
spn chapter 320 four finalized

She has made up her mind, but no matter how she opens her mouth, Mrs. Wang has no results, because she hasn’t said anything since morning until now. Mrs. Wang still has some psychological pressure to do this kind of thing, "Who made myself I gave birth to a good son." Mrs. Wang sighed, and if I don't talk about it now, I am afraid that this day will be over.

"Baochai, Daiyu, I have some questions to ask you?" In the end, the most direct method was adopted.

"Here we come." Baochai and Daiyu said in their hearts, this is what they have been waiting for for a day, the result depends on what Mrs. Wang means, and the three of them are actually a little excited. "Aunt" and "aunt" please tell me!Baochai and Daiyu said at the same time.

"What do you think of Baoyu?" It's not that Mrs. Wang doesn't know how to deal with things, it's just that it's hard to say it for the first time, but she has no scruples when she really says it, and she can see that Baochai and Daiyu are compared to her own. I need to put more thought into it. [

How smart the two of them are, they immediately understood after hearing Mrs. Wang's question, and couldn't help cheering up. This question can't be answered wrongly, but the two of them didn't know how to answer it, because it was just a matter of time There was a stalemate.

Mrs. Wang pretended to be a bit confused when she saw what she was asking, and it was hard for the two of them to answer her question, so she would be more direct, "I want to ask you if you like Baoyu and if you want to be with Baoyu." After a pause, Mrs. Wang said, "Whether you want to be a member of our family." Finally, Mrs. Wang felt a lot more relaxed when she said it all, but she complained about Jia Baoyu, so she knew to find something for herself, but after complaining Yu is happy, who makes Baoyu his pride.

Baochai and Daiyu looked at each other, but in the end it was Daiyu who said, "I don't know if Auntie said one or two." She only said it as if she was hurting herself. At this time, Daiyu felt that what she said about her elder brother Bao when she was angry in the past was a bit too much. It was really hard for elder brother Bao to coax her every time, and she was not angry once.

Mrs. Wang was delighted to hear Daiyu's question, which was already a disguised expression, "Where did Baoyu have the blessing to marry you both, but you also know this evil, and you have always made a decision. The cow can't be pulled back. I asked him last year, but he just didn't say anything. I asked him in every possible way before he said it. He said that Sister Bao and Sister Lin both like it, and they both want to marry. If they can't, they will become monks. , you are also older than a year, and it is almost time to talk about marriage. I have no choice. If you are promised to someone else by the old lady and sister, I don’t know what Baoyu will do. My life!" Mrs. Wang shed a few tears as she spoke.

Baochai and Daiyu were a little amused when they heard Mrs. Wang say that Jia Baoyu had been interrogated in various ways. They knew that Jia Baoyu would definitely not be like this. Somewhat caught off guard, the two were busy wiping away the tears of Mrs. Wang, and quickly consoled her.

"Brother Bao will be fine."

"Auntie, don't be sad."


"That's right! Auntie, we agreed, and no one said that we would promise to others." Mrs. Wang, who was still in tears, stopped crying when she heard Daiyu's words. It's true, you're not lying to me." This look was clearly waiting for Daiyu and Baochai to say this.

Baochai and Daiyu didn't think Mrs. Wang would cheat them, but this was what they wanted to say, since it was said, it would be impossible to take it back, Daiyu nodded, Baochai also said: " We made an agreement with Baoyu early on, but mother couldn't explain it."

"Let me say those things. I'm just afraid that you won't agree. Don't worry! Whether it's the old lady or the younger sister, leave it to me. This is what I should do." If it wasn't for the daughter-in-law who was afraid of being embarrassed by the two After running away, Mrs. Wang would definitely call herself a mother-in-law. Before she knew it, Mrs. Wang was so looking forward to making them her daughter-in-law.

"It's getting late, so let's go back first." Baochai and Daiyu exchanged glances again, and then got up to bid farewell to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang knew that this matter was a bit abrupt, and she also knew that the two of them were afraid to discuss it. Mrs. Wang would still give it such a little space, and the two agreed that Mrs. Wang would never let them go back on their word. Baochai and Dai Yu went out of Mrs. Wang's yard together.

A little girl outside the courtyard secretly said to Baochai: "Miss Bao, the second master has come and gone before." In fact, this is due to Baochai's normal life, and the little girl knows the relationship between several people, so she is not afraid that Jia Baoyu will be punished later, otherwise she would not dare to do so if she had ten courages.

After hearing this, the two of them knew that Jia Baoyu must have known it, and the shame in their hearts suddenly turned into a little anger towards Jia Baoyu. If they had ventilated with themselves beforehand, they wouldn't be like this. Now they are still a little afraid that they answered wrongly, " Let's go slower." Daiyu said to Baochai.

I have to say that both of them are very clear about Jia Baoyu's temperament, and know where Jia Baoyu must be waiting now. Of course, this is not really annoyed. The two want Jia Baoyu to wait. If you don't go back, then Jia Baoyu will definitely wait for several hours in vain. This is a little fun between the three of them.

Entering the courtyard, the two were cautious, and they saw Jia Baoyu's figure in the pavilion at the corner of the intersection ahead. The two stopped and did not move on. They were waiting for Jia Baoyu to get impatient and leave He will only come out if he agrees, and then he will be more confident when speaking, otherwise Jia Baoyu will become even more arrogant if he knows that the two have agreed.

The two just came back to their senses and looked over, but Jia Baoyu was nowhere to be seen, "What are you doing here secretly?" A sudden voice sounded, Baochai and Daiyu were startled, and Jia Baoyu quickly covered his eyes. Since Jia Baoyu had chosen a place, he would naturally look for a place where he could know where they were going at the first time. They knew Jia Baoyu, but Jia Baoyu treated them even more. clear.

Because of this posture, Jia Baoyu tried hugging left and right for the first time, and naturally he was unwilling to let go quickly. Baochai and Daiyu were just startled at first, after all, Jia Baoyu seemed to disappear suddenly, how familiar they were with Jia Baoyu Naturally, they knew who was holding them at the first time. Surprisingly, neither of them resisted. This is also a credit to Mrs. Wang's words. Some injustice. [

After a while, Daiyu said: "Don't let go, how long are you going to hold me?" There was a bit of coldness in her tone, which made Jia Baoyu a little unaccustomed to it. Could it be that Mrs. Wang didn't make it through? Probably not!Jia Baoyu was a little puzzled.

Not only Jia Baoyu, Baochai was also a little confused, but Daiyu secretly greeted Baochai, and Baochai understood that Daiyu didn't want Jia Baoyu to be so comfortable, but Jia Baoyu wanted Fengyue to give an answer , but Fengyue couldn't do it. Daiyu and the others are very human after all. Of course, it is also possible that Fengyue can do it but is unwilling to help.

"What's wrong with my sister, she was fine just now." Jia Baoyu looked at Daiyu and asked.

Daiyu just lowered her head, and when Jia Baoyu asked Hua Cai raised her head, "I didn't do well just now, Brother Bao, you just didn't notice, we rejected Auntie."

I have to say that Daiyu's disguise was so good this time that Jia Baoyu didn't realize it. This is a tone that Daiyu would not use on weekdays. Naturally, Jia Baoyu couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while, "Why reject that, we Isn't it good to be together?" Whether it is true or not, Jia Baoyu must explain well, clarify his point of view, stand, and express his firmness.

What Daiyu was about to say was at a loss for a while, she was afraid that what she had said would hurt her elder brother Baochai, so Daiyu looked at Baochai and signaled for Baochai to speak, at this point Baochai would naturally not Don't say anything, besides, she really has something to ask Jia Baoyu, now is the best opportunity, "We can't marry you together, and we really married Baoyu you together, which is higher and which is lower?" They can't tell the difference, if that's the case, it's better to retreat as soon as possible, so as not to get deeper and deeper, and then there's no way to get out." Naturally, Baochai didn't care about who was higher, but she wanted to know Jia Baoyu's thoughts.

Jia Baoyu was indeed stumped. Jia Baoyu had never considered the question of who is higher and who is lower. After a while, he shook his head and said: "You are all more important than my life in my heart, and you are more important to me. It is equally important to say that no matter who I am, I can't give up, and I can't judge which one is higher or lower. If you can still extricate yourself, I can't extricate yourself, and I can't let you retreat early, you guys It can only be mine, and no one can take it away." Jia Baoyu said and hugged the two of them tightly.

Feeling the strength of Jia Baoyu holding him, the two can also truly feel Jia Baoyu's friendship from it. Although what Jia Baoyu said is a bit reasonable and overbearing, but this is what the two of them look forward to, and they really love each other People don't want to hear that I give you freedom, "You are too lazy." Said Daiyu in Jia Baoyu's arms.

"It's a big shame." Baochai also responded in a rare way.

"I was forced to do it by you." Jia Baoyu naturally knew that the two had really lied to him, and he felt much relieved.

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