Chapter [-]

In the early winter of Xizhou, there was an unbearable chill and humidity, but at the moment the side of the reservoir was boundless. Fang Qing was panting with Chen Yang, and at some point the front button of the shirt had been unbuttoned twice. A piece of plump firmness appeared, and she was wearing a set of golden underwear today. Under the sunlight, her skin was even more delicate and white, making her look extraordinarily charming and yummy. - wide open.

The fire in Chen Yang's belly had already been aroused by the dampness in front of him. He could feel Fang Qing's fire-like enthusiasm. The brisk five fingers did not stop, almost at the same time as she was unbuttoning Fang Qing's shirt, they penetrated deep into the back of her heart, and then touched the knot of the hood with ease.

With a soft click, Fang Qing's bra was unbuttoned in response, and Chen Yang's hand moved back. He only gently lifted the golden bra with his hand, and Fang Qing stepped forward. The pair of plump and immediately trembling 1- burst into the air, dazzled Chen Yang ua, and the two red ia grapes on the top also 1- came out uncontrollably, as if the meal had already been eaten , only waiting for her master to enjoy.

Fang Qing suddenly felt a chill in front of her eyes, couldn't help but let out a low "ah", gasped, and said, "Don't, don't be here"

Although her lower body was wet from Chen Yang's hands at the moment, there was still a little bit of clarity left in her Lingtai. While speaking, she subconsciously withdrew her hand from Chen Yang's neck, and if the conditions were abnormal, she would Mo to the back, trying to re-button it.

It's a pity that her movements were still half a beat slow. When she just touched the back button, Chen Yang's big hand had already climbed up to her front, and squeezed it hard.

Well, it feels really good, smooth and full, but full of elasticity.

After Fang Qing gave birth to her son, her figure was obviously much plumper and rounder than before. If she was a little skinny before, she was still a young girl after all. Now, she has transformed into a familiar woman without knowing it. A woman who can drip water.The place that should be round is round, the place that should be ing is ing, even the pair of babies in front of her seem to be more than a cup too big.Chen Yang could control it with one hand before, but now he can't control it at all.

Although Fang Qing has been keeping a close eye on the sliver of clarity at the Lingtai, and reason tells her that this place is really inappropriate, but her body is completely out of control. She wants to get up from Chen Yang's arms, but her whole body is limp. She couldn't lift any strength, so she could only have hot cheeks. While hugging Chen Yang's head buried deep in front of her crotch with her hands, she panted shyly and anxiously for mercy: "Chen Yang, I beg you, you will be killed by others." You see, don't stay here, okay?"

"Don't worry, no one else will come here."

Chen Yang's mouth was busy swallowing the two fresh and tender purple grapes on the top of the peak, and he replied vaguely. Among the various m-personal parts of the woman's body, this is also his favorite place to visit on weekdays. The infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak.

But what he said was correct. After going down the mountain, he wanted to be alone for a while, so he asked Liu Meng to negotiate with the staff of the management office. The Ya reservoir in the back mountain is closed to the public this afternoon, and without him No one is allowed to come in and disturb him.The reason why Fang Qing was able to come in before was because she and Chen Yang had been lingering in the private room until the early morning last night, and it was Chen Yang who sent her back to the room in the end. Liu Meng has been with Chen Yang for so long. Yes, otherwise Liu Meng would not have dared to let her in even if she was a member of the inspection team.

Director Lao Wang of the Reservoir Management Office couldn't find an opportunity to flatter Chen Yang on weekdays. As soon as Liu Meng explained the boss's words, he immediately locked the mouth and specially arranged security personnel. It is necessary to create a quiet environment for Secretary Chen = an environment for considering state affairs.The reservoir is still nearly a thousand meters away from the management office outside, and with the lush forests nearby, Chen Yang certainly doesn't worry that some people will dare to come and peep without knowing what to do.

If it was normal, Chen Yang might still have thought about it, but today he was really suffocating with an unknown anger, and at this moment, he had no scruples about proclaiming Yin in the daytime.

It's just that there is an ia bench away from here, and the conditions are very difficult. He can't do bad things on this muddy floor. He can't help it. Although he likes the environment here, he still reluctantly gave up. When Fang Qing was so soft all over, He suddenly picked up Fang Qing who was limp in his arms, and then strode towards the nearby forest.

Of course Fang Qing understood what Chen Yang was thinking. Her face was blushing, and she glanced shyly towards the dense forest not far away. Lumi, the last trace of struggle in her heart disappeared in an instant. While exhaling like blue, she breathed in Chen Yang's ear, pinched Chen Yang's shoulder lightly, and said in a coquettish and coquettish manner: "Chen Yang, you big villain" After saying that, she herself couldn't bear the shyness and anticipation in her heart anymore, she curled up in Chen Yang's arms like a cat, her mind went blank.

Chen Yang laughed, and walked more quickly. After entering the forest, he put Fang Qing on the ground, and then leaned against the trunk of a decades-old tree, panting heavily.

No wonder, he had sat for too long before, and his mouth was a little numb. Now, walking this long dirt road with a big living person in his arms is really tiring.But Fang Qing was even more unbearable than him. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she fell limp on a piece of withered yellow leaves with half-undressed clothes.

Chen Yang recovered within less than half a minute, and he never knew how to write the word "shy" in front of his wife. As soon as he took a breath, he immediately untied his belt and swung it three times. Five and two took off her coat, and was about to pull off the last flat underwear on her body, when she found Fang Qing slumped on a pile of thick dead leaves, her cheeks flushed. She looked around shyly and nervously.

He was startled for a moment, knowing that she was still a little worried about being bumped into, and just about to speak, Fang Qing had already turned her head back at this moment, perhaps because his undressing was too quick and quick, Fang Qing turned her head again At that time, I saw that Chen Yang had already taken off his underwear. Although the inner underwear hadn't been taken off, the high-spirited outline of Chen Yang's crotch was already obvious, and it was far away from her face. With a swipe, her pink face It immediately turned redder, turned away in a hurry, and spat shyly: "You scoundrel, why did you take off your bra so quickly."

Chen Yang laughed when he heard the words, and jokingly urged: "Aia Qing, why don't you help me take off my bra, and I'll help you take it off later."

"I don't want your help."

Fang Qing blushed and shook her head and said angrily, but she turned her head back as she spoke, managed to get up from the ground a little bit, then squatted on the ground, stretched out her hands to the side of Chen Yang's inside, lowered her head as much as possible. Regardless of the hideous location, Chen Yang's shorts were gradually removed.

Chen Yang was already on fire at this time, his inner breasts had just faded to half, and he saw Fang Qing's whole body flushed with shame from the top down to the base of his neck, that appearance was tight, and he was very distracted when he saw it It made people speechless and slammed forward.

Fang Qing's flushed face was stabbed by that bad guy. She didn't understand what he meant, and suppressed the shame in her heart. She squatted on the ground and raised her face. Looking at Chen Yang with big eyes, he blamed in puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

If Xian'er was here, she would definitely know his body language at this time, but Fang Qing didn't know much about it. She had known Chen Yang for seven or eight years, but the number of visits was only three or five times, and she was not proficient in many things. It's understandable not to understand.

Chen Yang didn't speak, but his eyes were full of covetousness and he looked at the beauty squatting in front of him. Finally, his eyes fell on Fang Qing's rosy lips and he couldn't move away. His throat felt more and more dry and uncomfortable. Swallowing hard, he said, "Ya Qing, do you know that?"

"What will it be? Which one?" Fang Qing raised her face and asked him in bewilderment, and subconsciously asked back. At the same time, she felt that Chen Yang was staring at her strangely, so she subconsciously lowered her head and was about to look at herself. , but she came here after all, and she is also a very smart woman. Before she had time to lower her head, she had already realized what was going on from Chen Yang's fiery eyes, and her face immediately turned red with shame. Hastily turned his head to the side, and stammered: "You're necrotic, I, I won't." As he said that, he quickly let go of ia Chen Yang in his hand like holding a hot potato, and immediately wanted to Stand up from the ground.

Chen Yang also knew that the education she received was different, and she had never watched any pornography, and she behaved well in those few sports. At this time, although he was inevitably a little disappointed in his heart, it was still true. He didn't have any thoughts, so he just chuckled, "Forget it, I'll do it." As he said that, he hugged Fang Qing who was so ashamed to run away, and then he didn't give the ianv a chance to run away. , turned around, and slammed Fang Qing down on the tree trunk, and then undressed Fang Qing from behind very quickly.

"Bastard, you hiss lightly

Fang Qing turned her back to Chen Yang, and frowned before she finished speaking, and then her body trembled violently, and then she supported the tree trunk with all her strength, passively but eagerly enduring Chen Yang's fiery heat

Gradually, as Chen Yang entered her body harder and harder, her beautiful brows stretched again, and her eyes closed at some point. There were fine and dense beads of sweat, and her pretty dimple was also flushed, and a low moan came out of her mouth involuntarily.

Perhaps it was because they were in the wilderness. Although the two of them were nervous, they felt an unprecedented excitement and relaxation, especially Fang Qing. When Chen Yang first entered her body, she was still able to stay awake and try her best. She pursed her mouth, but after a while, the little bit of reason she had left disappeared along with the joy of her body, and she couldn't control her vocal cords anymore, and there was a panting and moaning sound It also gradually became louder, and at a certain point, she seemed to be weeping even more, and kept shouting intermittently in her mouth

While the two were busy fighting in the woods and having fun without any scruples, the Central Investigation Team arrived in Nangang City, accompanied by other cadres from Xizhou City.

It's just that Chen Yang said he was sick and left, which also cast a heavy shadow on the inspection team. The atmosphere was not to mention how weird and discordant it was.

Isn't it true? Although Chen Yang's reasons are high-sounding, anyone with a discerning eye can see that his illness is too fake.And as the top leader in the city, how bad is his unorganized and undisciplined behavior? Let alone why you are so coincidental, but you have a stomach problem after a few words with the leader, even if you are really sick , No matter how sick you are, you have to persevere, anyway, you are also a member of the Communist Party, aren't you?And he is still the leader of this place, is it so difficult to persist?

Fortunately, Vice Premier Li was not affected. Although the atmosphere among the cadres was somewhat dull, he still followed the itinerary meticulously. As soon as he arrived in Nangang City in the afternoon... half, he told the local comrades that he thought of several people around Nangang. Take a walk around the port.

He opened his mouth, and the people below naturally dare not refuse. Soon, a group of people arrived at Xingang Pier No. [-], which has replaced the dilapidated old wharf and become the face of the entire Nangang.

Seeing this very scientifically planned and magnificent modern port, Vice Premier Li's mood improved slightly, but he didn't express his opinion too much. He just walked around the port and looked around, and then he kindly followed up with Some ordinary staff at the grassroots level have exchanged, and the ones who can communicate with the leaders are of course the comrades who have been arranged for a long time. Therefore, there is nothing wrong here like in Jinhu Garden, although the port seems deserted due to historical problems. , but that's not a big deal either.

The sea breeze blew on the pier, and it was almost time for dinner. Under the arrangement of Nangang local government cadres, Vice Premier Li and his party came to Nangang Hotel for a meal and rest. This was the first time the delegation arrived in Xizhou Having dinner with the local comrades, although the mayor Zhong Zhaoyi, who temporarily took over the task of accompanying him, tried his best, but because of Secretary Chen, the meal was somewhat embarrassing, and Vice Premier Li did not eat well. Too many, just toasted everyone with a glass of thin wine at the opening of the table, and then quickly left the table.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want to give face to the local comrades, but Secretary Jian sent him a message during the meeting, saying that his son Li Jiangnan is also in Nangang now, and he is usually very busy with official duties, basically he can't take care of his wife. More about his own family affairs, let's just say that his only son, if he hadn't met in Un City the day before yesterday, he hadn't seen each other for about half a year. At this time, he heard the secretary say that his son also ran from Un City to Nangang. Now, what he was most worried about was that his son would do things in his own name, so as soon as he heard the message, he immediately asked Secretary Jane to call the son to the hotel.

When Li Jiangnan arrived at the hotel, he was brewing a cup of strong tea and flipping through today's People's Daily. He had already read this newspaper once in the morning, but he still used to read it twice. The second time is usually Watch it after dinner.

"Dad, are you looking for me?"

After Li Jiangnan entered the room, he greeted his father cautiously. Even though he was very handsome on weekdays, he would inevitably look a little nervous in front of his father who was a high official.This is also a common problem of the children of official families. They are arrogant and domineering outside, but when they return home and face their elders, they become more honest than each other.


Li Hao took off his glasses, and at the same time put down the newspaper in his hand and gestured to the empty seat on the edge of the sand.

Li Jiangnan said "Oh", and sat down beside his father obediently, but he didn't dare to sit too close, but separated by two people. This is also the distance that father and son are used to talking to each other.

"Jiangnan, explain to me honestly, what are you doing here?"

Li Hao picked up the tea mug casually, and while blowing away the steaming heat, he asked a casual question.

Li Wei asked casually, but Li Jiangnan didn't dare to answer casually. He replied honestly: "Oh, it's like this, Dad, hasn't Nangang built a new deep-water seaport wharf? Several oil fields have been opened in Africa. If the headquarters is interested, they will take the shipping route here to transport the oil back to China. The group headquarters assigned the task to our Southwest Branch. I came here to see it first, and then report it to the general manager. company."

Speaking of this matter, he was so bored and flustered, he didn't have such kind intentions to help Chen Yang, but an order from the head office.Of course, he can more or less guess that this matter is probably due to Chen Yang going to their head office. Chen Yang's second uncle is still the current vice chairman of PetroChina, so it is not surprising that he can have a relationship with Sinopec. .

After hearing this, Li Wei just gave a soft "hmm" noncommittal. As long as Li Jiangnan was here to deal with business, he would not interfere too much. You must know that when Li Jiangnan was still in Lingxi, he did not care about his son. But it was a headache. Now that his son is older and sensible, he no longer hangs out with the gang of cronies he used to but has returned to the system. He can finally feel relieved. In the eyes of people of this level, it is really not worth mentioning. Returning to the system, following the official path in a serious manner, and having power in your hands is the prerequisite for eternal wealth.

Of course, the main credit for the son's ability to return to the right way has to be credited to the uncompromising old man in the family. Mr. Li was also one of the nine elders who took the position earlier. veteran cadres.Although the old man has retired for a long time, his students have already spread all over the world. This is also the key to his smooth promotion to such an important leadership position as the deputy national level. At this level, ability is one aspect, but another On the one hand, if you don't have extensive contacts and a large group of powerful comrades to support and help you, no matter how capable you are, you will never be able to get a position.

Seeing that his father was in a good mood, Li Jiangnan felt a little more relaxed, and casually said: "Dad, I was having dinner with my second uncle just now."

"Oh, Zhenbang is here too?" Li Hao is not surprised to hear that, his family background is more complicated. Due to some historical reasons, in the late 60s, before he came out to work, the old man was assigned to live in Lingxi Province for a long time. The bullpen for a period of time, precisely because of those difficult years, had an extra Wu Zhenbang. Speaking of which, Wu Zhenbang is only in his 30s and [-]s this year, and he is more than ten years older than his elder brother. , in short, this is a highly confidential gossip secret, and he never mentions it usually.It's just that his son, Li Jiangnan, was born in Lingxi and has lived in Lingxi for more than ten years, so he has always had a good relationship with Wu Zhenbang.

Then he asked again, "Jiangnan, why didn't you call him over?"

Li Jiangnan replied obediently, "Dad, it's not like you don't know the second uncle. He doesn't say anything, but he's full of resentment in his heart. Can you come with me?"

Hearing this, Li Wei's face showed a complicated look, and after thinking about it, he said: "By the way, I came to Xizhou this time, and I also saw a few real estate properties opened by your second uncle. His business is in trouble now." yes, isn't it?"

"Well, the environment here in Lingxi is not good, and the policies are not as enlightened as those in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, especially in Xizhou. The secretary of the municipal party committee named Chen Yang is very difficult to deal with. I have persuaded my second uncle not to get involved with this. People, but he just doesn't believe it, this time the second uncle made a bit of investment in Xizhou, it seems that he was trapped by a few pieces of land, I guess it's probably Chen Yang's ia action behind the scenes."

Li Jiangnan saw that his father was in a good mood before, so he didn't pay much attention at this time. Some of his words were exaggerated. After hearing this, Li Wei frowned slightly, and scolded: "Jiangnan, pay attention to what you say, don't talk nonsense. Obscuring, you are now a state cadre, do you understand?"

Li Jiangnan nodded hurriedly and said: "I see, Dad." He was still a little aggrieved and said, "Dad, you also went to Xizhou to visit, I told you right the day before yesterday, Xizhou is where Secretary Chen is. Let's talk about it, as long as he is in power for one day, I think the second uncle's coffin will have to be thrown in sooner or later. Secretary Chen is so arrogant. Just a few days before you came, the son of Secretary Guofang in their province was still killed by him Lesson learned."

After hearing this, Li Hao didn't reprimand his son this time, but snorted from his nostrils and snorted coldly.

Afterwards, the two father and son chatted briefly again, and stopped talking about the topic of Xizhou. It was only before Li Jiangnan left that he lightly told his son: "Jiangnan, go talk to your second uncle when you are free. He said, tell him to be restrained here, money can never be earned, and some high-voltage lines are untouchable by anyone. As for Xizhou, he just needs to do his own business properly. Other things don’t need him to do seven twists and threes.”

"Okay, I get it now."

Li Jiangnan frowned slightly for a while, as if he could hear something from his father's words, but he didn't quite understand, so he responded and pulled away.

In the Nanwan Reservoir, a round of dark yellow-sunset slowly descended from the side of the mountain, and night-has gradually fallen.

At this time, a black-Benz commercial vehicle slowly parked outside the big railway outside the reservoir management office.

Soon, the rear car opened with a bang, and a beautiful woman in a light gray long trench coat came down from the rear compartment. This woman had light makeup on her face and a very dignified expensive bun. She wears a thin platinum necklace, which is not eye-catching, but very eye-catching. The windbreaker she is wearing can be seen from the hands of a famous teacher. The style is simple, but it is very self-cultivating, perfecting her exquisite figure curves. She is wearing a pair of black long leather boots, and there is an exquisite kun bag hanging in the crook of her hand. Judging by her attire, I don't know where she is a successful lady. .

"Oh, I'm sorry, comrade female, we're not open at night here." It's not the security guards at the reservoir's mouth, but Director Wang from the management office. Today is different from usual. Secretary Chen is still fishing in it. Come out, how dare he leave after work, besides, he pointed to impress Secretary Chen, this didn't steal the security guard's job from the very beginning.

"Oh, comrade, hello, it's like this, I'm here to find someone."

With a pretty smile on her face, the woman explained calmly.

Find someone?Who is it for?Except for Secretary Chen, there was no one else in here.

Director Wang Daia is also a department-level cadre, muttered a few times in his stomach, and then looked at the brand new Mercedes-Benz not far away. He didn't dare to send people away, but asked tentatively. said, "Who are you looking for?"

"I heard that Secretary Chen from the city is here. I have something to do with him. Please go and inform Secretary Chen for me." The woman said very politely, introducing herself generously as she spoke, "Hehe , By the way, my surname is Ji, so you can go and tell Secretary Chen that a sister Ji Ya is looking for him, and he will come out to meet me, or I can go in and look for him."

Director Wang hesitated for a moment, and was afraid of delaying Secretary Chen's affairs, so he nodded, "Okay, I'll go inside and report."

Less than 2 minutes later, he came out again, followed by a tall man, not Chen Yang, but Chen Yang's driver Liu Meng.

Obviously, this uninvited woman's surname is Ji, so naturally she is Ji Xian'er, and Liu Meng certainly knows Ji Xian'er, if he saw Ji Xianer, the boss's woman, in normal times, he would definitely be the first Immediately, he hurried up to say hello, but at the moment when he saw Ji Xianer, who was standing gracefully and gracefully by the mouth, he was taken aback. You must know that he followed the boss to the reservoir for a long time, but except for the very beginning During that time, since Director Fang of the inspection team came, he never had the chance to accompany the boss in the reservoir.

And the boss and Director Fang stayed inside for a long time. No matter how clever he was, he could more or less guess that the relationship between Director Fang and the boss was very ambiguous, but now there is another one, should I stop it?

For a moment, Liu Meng's head was about to explode. a

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