Chapter [-] Asking For Trouble

Chen Yang followed Lu Nian, left the meeting room of the Great Hall of the People all the way, and then went straight to a secret backyard. Looking at Lu Nian's straight back, Chen Yang wanted to go up and get close to this big secret Lu several times. But in the end I held back.

Of course, he didn't do this for the so-called secretary route. Although Lu Nian can be said to be the top secretary in the country, I don't know how many officials have sharpened their heads to get in touch with him, but for Chen Yang Those who were born, had been exposed to it when they were young, so they don't really need to use this kind of secret power.And in fact, since Chen Yang started his work, he has never really gone through anyone's door. Other officials need to work hard to study and consider the relationship issues. He never needs to think about it. He knows very well. For myself, I only need to do one thing well, which is to do practical things, or political achievements, that can be seen by high-level officials in the true sense.

This is how he has come all the way. Although there have been some ups and downs in the process, at least so far, he has never been too worried about his official position. As long as he has achieved results, he can talk about anything, including his current It is a matter of course for official positions at the main hall level.It's just that at this level, if he wants to go up, he needs to think about more things.

Although the old man has retired, the Chen family is still a big tree after all, there are still many senior cadres, there are many members of the Central Committee, and there will definitely be core-level senior members who will become members of the Politburo.In the future, Chen Yang will definitely rely on the strengths of the Chen family, but these are just for help. What he really values ​​is that he must follow the line of the principal, otherwise, his structure may only be positioned to become a local official in the future up.This is actually what he has been doing since he became an official. Without the cause of the previous ten years, naturally there would not be the result of being able to finish the group core and participate in the symposium hosted by the principal himself in this conference.

After talking so much, going back to the front, the reason why he wanted to get close to Lu Dabi was nothing more than to inquire about the situation of the little boy that Mr. Fang was holding that he saw downstairs that day. Fang Tong and the staff around him must know a lot of inside information.

But it is a pity that he hesitated for a moment, and missed the opportunity. The distance between Fang Tong and the resting place was not far away. Chic small yard.

Lu Nian stopped in front of a room that looked like an office and a lounge at the same time, knocked lightly on the door, and asked respectfully, "Master, Comrade Chen Yang from Xizhou has arrived."

"Well, let him in."

Fang Tonghe's slightly hoarse voice came from inside.His voice had always been loud before, and it was obvious that his voice was hoarse and dry due to the heavy workload during the meeting.But long is long, no matter what kind of voice it is, it gives people an invisible coercion.Even though there is a heavy wooden door now, Chen Yang's heartbeat still increases slightly. Of course, the main reason is that he is still somewhat guilty.

"Hey, I don't know if Fang Tonghe knows about Fang Qing's relationship with me? But Fang Tonghe is so busy, and every day he deals with important national affairs, how can he have time to care about his own business with Fang Qing? I don't really pay much attention to Fang Qing, the youngest daughter, looking at how she used to be, Fang Qing kissed her elder brother more." Chen Yang's heart was heavy, his mood was a little turbulent, and he was thinking a little too much.

"Forget it, anyway, stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife. Besides, I didn't know that Fang Qing would be so difficult. Since the matter has already happened, it is useless to talk about it!"

After secretly cheering himself up in his heart, with this rogue mentality, after Lu Nian pushed the door open, he immediately walked into the room with steady steps.

After entering the room, Chen Yang called out to Fang Tonghe who was resting on the sofa: "Hello, Prime Minister Fang."

Then from the corner of his eye, he took a look at the interior decoration, and found that it was just an ordinary office, including Changsha, coffee table and other supporting furniture, and Fang Tonghe was slowly sipping a cup of hot tea at the moment. There is a thin publication that looks like a magazine, but it is definitely not a gossip magazine. It is probably a publication with a high level of confidentiality and internal reference. After he entered the room, he looked up at him. A simple greeting: "Sit."

Chen Yang sat down honestly as he said. Although Fang Tonghe was very approachable and waved his hand to indicate that the place to sit was next to him, he didn't dare to sit so close to the leader. He sat down at his place, and he had been a local leader for a while, as soon as his butt touched the soft sand, his body immediately sank into the sand habitually. Fortunately, he thought it wrong, it was not his own In the office, I immediately lifted my crotch quietly, trying to sit upright, I didn't know where to put my hands, so I could only put them on my knees like a soldier.

Fang Tonghe easily sensed Chen Yang's nervousness. After Lu Nian put a cup of hot tea in front of Chen Yang and closed the door to leave, he waved his hand and joked, "Hehe, Chen Yang, I'm not Your father, you don't have to be so nervous."

Fang Tonghe's attitude made Chen Yang even more nervous. He had carefully collected some information about Fang Tonghe, and he knew that this cheap father-in-law, in the eyes of the media and the outside world, was a milder character among the leaders of the new world. One, but from some officials in Jiangnan Province, this cheap father-in-law definitely looks kind, but his wrists belong to a ruthless character like a butcher. Others are cold-faced and warm-hearted, but Fang Tonghe is absolutely warm-hearted and cold-hearted. If he really caught his eye, it would be unlucky for sure.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and his back began to sweat suddenly. He could only squeeze out a smile, and asked straight to the point: "Prime Minister Fang, you came to me."

Before he finished his question, Fang Tonghe interrupted him with a wave of his hand, then put down the teacup, leaned towards the back of the sand slowly, put his hands on the armrest of the sand, and without looking at Chen Yang, said slowly: "Just now At the seminar, I didn’t hear much from you. Now I want to hear some of your real thoughts. You can talk about any aspect you want. You don’t need to have any psychological burden, but I must listen to the truth. "

Although Fang Tonghe's proposition was very broad, Chen Yang was really relieved. As long as Fang Tonghe didn't ask him to come here because he didn't get entangled in the mess between him and Fang Qing, then everything would be fine.His mind ran at the speed of the computer for a while, and he quickly found the point of focus. He started with Wu Zhenbang's question at the meeting just now. He didn't have a chance to say it before. Since he has such a precious opportunity at this time, he naturally has to follow up. When the leader talked about his ideas, firstly, it was to defend himself, and secondly, it was because of his foresight of the future. He knew some major trends in the future of the real estate industry, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and hoped to introduce some conflicts that will definitely arise in the future. Do some advance prevention for leadership decisions.

After making up his mind, he stopped hesitating and said immediately, "Prime Minister Fang, just now a representative of the National People's Congress raised a rather sharp question. You must know that the problem is in Xizhou. I dare not explain too much here. Just to share some thoughts."

Fang Tonghe seemed to know that Chen Yang would start from here, and he obviously kept a high degree of attention to real estate, one of the wheels driving economic development. When he heard Chen Yang talk about the topic, he also put away his kind face just now, and his face gradually changed. He sank down and motioned, "Go ahead."

Chen Yang didn't dare to be negligent. He was in the real estate business in his previous life, so he saw the problems clearly, so he didn't need to prepare a draft in advance. He opened his mouth and said, "Prime Minister Fang, I want to talk about something first. For economic development, I personally always believe that real estate will still become the locomotive driving the rapid development of the domestic economy for a long time. The central government’s policies are very strict, and personally speaking, I have never planned to use administrative means in my heart To intervene and hinder the development of the market is just to make some tentative adjustments to some new problems in the market. This is only for the very individual market of Xizhou. Of course, there are some problems about the real estate industry in Xizhou. , It seems to be just a case, but I always think that Xizhou just exposed the contradictions in advance, and these problems should have a certain universality in the future."

Chen Yang’s point of view is very clear. At the current stage, the central government still supports the development of the real estate industry, and the policy environment is also good. This industry is also a sunrise industry. There are contradictions, but they are not prominent, and it is far from reaching the needs of the country. The extent of the blow.As for the rapid rise of housing prices in Xizhou in a short period of time, the root cause is that he offended the big bosses in the Lingxi business district. This is a relatively weird phenomenon that violates the laws of the market.

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then observed Fang Tonghe's expression from the corner of his eye. He found that Fang Tonghe's face was very serious, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking, so he could only bite his head and continue to talk about it broadly and broadly. Let's talk.And he has a deep understanding of this industry, and he is worried about the many social conflicts brought about by the real estate industry in future generations. While chatting, he didn't pay attention to his identity all of a sudden. He talked a little more and stood at a different height. up.

Fang Tonghe had been listening to Chen Yang's long speech. After more than ten minutes, after Chen Yang finished speaking, he still didn't make any statement. Instead, he pointed to the thin book on the coffee table in front of him, "This is what the office just said. The internal reference compiled is a summary of some sharp opinions put forward by representatives of various places in the past two days. Take a look first. You mentioned health and epidemic prevention, SARS issues, and the possibility of an outbreak in the future at the seminar yesterday. The financial crisis caused by the US subprime mortgage, I am interested in these two issues, you will talk about it later, I want to hear what your basis is."

Chen Yang's heart tightened when he heard the words. If the subprime mortgage crisis can be solved with his rich theories, then **'s prediction is a bit like a magic stick.

Damn, this time I really got myself into trouble.

When he was hesitating how to start the conversation, there was a light knock on the door, and Secretary Lu's voice sounded outside: "Master, Miss Fang is here."

The expression on Fang Tonghe's face remained unchanged, but he gave Chen Yang a sideways glance unexpectedly, and then said calmly, "Well, tell her to wait next door first."

Chen Yang's face was covered with sweat, but he didn't bother to wipe it off. What the fuck, the financial crisis has long been forgotten.

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