
spn (this chapter is free)

"Study and organize activities to select the top ten Miss Etiquette in the county" is the central topic of the leadership office meeting of the Longmen County Cultural Bureau.

Early in the morning, after receiving the notice from Director Xiaoliu of the office, Chen Yang had to think about this sudden issue.

The selection of Miss Etiquette is, to put it bluntly, a beauty pageant.

This kind of activity is indeed a child's play in the era of information explosion that Chen Yang once lived in.But right now, such activities have only been held in a few large coastal cities with a relatively high degree of openness, and public opinion is raging, with mixed praise and criticism. [

Isn't Longmen County, one of the few large cities at the forefront of reform and opening up, such as Shenzhen and Shanghai, engaging in such sensitive and shocking activities in such a small place at such a time?

Hehe, this old grandson went to the south a few days ago, did he get his head pinched by the ladies over there?Want to send a few girls to the county magistrate and secretaries?Is he really not afraid of losing his official hat?

Chen Yang sneered, picked up the freshly brewed hot tea, and took a sip.

As soon as the warm tea arrived in his stomach, he settled his attitude towards the meeting in his heart—neither agreeing nor disapproving, to put it bluntly, he had no attitude at all.If Lao Sun insisted on intervening himself, then the degree of intervention should be as shallow as possible, and there was no need to ruin his bright future just to please the county leaders.

Putting down the teacup, Chen Yang opened the second drawer on the right hand side, took out a box of freshly unsealed Zhonghua from it, took out one and lit it, then picked up today's Longmen Daily on the table, glanced at the newspaper on the eyebrows The time, May 1994, 5, read it very carefully.

A cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, a morning newspaper and a few party magazines, if there is nothing else, then these are all of Chen Yang's work every morning.

It's not that he has no enthusiasm for work, but that the cultural life of the masses is very poor these days, and their small county cultural bureau really doesn't have much to do, especially after he became the deputy secretary of the bureau's party group, this situation has become It's getting worse.

The headline of today's county newspaper was about the reform of the wage system. Chen Yang estimated his own wage standard in his mind with reference to the policy, and it was nearly 500 yuan.Not bad, about a hundred dollars longer than before.

But when he looked back and saw the Chunghwa cigarettes in his hand, he couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. With this dead salary alone, he really didn't know that he would have to work for a long time to make up the loan owed by the manager.

Half an hour later, Chen Yang appeared punctually in the small conference hall where the bureau's party committee usually holds meetings.In his hand was a teacup, a notebook, and a pen in addition.

A total of five people participated in this seminar. In addition to the director and party secretary Sun Hai and Chen Yang, there were also two deputy directors and Director Liu of the office.

The man with a round face and a protruding belly sitting on Sun Hai's left is called Wang Lian, the executive deputy director of the bureau, in charge of cinema, press and publication, and investment promotion; Si glasses is mainly in charge of the county theater troupe and the performance team going to the countryside. He himself was also transferred from the county theater troupe.

Director Liu in the office sat at the head of the long conference table and was in charge of recording work. There were not many people in the bureau, and there was never such a thing as a secretarial department.In addition, this meeting was a high-level meeting, so Director Liu also worked as a secretary.

Soon, after everyone arrived, Sun Hai repeated the agenda of the meeting straight to the point, and then drank two sips of tea, saying that he wanted to hear the opinions of the big guys, and everyone present can speak freely.

It's a pity that although everyone here is not a big official, they are all veterans in the officialdom. The youngest Chen Yang looks like a stunned young man, but he is a reborn person. His opinions are comparable to these veterans. The child is more than one grade higher.Therefore, after a while, some people were thirsty and drank tea, some people pretended to be in deep thought, but no one responded to Sun Hai.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Sun Hai saw that he coughed several times and still no one commented, so he couldn't sit still, and said again: "It seems that everyone is more cautious about the selection of Miss Manners. "

After a pause, he looked around, "Since this is the case, I think it is necessary to explain the importance of organizing this event first. Oh, Xiao Liu, please take more notes, and you will write a report to the county party committee after the meeting."

Director Liu nodded, and opened his notebook to prepare for recording.Everyone also straightened their backs one after another. After all, Sun Hai mentioned the county committee just now, and that was unusual.At the same time, there were speculations about which leader of the county party committee instructed Sun Hai to carry out such an activity.Chen Yang was secretly curious, and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

Satisfied with everyone's reaction, Sun Hai nodded and continued: "The answer to why this activity is actually very simple is to enhance the openness of our Longmen County and establish a good and open new image of our Longmen County to the outside world. The monthly investment promotion in the county will make a foreground and lay a foundation. For this, we must first have a consensus." Sun Hai seemed to be afraid that his tone was not high enough, and then added, "Frankly speaking, , This is not my idea, I don't have this level. This is the title given to our Cultural Bureau by Secretary Tan of the county party committee, and it is also the expectation placed by the county party committee and county government on cultural work in the new era."[

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

Secretary Tan of the county party committee is the current leader of Longmen County. There are many rumors about him in the society, but they are all romantic affairs related to women's waistbands.Since this beauty pageant has been connected with the number one pervert in Longmen County, it's good that nothing happens. If something happens, then no one will be left behind.

"Okay, that's about all I want to say. If you have any different ideas, you can directly bring them up at the meeting." After speaking, Sun Hai quickly learned the lesson just now, and looked at the Lu Tong, motioned for him to express his opinion first.

Lu Tong had no choice but to move the frame of his glasses, and said in harmony, "Secretary Tan gave us a problem in the bureau, so we have to write a good article. Director Sun, I think this is a good idea, and the event will be done well." It will definitely cause a sensation and make an important contribution to our county's investment promotion meeting. What do you think?"

Lu Tong looked at Chen Yang and Wang Lian on the opposite side very technically. It was like throwing a brick to attract jade, and at the same time, it also led the disaster to Jiangdong.

Chen Yang and Wang Lian had no choice but to nod their heads to express their agreement, but there was a tacit understanding and they just said "um" and "ah" twice.

Sun Hai saw that the two of them had also expressed their opinions, and knew that this was the most positive way for them, so he promptly entered the next discussion topic: "Since everyone's opinions are unified, let's hurry up and discuss The framework of the working organization has been set up. The selection activities involve a wide range of areas and a large workload, and the director, secretary-general and members of each working group are clearly defined, so that the work can be started immediately.”

Speaking of this, Sun Hai stopped suddenly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and lit it, took a deep breath with a distressed expression, and said with deep pain: "About the establishment of the organizing committee, I would like to Let me talk about my personal opinion. This selection activity is a major event for our Cultural Bureau, and I should be in charge of it myself." Then, he changed the subject suddenly, "However, some time ago, I talked to the comrades in the cultural department of the city. When we went out for an inspection, we were criticized by the deputy mayor Tian who led the team. He said that we old comrades on the cultural front do not pay much attention to the training of young cadres, and we hold the power in our hands too tightly. The city’s spiritual civilization has been failing, like a pool of stagnant water. Vice Mayor Tian’s criticism made me feel very ashamed.”

As he said, Sun Hai glanced at Chen Yang who was sitting on the slope, "Therefore, for this selection activity, I suggest that Deputy Secretary Chen take the lead and serve as the director of the organizing committee to fully coordinate this activity; The road is wide, and the relationship with some businesses is also good. He will be the secretary-general of the organizing committee, mainly responsible for sponsorship matters; Director Lu will be the executive deputy secretary-general, mainly responsible for competition matters; as for myself, I will do my best this time. Those who go to do a good job of logistics for everyone, and wherever there are difficulties and needs, I will go to any post to help. This division of labor, everyone can put forward any opinions, if not, then it will be decided like this."

What's your opinion?

Apart from Chen Yang, I am afraid that no one here will have other opinions.

Everyone knows that it is not easy to be the director of this draft event. The general environment is like this. It is basically impossible to make a name for yourself, but there is a great possibility of accidents. Otherwise, Sun Hai would not take the initiative Let Xian.What deputy mayor Tian's criticism, what about grasping power too tightly, are all bullshit.Moreover, Sun Hai thought very carefully, and allocated the most lucrative secretary-general position to the two deputy directors, Wang and Lu.What is it about sponsorship and competition?well known by all people!

As for Chen Yang, he is the deputy secretary with the lowest qualifications in the bureau, so I have to apologize to you!If you're not the tank jacker, who will be?

Sure enough, as soon as Sun Hai finished speaking, Wang Lian, who had been silent all this time, almost rushed to speak: "I completely agree with Director Sun's opinion. To be honest, Deputy Secretary Chen, as a cadre assigned by the regiment system, has done a solid job. I have always admired the outstanding achievements. Take the matter of protecting the ancient tomb in Fenghuangtun as an example, Deputy Secretary Chen performed very well. This time Director Sun chose this leader. I have no complaints, and I will definitely do my best to cooperate with Deputy Secretary Chen's work and be the Secretary-General well."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded to Sun Hai, expressing his humility, but he had already scolded in his heart: "Hey, you old fox, don't you usually bluster all day long and say that the cadres of our regiment system have no real skills?" , will you talk about theory but not practice? Now that disaster is approaching, your mouth has become sweeter."

"Hehe, Director Wang's attitude is very good, it's worth learning from." Sun Hai laughed in satisfaction, and glanced at Lu Tong.

"I also raise my hands to agree with Director Sun's opinion, and fully cooperate with Secretary Chen Fu to do the competition work well." Lu Tong was robbed by Wang Lian just now, and he felt a little annoyed. When Sun Hai glanced over, he immediately patted his chest Guaranteed.

The Party Committee of the County Cultural Bureau is very weird. There are only four votes in total, which is still an even number.Now three of the votes have been agreed, leaving only Chen Yang's important vote.

Of course, for the purpose of caring for comrades, it is still necessary to ask about invalid tickets.The pained look on Sun Hai's face had already disappeared, and he asked Chen Yang with a smile: "Deputy Secretary Chen, what's your opinion? Of course, you must not carry too much burden on your mind, just speak up if you have any difficulties, Don't worry, we old comrades will go all out to support your work."

Chen Yang took a sip of tea, and thought about it in his mind. Looking at his posture, he seemed to be wearing the big hat of draft director.After pondering for a while, he said: "Director Sun, I am very grateful to the bureau's party committee for trusting me, and I am also confident to successfully complete the task assigned to me by the organization."

Sun Hai smiled and nodded.But then, Chen Yang changed the subject and said again: "But, after all, I have only worked in our bureau for two years, and I still need to learn a lot from the old comrades. This time, I rashly accepted this task. I I feel a little inappropriate, and it would be better for the Bureau Party Committee to appoint someone as the deputy director of the organizing committee to supervise my work, so that I can make a timely U-turn if things go astray.”

Chen Yang cleverly added the title of deputy director. Could it be that he wanted to bring Sun Hai in, and wanted to be alone?There are no doors! [

Sun Hai weighed it in his heart, and finally nodded in agreement.Chen Yang saw him smiling, but he didn't know how he was scolding his mother in his heart!

It should be said that the group meeting of the party committee of the bureau was very successful. Although Sun Hai reluctantly assumed the position of deputy director, the biggest unlucky guy has already been picked up by someone. an explanation.If this matter is really done well, he can say that it is the credit of his guidance behind the scenes, and if there is a mistake, he can easily get away.He raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "It's been half an hour since get off work, so let's set the big plate first."

Before he could finish speaking, Director Liu, who had been taking notes, reminded: "Director Sun, since it's been delayed, why don't you let me go to Xiyuan Hotel to arrange a working meal."

Several people looked at each other and laughed out loud.

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