup, but also the heavy Champions League trophy in the second year. At that time, Chelsea's players were still a group of poor wretches who won the championship in 49. "I am a real star, and you are nothing." This is the first time Mourinho has met the challenge to the players.But now, Chelsea have tasted the taste of the league title three times in the past eight years, and even reached the Champions League semi-finals five times.What kind of professional demeanor and convincing these players will show will be the first problem that Boas needs to solve.After all, those players are already Premier League champions, but Villas-Boas has never had any successful experience of suppressing Chelsea generals.

There is a joke in the English football circle that when a new coach comes to a team, he will say to the players, "Some of you bastards drove the last coach away!" If Villas-Boas has such a temper The field watched Terry say such a thing, then perhaps, he has already succeeded in half.After all, John Terry was widely blamed for driving Mourinho out in the first place.

Of course Boas doesn't need to do this, but he doesn't need to belittle himself at all.Since the winter transfer, Abramovich has introduced some fresh blood, and Chelsea's big change is imperative.After sending away veterans such as Ballack, Joe Cole, Deco, Belletti and Carvalho last season, Chelsea will continue to send away players this summer.Malouda's contract has not been renewed, and Anelka, Bosingwa, Ferreira, Zhirkov and others now seem to be a matter of time.

Last season, Chelsea suffered due to long-term injuries of Lampard, Drogba and others, but the arrival of Villas-Boas will establish a new central axis for Chelsea and complete a new reorganization.Once any player dares to challenge the authority of Boas, Abramovich will have a high-sounding reason to send them away.After all, in eight years, Chelsea already needs a new construction, otherwise, the standing Manchester United is a threat, and the chasing Manchester City is also a threat. Even Arsenal and Liverpool have already ended the "Henry, Vier La Era" and "Torres and Gerrard Era".Now, it's time for Chelsea to do something.

The young coach and the new team Abramovich did not choose Hiddink in the end, showing his good intentions. The 64-year-old Dutchman has been away from club football for seven years, and it does not bring Chelsea a long-term future.Looking at Manchester United, which is not the strongest in history, Ferguson can still bring the team to the Champions League final, Abramovich has to lament the importance of stability; and watching the young Guardiola dominate again with his stubborn football philosophy In Europe, Abramovich has no choice but to make up his mind to carry out a complete reconstruction of Chelsea.

Last winter, the reconstruction has begun. Torres and Ruiz spent 7500 million pounds on Abramovich. Including the previously bought Ramirez, there have been three major changes in Chelsea's main lineup. The position seems to be building a new central axis for Chelsea.And now, their new leader is coming.Many people suspect that Boas, the Portuguese who has worked with Mourinho for 7 years and is even called "Little Mourinho", may be just a shadow of Mourinho, but Abramovich believes that Boas Can be an upgraded version of Mourinho.

Villas-Boas went to Porto all summer, but in just one summer, he brought a team ranked third in the league back to the top of Europe.This has proved his ability, and Villarreal and Sparta Moscow are not weak teams, they can score five goals in a single game, and even after falling behind, they are not impatient, confident and calm , This has allowed Abramovich to see the beautiful football of his dreams.Porto's defense is not strong. This is where Boas is not as good as Mourinho. Performance in your own hands.

The implementation of these concepts may no longer be able to rely on the veterans of Chelsea. After all, Ancelotti emphasized ground football and controlling football at Chelsea for two years, but in the end Chelsea could not completely get rid of Mourinho's passive ideas.But now, Abramovich is ready. From Lukaku to Modric, Abramovich does not hesitate to complete the huge reform of the team with a comprehensive change of blood.And Boas, the young reformer, will be his banner bearer.

After all, at this moment, Anelka has not left, but news about Chelsea's preparations for Lukaku and preparations for bringing Falcao has been rampant.Torres, Drogba, Anelka, Kalou, Falcao, Lukaku, Sturridge...Chelsea is so "forward" crazy, even except for Anelka and Kalu, the others are completely What kind of talent does Villas-Boas have to find positions for these forwards?

Porto Hilton Hotel, representatives from Chelsea and Porto are negotiating the terms of Falcao's termination. The Porto striker scored an astonishing 17 goals in the UEFA Cup last season and has long been a coveted target in European football. A 3000 million euro purchase Breaking the terms seems to be unable to stop many wealthy buyers at all.But because of the arrival of his mentor Boas, the most likely place for Falcao to become Chelsea.This was confirmed by the player's agent Moses, "If Villas-Boas becomes Chelsea's new coach, it is not surprising that players close to him follow him. Chelsea has many good forwards, so Falcao needs to fight for his position. "The Colombian seems ready for the possible challenge.

What about the others? Although Mr. Torres of 5000 million pounds only scored one goal in half a season, even if he is as generous as Abramovich, it is impossible to buy such an expensive substitute.The limitations of the Spaniard's tactics also made him the No. 1 choice for the center position.So, what about Drogba, whose position is already in jeopardy?In the past seven seasons, the Ivorian has been the biggest guarantee for Chelsea's front line. Even if he was affected by malaria in the first half of last season, he has been actively contributing.Anelka, who has changed his personality, is now able to accept the substitute calmly, but Chelsea does not seem to want to pay 8 pounds a week for an old substitute.The arrival of Falcao will make Chelsea more overcrowded at the center position. Even if the 17-year-old Lukaku can wait, is it really necessary to send Drogba back to the winger position when he debuted?Obviously, this is unreasonable.

And Kalu and Sturridge will be another two problems for Chelsea. They are both young players who meet the standards of local players and can just help Chelsea complete the 158 qualifications.But both have made it clear that enough is enough of the bench.Kalou has been chased by Arsenal for many years, and Sturridge also played well at Bolton in the second half of last season.It's not that nobody wants them. Chelsea also need to work hard to keep these players.

More importantly, Boas not only needs to make a choice, but also has to make a choice that makes everyone happy.This point is even more difficult for the 33-year-old whose prestige is unknown.

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