Chapter [-] twists and turns

Waiting for someone is always an annoying thing, no matter if it is a leader or a woman.

Chen Yang is quite annoyed now, not to mention 10 minutes, more than an hour has passed, but still did not see the shadow of the Central Investigation Team convoy, so he asked Secretary-General Lin Chaoyang to call again to inquire. Knowing that the convoy ran into some trouble on the road, a large truck pulling goods in front of it overturned and blocked a long section of the road. The entire convoy stopped, and the police could do nothing about it. People are urgently mobilizing all manpower, and traffic must be restored as soon as possible.

Bian Gao was repaired and opened to traffic in just three short years, but because there are often heavy vehicles passing by, the road conditions in this section have always been poor, and we often hear of tragic accidents of car crashes and fatalities. The team encountered this kind of trouble today. It's a very common thing.Originally, according to the rules, the convoy led by the central government had to block the road for a period of time when they came down to inspect, but according to the news from the front, the head of the inspection team, Vice Premier Li Wei, did not want to affect the normality of the place because of the arrival of comrades from the central government. In terms of economic life, they did not agree to the temporary blockade of the west section of Lingxi. Unfortunately, the convoy of the inspection team was unlucky.

Because they don't know when traffic will be resumed, the leaders of the four major teams in Xizhou will not be as vigorous as before. In this way, I can't cheer up much.

Chen Yang also couldn't cheer up. He read the documents last night and saw that he didn't rest until after three o'clock in the morning. At noon, he had a meal with Xiao Tian from the military division. He didn't have time to catch up on sleep. He also drank two glasses of Moutai. Now His head started to swell a bit from the blowing gusts of wind blowing from nowhere in the open mountain.

Seeing that he was present, the other comrades seemed to be a little cautious and did not dare to chat too much, so he simply walked up to a small hill next to the Sancha Road by himself, quietly waiting for the smoke, taking time in his mind to sort out the next meeting. Come down to deal with the research team's research ideas.

Although he is not very familiar with the deputy prime minister who led the team from the central government this time, Liu Haiquan, the deputy head of the reform committee, is an important cadre of the Chen Department, and he is also very familiar with him, and the relationship between them is very harmonious. , Therefore, he has also roughly learned from Director Liu some of the research content that the delegation is more concerned about. The most important and necessary research content is whether the local economy and society can develop harmoniously.

To give a simple example, for example, in order to revitalize the local economy, many local governments are now blindly pursuing gdp growth through excessive exploitation of resources and wanton damage to the environment. An extremely short-sighted behavior.With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the central government has gradually realized the huge hidden dangers that excessive pursuit of economic growth and neglect of ecological environmental protection will bring to the country. Therefore, during the ** period, some representatives have already put forward their views on this issue.

To put it more simply, this refers to the concept of scientific development.Although the central government is still in the stage of research and investigation, but based on Chen Yang's understanding of future generations, he calculated the time, that is, within a year or two after the principal came up, the concept of scientific development should be developed into a very high-level theory soon It is also a theoretical topic in the new era that all cadres and comrades of the whole party must seriously study and deal with.

Before Chen Yang took office, he had made a scientific industrial plan for Xizhou. In his planned layout, of course, there would be no enterprises that did not conform to the scientific outlook. Originally, there was a heavily polluting steel factory near the outskirts of the city. However, after Chen Yang came to power, he has already kicked this company that produces countless waste gas all day long to the neighboring city of Nan'an by joining forces with the weak.Therefore, the central government began to vigorously promote the concept of scientific development, which not only had no effect on him, but was actually a very good thing.In a sense, Xizhou under his rule is actually a template city for scientific planning and exhibition in accordance with the concept of scientific exhibition.

After sorting out his thoughts again, Chen Yang has nothing to worry about about the investigation of Xizhou by the central inspection team. If he insists on telling him, I am afraid that he just has to worry about Li Wei's personal attitude and thoughts. Well, after all, things like research are multi-faceted. If you look at the problem from a different angle, then the conclusions you draw will naturally be different.In addition, Li Wei has just taken over the position now, and has a very general relationship with the Chen family. Whether he will conduct selective research and specifically find some not-so-good aspects for in-depth investigation is really a variable.For example, the strange phenomenon in the real estate market in Xizhou and other issues.But then again, with Liu Haiquan around, there was really no need for Chen Yang to worry too much about this issue.

For some reason, this winter in Xizhou is extremely cold. In previous years, in December, you can spend the winter wearing a thin woolen sweater, but this year it is not possible. The temperature reached as low as three or four degrees Celsius, and even a rare The heavy sleet, coupled with the unique cold and humid climate in the south, made it difficult for him to adapt.Moreover, he seldom went outdoors, and his clothes were always thin. At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, and he couldn't help shivering.

This actually reminded him. Looking far away, those children from various elementary schools in the city were also flushed by the cold wind. Originally, according to his habit, he didn't like to do this kind of retreat. Yes, but this time it was to greet the central leadership, and the comrades in the general office made such a greeting arrangement that conformed to the unspoken rules. He saw it before, and he just asked, but he didn't say too much, but now count the time , the one who came early almost had to wait for an hour and a half, he was too cold for an adult, let alone a child who didn't wear much.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and called Lin Chaoyang, the chief steward of the Municipal Party Committee Office, to him.

"Chaoyang, tell the students to go back to rest. It's very uncomfortable to stand outside in this cold weather. I don't know how long we have to wait. Don't freeze the children for a while."

Lin Chaoyang was the previous secretary-general of Han Haitian. As usual, after a new boss came to power, the first person to be replaced was the chief steward of the municipal party committee. However, after Chen Yang came up, he never moved him. He was also very grateful to Chen Yang He has always worked hard to do a good job of serving Chen Yang, and he is also a very capable person. With the increase of time spent together, he has gradually gained Chen Yang's trust through himself. This can be detected from the change in Chen Yang's address to him. Originally, Chen Yang had always called him Secretary-General Lin.

At this time, when Chen Yang said that he wanted to tell these children to go back to rest first, he felt a little bit of a drum in his heart. If the inspection team from the central government was only the cadres of the four teams who came to greet them, the scene seemed deserted, and there was no one. It's a bit outrageous for a band to play and sing, and I haven't seen anyone who dares to entertain like this in other places.

"Secretary, I think it's better to wait and see. I just contacted there. The comrades from the High Management Bureau said that the roadblock has basically been cleared, and traffic should resume soon." He tactfully gave his suggestion .

However, Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "No matter how fast it is, I think it will take at least half an hour. Forget it, don't make the children wait, and ask the teacher who leads the team to take them back."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Lin Chaoyang responded and went to work.He does this very well. Generally, when he has a different opinion, he will bluntly raise it with the boss, but as long as the boss decides, he can always execute it meticulously and immediately.Chen Yang used him very easily, so he didn't bother to change.

Soon, a few minutes later, under the leadership of the leading teacher, the primary school students in these more than ten phalanxes, although they all showed a little puzzled expression, after waiting for so long, why don't they have to wait any longer? ?But in the end, they returned to the bus in an orderly manner. After a while, several buses had already slowly driven out of Sanchakou.

Chen Yang saw the comrades from the Education Bureau still talking around Lin Chaoyang on the slope. Obviously, Lin Chaoyang had to patiently explain to them that it was not that their work was not in place, but that the boss let them Leave early.

Chen Yang smiled wryly and shook his head lightly. In this officialdom, many things are really helpless.

Immediately, I raised my eyes to look at the winding high road in the distance. It gets dark early in winter. Although it was only six o'clock in the evening at this time, the sky was already completely dark. At that time, the Gaolu Road was like a giant dragon hovering and flying into the air, which was very majestic.

Chen Yang's eyes gradually condensed into one focus, deep and calm, and a bit of determination seemed to appear on his sharp-edged face, as if no matter how difficult things came to him, they were easily solved.

At the same time, at the scene of the accident dozens of miles away, dozens of policemen and the wreckers from the Management Bureau who arrived on motorcycles were busy busy. It seems that the leadership of the bureau probably has to be taken out as a scapegoat.

The road ahead had already been cleared in sevens and eighties, and the vehicle that caused the accident was quickly pulled away after the tow truck arrived.

All other idle vehicles at the scene have been cleared away, and only a dozen vehicles from the investigation team and the Lingxi Provincial Party Committee are left on the high road. The front one is a police Santana sedan responsible for clearing the road. The police lights of the police station kept flashing, and at the same time, the piercing siren sounded continuously, which made people feel a little irritated inexplicably.

At the end of the convoy is a Yutong medium-sized bus with a city license plate. Of course, the leaders will not sit here. The passengers on this bus are all accompanying staff of the inspection team, including the secretaries of the leaders of the central ministries and commissions. In addition, there are some logistics personnel in the general office, and of course, some middle-level cadres from the general office of the Lingxi Provincial Party Committee who accompanied them are also indispensable.

Sitting in the front row of the bus is a woman wearing a dark blue suit and skirt, with a work card representing her identity hanging on her chest, on which is written her position——Deputy Director of the Administrative Driver Guan Er Division of the General Office of the State Council, um , This position is relatively cumbersome, but behind the cumbersomeness is power. Even if you are only a small deputy department-level cadre working in a key department of the country, it is still a special existence that most local officials need to look up to.

Although she doesn't use any makeup on her face, not even the most common foundation, her complexion is still extraordinarily clear and tender, and her clothes are also very simple, but all these can't conceal her impressive beauty. An incomparably talented talent that will surprise you at a glance.

At this moment, because the schedule was blocked, she, the deputy director in charge of logistics, had nothing to do for the time being, so she stayed in the car and waited for the road to recover.And she seemed to think that the sirens outside were a bit noisy, so she simply took out a delicate walkman from her bag, put on the earplugs and listened to the music leisurely.I don't know what kind of music she listens to, but in short, there is always a faint smile on her beautiful and refined dimple, and she is always playing with a platinum ring in her hand, the shape is very ordinary, even diamonds It was not inlaid, it was just a very simple little ring, but it could be seen that she seemed to cherish this ring very much, and kept playing with it with two slender and white fingers.And none of her ten fingers had obvious ring marks. It seemed that she would never have the chance to wear this ring on weekdays.

In fact, it is not surprising that when working in a key department such as the General Office of the State Council, necklaces, rings, earrings and other accessories of the daughter's home are naturally not allowed to be worn, not to mention that she is also considered a leader.

While listening to the Walkman, she kept slipping this inconspicuous ring into the fingertip of her right ring finger, but every time she only slipped half a knuckle in and then stopped, her pretty face followed There will be a somewhat complicated expression, which seems to be a little bit of reproach, but mixed with a few traces of shyness, in short, only she can understand the very complicated expression.

"Director Xiao Fang, it's alright, it's finally alright, after intensive construction, the roadblock in front has been basically cleared, and our convoy will be able to leave soon, you see, is it up to you to tell the chief. "

At this time, an anxious middle-aged man's voice sounded beside her, interrupting her endless reveries.

She quickly put the ring away, then took off the earplugs without haste, and turned her head to look at the sound, only then did she realize that it was the fat and honest Deputy Secretary-General Gao from the General Office of the Lingxi Provincial Party Committee. When the road was about to be clear, she immediately picked up her mood, nodded politely to Deputy Secretary-General Gao, stood up with a smile and replied, "Okay, I will report to Vice Premier Li immediately."

"Hey, thank you for your hard work, Director Xiao Fang."

Deputy Secretary-General Gao was like an old farmer, while wiping the bead of sweat that kept oozing out of his forehead with the back of his hand, he hurriedly thanked him, his attitude was a bit too humble.

"Hehe, Secretary-General Gao, no one wants this kind of thing to happen. It's a natural disaster. I won't blame you for no reason. Don't be too nervous."

Director Xiao Fang smiled lightly and explained to the colleague in this place. While talking, he calmly got out of the car, and was going to go to the front car to ask the chief to see if he could continue to move forward as planned.There is no way, since there is no such high-tech gadget as a mobile phone, any matter, big or small, must be reported in person.

Watching Director Xiao Fang get out of the car, the fat man behind was slightly relieved. When he saw Director Xiao Fang's slender back, he couldn't help swallowing secretly, but he also knew that although he was in Lingxi Barely can be regarded as a person with status and status, but such a person like a fairy is something he can't afford in his life.

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