Chapter 550

What Jia Baoyu gave was of course the detailed information. Aunt Xue and Mrs. Wang agreed with each other after reading it. They didn't care how Jia Baoyu got so much information in such a short time, so they decided that it was Meng Qianqian. .

With Jia Baoyu's side assistance, it only took seven or eight days from the selection to the engagement, which can be regarded as a coherent process, and there were a few small twists and turns in the middle, but none of them affected the development of the matter.

Although things are going well for Xue Pan, other things are not like this. The suppression of the rebellion is not going well. These members of the White Lotus Sect have now grown to nearly ten thousand people. Some joined voluntarily, and some were forced. However, the number already exists, and they are collectively called the White Turban Army.

Although the strength gap between the two armies is still obvious, under the leadership of Wang Sanhuai, the White Lotus Sect does not love to fight.The White Turban Army from all over the country built fortresses and gathered dangers to defend them. However, the Hua Dynasty's army could not be defeated one by one, they could only be scattered. However, due to insufficient numbers, the attack was greatly frustrated. [

Simply put, the internal strife in the Kingdom of Jin was more of a problem, otherwise it would be internal and external troubles. The court had already discussed the matter of increasing troops, but because the situation was not critical and there were all kinds of nonsense, the result was that it was delayed.

Xue Pan made an appointment, and Jia Baoyu brought Baochai back as he wished. It stands to reason that everything is fine. No. 12 is the birthday of Daiyu and Xiren. Jia Baoyu is already ready for it. Let Daiyu's last birthday before marrying her be meaningful, but she didn't expect to be disrupted again.

The old concubine died (hong). This happened on the night of the [-]th. Jia Baoyu was in the palace all day on the [-]th, and he had been preparing for a long time to go back. Daiyu’s gifts and invitees were all ready. I want to come to a poetry meeting. Unexpectedly, when I got up early on the tenth, someone would hear such news.

All imperial edicts, etc. are entered into the court and follow the class according to the system of honor.An imperial decree to the world: all noble families are not allowed to have banquets and music for one year, and common people are not allowed to marry for three months.

Jiamu, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Youshi, etc. all went to the court every day to offer sacrifices, and did not return until they were upright.This will take 21 consecutive days to end, and the family is busy returning all the previous preparations, so Daiyu and Xiren's birthday cannot be celebrated.

Jia Baoyu could only give gifts to the two of them before rushing into the palace, and Jia Baoyu would pay homage on the first day, and there was no need to go there after that, after all, it was still a national event that was more important.

Not seeing Emperor Huaqing made Jia Baoyu very uneasy. Everyone knew about the relationship between Emperor Huaqing and the old concubine. Jia Baoyu was afraid that the old concubine would die suddenly, and Emperor Huaqing would be overwhelmed with grief , I am afraid that it will add a lot of changes.

Fortunately, what Jia Baoyu was worried about did not happen. Two days later, the court meeting to discuss whether to increase the number of troops started again. Jia Baoyu saw Emperor Huaqing. Although he was a little haggard, his health did not get worse. no problem.

Because I have to go on the 21st, there was nothing in the first two days, but after two days, everyone seemed extremely tired, and they had to deal with family affairs. Aunt Xue invited over and asked Aunt Xue to take care of it. Naturally, Aunt Xue couldn't refuse, so she brought Baochai back to the Grand View Garden.

This is what Jia Baoyu has worked hard for more than ten days, but now Baochai is half a minute busier than Jia Baoyu, so Jia Baoyu naturally doesn't want to make things worse.


Because of the issue of the title, the Jia family enjoyed the joy of silk and bamboo for a while, but other places are different. What should be happy in the folks is still happy, not to mention a place like a brothel, no matter what time it is, there will be no shortage of such places. lively.

Of the four big brothels back then, only Yixianju and Huamanlou have their own fame, and Yanyu Pavilion has long since disappeared because of Fang Qingyun's problem. Guxue Pavilion, which existed only for Ye Chuixue, naturally became a monk with Ye Chuixue And fell.

The current oiran of Yixianju is no longer Tang Yixian. This is not because Tang Yixian has been replaced by others, but Tang Yixian has retired on his own initiative. The new one is also surnamed Tang. Huge following.

But Huamanlou is still supported by Hua Wuyu, but Hua Xiaoyu's reputation has long been no less than Hua Wuyu, but she is well protected, even if many people want to spend a lot of money to get Hua Xiaoyu's first night All without success.

Jia Baoyu came back from the palace after another busy day, but he was stopped halfway. Jia Baoyu recognized that the person who blocked his car was the person from Huamanlou, and the people following him were trying to blow him up. Kai was stopped by Jia Baoyu, "Let him come over!" Jia Baoyu was very curious about what would happen, after all, he was an acquaintance, and if the problem was not serious, Jia Baoyu would help.

The man walked to Jia Baoyu's side and gave Jia Baoyu a letter respectfully. Jia Baoyu took it, looked at it, and frowned. Xiao Yu bought it, although Hua Wuyu was unwilling, but she was afraid of offending others, because she hoped that Jia Baoyu could help.

The frown is not because the matter is difficult, but because Hua Xiaoyu didn't write who the other party is. If Jia Baoyu has a good relationship with the Jia family, there is no need to hurt Jia Baoyu. Although he misses it very much, Jia Baoyu doesn't like it feelings.

When he was about to refuse, Jia Baoyu remembered what he said to Hua Wuyu in Huamanlou that time. Although he didn't say it in his own capacity at the time, Jia Baoyu didn't think it didn't count. There is no one who can't afford to offend in this. The ones who really can't afford to offend are either impossible to have something to do with this matter or offended a long time ago. [

Said to the messenger: "Go back and tell your girls that we still lack a maid in our house, so you can decide for yourself!"

The news spread back to Huamanlou, Hua Xiaoyu was a little annoyed, many people rushed to marry her and she didn't want to, so she was born to Jia Baoyu to be a maid, and she said it as if she was giving alms.

Hua Xiaoyu looked at the mirror for a long time, and she was sure that she was still beautiful. She was in a better mood, "I really have no vision, there is no one in your family who is better than me." Hua Xiaoyu touched her body, which was completely out of proportion to her height. Proportional chest.

In the midst of narcissism, Hua Wuyu came in, "Did you send someone to find Mr. Jia?" There was a bit of blame in Hua Wuyu's tone, blaming Hua Xiaoyu for not discussing things with herself, and also blaming herself for not discussing things with her. I have the ability to protect my sister.

Seeing that Hua Wuyu was angry, Hua Xiaoyu bowed her head and said, "I just don't want my sister to work so hard because of my work, and Xiaoyu can take care of herself, and I just like him, and everyone else is not good."

"But he doesn't like you! You've been paying attention to him for so long, don't you know? This is also a lustful person, no different from others, and she just asks you to be a maid for all your thoughts."

"The maids in his family are also much better than the wives in other families, this elder sister knows it too! Xiao Yu wants to make the final choice by herself."

Hua Wuyu looked at Hua Xiaoyu's face, with a rare firmness on her pretty face, so Hua Wuyu knew that what she said was useless, "If you want to go, go! It's all my sister's incompetence. In the end, I still can't protect you."

"My sister has done a good job." Hua Xiaoyu said softly, but helped Hua Wuyu wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The matter can be traced back to a month ago. Daoist Liu became more and more prosperous in this city, and he became a frequent visitor to Prince Zhongshun's mansion, talking about luck and health preservation, and even more so for Zhongshun. The prince increases his luck, but this method requires seven different kinds of women as assistants.

After a month of screening, five of them have already been selected. The last two are the most important, but they have not been found for a long time. Hua Xiaoyu was selected three days ago.

The person who came at that time was Taoist Liu's apprentice. Fortunately, Hua Wuyu also had a lot of disciples from aristocratic families, because they were not forcibly snatched away like the other five people, but when the other party left, it meant that three people were left behind. The time of the day, after three days, people will come to collect people.

Everyone knows that Daoist Liu has Lord Zhongshun behind him, so even if Hua Wuyu ran around in these three days, there would be no results. This is one of the reasons why Hua Xiaoyu took the initiative to find Jia Baoyu. one.

It is very easy for Jia Baoyu to know about the things that Prince Zhongshun wants to take care of. When he returned to the mansion, he asked someone to ask and he knew a general idea. Jia Baoyu didn't say anything about Hua Xiaoyu's careful thoughts. Even if Jia Baoyu didn't look at the wall, he knew it.

Offending Lord Zhongshun was something that Jia Baoyu couldn't be more happy about. It would be great if he could make Lord Zhongshun unhappy. Jia Baoyu has endured all kinds of things for a long time.

Thinking that it would be better to solve it quickly, after Jia Baoyu got the news, he sent someone to pick him up at Huamanlou, and he also told him, but don't be polite to anyone who hinders him, just hit him directly.

Most of the servants in Jia's mansion were trained by Jia Baoyu, and some of them deliberately strengthened their strength and had been idle for a long time. Naturally, they were very excited to receive such an order.

At the time of the pick-up, Taoist Liu's apprentice just happened to come to pick them up, beat them up and borrowed Hua Xiaoyu away.

And Taoist Liu was furious when Taoist Liu's apprentice returned to Taoist Liu with injuries all over his body. Taoist Liu became even more angry when he heard the specific process.

But before he left here, there was another message sent back from the other side. After hearing the news, Taoist Liu suspended his search for Jia Amnesty.

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