Chapter [-] Competition

Fang Qing didn't intend to answer Chen Yang, and then continued to say with a blank face: "My father called me here two days ago to talk about Xiaojun. He meant that no matter what, you They are all Xiaojun's biological father, so I have to let you know about it."

Chen Yang also had no expression on his face, but in his heart he disagreed with what Fang Qing or Fang Tonghe said. If Vice Premier Fang was so open-minded, why didn't Fang Qing tell him a few years ago?He had to wait until his son was able to run and talk before revealing the matter, making it feel like pity for himself.

He is more willing to believe that the reason why Fang Tonghe made such an arrangement today should be one of the results of Fang Tonghe's special trip to their old man's office building and talks with the old man that day.In fact, when Fang Tonghe took Xiaojun to the old man's office downstairs that day, he was already very suspicious, and what Fang Qing said at this time also confirmed his suspicion.

He was patiently waiting for Fang Qing to continue talking, but Fang Qing kept her mouth shut, her hands clasped in front of her legs, her eyes were a little distracted, and she never talked to Chen Yang. Their gazes exchanged.

"That's all?" Chen Yang blurted out in surprise, "Your father asked you to tell me this?"

"Then what else do you want?" Fang Qing turned her gaze back, as if realizing what Chen Yang wanted to say next, her expressionless pretty face immediately changed, covered with a layer of frost, her expression There was also a little more vigilance in the room.

"I don't want to do anything, I just know that since Xiaojun is my son, I want him to recognize his ancestors."

Chen Yang replied coldly, with a bit of arrogance in his words, but in fact even he himself had to admit at this moment that this arrogance was as ridiculous as the self-confidence on Don Quixote's face, and it was worthless. It's worth it, and the other thing is that you can't bluff people, even if Fang Qing is a woman, you can't bluff people.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the originally quiet bedroom was immediately broken by a sneer.

"Chen Yang, to be honest, I really admire you. Now, you actually dare to make such a request? Let Xiaojun follow you? Haha, you really know how to joke, Xiaojun is three years old today It's been two months and 25 days, ask yourself, have you raised him or taught him? You, to this day, you still dare to make such an illegal request to me? You can really do it!"

Fang Qing snorted with a sneer. When she spoke, her towering chest heaved violently, obviously very angry at Chen Yang's words.

"It's not my problem, it's you who didn't tell me the truth."

Chen Yang said in a cold voice word by word.In fact, he doesn't feel much guilt now, and he is not responsible for the current situation. If Fang Qing can confess to him when she is pregnant, he has a lot of ways to make his son live with him since he was a child, even if Fang Qing It's not convenient for him, he can also be handed over to Xian'er or Xiang Jin to be raised, but now, his son has fallen into the clutches of the Fang family, which is obviously already a luxury.Although he didn't know what Fang Tonghe's plan was, if he wanted to take his son away from Fang's family easily, it was almost an impossible task for him now.

"Huh, it's really funny. Your wife has a lot of lovers. Why should I tell you? I worked so hard to conceive and give birth, but now you are doing well. I just want to return my son in a few words. Huh, don't be wishful thinking. My son has been in love with you from beginning to end." It belongs to me alone." Fang Qing is worthy of being a professional who has worked in the TV station, and she speaks one set of words, reasonable and beneficial.

When Chen Yang heard the words, his chest was filled with suffocation, and he couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

In Fang Qing's heart, Xiaojun is her darling, and his status in her heart is far higher than Chen Yang's.Although she also knew that even if she agreed, her father would never allow Xiaojun to leave Fang's house, but when she heard that Chen Yang was so tough to take away his precious son, this person who had appeared in her dreams countless times When the scene of seizing the child really appeared in front of her eyes, she would still inevitably have wild thoughts and panic.

Thinking of this, she regretted listening to her father's words, and brought her son here. She only hoped that Chen Yang would leave quickly, and immediately said in words: "Chen Yang, I warn you, Xiaojun belongs to me alone. Men, even if Xiaojun accidentally sees you on the street, he will just call you uncle!"

"What did you say!"

Chen Yang's suppressed anger burst out at this moment. In anger, he raised his hand and threatened Fang Qing.

Fang Qing was not afraid at all, she raised her neck slightly, glared at Chen Yang with a cold face, and a thin layer of mist welled up in her eye sockets.

"You!" Chen Yang's palm was stuck in the air, "Don't think I dare not hit you!"

"Give it a try if you can. I want to see if you can still leave this room." Fang Qing snorted coldly, with a sneer of disdain on the corner of her mouth.

Chen Yang was furious, and when he gritted his teeth, his hands suddenly tightened.

Just at this critical moment, a childish voice came from behind the two quarreling: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Hearing these words, the two broke out in cold sweat.It was also to blame for the quarrel between the two when they came in just now. Although Chen Yang closed the door without locking it, it was a mistake.When parents quarrel, the most innocent are the children.Neither of them wanted their son to see their vulgar and ugly side. Of course, it didn't matter if they saw each other's ugly face.

Therefore, when he heard his son's voice behind him, Chen Yang immediately wanted to take off his strength without even thinking about it, but he had already done enough movements, and he almost slapped Fang Qingbai's pretty face. Sometimes it was too late to stop or change the direction, so I could only change the fan to mo, and gently rubbed on Fang Qing's pale face.Although the action is unavoidably obscene, it is better than being seen by his son beating someone himself.

Not only Chen Yang, Fang Qing was also shocked by her son's sudden intrusion at this time. Although she often played the role of a strict mother, although she herself was not very old, she usually paid great attention to establishing a good relationship with her son. A dignified and sensible mother image, she has never blushed with anyone in front of her son, let alone confronted others like she is now.

I didn't know when my son sneaked in just now, and I didn't know what my son saw. If he let his son see him arguing with others, wouldn't the image that he had painstakingly built in the past few years be completely destroyed?

Hearing this, she couldn't help scolding Chen Yang a few times, you bastard, but at the same time, she didn't care about being treated lightly, as if she had changed her face, she immediately put it away, and then she just stuck her neck and glared at Chen Yang angrily The angry look changed into a gentle face, and quickly pushed Chen Yang away angrily, walked quickly to his son, squatted down, reached out and touched Mo's son's small head, and explained patiently: "Xiao Jun , you heard from my mother, what you saw just now was not true, and my mother was talking to my uncle."

Fang Qing stopped after saying a few words, because she found that her son didn't listen to her at all, but kept staring at Chen Yang, who was not far away, who was a little embarrassed, without blinking a pair of big black and white eyes.

Fang Qing felt a little strange, and touched her son's head again, "Xiaojun, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaojun lowered his head slightly, but asked in a small voice: "Mom, I have seen this uncle in the photo album at home and on TV. He is my father, right?"

The sound of "Dad", although the voice was very soft and it was just an inquiry sentence, it still easily broke Chen Yang's hard heart. He was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning, and his mind went blank.

Although Fang Qing knows that her son has been a genius since he was a child, he can learn everything faster than other children, he can speak at half a year old, he can recite Tang poems at one year old, and he can recognize and write hundreds of characters by now, but He was still surprised when he heard his son's methodical analysis and the result closest to the truth of the matter.At the same time, her heart softened at once. Although the occasion was not quite right, the family of three was reunited together. Thinking of the pressure she had endured in raising her son alone in the past few years, she couldn't bear it any longer and stretched out her hand Holding his son tightly in his arms, his nose was sore, and bsp; at some point, Chen Yang also came over, squatted down, and said softly: "Xiaoqing, I'll hold my son."

Fang Qing did not resist as before, and obediently let Chen Yang take her son away.

Although Chen Yang's embrace is very strange, it may be due to the natural blood connection between father and son. After Xiaojun was hugged by Chen Yang, he just moved his body slightly unnaturally, and then quickly adapted to it, wrapping his arms around him. Looking at Chen Yang with an innocent face on Chen Yang's neck, he asked in a small voice, "Uncle, are you my father?"

Chen Yang has always claimed to be strong, but at this moment his son's question made his eyes sour, and he almost burst into tears.Alas, what a wicked thing to do!

Seeing Chen Yang nodding his head, Xiao Jun immediately giggled. He grew up in a wealthy and prestigious family, and he was always a treasure in the eyes of adults. He was in so much pain, especially his grandfather, who almost every day Take him with you.The only fly in the ointment is that he has never seen his father since he was a child.Especially when he sees that several brothers and sisters have fathers, although he is ignorant, he always feels like an unwanted child, and this fatherly love cannot be replaced by anyone.He asked his mother, and his mother would often point to a certain man on TV, or show him a small photo album, and tell him that the man in the photo was his father.

In his little heart, the biggest wish is to see his father one day. He is not like adults, who have so many complicated psychological activities. Today, when he saw this man who appeared on TV and in photos , he just felt the excitement and joy that his wish had finally come true.

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