The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 255 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Nangang, near the old wharf, although it is already midnight, there are still several small cargo ships that have just entered the port unloading their cargo.

With the completion of the Xingang Wharf, and the crackdown on the surrounding smuggling environment in the city has never been relaxed, gradually, the old wharf that used to be very lively from morning to night has gradually become deserted, giving people a sense of The feeling of desolation at dusk on the western mountains.

Since the cargo ship is not big and there are not many goods arriving at the shore, the owner simply did not ask the dock to start the machine, but invited more than a dozen coolie workers who were doing work on the dock to help unload the cargo. Each worker gave ten yuan The wages are much more cost-effective than machines.

And these workers unloaded goods from the cabin to the shore weakly one by one. Maybe they also know that the business of hard work is really getting harder and harder to do. In the past, there were too many ships in the old wharf for a month. Just a few days of work can earn enough living expenses for a month, but now even if you stay at the pier all day long, you can't get much work. You don't see a few ships entering the port, so you go to the new pier Well, how could there be business coming to your door?Although the new wharf is good, there is no need for people to work hard there. I heard that there are all computer-controlled unloading systems imported from abroad. Fuck, let people live?Could it be that someday we miserable dock workers have to go to the gate of the municipal party committee to do a sit-in or something?This is a good idea. I heard that the girls from the silk spinning factory also went to the city hall to sit quietly the year before last. As a result, they all returned to work within a few days. Now they are living a very nourishing life.

These are some working people at the lowest level. Their wishes are very simple. They just hope to exchange their strength for a bite to eat. It is getting harder and harder to find food in this city by working hard.Human secretary Chen thinks about high technology, automation, and if you can use machines, you will never need people. How can you consider the life and death of the people at the bottom?

Not to mention, Secretary Chen, who was being talked about by these uneducated dock workers, was on an empty concrete field not far from them. Like the old dock workers in the 40s when they were not liberated, they carried the bags of goods onto the ship with their shoulders and hands. In the past three years, there will still be such occupations that would have a market in ancient times. This can only prove one problem, that is, my job is not solid enough, and there are still many people struggling with food and clothing. I don’t know how to scold behind my back I am the official of my parents.

Although his low-key appearance here tonight was not to solve the life problems of these hard-working people, but since he saw it, he naturally had to take care of it.

Next, he turned his head to the side, looked at a respectful entourage beside him with an unfriendly expression, frowned and asked, "Comrade Fenghua, what happened to your Nangang team? Didn't I tell the city to get out of here?" Documents, since the new year, have people not been allowed to do casual work in the old wharf? If this continues in the same way as in the old society, firstly, it is easy to cause safety accidents, and secondly, they can earn a little money, which is enough to feed the whole family When the time comes, the masses will collectively go to the leaders in the cities and provinces to beg for food, affecting the stable and united social order, can you take responsibility?"

Damn, you are standing up and talking without back pain, sending a document without appropriating money, can I handle it?

Chen Fenghua, the deputy secretary of Nangang next to Chen Yang, cursed secretly in his stomach, but his face became more respectful, and even showed a bit of panic, and he hurriedly explained to the leader: "Secretary Chen, the city is concerned about the old wharf. As soon as the documents for rectification and resettlement of the idlers in the side society were issued, they organized studies and arranged corresponding rectification work, but the idlers here have always been used to being free and undisciplined, and most of them are middle-aged people in their early forties. People have lived with their parents on the pier since they were young, and they have no culture. The city tried every means to arrange them, but they couldn't find too many suitable jobs for them. Besides, they themselves are used to this kind of life, so they are not very I am willing to go to work in the factory in a serious manner."

Chen Fenghua poured out a lot of bitterness, and he sorted out his own ties, but Chen Yang was not very satisfied with his answer, and said in a deep voice: "Comrade Fenghua, you are a party member and cadre, and you can't deal with it yourself when you encounter some difficulties." Back off first, and don’t try to excuse yourself from your job. I don’t care how many practical difficulties you have or justifications. All I want is the result. Carrying goods on your shoulders, do you hear me?"

Chen Fenghua hurriedly responded: "Okay, okay, Secretary Chen, I remember, don't worry, I will make proper arrangements later." But he continued to scold his mother in his stomach, thinking that I was not willing to do it in the first place, Didn't you insist on pinning me on this crater?

Chen Yang also knew that this comrade's state of mind had fluctuated a lot recently. Seeing his sluggish look at this time, he also knew that he was not a good deputy secretary, so he took a breather and sighed: "Okay, you beat around the bush. Having said so much, it’s not like this. Tomorrow, I will ask the city to allocate 300 million to you, and you will raise another 100 million by yourself. First, build the village-level road on the other side of Guting Village. Later, you will let Nangang Several construction companies will solve some of the labor problems. Let me help you contact Xingang Management Company. A logistics base will be built there soon. At that time, some labor will be arranged there, and the Municipal Education Bureau will send a few more people to give workers Literacy should solve the problem."

With a few words, Chen Yang solved the problem that had caused Chen Fenghua a headache for several months. He really admired Chen Yang in his heart, but at this moment he flattered him sincerely: "Secretary Chen, you really helped me solve a big problem. Ah, for the more than 700 families in Guting Village, I would like to thank the organization for their care and love."

"Okay, okay."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said impatiently.

Then he strolled to the edge of the pier, and then stopped at this place, put his hands on the rusty iron chain, facing the direction of the sea, and quietly looked at the sea level without a trace of waves in the distance.

A group of entourage hurriedly followed, but seeing that Secretary Chen seemed to be thinking about something, the big guy stopped a few meters behind him consciously. Only Chen Yang's secretary, Xiao Hu, saw the strong wind at the pier and was afraid that the boss would If the wind blows too much, he will catch a cold, so he hurried back to the car, took out the long gray trench coat that Chen Yang often wore, trotted all the way and ran back, spread the trench coat, and whispered: "Secretary, it's windy here. Big, you put on a coat."

Although Chen Yang didn't feel much chill, he still nodded, and put the windbreaker on his body without buttoning it up, and continued to observe the situation on the sea level in the distance.

Yes, at this moment, instead of feeling cold, he was full of excitement because his long-planned project was finally coming to a successful conclusion.

Of course he didn't come here to solve the dock workers' problems tonight. No matter how much he devoted himself to his work, he wouldn't be full and fine. In the middle of the night... for many minutes, he came to this dilapidated old dock to check the work.

In fact, he came here tonight, nothing more than sitting here personally to organize the anti-smuggling office, oh, it should be renamed the "Strike Hard Action".

Just three days ago, the informant who had been in single-line contact with the director of the city bureau once again sent a shocking report to the police, saying that three days later, that is, around the early morning of the 16th, there will be a batch of smuggled goods worth nearly 30 billion Entering the waters of Nangang, although Nangang has been hit hard recently, this batch of priceless goods may not land in Nangang, but the possibility is still quite high.

After receiving the information provided by the informant, the Xizhou police attached great importance to it, and immediately reported it to Chen Yang. After careful analysis and judgment, they finally believed that the credibility of the informant was quite high. With the information provided by the mysterious informant, several big fish were caught again and again, and this time the shark might not be able to escape.

After unifying their thinking, the Nangang Joint Severe Strike Office also responded positively. Chen Yang personally served as the commander-in-chief of the operation, and Comrade Xiao Bo, the head of the Xizhou Coastal Defense Detachment of the Armed Police, served as the deputy commander-in-chief. The Anti-Smuggling Squadron of the Municipal Bureau, the Nangang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, etc., jointly dispatched to kill this wobbly shark in the waters of Xizhou.

At this time, it was close to the time mentioned in the news report, but from a distance, there was not a single wave on the sea level, and it seemed that no so-called smuggling boats entered the Nangang waters at all.

Although Chen Yang looked very calm, at this moment he was actually a little nervous. Although he judged that Wu Zhenbang's capital chain had been completely broken based on the changes in the real estate market in Xizhou, he would not receive a large amount of capital investment. , he might not be able to last a month, not to mention Wu Zhenbang, even Gu Peng, who is as strong as Wu Zhenbang, couldn't last a month before him, and in the end he was very aware of current affairs and took a few dollars in his hand. The land was transferred to a little-known small real estate company from the east of Zhejiang at a super low price. He had no choice but to sell it, but the stalls here were too big, and it had been more than two years of hard work. But apart from the heavy interest burden every month, he didn’t get a dime in the account. He died early and was born early, and he changed hands and went out early. After all, the land is easier to change hands. If the building has been built and the community has been built, people like Wu Zhenbang will really be stuck in the quagmire and cannot get out.Although he lost money to his grandma's house in Xizhou this time, Gu Bo still held his breath for a while, not dying completely. As for Wu Zhenbang, it seems that this time he can only give it a go.

After such a calculation, Chen Yang judged that if Wu Zhenbang wanted to find quick money, he could only go back to his old business and continue the idea of ​​smuggling, and Wu Zhenbang had a good foundation in Nangang, and even had a temporary warehouse in Jiangxi At the base, if you want to hang yourself, you can only hang yourself under the tree in Xizhou, and it is impossible to change course temporarily.

For Chen Yang, if he can get such a large smuggling transaction, Wu Zhenbang may not be able to recover. At that time, his company will fail, and he will definitely do even crazier things. As the saying goes, God wants him to perish. He must be made crazy first, as long as Wu Zhenbang becomes crazy, this is his chance.

Of course, all the premise is that this batch of goods must be wiped out this time, so that Wu Zhenbang can be completely desperate.

It is also because of this that Chen Yang attaches great importance to this operation, not only personally serving as the commander-in-chief, although this kind of position is only a false title, but it also shows his attitude. This operation can only succeed and not fail, otherwise , where does he put his face as a leader?

And in order to be sure, he also personally contacted Political Commissar Xiao of the Xizhou Military Division. This time the command of the Armed Police Frontier Detachment was also handed over to him. Command the troops to play sidelines.

Although everything was prepared and the action arrangements were very careful, Chen Yang always had a feeling that something was wrong. Although this feeling was very faint and he didn't know where it came from, it always made him a little worried.

Of course, if he knew that his sixth sense at the moment actually came from that girl Xian'er who didn't listen to her, he might go crazy before Wu Zhenbang.

Well, let’s not talk too far, let’s just talk about this operation, when it was approaching... for a moment, Chen Yang couldn’t wait on the shore, so he called the accompanying Deputy Director of the Crackdown Office, Xizhou Customs Anti-smuggling Brigade Vice Captain Huang ordered: "Captain Huang, go and arrange a fast boat for me. I want to go to sea to see the situation."

The cadres on the side were frightened when they heard it, and they said to themselves, Boss Chen, that you are the commander-in-chief, but there is no need to go to the front line in person. Isn't this going to the grassroots to visit and condolences to the masses, so is it necessary to take risks?Besides, although the equipment of these smugglers is nothing compared to the anti-smuggling team, they still have a certain fighting ability after all. At that time, the guns will have no eyes. Then we must all be unlucky?

As a result, all the cadres hurriedly dissuaded them, but it was a pity that Chen Yang had already made up his mind, and everyone had no choice. In the end, the deputy captain Huang was clever, and instead of calling for a speedboat, he arranged for a small anti-smuggling boat. Although it is not armed, it is still a lot larger than the speedboat, and the safety factor has naturally improved a lot.

Everyone stopped talking and followed Chen Yang to board the ship and leave the port. Soon, the anti-smuggling ship slowly left the dock.

Almost when Chen Yang left for the sea, the Xingang Wharf, dozens of miles away, saw a different scene. Although it was still early in the morning, the Xingang Wharf was a brightly lit and prosperous scene. With the gradual completion of the infrastructure here and the improvement of the surrounding environment, many large domestic companies have chosen to use this place as a distribution center for import and export, and even many well-known multinational companies in the world's top 24 have also followed suit. I set my sights on this natural harbor with advanced facilities. Now the business is booming, and it runs [-] hours a day. The berths in the wharf maintain a high berthing rate.

It seems that the business at the port is also quite good tonight. At least 20 freighters of different sizes are queuing up at this time, waiting for the machines to unload the containers, or to load and unload the export containers onto seagoing vessels. The staff is busy scheduling this, and there is a busy and lively scene at the port.

Just behind this bustling scene, at this moment, a low-key but luxurious black Cadillac business car slowly drove up to the temporary parking apron of the pier.

Soon, the car door opened, and out of the car came out a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with an unrestrained manner, and a woman in a light gray suit skirt.

As soon as the woman in a light gray suit and skirt got out of the car, she hurriedly threw off a dark windbreaker that was held in her elbow, and helped the middle-aged man put it on very thoughtfully, and said softly: "Mr. Wu, You can leave this small matter of picking up the ship to **, there is really no need to travel all the way in person."

The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth curled up, showing a noncommittal smile, and then said lightly: "Xiaoqian, it's not that I don't trust you to do business, I'm here, but I just want to appreciate that bastard surnamed Chen's embarrassed appearance with my own eyes. "

A relieved smile appeared on the young woman's face when she heard the words, and she flattered her calmly and said, "Hehe, Mr. Wu, you have planned a strategy. I'm afraid the surname Chen never dreamed of it. This time you only used a small plan. He obediently fell into the trap."

After finishing speaking, there was a hint of hidden worry on his face unconsciously, and he said again: "It's just Mr. Wu, I can't figure it out, although this guy surnamed Chen has been tricked and can't find us, but after all, you let him out. The news is also true. Although that batch of goods may not necessarily enter the port, if you are caught by that surnamed Chen, wouldn’t you be taking advantage of him for nothing? Besides, that batch of goods belonged to Sir He. It will cause you unnecessary trouble."

Obviously, this middle-aged man called Mr. Wu is naturally Wu Zhenbang, and the charming girl next to him is no one else. It was that day in the Dynasty Club, under his pressure, that he had to stand up Submitted the certificate, and personally killed Secretary Xu Qian, who was unconscious after the traitor Gao Qiang.

When Mr. Wu heard Xu Qian's worry, he felt a little complacent. This was a plan that he carefully planned to kill two birds with one stone. Xu Qian was right. He used the mobile phone of the dead traitor Gao Qiang to release it to the Xizhou police. This is out-and-out true news. It is true that there are several dilapidated freighters carrying a large number of expensive cargoes cruising near the high seas near South Harbor tonight. Of course, none of these cargoes belong to him. It was the product of his old partner, the Hong Kong billionaire Sir He. Now he is almost dragged down by the cheating big investment of Xizhou Real Estate, and not long ago, he has planted hundreds of millions of goods in succession into the hands of the Crackdown Office. Well, where is the spare money to buy such a large sum of money at this time?

Of course, he is not idle, he has just organized a batch of wool from South America to be shipped to China, but this time he is a 100% serious businessman, and he has done all the customs procedures properly. Even when I checked, I couldn't find any problematic wool.

And the reason why he wants to release the news to Chen Yang as an enthusiastic citizen is not only to add an insurance policy to his own goods, but also to use Chen Yang's hand to teach his old friend Sir He a lesson. The goods on credit have been serialized one after another, and now he owes Sir He nearly [-] million Hong Kong dollars. Of course, Sir He is not a good man and a believer. If the high interest is paid, for him, Sir He is just a blood-sucking leech attached to his leg, he is almost as hateful as Chen Yang, so of course he doesn't mind the excitement of these two enemies he hates very much Do a game.

Moreover, this old ghost He is a fine person, and it is not easy for Chen Yang to take down this old ghost, not to mention that even if Chen Yang successfully detains He Laogui's goods, it will definitely be a big trouble, He Old Ghost He has quite a lot of contacts in the mainland, and he is an honorary knight of the Hong Kong government, with great popularity and influence. At that time, there will be troublesome things waiting for Chen Yang to wipe his ass, and he can take this risk smoothly. The large quantities of high-quality drugs that he brought back were resold to several big demolishers below, and when the two enemies had a big fight, he had already made a lot of money, and the golden cicada calmly escaped his shell and flew straight to the world of Las Vegas Heaven, from now on, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Even if you copy Lao Tzu's company, you can do nothing but watch Lao Tzu sky high and let the birds fly away, haha

At this moment, Wu Zhenbang has already calculated everything. All the people involved in this matter tonight are in his calculations. He is like the person playing chess, so why would he have the slightest worry?

It's just that he was a very suspicious person, and not long ago, there was another mole incident in the group. At this time, he no longer trusted anyone, even this female secretary who had been with him for nearly ten years. He also maintained a bit of vigilance.

At this time, he just held his bare chin with one hand, stroked it back and forth, and gazed comfortably at the calm sea in the distance. A few inscrutable smiles gradually appeared on his face, but he didn't say a word.

Xu Qian quietly looked at the contented President Wu from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know what Wu Zhenbang was complacent about, but she was not stupid, and she could guess that Wu Zhenbang came to this pier in the middle of the night. Hoi An's kindness, and if Wu Zhenbang hadn't brought her here to see the ship tonight, she would not even have known that Wu Zhenbang had a shipment coming to Hong Kong tonight, and she had only vaguely heard Wu Zhenbang mentioned two To put it bluntly, he released the real news and sold that obsessive He Laogui.

At this time, there was a whining siren on the pier, and a small cargo ship of small size and appearance slowly sailed into the berth dedicated to unloading.

And Wu Zhenbang glanced at this small cargo ship, which was not impressive, seemingly unintentionally, then looked at his watch, then turned to face Xu Qian and said, "Okay, Xiaoqian, let's change places."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Wu."

Xu Qian responded obediently, and hurriedly bowed down to help Wu Zhenbang open the car door. After Wu Zhenbang got into the rear compartment, she walked around the other side door. After opening, when she was about to get in the car, she accidentally I took another look at the small freighter that had just entered the gate. This freighter had a ship number on it, called "Dongtai Ocean Freighter A203", and I didn't know which shipping company it belonged to.

She didn't dare to think too much, just glanced at it, and then hurried back into the carriage.

After a while, the car started slowly, and soon, it turned around and disappeared into the vast night.

Almost at the same time that Wu Zhenbang left Xingang Wharf by car, Chen Yang's anti-smuggling boat also sailed for a distance of nearly [-] to [-] nautical miles, and then stopped at a place where the current was not very fast. But it is not very far away from the brigade who went out to sea to ambush in the waters near the hidden reefs on both sides of Xiaosha and Dasha.

Chen Yang didn't stay in the cabin, but stood on the front deck of the ship, holding a high-magnification navigation telescope in his hand, quietly observing the situation in the opposite sea area.

Just after he had been observing for about ten minutes, suddenly a few indistinct lights flickered on the originally dark sea in front of him. Chen Yang counted it confidently, and there seemed to be as many as four bright spots in total, and these four spots It seems that the bright light is gradually enlarged in the telescope

finally here

Chen Yang heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that Wu Zhenbang would smell some disturbance, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and thus changed his plan.

Now it seems that the previous worries may be a bit unnecessary.

But just as they were waiting for work, just waiting for these unsightly cargo ships to continue to penetrate into our country's territorial waters and enter the net that Chen Yang had arranged long ago, these large fishing boats seemed to smell something bad, and suddenly After changing the course, he didn't enter the encirclement according to the nearest route, but changed direction and slipped towards the north.

And almost at the same time, an official in a customs uniform hurriedly approached Chen Yang and reported: "Secretary Chen, there is news from ahead that the 'shark' seems to want to run away, now what should we do next?" ?”

Chen Yang raised his binoculars and found that the bright spots were obviously weakening, and the direction of the flight was very wrong. He didn't want to see the scene where the cooked duck flew away, so he only pondered for a while, and immediately made a decisive decision The order said: "Captain Huang, please inform the comrades in front to stop waiting, and immediately collect the net and arrest people."

Because of the accurate information report before, and even if these ships are normal ships, it’s okay. At worst, there will be no major problems after routine interrogation, not to mention the weird behavior of these broken ships. Without ghosts, obviously unlikely.

Therefore, Chen Yang did not expect to get into any trouble.

Immediately afterwards, within 2 minutes of Chen Yang's order being sent out, a rumbling cannon was heard from a distance, and the more than 30 ships that had been sitting on the sidelines, immediately rushed together like hungry wolves smelling blood. The brush suddenly popped up from several nearby sea areas, moved forward at full speed, and chased after the smuggling boats that fled to the north.

Seeing that the situation was not good, those cargo ships suddenly sped up their escape speed, and they didn't cover up. They changed their course again, turned around and fled towards the open sea to the east.

If these four smuggling boats were allowed to escape back to the high seas, then Yang Bailao's actions tonight would be really wrong. Of course, Chen Yang would not allow this to happen.

He immediately gave the order to fire the cannon and signal the other party to stop the ship obediently and wait for inspection immediately. If the other party resisted stubbornly, he would immediately use force to force him to submit regardless of life or death.

His order was quickly implemented, and soon, after the firing of cannons and semaphore warnings failed, seeing the other party running like a mouse like a madman and continuing to flee for their lives, dozens of large and small warships that jointly dealt with it Without saying a word, the boat immediately bombarded those desperate smuggling boats in a series of violent bombardments.

Sure enough, it doesn't make sense to reason at such a time. Only when you squeeze your fists together can the other party submit obediently.

The cannons in front stopped after a few minutes. When Chen Yang picked up the binoculars and looked forward again, he only saw that the few ships had been shocked, and they all stopped in shock, even far away. You can hear the yelling and begging for mercy from the boat on the opposite side from a distance, and also, smuggling, being caught is not necessarily a serious crime of beheading, there is no need to throw your life on the vast sea.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help showing a somewhat triumphant smile on his face, hum, confronting the government is beyond self-control

But having said that, it was the first time for the crew members on these smuggling ships to see a real existence. Many times in the past, even if they accidentally encountered a patrolling anti-smuggling ship, they would at most play a cat-and-mouse race on the sea. Said, but who knew that the government had taken some wrong medicine this time, and it was so terrifying. They came up to slap a few semaphores and then opened up their posture and blasted wildly. How could they allow them to escape for their lives.

How did they know that the reason for this is very simple, just because the commander-in-chief of this operation is called Chen Yang.

Thinking about Chen Yang spending a lot of effort to cast the net, if this piece of fat is really allowed to escape, what face will he have as the secretary of the municipal party committee?

Half an hour later, the victorious anti-smuggling fleet blew the horn of victory and slowly returned to the old pier area, and the four smuggling freighters that were escorted all the way back in the middle of the fleet were also escorted here.

Immediately after landing, the customs staff who had been waiting on the shore rushed up in time. With the cooperation of the anti-smuggling team, they carried out a large-scale inventory of the four suspected smuggling cargo ships without stopping.

Since there were too many smuggled goods seized, it would be impossible to sort them out for a while. Chen Yang, who had just won the battle, was completely relaxed. In addition, he hadn't rested for many days because of this operation. When he was sleepy, he didn't stay any longer, but drove back to the small guest house carefully arranged for him by the Nangang Municipal Party Committee to catch up on sleep.

At the same time, a black Cadillac commercial vehicle that happened to pass by here stopped here for a while, then hurriedly accelerated and drove towards the highway out of the city.

It wasn't until he got out of the city and got on the highway that Wu Zhenbang in this car secretly patted his chest with lingering fear, but cursed in depression, this old ghost, he is very careful when dealing with Lao Tzu on weekdays , **, I didn't expect it to be an idiot, how long has it been, but he lost his penis and impotence, it's really vulnerable, but I'm still waiting to see a good show, so I came here for nothing.

After Chen Yang returned to Xiaozhao, he slept very soundly. He didn't wake up until almost ten o'clock the next day.

After a brief wash, a young waitress specially serving him has already placed preserved egg porridge, fried dough sticks, steamed buns and other simple breakfasts on the living room.

Chen Yang had a busy night last night, and he was a little hungry at this time, so he grabbed a deep-fried dough stick and ate the delicious preserved egg porridge.

But only halfway through this breakfast, someone came looking for him in the living room.

The person who came here was the landlord here, the director of the crackdown office, Comrade Chen Fenghua, the deputy secretary of Nangang, his eyes were red and bloodshot all over. Views have changed a lot.It is human nature to be timid and afraid of getting into trouble. It is not possible to demand that all party members and cadres be desperate. The requirements of the masses are actually very low. Competent cadres.

Chen Fenghua fought on the front line without closing his eyes all night, so he came to find Chen Yang at this time, naturally he was reporting to Chen Yang the fruitful results of last night.

"Secretary Chen, after preliminary counting, this batch of goods includes medicines, cigarettes, luxury goods, and some electronic products, mainly new mobile phones produced by some well-known foreign manufacturers. According to the final statistics, the market value of this batch of goods is About 30 billion yuan, I have asked the people below to sort out the list in detail, and when the list comes out, I will hand it over to the Municipal Party Committee Office.”

Chen Fenghua said excitedly, although he felt a little apprehensive about risking retaliation for his work, and he didn't even dare to continue working here, but he was lucky, and he cracked several cases not long after he came to power. Well, speaking of it, this can be regarded as his political achievements. If he can survive this tense period, maybe his official career will be out of control from now on.With this thought, his state of mind also unconsciously changed quietly.

When Chen Yang heard that the data in the report was similar to that in the informant, he was even more certain in his heart, and then asked again: "Are you optimistic about the confiscated goods?"

"After we organized manpower to check and check, they have been temporarily sealed in the No. [-] warehouse in the bonded area." Chen Fenghua said hastily.

Chen Yang hummed to express his approval, and when he was about to say a few words of encouragement, the phone rang at an inopportune time.

Seeing this, Chen Fenghua quickly found an excuse and resigned.

When the people walked away, Chen Yang picked up the phone, but as soon as he connected, Li Qiuhe's anxious voice came from the phone: "Husband, it's not good, sister Xian'er seems to have disappeared."

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