future king

Chapter 88


spn It was almost dawn when Li Yu watched the Champions League awards ceremony, and it was almost late at night in Europe, "It's really not easy for Huaxia fans, they have to stay up all night to watch a favorite European game Till dawn!"

Li Yu really experienced the difficulty of being an Eastern fan. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep.

In a daze, he heard the sound of a text message. Li Yu, who used to be unaware that the sky would collapse when he was asleep, woke up miraculously when he heard this sound. Friends, now give me a chance to serve the beauty, would you like it!"

"Good friend, happy to help!" After replying, Li Yu fell asleep again.

Jenny was standing outside Yanjing Capital Airport at this time, looking at Li Yu's reply, her heart was full of anticipation, this time she came to Yanjing with her bag on her back and her passport, on the company's plane. But when Jenny called Li Yu again, she got connected but no one answered. [

"I replied to the text message just now, but now I deliberately don't answer the phone, and I want you to look good later!"

For the first time, no one answered the phone, and Jenny didn't think about it, thinking it was Li Yu's intentional joke.

It can be dialed in succession, or it is a situation, and the person will answer.

Half an hour later, Jenny's fiery heart suddenly reached the freezing point. In order to pursue her love, the brave Jenny traveled thousands of miles to the east. Now fate seems to be playing a joke on her. The country, surrounded by people who do not understand the language, I am standing here alone, and the person I am looking forward to the most does not answer my phone.

Jenny really didn't expect such a result. Tears of grievance kept rolling in her eyes, and she kept controlling them, trying stubbornly to keep them from flowing down. "What do you really want? Don't you want to see me now?" The text message without the unique opening question was finally sent.

It was still a wonderful text message sound, which could wake up the freak Li Yu. Turning over, he picked up the mobile phone that had just fallen asleep on the floor from the bottom of the bed. Seeing the content of the text message, Li Yu suddenly woke up a lot. What is it all about? The situation, how could such content appear out of nowhere, and the opening remarks that people were looking forward to did not appear, Li Yu's first feeling was that this text message was sent by mistake, "Did something happen, maybe you sent it to the wrong person Right?" The front still couldn't help asking with concern.

The phone rang immediately, and Li Yu hurriedly pressed the answer button, "I'll be waiting for you at the gate of the Capital Airport, if you haven't shown up in half an hour, then we will never meet again!" Jenny's voice on the phone was like this His cold determination made Li Yu immediately lean on the bed.

Rubbing his head and trying to make himself more awake, he first had to figure out what happened. He turned on the phone again, and there were as many as 45 missed calls from Jenny, letting Li Yu know the seriousness of the matter, and immediately jumped down. After getting out of bed and out of my bedroom, I was about to run out of the house, but I had to run back. I hadn't put on any clothes yet, so I put on my clothes desperately, and then rushed out of the house.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen when watching a Champions League final. If he knew that Jenny would come to Yanjing, he would not watch this match that had nothing to do with him.

While running towards the entrance of the community, he tried to dial Jenny's phone number. This time, the sound of the shutdown over there made Li Yu even more impatient. In less than 30 minutes, Li Yu was in his own community. Those who can't make it to the airport, let alone Yanjing's traffic situation can be described in one word, that is traffic jam.

After taking a taxi, he told his brother and master to drive as fast as possible because there was something urgent. Li Yu sent a text message by himself, hoping that Jenny would see it as soon as she turned on the phone.

"Good friend, don't leave, there is a misunderstanding here!"

"Wait for me, be sure to wait for me, I'm on my way!"

"Do you still remember the kiss when we parted last time? You kissed me at that time, so I still owe you one. If that kiss is usury, if it doubles every day, I will spend my whole life repaying the debt!"

"Your smile has been deeply burned into my heart, please don't let me lose the most beautiful smile in the world!"

Even though it is not the rush hour, the congestion from time to time is still unavoidable. Li Yu is really anxious now, sitting in the back seat of the taxi, he can't help stepping on the gas pedal in front to reach the airport earlier.

The driver was fast enough. It took 45 minutes to send Li Yu to the front of T3 terminal. Li Yu got off the car and started looking for Jenny everywhere.

But now there is no shadow of Yi Ren, there are people everywhere, Li Yu called the phone again, but Jenny still didn't turn it on.

When he came to the information desk, Li Yu wanted to know if the flight back to the UK after work had taken off. After asking, fortunately, there were not always planes back to the UK. Li Yu estimated that Jenny arrived at 9:30 this morning. The plane back to the UK from get off work has to wait until 13:2 at the earliest, and now there are at least 1 hours, Li Yu decided to look around for an hour, and he will wait for the last hour to check in. The place is waiting, as long as Jenny goes back, she will definitely go there. [

After planning the allocation of time, Li Yu started looking for a job. There were people everywhere. Li Yu originally thought that the blond-haired Jenny would be easy to find, but after searching for a long time, he didn't see a few blond beauties. Most of them came from Russia, and they couldn't communicate at all. Even Li Yu had the urge to go into the women's restroom to see if Jenny, who must be very sad, hid there alone and cried.

"I'm so tm confused, running around like a headless chicken, how did I forget that there is an announcement at the airport!" Li Yu slapped himself on the forehead and rushed to the broadcasting station.

"Miss Jenny from the UK, Mr. Li Yu is waiting in front of the radio station to say something, please be sure to go!"



After broadcasting three times in a row, Li Yu waited there, clutching the phone tightly, hoping that it would ring at this moment.

There was still a nasty British man talking on the other end of the call. Li Yu was really disappointed. He was extremely depressed. He was obviously fine, but suddenly seeing it would turn out like this. He felt extremely uncomfortable. Before he was about to lose, some Not realizing the importance of such things to him, Li Yu didn't feel anything before, but now he really felt the feeling of his heart being hollowed out.

With 10 minutes left, Li Yu bought a pack of cigarettes in a supermarket and wanted to smoke a depressed cigarette outside.

"cough cough"

Li Yu, who had never smoked before, was so choked by the smoke that he coughed, "It's so fucking choking, everyone smokes, and they still smoke!" He rubbed his eyes, stubbed out the cigarette, and walked back to the airport.

He didn't notice at all that during the whole search, someone was secretly laughing at him from time to time.

At the registration place, Li Yu also waited for almost an hour, "The voice of that British man appears again, young master, I will return to England, and I must go to British Telecom to kick me to death!"

This time the phone was finally connected, "Hurry up!" Li Yu's heart rose to his throat, hoping to hear the voice he was looking forward to.

Sure enough, this time Li Yu was not disappointed. After a few more rings, Jenny finally answered the phone, "I'm in the waiting hall, come to my place, let's talk face to face!"

This feeling of lost and found flooded every cell in Li Yu's body, and he staggered towards the waiting hall under his feet.

In fact, a tall figure appeared in front of Li Yu, and the imaginary long golden hair disappeared, and Jenny's beautiful hair turned black at this time. No matter what, Li Yu never imagined that the long golden hair he had been looking for In order to surprise Li Yu, Jenny dyed it black, which is more close to the aesthetics of oriental people.

The two looked at each other, neither of them said anything, they just stared at each other, as if they wanted to see something from each other's eyes.

Jenny noticed that Li Yu's eyes were red, and thought it was the result of Li Yu's anxiety and crying for her. She was moved and softened a lot.

Unknowingly, the man and woman who gazed affectionately got closer and closer, and they could feel each other's breath. Jenny's fragrant lips kissed Li Yu's cheek again, "You owe me another kiss, this one You are not done with usury!"

After speaking, Jenny smiled slyly, and turned around to run away. How could Li Yu let her run? He hugged Jenny's waist tightly from behind. At first, Jenny tried to break free, but after several hard attempts , turned around, faced Li Yu and kissed him on the forehead.

"You creditor is too greedy, I'd better pay you one first!" [

After parting lips for a long time, Jenny gasped and snuggled into Li Yu's arms with blushing cheeks, "You nasty guy!"

Li Yu's kiss was so powerful that Jenny almost suffocated with one kiss. This junior brother has no kissing skills at all. Fortunately, British girls generally like sports, and their lung capacity is not bad. If you change to domestic The girl who is really not sure is fainted by a kiss.

The two of them didn't talk for a long time, when suddenly Jenny in Li Yu's arms couldn't be happier, she sat up straight and pointed at Li Yu's feet, "So you're still a foreign character!"

Li Yu looked down, only to realize that when he went out, he stepped on his shoes and went out, and he didn't notice that he wore both shoes backwards. Jenny should not let this kind of embarrassing thing know. Men in Huaxia are good. Face, "You don't know, this is a tradition in China. When meeting the person you value most, in order to show a kind of respect, we Chinese people have a tradition of wearing shoes backwards!"

"Oh? Really? So I'm the person you value most?" Jenny asked suspiciously.

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