Jia Baoyu from the Red Chamber

Chapter 12 Sister Lin is Angry


spnChapter 12 Sister Lin is angry

But she said that since the dinner the day before yesterday, Daiyu had been waiting for her elder brother Bao to come to make amends according to her usual practice. Unexpectedly, Baoyu not only did not come that night, but also did not come for two consecutive days. People and things can also come up with some incidents, let alone real things.

Daiyu was already very angry that night, thinking that Baoyu didn't want to see her, but it was only too late, Baoyu hadn't fully recovered and gave Baoyu some chances, but Baoyu didn't come to apologize until the next day, until today As soon as Daiyu woke up in the morning, she said to Zijuan angrily, "I won't see anyone who comes today. Whether it's Baojin or Baoyin, just say I'm not feeling well."

When Zijuan heard it, she knew that Daiyu was angry with Baoyu, so she just smiled and said yes, but she didn't care. The two always had conflicts like this from time to time, but Jia Baoyu would come forward to apologize the next day.

Just as Baoyu was about to knock on the door, Zicuckoo came out. Seeing this, Jia Baoyu smiled and said, "Did sister know that I'm coming to greet you?"

Jia Baoyu was originally a joke, but Zijuan nodded and said, "Isn't that the case? I'll check on Second Master every half hour to see if you're here. If you don't come today, our girl But I'll never see you again."

Jia Baoyu was very anxious when he heard Zijuan's words, and he didn't care about the original intention of asking Daiyu to study for him, so he asked quickly: "What's going on here! Why do you get angry when you are so good, sister can help me ah!"

"I still want to ask you, how did you offend your sister Lin a few days ago? She said that no matter whether it was Baojin or Baoyin, it was not you who offended, but you used to be so busy with these two things. But Ri didn't come once. It's not like you don't know our girl's temperament, so you have to think more. This time, I was a good person and let you in. Next time something like this happens, don't expect me to help. "

Jia Baoyu has a lot of things to prepare for these two days. How dare he come to see Daiyu before everything is in order? Now that he thinks about it, he did not apologize to Daiyu in time. in.

At this moment, Daiyu's voice came from the room, "Zicuckoo, who are you talking to?"

After hearing this, Zijuan looked at Baoyu, gave Baoyu a good look and said with a smile: "It's a passing maid, it's fine for the girl to fall asleep, it doesn't matter."

After hearing this, Daiyu didn't speak at first, but then said: "Then it's all right, come back and close the door! Otherwise, I won't be able to resist this or that master coming."

As soon as Jia Baoyu heard it, he knew that Daiyu already knew that he was coming, so he went to the inner room, but just as he entered the room, Daiyu who was still guarding the door pushed him out, and then closed the door again.

"Why did the girl shut the second master out?" Zijuan asked with a smile when she saw this.

"You still have the nerve to say that you lied to me with him, you little hoof. I'll tell the old lady that I don't agree with you. I'll let you go back and see if you dare in the future."

After Zijuan heard this, she turned to look at Baoyu. Jia Baoyu hurriedly asked Zijuan for help. Zijuan knew Daiyu's intentions and there was no reason not to help, but she didn't know why, so she deliberately said loudly: "Second master, the girl is not feeling well today, it's not suitable to see people, I think you'd better come back another day!"

Jia Baoyu was puzzled at first, but he knew what to do when he saw Zijuan's expression, he nodded immediately and said: "If that's the case, then I'll come back another day, Sister Lin has a good rest, and I'll come see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Jia Baoyu signaled to Zijuan, and the two walked out the door together. Jia Baoyu pretended to close the door at the door and then turned back again.

Lin Daiyu in the room heard the conversation between the two, at first she didn't believe that Jia Baoyu would leave so easily, but the voice didn't seem to be fake, so she opened the door as soon as Jia Baoyu went back, and the first thing she saw was Jia Baoyu Just affixed to the smiling face.

Daiyu knew that her enemy was the same as before, and she was very happy in her heart, but she didn't want to express it, she just said coldly: "Second Master Bao has learned to be with the servant girl, he really has improved." He turned and went back into the house, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Seeing that Daiyu didn't close the door again, Jia Baoyu knew that her anger had subsided a little, so he walked in immediately, moved a chair from the side and sat opposite Daiyu, Daiyu gave Baoyu a white look and didn't say a word, But he no longer looks at Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu wanted to comfort Daiyu, but he was stunned for a moment when he saw Daiyu sitting sideways.

After a while, Daiyu saw that Jia Baoyu didn't make a sound, so she turned her head and glanced at Jia Baoyu quietly in doubt.

Seeing Jia Baoyu's blank face, he didn't know what to say for a moment. [

At this time, Jia Baoyu's eyes were completely full of Daiyu's figure, and even Jia Baoyu didn't know why, the more he looked at Daiyu, the more intense emotions filled Jia Baoyu's heart, wanting to hug the person in front of him, Wanting to protect the person in front of him for the rest of his life, all kinds of similar feelings mixed in Jia Baoyu's heart.

It made Jia Baoyu a little confused whether this kind of thinking belonged to him or the original Jia Baoyu, "Is this love so deep?" Obviously most of the feelings were inherited from the original Jia Baoyu. I also really felt Jia Baoyu's invitation to Lin Daiyu.

With such a deep love, he had to leave. Jia Baoyu knew that when he first saw Shenying, his face that didn't have too many emotional fluctuations just didn't want to disturb her. If it was possible, Shenying would definitely protect Dai with his life. Yu, now this love is transferred from Shenying to Jia Baoyu. Jia Baoyu knows that this is what he needs to bear, and he will never let the jade in front of him have the so-called predetermined results.

Daiyu saw that Jia Baoyu just looked at her obsessively but didn't say a word. She also stared at Jia Baoyu for a long time, and her thoughts gradually changed from the initial joy because Bao Gege was obsessed with her. Are the people in it just for viewing?

Daiyu was already superstitious, thinking that things would go in a bad direction, but she couldn't stop thinking about it, and finally realized that Jia Baoyu only regarded herself as an object to watch.

Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't restrain her emotions any longer, she felt a tinge of anger when she saw Jia Baoyu who was still moved, she wanted to punch her but she was reluctant, and finally she just pointed her Qianqianyu finger on Jia Baoyu's forehead After a while, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You look at me like this, I" said and cried out.

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