future king

No. 467 The biggest hurdle

Manchester United are back!

3-0, this score is the expected result for most fans. After all, Manchester United has defeated their opponents at Old Trafford 8 times in a row. moon.

However, this reasonable victory has a special meaning for Manchester United. After the two-game losing streak in the league and the embarrassing escape from the Ittihad in the FA Cup last weekend, the Red Devils need a hearty game. A big victory to boost morale.

Now, Manchester United, who has played one more game, has tied Manchester City in league points, and has narrowed the goal difference disadvantage to single digits (8).With the gradual recovery of the wounded, the Red Devils have passed the most difficult period, and Ancelotti's team has officially entered the counterattack stage of late-stage efforts.

Although Ancelotti has repeatedly emphasized that the team will not buy players during the winter break, Scholes, who has come back from the fire, is not inferior to any big-name midfielder in the transfer market. Manchester United's meritorious player Ray Wilkins said Scholes' return is a "significant signing worth £2500m".

For the first time after his comeback, Scholes made his first appearance in the game as a main force. His push in front of the goal at the end of the first half opened the door to victory for the team and also helped the Red Devils achieve consecutive goals. The perfect data of 41 home goals has created a new record in the 20 years since the establishment of the Premier League, and it is the team history of 1955 consecutive home goals created by the team between February 2 and February 1957 The record is just one step away.

In the end, Manchester United won a big victory without any suspense, and the solid defense also allowed Sir Alex to harvest the 600th clean sheet match since coaching Manchester United.Giggs, Ferdinand, Park Ji-sung, Evra, Carrick and others are all over 11 years old; De Gea, Phil Jones and others still need time to grow; the Red Devils have too many injuries, At most, there were as many as [-] wounded in the first team. It can be said that they are old, weak, sick and disabled. However, with such a team, they have played to this day and tied Manchester City in the standings, which once again verified the magic of Ancelotti. .

At present, Manchester United only ranks second in the league with a goal difference disadvantage. Although the image of the Red Devils as a strong leader has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, in fact, the second place is not an unfamiliar position for Manchester United. You must know that Manchester United has won the Premier League 12 times In the experience of the champion, there are 8 times that they ranked second in the league before Christmas, and finally won the championship with a counterattack.

And these valuable experiences will undoubtedly play a huge role in boosting Manchester United's competition for the league title this season.Ferguson said: "The rise of Manchester City is undoubtedly the biggest difference this season. They replaced the role played by Chelsea or Arsenal before, and they played fantastically in the first half of the season. According to this trend, we may have to get Much higher than 80 points in the league, even 90 points to win the league championship, this is definitely a ridiculously high score, because in recent seasons, the phenomenon of teams dropping points between each other is very common."

You know, Manchester United won the 80th top league championship in team history with only 20 league points last season, and this season, Manchester City scored 19 points in the first 45 games, and there were 38 games in the whole season. Therefore, the "90 points" winning score line came from this.

But Ancelotti also said: "I often say that it is impossible for Manchester City to maintain such a scoring efficiency. Times, we also have away games against Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham and Manchester City. These games may be evenly divided or even lost. Three teams (Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham)."

Among these three teams, Manchester United undoubtedly has the richest experience in the back end.

Since the establishment of the Premier League, Manchester United has scored more points in the second half of the season than in the first half in 19 of the 12 seasons. Among them, the 0203 season is the most exaggerated. Manchester United's average score before January of this season was only 1.81 points. However, starting from January, The Red Devils scrambled for points with an astonishing efficiency of 2.65 points per game, averaging 0.84 points more than in the first half, and finally achieved a season reversal from being 9 points behind Arsenal at its peak to being crowned with a 5-point advantage .

Similarly, in the reversal of Newcastle in the 9596 season and the reversal of Liverpool in the 0809 season, Manchester United's average points per game after January were 0.46 points and 0.49 points higher than those before January. After 19 seasons, Manchester United's average score in the second half was as high as 2.19 points. Such a strong stamina gave Manchester United enough confidence to shout the slogan of overtaking Manchester City.

Manchester United general Ferdinand is also full of confidence in the team's reversal in the second half of the season, and believes that the team's ability to cling to Manchester City despite constant injuries reflects the championship background of defeating opponents.Ferdinand said in an interview with Manchester United's official website: "I don't think there is any crisis in the team at the moment, so it is too early to talk about the ownership of the championship, but now we are closely united and for the same goal. Work hard. Every team goes through ups and downs in a season, and hopefully Manchester City and Tottenham's slump can last longer, so that when our injuries gradually recover, we have a great chance to turn defeat into victory. You must know that it is impossible for any other team in the Premier League to suffer from such extensive injuries as ours, and it is impossible to achieve our current results, which fully reflects our strong strength."

The recovery of the wounded, the return of Scholes, the FA Cup elimination of rivals, and the points tied with their opponents in the league, all signs show that in this protracted season of Manchester derby, Manchester United has gradually stepped out of the previous decline and resumed. Return to the same starting line as Manchester City.

All Ancelotti's side have to do is maintain their current form and continue to put pressure on Manchester City, as they have done in the past by reversing Newcastle, Arsenal and Liverpool. Manchester United suffocated their opponents.For Manchester City, this is definitely a terrible opponent. As long as the Blue Moon Corps makes a slight mistake, the bloodthirsty Red Devils will be able to smell the 21st top league championship.

The next game is the biggest obstacle preventing Manchester United from winning the championship.

Sunday's away game against Arsenal, Manchester United coach Ancelotti said that this is the beginning of a series of important games, and the next three weeks are extremely critical for the Red Devils.

There are three strong dialogues in Manchester United's next four league games, against Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea. In addition, Manchester United will be a guest at Anfield in the FA Cup next weekend against the Red Army. Ancelotti believes that these games may Determine the trend of Manchester United's season. "Sunday's game against Arsenal is a start and we're going into a busy period with two games against Liverpool and then against Chelsea. It's all exciting games and hopefully we'll get through it well. For a while, it could define our season to a large extent."

"It's not going to be easy games, but it's not going to be easy games for our opponents, they're all going to look at United and say: 'Oh, another tough game is coming' and we're going to think the same way. .”

Ancelotti also said that the game against Arsenal will no longer be full of gunpowder, and the two teams will face this contest relatively calmly.

Manchester United and Arsenal have had very heated clashes in the past, the most famous being the confrontation between Roy Keane and Vieira in the Highbury tunnel in 2005.

But Ancelotti said that the contest between the two teams has been relatively peaceful in recent years, and there will be no more heated scenes. "If you want to find a hot scene, you need to go back to a few years ago, when Kean and Vieira were in the tunnel once," Ancelotti said. "In the last three years, the situation has been different. Everyone Calm down."

Regarding Arsenal's style of play, Ancelotti said: "Wenger has not changed his football philosophy. He leads the team in his own way, which has benefited Arsenal for a long time. Now Wenger has different styles in his hands. Players, they are very young, but still insist on the same style of play, still want to play pleasing to the eye. After 2 to 8, Arsenal recovered well, they played a good momentum, and also advanced to the knockout round in the Champions League, So you have to say they didn't do a bad job."

Henry and Scholes completed the return for the two teams. Ferguson commented: "Henry and Scholes are players that cannot be copied. To be fair, Henry has been playing for the New York Red Bulls, so there is no physical problem. ... We have a lot of confidence in Scholes because he trains every day after all, of course he needs to catch up a little bit physically, but he seems to have no problem now, it is an exciting time for him to come back. Amazing turnaround decision."

Mexican striker Hernandez has been lackluster this season, and Ancelotti believes that Pea is close to breaking out. "Hernandez has had his situation this season, he's had a concussion, then another head injury, then an ankle injury, he hasn't really had a season yet, but he's looking fine and if We can get him back on track and it will be a great addition, we all know he can score goals and that will help the team."

Speaking of Manchester United's current personnel situation, An Shuai said: "With so many injuries, we can play to this point. It should be said that we have done very well. Obviously, I don't expect Fletcher to come back. Think he's out for the rest of the season, as is Vidic. But if the others come back, I think we'll still have a good squad."

"Fitness is important in the sprints, there's no question about it, and if we get through the next six games and are still in a good position, then come March and April, those who are injured and fit are assured. Bringing players back will make a difference to the team, I'm sure of that."

Before the game against Arsenal, Manchester United right winger Valencia's recovery made the whole team happy. Li Yu thought that the Ecuadorian had made a remarkable comeback, which was the happiest for a striker like him. things. "Valencia has played very well recently," Li Yu said. "He has returned to his best form. When he plays at this level, it is very difficult to defend him. It is a good thing for a striker. Because he's so good at getting the ball into the box very quickly."

"Now the team is starting to create a lot of chances again. There was a period when we only won 1-0, but it was just as important. We had to defend to keep the wins and now we are starting to score a lot of goals again."

Valencia himself missed the 8-2 victory over Arsenal due to injury. He said that the opponent will definitely have a psychological shadow in this confrontation with the Gunners. "It was a historic score, one that the fans will always remember, it's impossible to repeat it, but psychologically, it could have had an impact. Arsenal will want revenge on us, they need points too to close the gap on the top four and we have to play smart and make sure we take our chances."

"Arsenal's biggest strength is the midfield and the way they play together, but they have problems at the back and that's something we need to exploit. When it comes to Arsenal's attack, we need to stop Van Persie and Henry is a new factor , I don't know if he's going to start, but whenever he plays, he's going to be motivated."

"We are now second in the table and the title is the goal. Nothing has been decided yet. The pressure could affect City. We are ready to go ahead of them. Tottenham have had a good season, they are doing well. In the championship ranks, it will be very threatening, but Manchester United is used to fighting for the championship and will never give up. Scholes is back, and his return is a great benefit to us. As for me personally, my goal To stay in the first team and help Manchester United win the league, that's what people expect of us."

Arsenal will play against Manchester United at home on Sunday. Gunners coach Arsene Wenger said before the game that the referees' penalty was extremely unfair to Arsenal and his team paid a lot for it.

The referee for the battle between Arsenal and Manchester United was determined to be Dean, and the Gunners have not won in the last 10 Arsenal games he has officiated.Wenger used this to talk about the refereeing issue, thinking that the Gunners have recently suffered a lot of unfair law enforcement. "I think if there's one team that's been treated badly lately it's Arsenal and I don't want to talk too much about it."

"We were unlucky in some of the penalties, against Fulham, against Swansea, because against Swansea we got a penalty, God knows what happened, it was a good dive, like What I said after the game. Against Fulham, Gervinho had a deserved penalty and the referee didn't award it, that sort of thing can happen, it happened in our last two games."

"We want to get it right, Pires flopped against Portsmouth and it was in the papers for six months, Dale [Swansea player] flopped against us and no one mentioned it. Thing. You can’t say that treatment is equal, if Dier’s flopping is okay, why is Pires okay?”

Talking about the game against Manchester United, Wenger said: "It was a shame to lose to Manchester United, but we rebounded. In this game, the important thing is that you are not fighting for revenge, you are playing to win. Normal game."

For the game against Manchester United, the main striker van Persie said that the pain of being defeated by the Red Devils 8-2 at Old Trafford hopes to be erased after this game.

"The last thing I want to do is make excuses, that game was played, we can't erase it from history," Van Persie said. "Since I played for Arsenal, I haven't experienced such a defeat before. "It's never good to lose, we tried our best that day and it just wasn't good enough. I have to be honest, it hurts to lose with that score."

"But now that's history and we're all looking forward to Sunday's game, in football you always get new opportunities to correct the past, for the spirit of the team and above all for the fans, we want to To get the job done. We will never forget how great the support from the fans was, even after that 2-8 game, they still supported us and we want to make it up to them."

"There is no doubt that the Manchester United game is the highlight of our season, but all games are important, we still have a chance to fight for the title, there are still [-] rounds of games, we only need to play one game at a time. Playing as hard as they can. Manchester United will always be tough, no matter which eleven players they put in, they will be very strong and difficult to beat. Like us, Manchester United have suffered a lot of injuries at the back this season, but they have adjusted. Well, it would be a mistake to underestimate them."

"We know that to get the three points from this game we have to be at our best and everyone at Arsenal is focused on winning this game and it has to be a good performance as individuals and as a team. Beat Manchester United."

Arsenal lost to Swansea 2-3 unexpectedly last week, and their chances of hitting the top four were frustrated, but Van Persie remained optimistic. "I'm not going to give up on getting into the Champions League, not at all. Hopefully we can prove that to everyone by beating Manchester United. In addition, we still have chances in the Champions League and the FA Cup this season. There is still a lot to strive for this season."

Speaking of his scoring statistics, Van Persie said that the team's honor is more important. "You know what, I'd trade any of my goals for a trophy this season. I really would, I know I'm scoring well and I'm proud of it, but without all the help from my team-mates, I'd It’s not going to happen. But it’s more meaningful and prouder for me to be successful at Arsenal, it’s a team sport, it’s not about individual achievements, it’s about being successful as a team. It's what I want most."

Like Van Persie, Arsenal star Arshavin also believes that 2 to 8 has become a thing of the past, and the Gunners are not afraid of Manchester United.Arshavin said: "Manchester United are strong, but at home we are capable of beating anyone and hopefully we can do it this time. If we play well, we don't care what form Man United is in. At the Emirates Stadium, you can feel the support of the fans more. Support, opponents are more afraid, I think it is easier to play at home."

"United started the season really well, they looked a lot ahead of everyone else, but at the moment they are not anymore, City are above them."

Teammate Arteta also expressed his desire to beat Manchester United. "Of course it was very, very painful for the team at Old Trafford and I could clearly see it in the faces of my teammates when I joined, but we didn't lose our confidence and we kept it. Confidence, telling ourselves that we can get out of the predicament. I hope we can have a good performance against Manchester United this time.”

The Gunners goalkeeper Szczezny, who was scored by Manchester United eight times in the 2-8 game, said he wanted to make up for his regrets in this game. He said: "Obviously I want to pay for what happened last time at Old Trafford Things are made up, so I am very looking forward to and excited about this game. In our minds, we still have that game and we want to make up. All we have to do is focus and make sure we play our best form, 8 for 2 will be our motivation, but once we get on the pitch we forget about it."

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