Xizhou Funeral Home is located in the southern suburbs of Xizhou City. The place is small, but it has a long history. There is a mountain behind the funeral home, called Xiaoqingshan. The martyrs who died in the counterattack against Vietnam are buried on this hill. In the cemetery.

According to the city's plan, the southern suburbs have been included in the large-scale CBD project in the southern city, and the funeral parlor will have to move to the more remote western suburbs in a short time. The invited planning experts wondered that this martyr’s cemetery was an eyesore in the grand blueprint of Xizhou City and had to be planned out. The city had adopted most of the experts’ planning suggestions, but it happened The members of the expert group were very puzzled that this somewhat old martyr's cemetery was not touched.It's just that how could they have imagined that many of the people who died in this cemetery were comrades-in-arms of Chen Yang's biological father. How could he have the heart to let his father's comrades-in-arms not be at peace after they sacrificed their lives for the country?In fact, after Chen Yang took office, he quietly asked Li Qiuhe to take some money out to repair the martyrs' cemetery. This was his own money, and he didn't use his power to spend a single cent of the market's finances, just for peace of mind.

Long story short, funeral parlors are usually known to be deserted and gloomy, but today they seem to be very positive. Officials of some status in Xizhou City basically drove here to participate in the afternoon... the Tian Qing festival that will be held here Comrade's funeral.

Tian Qing's autopsy report has come out. His real cause of death was sudden myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. According to the report written by the forensic doctor, Tian Qing had taken a small dose of drugs within five hours before his death. Indeed, Because Tian Qing was under a lot of work pressure, he was found to have a bad heart condition before his death, but even if he took drugs, he would not die suddenly immediately. What really caused him to lose his life was the pills containing drugs Inside the pills, there are also pills that contain more than 50 mg of sildenafil citrate.

What is this so-called sildenafil citrate?

It may not be clear to everyone at first, but it has another name called "Viagra", that is to say, this substance is the main ingredient in the production of "Viagra", and there are at most a few milligrams in a Viagra , and Comrade Tian Qing swallowed 50 mg in one go, and fell asleep on the pillow. He was accompanied by two young and beautiful ladies, and he still had a little heart problem, so what?

In fact, Tian Qing's family was able to help him with the funeral affairs at the funeral home today, and the standard was so high, Chen Yang still had to withstand a lot of pressure.

After all, although it is clear that someone framed Tian Qing, before the murderer is caught, these can only be the police's inferences, and it is not ruled out that he will find stimulation by himself.

In the huge mourning hall, it seemed very quiet and orderly at the moment.Tian Qing's large black and white portrait was placed on a large black platform in the center of the mourning hall, beside which were all kinds of yellow and white mountain chrysanthemums. Cremated, therefore, the procedure of looking up at the appearance can be omitted, come to say goodbye to Tian Qing

Friends and good colleagues only need to line up, walk to Tian Qing's mourning table and bow three times, and then walk to Tian Qing's widow holding the urn in both hands, hand in the share money, and then accept the gift from Tian Qing's family It's ok.

Tian Qing's wife is Zhang Li, an English teacher at a university, and she teaches at Western State University. After the bad news came, she couldn't believe her ears, especially when there were still many rumors about his husband in the society. After the rumors about the cause of death spread, it was even more difficult for her to bear the sudden overwhelming pressure. She didn't eat or drink at home, and couldn't sleep all night. Within a short period of time, the whole person has been tortured into a shapeless shape, and today he is only skinny and boneless.

And although she and her husband get together less and leave more, the relationship between husband and wife is very strong. After Tian Qing passed away, she even thought of committing suicide, but when she thought of her son who just entered the first grade of junior high school, she could only express this grief. Forcibly pressed it in her heart, and Tian Qing's death was unknown, she must live strong, so that she could see the day when her husband was wronged.

At this time, people kept walking up to Zhang Li who was wearing black clothes and pants, comforting her, and offering accompanying gifts. She didn't reach out to receive the gifts, but all of them were taken by a person next to her who was also wearing black clothes and pants. The girl accepted it, but she just held her husband's ashes tightly in her arms with both hands, and mechanically nodded back to the comrades who came to mourn her husband. Her tears had already dried up, and at this moment Although the mood is low, it can barely hold on.

Yes, she has been persevering. Although many standing committee members in the city have already been here, and although these high-ranking leaders have expressed their condolences and concern to her, in fact, she is alone now. She didn't even want to see it, but the person she was really waiting for hadn't shown up yet.

Obviously, Secretary Chen was the one she was waiting for.

She really wanted to ask Secretary Chen in person, what happened to her husband's case?Especially when the task force has been established for a long time but still can't find a breakthrough, she is even more worried, for fear that the city's case against her husband will be left alone.Even though the city has given out 30 yuan in pensions to the orphans and widows without a final case, this has actually shown the city's attitude, but she would rather not have the 30 yuan and hope that her husband's case Can get Zhao Xue as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the memorial service started by Zhong Zhong had already reached almost five o'clock before he knew it, but the shadow of Secretary Chen hadn't even appeared yet.

Is this the behavior of Secretary Chen, whose husband often keeps saying at home that he admires and uses him very much? Everyone has already left, so can't your Secretary Chen arrive earlier?Want to put on airs with a dead man?

In Zhang Li's heart, a surge of resentment surged up. In the eyes of a woman, if her husband hadn't been arranged by Secretary Chen to work in Nangang and was also responsible for taking the lead in cracking down on smuggling, naturally he would not have suffered such a disaster.You have to know who are the people who dare to smuggle, can the husband fight these desperadoes well?

Zhang Li thought so, and a pretty girl beside her thought the same way. This girl named Tian Yu was Tian Qing's only younger sister. She was 24 years old this year. But her appearance is many times better than her elder brother's. She has a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a small and exquisite mouth, and a delicate Qiong nose. Even in a black mourning dress, she can't hide her elegant and refined temperament. Really, if no one told you, you wouldn't be able to tell that she and the handsome Tian Qing are two siblings.And like her sister-in-law Zhang Li, she is also a people's teacher, but now she is just an ordinary teacher teaching mathematics in the high school of Xizhou High School.

"Sister-in-law, the memorial service is almost over. Why hasn't Secretary Chen arrived yet? Do you think he has no face to come here because he plans to put brother's case aside?"

Tian Yu stared at the gate of the mourning hall with tears in her eyes, and said indignantly.

Although Zhang Li also has a lot of resentment in her heart, she is much more rational and calm than the sister-in-law who just started working. Seeing this, she quickly gave her sister-in-law a look, and lowered her voice to signal: "Xiaoyu, don't talk nonsense, Secretary Chen said If you want to come here in person, let's wait patiently."

"Sister-in-law, if you don't want me to say it, I have to say it. My brother died in vain because he seized a shipment of the big boss's cargo in Nangang. Now some people say that the big boss has dredged up the relationship between the province. You can get the goods out, and people even gave my brother a big hat, saying that the anti-smuggling office in Nangang is a team built by the local government. , I want to torture the captain of that ship and tell him to testify against those smuggling bosses, hmph, in this way, the best result of my brother’s case is to let it go, and there is no one who will help us redress our grievances, that Secretary Chen is not now Dare to come, I think he must be afraid of coming and don't know how to face us."

While wiping away the rolling tears with the back of her hand, Tian Yu angrily told her sister-in-law the gossip she had heard recently.

Zhang Li couldn't help but panic when she heard it. Although she is not in the officialdom, she is also from a family of officials. Her uncle is now the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and she has heard a lot of things about the officialdom. Well, since the case handled by my husband involved the provincial party committee, and the death of the secretary of the municipal party committee of a county-level city, the impact is still very bad, then it is very possible for the city to suppress the case first and deal with it coldly. After all, the officialdom Stability is the most important thing here, and when something like this happens, Secretary Chen's face will also be dull.

Thinking of this possibility, her face turned pale, and her head felt dizzy. She shook her head and murmured: "No, it won't be like this."

As she spoke, her legs gave way and she almost fell to the ground.

Tian Yu on the side hurriedly supported her with quick eyes and hands, and asked repeatedly with a choked voice: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

At this moment, the ceremony officer at the entrance of the mourning hall squeezed his throat and shouted

One sentence: "There are guests"

Zhang Li took a few deep breaths before she stabilized her mind, panting and said to her sister-in-law: "I'm fine, Xiao Yu." Saying that, she quickly turned her eyes to the door

But to her disappointment, it was not Secretary Chen who entered the mourning hall at this time, but a middle-aged man she had never seen before.

This middle-aged man was wearing a light-colored suit, tie, and a pair of sunglasses. He looked very refined. After entering, he walked towards the main altar in a chic manner, and then he saw Chao Tianqing who was very respectful. The portrait of Zhang Li slightly bowed three times, and after a follower next to him presented a bouquet of yellow daisies, he walked up to Zhang Li with square steps, and sighed in an apologetic voice: "This should be Secretary Tian." Ma'am, hello, please don't be too sad."

"excuse me, you are?"

Although Zhang Li didn't know the other party, since someone else was here to attend her husband's memorial service, she replied politely.

"Speaking of which, I'm actually not very familiar with Secretary Tian. I also have a small business in Nangang, and I still have some unpleasantness with Secretary Tian. But now that Secretary Tian has left, those little unpleasantnesses have gone with the wind."

The middle-aged man said lightly.As he spoke, he sized up Tian Yu and the two, and when his gaze caught Tian Yu's clear face, he couldn't help being slightly startled, and thought to himself, heh, who is this girl Tian Qing? She is quite pretty, if given the chance, it would be a good thing to get it in my clubhouse.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Li and Tian Yu couldn't help but tense up. No matter how incomprehensible they were, they also knew that this person's intentions were a bit strange.

The middle-aged man calmly faced the dubious eyes of the two, and winked at the attendant next to him. The attendant understood, and immediately handed over a stack of gift money wrapped in a thick envelope. He nodded with a smile and said: "Hehe, Mrs. Tian, ​​this is a small meaning, not a respect, I hope you can accept it."

The guest handed over the accompanying gift, of course the host had to accept it, but Tian Yu took the envelope and weighed it with at least 2 yuan. He immediately felt that the gift was too heavy, and immediately said: "Mr. My brother and I are just ordinary friends, but your gift is too heavy for us to accept."

The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hands, refusing to take back the money, "Just a little bit of kindness, please don't refuse Mrs. Tian."

When he couldn't refuse, he heard another shout from the ceremony officer at the door, but this time it was none other than Secretary Chen of the Tian family who had been waiting for a long time.

Because he was attending the memorial service, Chen Yang dressed very carefully today, wearing a well-tailored black suit and black tie, with a gloomy face and walked quickly towards the Lingtai, while his secretary, Xiao Hu, was half a step behind him The distance of the body, followed closely beside him also came over.

Seeing Chen Yang coming, the middle-aged man, who was a little disappointed that he didn't see anyone here, twitched his mouth slightly, showing an intriguing smile, and then he was not in a hurry to leave, so he stood by the side and waited. Chen Yang came over to meet the widow of the Tian family.

After Chen Yang bowed to Tian Qing's portrait according to the rules, he turned around and looked at Tian Qing's portrait.

Walking by the stage, he was in a bad mood, and there was a constant stream of people coming and going in the mourning hall, so he didn't notice that the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses standing not far away was actually Da Kai Wu Zhenbang.

After Chen Yang walked over, he took the initiative to extend his hand to Zhang Li, who was holding the urn, and said kindly: "Comrade Zhang Li, I'm sorry, I was delayed by something, and I came late. Comrade Tian Qing had an accident. Knowing that it must be a big blow to you, but please be sure to let your condolences pass.”

When Zhang Li heard the leader's words, she felt great grief. She held Chen Yang's hand and refused to let go. She choked up and said intermittently: "Secretary Chen, my old Tian died unjustly. You must not let the murderer go. People are usually the most upright, and it is absolutely impossible to do those nonsensical things, and now they are dead and poked in the back by others, you must uphold justice for him, I, I kowtow to you here," said, Her legs softened, and she seemed to really kneel down to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and quickly stretched out his hands to support her, "Comrade Zhang Li, don't do this, I promise you, you get up first."

Before I finished talking here, I only heard a brisk laughter from the side. Wu Zhenbang came over with a smile at some point, and greeted Chen Yang very politely: "Hehe, Secretary Chen, it's better to meet by chance than to invite you." , I have a rare chance to meet you, and I just have something to discuss with you, Secretary Chen, but I don’t know if you have time to sit down and talk together?"

Chen Yang turned his head and glanced at the sound, only then did he discover Wu Zhenbang. Immediately afterwards, his heart sank. Others didn't know, but he knew who Wu Zhenbang was, and he had always suspected that the black hand behind Tian Qing's matter was the big development in front of him. Wu Zhenbang.

Although it was only his suspicion, and he had no evidence to arrest him, a wave of anger gradually surged into his heart.

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