
spn chapter 320 epilogue

On March 27th, the results of the library selection were officially announced. Not surprisingly, Lin Xuan was not among the 24 people. One was talent and learning, the other was background. Lin Xuan was far behind in these two points. Besides Jia Baoyu, there was another person in the Imperial Academy. Among the 24 people, their name is Zhang Lin, their family background is good, their talents and learning are quite outstanding, and their conduct is the same.

Lin Xuan also felt a little bit disappointed after hearing the news, but this is inevitable, people inevitably have hope, but after being lost, he cheers up, Lin Xuan just waits to be released as a county magistrate, the specific location is yet to be announced. It has not been decided, but it is still difficult to get a vacancy in a good place. It is possible for at least one or two months to a year, but Lin Xuan is still young and can afford to wait, and during this time Lin Xuan You also need to learn some ways to be an official. If you don't know anything, you will rush out and just harm Lin Xuan. Don't you see that even a person like Jia Yucun did something wrong and was dismissed.

On March 29th, the three first-class Jinshi are going to register at the Department of Literature and Selection of the Ministry of Officials today. According to the usual practice, they have to meet with the printing officer of the Ministry of Officials first. Li Min snorted when he saw Jia Baoyu and Fang Han, but the two ignored him His desire, but Jia Baoyu guessed that with Li Min's existence, his career in the Imperial Academy would not be lonely. is hard too much.

The three came to the lobby of the Ministry of Officials, Yang Zhaorui, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, met the three of them, and Jia Baoyu clearly felt the difference between closeness and estrangement. Yang Zhaorui was not from the Huaqing Emperor's faction, and he was a little sad. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials could not accept the emperor's approval Mastering, it can be seen that the decline of the imperial power has reached a limit. After the meeting, the three of them said a few words in a calm manner and then left. How, my Tanhua is the most valued expression. [

The Wenxuan Department is the head of the four departments under the Ministry of Officials. The five-rank doctor of the Wenxuan Department has more authority than the third-rank waiter. The current Wenxuan Department doctor is named Chen Fusheng. Farewell, but this time he was the closest to Jia Baoyu and the most alienated to Li Min. Jia Baoyu's mood improved a bit, but he also got a better understanding of the factional competition in the court. A department is so fierce, I'm afraid It is not bad in other places!While psychologically comforting, it is also a little sad. When will we be able to unanimously speak out like this!Dictatorship is still extremely important in many cases.

Chen Fusheng asked his subordinate officials to complete the relevant procedures for Zhang Yuan and the three of them quickly, and issued the corresponding tooth cards. This tooth card is the identity certificate of the official. The tooth card is made of ivory, the size of a thumb, and Jia Baoyu's name, official position and The yamen where he lives is hung on his belt, and he can pass in and out of the yamen in the future. Until now, Jia Baoyu is considered an official official.

There is also the allocation of residences. This is something that the Ministry of Industry has to do. However, Chen Fusheng only asked about Fang Han's situation. Li Min was wrong, and Jia Zheng belonged to the Ministry of Industry. No one in the manor knew why Jia Baoyu had to live in a place that was worse.

The Hanlin Academy is very close to the Ministry of Officials, and it only takes half an hour to arrive. There are three gates, facing East Chang'an Avenue. It looks a bit simple, but it is one of the most important places in the capital. The court is as important as the previous dynasty, but the people in it are more independent than ever, because they want to maintain Qingming, because they don't know how to express their positions clearly, otherwise they will be inappropriate if they say something It's not going well, because there can't be partisan disputes in this Imperial Academy, it can only be arguing about what is wrong, but this kind of Imperial Academy does a lot of things, it is a neutral faction, and the Imperial Academy's seal officer It was Meng Xiangjun, the outgoing minister of the Ministry of Rites, who was the leader of the neutral faction. Jia Baoyu reckoned that when Meng Xiangjun retired and returned to his hometown, the leader of the neutral faction might not be able to be truly neutral.

Although in this capital, this is the first time Jia Baoyu has seen it and entered the Imperial Academy. Naturally, there are some fresh feelings in it. Of course, because there are people around him who don’t like it, it will not be too fresh. What other expressions, pass the triple gate, and go to the main hall to pay a visit to the Bachelor Attendant of the Imperial Academy. The Bachelor Attendant is Jia Baoyu's room teacher, Li Weiguo, but what he did at this time shows that he has reached the peak, otherwise he would be afraid He went out a long time ago, and after exchanging greetings with the three of them, Li Weiguo directly explained the responsibilities of the three of them, editing history books. It's the business of the three of them, but some other things are also available, which the three of them don't know now.

After meeting a few more people, the three of them left. There is no need to do anything formally today, and even if it is formally done, it is very casual. In addition to my room teacher Li Weiguo, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, there is another person that Jia Baoyu cares about very much. Yes, Mei Yuanye, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, is the so-called Mei Hanlin. Jia Baoyu guessed that this is probably Baoqin's future father-in-law, Mei Hanlin. Of course, these are related to Jia Baoyu now, and Jia Baoyu has not seen him yet He passed Xue Baoqin, but this Mei Hanlin seemed to be not very friendly, which made Jia Baoyu a little displeased.

In this way, Jia Baoyu officially started his career in the Imperial Academy. Although there are people who have conflicts, Jia Baoyu still intends to enrich himself during this period. Otherwise, there is no way, three years is too short.

On April [-]th, the officials from the six ministries started to inspect the world. Jia Baoyu sent Jia Zheng a ride. If it is still like this in a year or two, he and Mrs. Wang will help find a solution, and don't worry about promising it to others. Jia Zheng is well-intentioned, and Jia Baoyu listens very well. Although he cares very much, But right now, love for children cannot be the focus. Although Jia Baoyu doesn't think there is anything more important than this, Jia Baoyu still has to work hard for this love for children.

Going to the Hanlin Academy every day to drink tea and have a meeting, and occasionally write two romantic poems. Jia Baoyu is the planner, planning according to the worst plan, and after the plan is completed, he will start to do everything that can be done. This Hanlin Academy can’t Blocking Jia Baoyu's pace, taking advantage of his position, Jia Baoyu read a lot of previous mansion newspapers and some historical books, hoping to find more ways for himself, his family, the country and the people. It was all the things that Jia Baoyu would do in the future.

Every day, the official staff of the Imperial Academy gave lectures to the concubine. Jia Baoyu listened to a few lectures curiously at first, but they were all useless things, so they stopped. This is normal. If they are all useful, how could they Still in the Imperial Academy, I am afraid that he has been in a high-level position long ago. Compared with Zhou Ping's experience, it is better. Jia Baoyu has already planned it before the meeting, and now he has started his career of borrowing books.

There is only one Mei Hanlin in the Hanlin Academy, so it can be confirmed that this is Baoqin's future father-in-law. Seeing this person, Jia Baoyu wants to see how Xue Baoqin is not inferior to Baochai. Unfortunately, I can't see him. Mr. Jia Baoyu You can't ask Baochai!Things will happen that way.

Mei Hanlin's son, Jia Baoyu, actually inquired about it. He is a dandy son without a bachelor at all. Jia Baoyu feels sorry for Baoqin. This Mei Hanlin and Li Weiguo are very different. The two are notoriously rivals. Little things are often debated.

On April 25th, Lin Xuan's arrangement was made. The county magistrate of Chang'an County is a very suitable place. Although it is not far from the capital, there are indeed no big family members there, and Chang'an Jiedu Envoy Yun Guang is a close person of Jia's family. , I am not afraid that Lin Xuan will not be able to use it, and Lin Xuan does not have much experience now, and there is a person who helps and teaches, which is conducive to Lin Xuan's development. After a year or two, Lin Xuan will be more mature. This is the final result after multiple considerations, and of course this is also related to the fact that there just happened to be a vacancy there.

Before Lin Xuan took office, he made a special trip to Jia's mansion. This was an official statement. Jia Baoyu, Jia Zhen, and Jia Lian met Lin Xuan together. It was a formal introduction. Lin Xuan's performance made Jia Zhen and the others very satisfied. He didn't show up from the beginning to the end. Lin Xuan was in Chang'an Mansion, not in the capital, and he had nothing to do with him. Jia She didn't have that kind of skill.

The county magistrate will go there the next day after receiving the notice. Chang'an County is close to here, because Lin Xuan can delay it for a few days, but he will officially take office on the 28th. Jia Baoyu sent Lin Xuan, He didn't come back that night, but he lived with Lin Xuan at Yunguang's house. This was to create momentum for Lin Xuan, and asking Yunguang to help him naturally couldn't be done with a simple letter. Second Master Bao should go in person. , and also meant to communicate, after all, it is the power of the Jia family, Jia Baoyu must now fully understand who can really help, and who should be used carefully.

The next day, Jia Baoyu went to visit Jin Ge's family, and asked about Ning Que's situation by the way, but it was just right. Ning Que just sent back a letter, and another letter was to be forwarded to Jia Baoyu. Okay, and he said that he might be promoted again in a year. Jia Baoyu knew that it was not as simple as Ning Que said. Ning Que reported good news but not bad news, but promotion is good after all. The family replied to Ning Que's letter, and then went back. The planned things had to be officially started.

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