The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 203 Why are you?

Chapter [-] Why are you?

"Xiao Ye, after the National People's Congress is over this time, I guess you should be able to move?" Fatty Gao Jiankui asked Ye Chengdao with a smile.

Hearing this, Ye Cheng had a helpless smile on his face, "Hehe, it's nothing, Brother Gao, don't listen to the rumors circulating in the market, how long have I been in Liaodong." Then he shook his head and said, "How many times?" Brother, don't praise me, for this work, the old man at home has trained me a lot, I still have to do things in a down-to-earth manner, and be an honest person."

When the name of the old man of the Ye family was mentioned, everyone was in awe.

And Ye Cheng was very interested in talking, and then sighed with emotion: "After this people's meeting is over, my old man can finally retire and enjoy his life. Think about it, the old man has devoted almost all of his life to the party and the people." Alas, in our generation, how many people can have such a broad mind for the country and the people of the old man's generation."

Ye Cheng sighed and sighed, and his words resonated with everyone around him. Although everyone is not a fuel-efficient lamp in order to fight for power and profit in the officialdom, but after reaching a certain height, they see it relatively lightly.And this is also a realm that Ye Cheng's generation pursued.

Of course, at this stage, he is far from reaching this level.When he talked about the old man's retreat, he could get a glimpse of the complicated look on his handsome brows.

However, this complex expression flashed in his eyes, and soon, he adjusted his mentality and returned to his normal expression.

It's no wonder that the old man of the Ye family will definitely retire this time, but the impact of the old man's retirement on the Ye family is not too great. Cao Tianhua, Ye Cheng's eldest uncle and the current representative of the Ye family, is the current The secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee, according to sources, said that after this change of office, if there were no major accidents, Cao Tianhua would smoothly become one of the nine elders of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

As for Ye Cheng himself, the faction has already made arrangements. He is very likely to return to work in the Yanjing Municipal Committee. It is hard to say what position he will be in. However, after more than three years of experience abroad, he has returned to the power center of the Republic, and his future is natural. It is bright, and Gao Jiankui mentioned whether Ye Cheng will move or not, this is what he refers to.

Of course, these are gossip rumors circulating among high-level officials, and there is no official document to back them up.But then again, it's not without reason.

Afterwards, several people discussed some more sensitive issues one after another, because they are all senior cadres with status, and everyone chatted openly, and they did not shy away from talking about major policies of some countries. Although the discussion in the Internet is also gossip, it is not the same as the gossip of ordinary people.

Chen Yang was listening to the people in Yecheng pointing out the country without shame. To put it bluntly, he was completely embarrassed to hear them talking about the mountains.

Also, it's really not that pleasant to be left alone, especially in this kind of situation.

Moreover, although Ye Cheng looked polite on the surface and even took the initiative to greet him, Chen Yang was clear in his heart. Behind Ye Cheng's hypocritical smile, his most real thought was probably that he wanted to give himself to him on the spot. Disassemble eight pieces.

In fact, the two of them never forgot the scene when they were born in Lingshan Villa outside Yanjing.Back then, because of Min Rou's relationship, Chen Yang led a team of his father's men to seal off Ye Cheng's secret villa. As a result, not only did people beat Ye Cheng violently, but in the end even his right hand, Ye Cheng The serious injury on his body has healed up long ago, but if you observe carefully enough, you can still see that Ye Cheng's right foot has a slight tiptoe habit when walking, which should be the sequelae of that serious injury .

For members of the princelings with the deepest roots in Yanjing like Ye Cheng, how could such a bloody enmity be forgotten with the passage of time?

And Ye Cheng was discussing current affairs with his close group friends at the moment, in a sense, it was also a demonstration against Chen Yang.He is an outstanding representative of the third generation of the Ye family. If he develops smoothly in the future, he will definitely get the full support of the Ye family. Even, if the relationship in all aspects is straightened out, he is satisfied with his work performance, and with the full support of his faction, he will become a leader in the future. The successor is not a fantasy.

As mentioned earlier, this change of office does not have too much impact on the Ye family, but it has a profound impact on the Chen family. At least, among the nine standing committee members, there will definitely be no representative of the Chen family, and this is likely to be deadly.If he loses again in the next reshuffle of the 24 members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, it will be an even more catastrophic blow to Chen Xi.

Ye Cheng is obviously well aware of the general political situation in the country. In the past few years, he has endured humiliation and forcibly suppressed this monstrous resentment, just to wait for the right time to take revenge.

This bad breath has been held in his chest for three years, and now, with the fading out of the old Mr. Chen this time, he believes that the time for him to take revenge for that year's revenge is not far away.

After chatting for a while, Ye Cheng looked at Chen Yang with a smile, and flattered him a little: "By the way, Comrade Chen Yang, not long ago I had time to study and study in Jiangnan Province, and I went to Jiaozhou to see it. Look, the expansion and achievements of the Xinzhuang Development Zone you established a few years ago are simply breathtaking, if I have time, I really want to discuss it with you."

Chen Yang's heart sank when he heard the words. Ye Cheng's words were obviously not just casually, let alone sincerely flattering himself. What can he learn from going to an inland province like Jiangnan Province?Also made a special trip to Jiaozhou?Could it be that this guy still has a heart for Min Rou?But I haven't heard Min Rou mention this matter.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Chen Yang's face, and he didn't answer the other party's remarks, but decided not to give the other party a chance to demonstrate, and nodded slightly at a few people, motioning: "Everyone, I'm sorry, you are slow!" Let’s chat slowly, I still have to prepare a speech, so I’m sorry.”

When Ye Cheng and the others heard this, their faces changed slightly in unison.Although they are all excellent people in their respective units, in this venue, their status is similar to that of Chen Yang, they are all small roles, and those who can speak at this level of seminar, according to what they learned about the meeting In addition to the principal's important speech at this meeting, only the leaders of several provinces will have the opportunity to speak on stage, and Chen Yang, a small character who is similar to them, suddenly made such a sentence, which really made them feel Shocked.

Fortunately, a few of them have been immersed in officialdom for more than ten years. Although they were horrified in their hearts, the expressions on their faces changed slightly. Moreover, Chen Yang was not left behind in this public place. Meaning, it can only be suppressing the shock in my heart, watching Chen Yang leave carelessly.

"Xiao Ye, what is the background of this Xizhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary?"

When Chen Yang turned around and walked a little further away, Secretary Xiao Hua, who had always been unsmiling from Xijiang Province, suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, brother Xiao, there are not many old men surnamed Chen in the Politburo."

Ye Cheng said with a faint smile, although there was a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to hide a trace of gloom, and they always loomed over Chen Yang who had gone away.

Xiao Hua and the others were not stunned anymore, they were all startled when they heard the words, they just let out a light "oh" as if they had suddenly realized, and glanced at Chen Yang who was walking far away to his seat again.

But their soft "oh", the content contained is very intriguing.

Although Chen Yang didn't have eyes in the back of his head, he could guess with his butt that these group members were probably watching his every move with their eyes, but he ignored these complicated eyes and walked straight to the fifth row He took the seat on the far right.

From the relatively remote seat arranged for him by the organizer, it can be easily judged that his position in the seminar of the core members of this group is indeed not very important.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's mentality was relatively correct, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He glanced to the side and saw that there were people from Yecheng written on the boards on the counter two or three seats away. The name, he sneered in his heart, these bird people, bragging about blowing the cowhide to the sky, to put it bluntly, they are not just small characters.At least, at this point in time, everyone is on the same starting line, and he has not lost to anyone.

He took out the prepared speech from the briefcase he carried with him, spread it out and read it carefully, wanting to deepen his impression a little before the meeting. Picking up the cup and weighing it, the cup was very light, only then did I realize that there was no water in the cup.

How did it happen?Is the service in the office too inadequate?Such an important meeting without even preparing a glass of water?

When I was feeling a little depressed, someone suddenly asked next to my ear: "Comrade, do you need hot water?"

This is a very gentle and decent female voice. Judging from the words expressed, it should be a staff member who provides logistics services for this meeting.

"Well, thank you."

Chen Yang lowered his head and focused on looking at the materials, while putting the porcelain cup aside.

But who knows, before he put the cup back on the table, his face suddenly changed, and his right hand shivered suddenly.


With a soft sound, Chen Yang was careless and almost dropped the porcelain cup to the ground.

In the next second, he suddenly turned his head to look at the lesbian next to him, and blurted out dumbfounded: "Why are you?"

This lesbian is not overbearing, nor is she an ugly monster. Of course, an ugly monster has no chance to serve the leader.On the contrary, no matter which standard is used to judge, this lesbian can definitely be called a first-class beauty. A small open-necked long-sleeved white shirt is tied into a black waist skirt, with a pair of flesh-colored stockings underneath. The black round-toed low-heeled leather shoes, although dressed in a simple and orthodox manner, easily showed off her good figure.

However, she was not as abnormal as Chen Yang's, and she still had a very comfortable and gentle expression. At the same time, as if she hadn't heard Chen Yang's question, she finished the pouring work calmly, and then carried her with her. The thermos bottle that came over went out towards the side door.

And she never said a word during the whole service process, and her psychological quality really made Chen Yang sigh.

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