
spn chapter 310 results

In the afternoon of March 340th, the examiner officially finished evaluating all the four examination papers of [-], but the final grade review was conducted by the elders of the three pavilions. This has been the practice for more than ten years. Even so, the real review There are only one and three people.

When applying for the time, the second and third ranks had already been ranked, and the three people from the first rank had already come out. Looking at the three files in front of him, Zhou Ping was very happy. He knew which one belonged to Jia Baoyu.

The final ranking was nominally drawn up by Emperor Huaqing, but in fact it was the ranking sent by the three of them, and when the three disagreed, they could only be judged by fourteen reviewers.

Jia Baoyu ranked first with twelve first-class candidates and two second-class candidates, while the second Li Min had eleven first-class candidates and three second-class candidates, which was slightly worse than Jia Baoyu. The third candidate was also a Zhejiang candidate. His name was Fang Han. Zhou Ping was a little worried at first, because Zhou Ping was the first to read Jia Baoyu's paper when the examination papers started on the 25th. As expected. [

Zhou Ping looked at Su Zhong and Zhao Ji, who looked not so good, and asked: "I don't know if you two have any objections to the results. If there are no objections, then I will report it to the Holy Spirit."

The two wanted to ask questions, but Li Min's test paper was indeed somewhat different from Jia Baoyu's. Both of them are people who cherish their reputations, so there is no way to object, "We have no objections, brother Zhou, let's report it!"

Dai Quan has been waiting outside, waiting for the results to come out. Zhou Ping took the paper and went with Dai Quan to Qianqing Palace, where Emperor Hua Qing was waiting. Seeing that Zhou Ping was very happy, Quan knew that the result might be very good. He was accompanied by Xiao Lizi. Dai Quan followed the rules, but Xiao Lizi couldn't bear it anymore. He was anxious to pass the news on. , Yuan Chun was instructed, "May I ask what is the number of Captain Jia Duwei?"

Zhou Ping stopped after hearing Xiao Lizi's words, and Dai Quan hit Xiao Lizi when he saw this, "You don't know the rules, why are you asking about everything, why don't you apologize to the adults."

After Xiao Lizi said his words, he knew that he was reckless, so he quickly knelt down and apologized. Zhou Ping looked at Xiao Lizi and asked, "You have a good relationship with Baoyu?"

Xiao Lizi shook his head, "It's not, it's just that the concubine Yuan asked me to tell him when I got the news, the slave couldn't bear it for a while."

"Don't do such a thing again in the future." Zhou Ping continued to leave after finishing speaking. Dai Quan hurriedly let Xiao Lizi leave and followed him. Zhou Ping glanced at Xiao Lizi who left, and thought: "Baoyu is also Knowing how to behave, any little eunuch in this palace is willing to help with things."

"Your Majesty, the papers for the first and third have been delivered." Zhou Ping knelt down and said.

Emperor Hua Qing was already a little impatient, if none of his own people entered the first class this time, it would be another blow to his prestige, "Quickly report the names of the three of them."

Zhou Ping could see that Emperor Huaqing was a little anxious, and he was a little bit like this before, but now she is more calm, "Return to Your Majesty, the first three are Jia Baoyu from Daxing County, Shuntian Prefecture, Zhili Province, and Shangyu County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province. County Li Min, and Fang Han in Shanyin County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province."

Emperor Huaqing was overjoyed when he heard this, "Has Baoyu entered too? Very good, what is the proposed ranking?"

"Is it the ranking of the minister? Jia Baoyu ranked first with twelve first-class and two second-class. Do you want me to read it?"

Emperor Huaqing nodded, and then Zhou Ping began to read. Emperor Huaqing didn't have great expectations, but he was very satisfied after hearing it, and nodded, "I don't want Baoyu to have unique and practical insights on these things. "

He asked someone to read the papers written by Li Min and Fang Han, and after listening to them, Emperor Huaqing said, "Isn't Li Min the scholar who walked with a slight limp that day?"

Zhou Ping thought about it for a while, then rang and replied: "Li Min is not physically disabled, I'm afraid he was injured that day."

"The palace test is just about bad appearance and posture, and it's useless to have an excuse. I see that Fang Han is no worse than Li Min, and even slightly better in some aspects. Let's switch the rankings of the two!" Hua Qingdi said. He is very calm. He is not afraid of other people's opinions. This reason seems casual but sufficient. For scholars, appearance is extremely important. When civil servants are promoted, they also look at this. At that time, everyone with a high position and weight Ugly.

Zhou Ping also agreed, so the ranking of the top three was settled. Emperor Huaqing was in a good mood, got off the dragon chair, and sat on a chair beside him. The file was on the case in front of him. Happy to see Jia Baoyu's name, Emperor Hua Qing didn't pay attention to the specific situation of the other two people, and frowned at this moment, "Is this Fang Han also from Zhejiang?"

Zhou Ping replied after hearing this: "Although Shangyu and Shanyin are close, they have nothing to do with each other. This Fang Han was born in a very poor family, and he is also an upright person."

These words are enough, Zhou Ping doesn't need to say any more, Emperor Huaqing smiled, "They are fair enough to me, and it is thanks to Baoyu's success." Then Zhubi wrote the first No. 1 at the beginning of Jia Baoyu's test paper .[-], six words. [

It was already very late at this time, and the fourteen examiners, Zhao Ji, and Su Zhong were all waiting. Zhou Ping and Dai Quan came back with the first and third places. The gold list was written by Su Zhonglai , There is no way, who let others be the head of the three elders, after seeing No.1 Jia Baoyu and No.3 Li Min, Su Zhong asked: "Why Li Min became the third?"

Zhou Ping gave the reason back, Su Zhong and Zhao Ji really had something to say, Zhao Ji was alright, but Su Zhong shook his head, this Li Min was too disappointing, the relationship between their family and the Li family was very good, and There are marriages, but there are quite a few people who have such a relationship. Naturally, Su Zhong will not fight for anything, and the third one is already very good.

After the ranking was written, everyone lived in the palace. The news cannot be leaked in advance. No one will break this kind of rule. It doesn't care about power. As long as you know it, it is useless to tell others in advance. It's not possible to change the ranking, and now we just wait for the ceremony of passing on.

Chuanlu is a grand ceremony of the country. Only the emperor's enthronement, wedding, longevity, expedition and Jinshi's enthronement are held. Of course, the number of times in the hall has increased in recent years.It is precisely because of this that the preparations at Honglu Temple are methodical, and this is the key to experience.

On the morning of March 340th, [-] four scholars gathered at the Imperial College to receive today’s costumes. Jia Baoyu’s long-term future at the Imperial College today is very cordial. Although this is not the place where it started, many things developed from here At the beginning, if I didn't come to the Imperial College to study, I'm afraid I would miss some things!At that time, I don’t know how things will develop, it may be good or bad, but Jia Baoyu likes the current situation very much, but when he thinks of this, he thinks of Yun Yi, that man who is more handsome than a woman does not know where he is now, Must have had a good time!

Li Shouzhong was in charge of teaching the relevant etiquette at the Guozijian Jijiu. Jia Baoyu was at the front. Li Shouzhong spoke very gently without any dignity, but Jia Baoyu was afraid to look at Li Shouzhong. The reason was naturally Li Wan. Jia Baoyu was not afraid of Li Shouzhong at all. It's just that he was with Li Wan quietly, which is a bit ashamed for this old man who has stuck to his reputation all his life. Of course, shame belongs to shame, but Jia Baoyu has no regrets at all.

Standing behind Jia Baoyu, Li Min has been a little restless, seems to be a little unsteady, Jia Baoyu chuckled when he saw this, it is as easy as it is, it will be repeated, Li Min behind Jia Baoyu looked at Jia Baoyu's face was full of anger, if it wasn't for Jia Baoyu himself, why would he have to suffer like this, the swelling just subsided and this happened again, this is the third time, could it be that he really wanted to suffer the ten-day punishment as the imperial physician said.

The sergeants of the Wucheng Bingma Division cleared the way and took the carriages separately. The group of people can be described as mighty, and there are crowds of people on both sides. Everyone wants to take advantage of the blessings of these scholars. Literati are highly respected in any era. .

Arrived at Huangji Hall again, this time all the officials had expired, Jia Baoyu stood in the front row, saw Jia Zheng standing among the army of officials, felt Jia Zheng was very excited from a distance, didn't he?This is the first time for father and son to be in the palace, so they might be able to go to court together in the future. This may be something that Jia Zheng has been thinking about for a long time!

Wearing a black gauze cap and a big red robe, he is full of energy, coupled with Jia Baoyu's handsome body and Li Min who is a little unstable behind him, this image immediately becomes taller, and you can see many of them from a distance. Jia Baoyu's hearing is so good that he can even hear some people's comments. He glanced at Li Min behind him, and it really is good to step on himself. This is called stepping on others to elevate himself.

In the midst of the sound of music, the Qing emperor of China took his seat, and all the civil and military officials kowtowed. Jia Baoyu looked at Emperor Huaqing from a distance, but his mind was inside the psychic jade, "Can you feel anything?"

Fengyue shook her head, "It's too far away, it's fine if it's close." Jia Baoyu still cares about Emperor Huaqing's body, if Emperor Huaqing dies immediately, Jia Baoyu must find a way out However, Jia Baoyu couldn't trust Shuifu's ability.

"On March 20th of the 70th year of Fangzheng, he launched an examination of the tribute scholars in the world. Three of the first class were awarded Jinshi and rank, 270 of the second class were awarded Jinshi background, and [-] of the third class were awarded the same Jinshi background."

This is a routine announcement. These things that everyone knows but say every time just make people anxious. After the announcement, the Chuanlu official began to roll the roll. Jia Baoyu couldn't help holding his breath, and the Chuanlu official sang: "No.1 Jia Baoyu"

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