future king

Chapter 85 The Kiss on the Way Back


Spn was waiting for the connecting plane, and Li Yu was sitting in the London departure hall and dialed Jenny's phone by a ghost.

"Hello, I'm Jenny! May I know who you are?" Jenny asked back when she realized that the number of the call was unfamiliar to her.

"Well, I am the passenger you sent the note to! My name is Li Yu, you can call me Lee, I sat in the waiting hall for more than an hour, and suddenly remembered your invitation, so I took the liberty I called you!" Li Yuzhen didn't know what to say, so he could only introduce himself first, and then expressed his thoughts in embarrassment.

"Okay, no problem! I'm coming out soon. Where are you? I'll find you! This time I'll treat you!" Jenny immediately agreed, perhaps because she felt the name was familiar after listening to the introduction. Curiosity is a woman's nature. When I meet a familiar person, but I can't remember it, I can't help but walk a few steps faster, trying to solve this doubt earlier.

After a while, a tall stewardess stood in front of Li Yu, "Hi, we meet again!" [

Facing the outstretched jade hand, Li Yu was also very free and easy, "Hello, beautiful lady, I am Li Yu, I am honored to receive your invitation!"

Without the restraint and inarticulateness when facing Asher, Li Yu still has a good way of facing other girls.

"Hehe, I'm the one who is embarrassed. I let you buy my order in Liverpool, and now I treat you to dinner, so it's even!" Jenny smiled lazily, tossing her long blond hair, Luoluo Invite generously.

"What the hell is that?" Li Yu's point of ink came to him for a moment, but he couldn't think of what to say when it came to his mouth, "By the way, a sweet smile is born!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said just now!" Jenny was confused by Li Yu's sudden Chinese.

"Damn it, I said it in a hurry!" Li Yu quickly explained, "It's in Chinese, which means, don't invite me to dinner, I'd rather drink coffee!"

"Oh, that's fine! Let's find a cafe nearby!" Jenny pulled her suitcase and led the way.

Li Yu followed behind, and he didn't know what was wrong, he felt that he was a little different, he would not be like this before, and he was a bit willing to refuse to come to the beautiful stewardess, even though Jenny didn't make her heart beat I feel, but being with her feels very comfortable and natural, and I am not nervous at all, "Li Yu, Li Yu! You are not a casual man, we Chinese gentlemen are the most affectionate men in the world." Man, you can't become a philanderer after Asher has been away for a few months!"

The two came to the cafe and ordered coffee.

"Lee, can you tell me what you do? I always think you look familiar, but I just can't remember. Maybe I know your occupation, so I remember!" Jenny saw the waiter walk away , straight to the point.

"Then guess how old I am, if you guess correctly, I'll tell you my occupation!" Li Yu didn't answer directly, but asked the beauty a strange question, as if his occupation had a certain relationship with his age.

"25?" Jenny suddenly became more curious, looked at some Li Yu carefully, and expressed her own judgment.

Li Yu didn't speak, but shook his head, expressing that he was wrong.


Li Yu continued to shake his head.

"28? You don't know how to be 28!" Jenny said a number that she felt a little unbelievable.

"Oh my god, young master, do I look so old? Why do I keep guessing upwards after 25, so I'm going to be three years later!" Li Yu was extremely depressed, in order not to let the beauty in front of him make him three years old, Start to make downward gestures, which means you guess down.

"Hehe, did I say you're not that old? I'm not joking with you, 20?" Seeing Li Yu's embarrassing face, Jenny smiled happily, and finally said a more reliable number.

The Jenny in front of her was so cheerful and energetic, like a happy angel, Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but compare it with the fairy image of Asher in her mind, the fairy is not human. beautiful?The graceful beauty of an angel? [

Seeing that Li Yu didn't answer, Jenny thought she guessed it right, "Then you should tell me your occupation?"

Li Yu's downward gesture appeared again!

"Okay, I surrender! You'd better just say it!" Jenny stuck out her tongue, pretending to be defeated, and Li Yu revealed the answer directly.

At this time, the waiter brought coffee for the two of them, put it on the table, bowed and left immediately.

"Jenny, I look so old! I'm only 18, and I'm going to be 19 soon!" Li Yu exaggeratedly gestured two numbers, as if she was very annoyed by Jenny saying that she was 1 or 2 years old.

"Oh my god, I can't drive it! You are only 18 years old. I think British boys look more mature. I didn't expect you to be the same. Then you should talk about your occupation next?" Jenny took a sip of coffee, "No, you're still a student, right? You came to England to go to university?" Thinking of something, he asked before Li Yu could speak, but his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"This girl is a bit of a dick! But she's really cute!" Li Yu recalled the two conversations, but he didn't realize it. He always had a faint smile on his face while thinking, "Seeing how distressed you are, I'm still Say it! I'm a professional footballer and I've just arrived at Everton!"

"Football player" Jenny tried hard to think where she had met Li Yu, "I remembered, you were the one who took off his jersey on the field and confessed to his girlfriend!" After remembering why it looked so familiar, Jenny disappeared I was so excited just now, and a little bit disappointed.

Li Yu also noticed the change in Jenny's mood, but he didn't say anything more. At this time, he also brought back sad memories. That confession that he thought was the most romantic, ended with Asher leaving without saying goodbye.

Jenny is not a football fan, but another stewardess showed her the video of Li Yu confessing to undressing. At the time, she thought it was very romantic. When she saw Li Yu again, she felt very familiar. The mystery was finally revealed, but the two had a good time just now The atmosphere suddenly stopped, and both of them were silent, drinking coffee with their heads down.

The other guests who don't know the reason will definitely think that the two happy young couples just now have conflicts and quarrels and no one cares about the other.

Realizing that the coffee was almost finished, Jenny was the first to break the silence, "Are you going back to China for vacation? I wish you a pleasant journey in advance!"

"Yeah, my teammates are still working hard, I can go back to China for vacation now! But thank you!" Li Yu replied in a low mood, without raising his head during the whole process, the whole person completely lost the carefree look just now .

"I'm sorry, I don't understand football, maybe I said the wrong thing, you are fine!" Jenny felt as if she had said the wrong topic at the moment, and seeing Li Yu's heavy heart, she quickly apologized.

"It's okay, it's better to go home early, and we'll just start over at Everton next year!" Li Yu was out of mood, and dealt with it casually, but he felt Jenny's care, but it was just a feeling of emptiness. I came back a little bit, and I had to think about it again, "In a moment, the plane at 5 o'clock in the morning!"

For some reason, seeing this oriental man who was a few years younger than her suddenly depressed at the moment, Jenny wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how to speak. After all, the two had just met. For the first time, Jenny regretted that she hadn't become a football fan.

Afterwards, the conversation between the two became dull, and the coffee in the cup had bottomed out. Jenny beckoned the waiter to come over and pay the bill. After paying the money, the two stood up. Jenny stretched out her hand and said generously: "Then let's completely pay the bill." It's even, before saying goodbye, I wish you good results on the court in the future, and wish you happiness with your girlfriend!"

"Thank you for your blessings, but I don't need your second blessing anymore. We broke up peacefully a few months ago!" Li Yu didn't know why he had to explain so much to Jenny, he said it completely subconsciously out.

"Really!" Jenny yelled excitedly, and immediately realized her gaffe. After all, she said she had just broken up with her girlfriend, but she yelled excitedly, her face turned red, a little Sorry, explain immediately, "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong, I actually"

In fact, I didn't say it out for a long time. Often things are like this.

To be honest with others, I'm just a little excited. When I heard that you broke up with your girlfriend, I have a chance!

Let’s not tell the truth, I’m excited, but that’s not what I mean, what does that mean?You just broke up, so you can't be in front of them no matter what, and you can't be excited when you hear that they just broke up! [

This question cannot be explained at all, so it is better to continue to talk about something else.

At this moment, the two were holding hands, and Jenny lowered her head, but her originally fair cheeks were now glowing red and charming. Li Yu was not blind, so why couldn't she see it.

Jenny realized that she had been spotted by Li Yu a long time ago, so she stopped trying to hide it, raised her head, and suddenly greeted Li Yu, and tapped someone's cheek with her delicate lips, "Back to England Remember to call me, I think we are friends now!" After speaking, he broke free from Li Yu's hand and ran out of the cafe with his suitcase.

Li Yu was dumbfounded. That startling kiss was completely beyond his expectation. He really didn't expect that on the journey home, he actually ran into a scene in the movie. He couldn't believe it. Just now A real scene.

At this moment, the lip marks were still hanging on Li Yu's cheeks. Li Yu touched the place where he was kissed with his hand, smiled knowingly, and walked out of the cafe.

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