The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 258 Hijacking

The moment Ji Xian'er saw Wu Zhenbang appearing at the door, she immediately realized that the matter had been exposed. However, she had experienced in society for many years, so she had rich social experience. In her own hotel, she didn't think she would be in any danger.

Soon, she quickly calmed down from the shock just now. After taking a light breath, she tried to calm herself down, and then said calmly, "Excuse me, Mr. Wu, may I ask you to come here to see me? ?”

"Hehe." Wu Zhenbang chuckled twice. He admired Ji Xian'er's calmness in the face of danger. However, since he dared to come to the showdown today, he had already arranged a perfect plan. Therefore, Ji Xian'er at this moment No matter how determined Xian'er was, in his eyes, she was still a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, unable to jump anywhere.

Ji Xian'er smelled a hint of danger from his laughter, and from the corner of her eyes, she easily spotted a man in a black suit and wide sunglasses standing in the aisle behind Wu Zhenbang. The young men, these four young men knew at a glance that they were not good.

At this time, her first reaction was to call someone over to help out. With a thought, she didn't care about talking nonsense, she stepped back a little, and immediately closed the door and fled back into the house.

It's just a pity that her every move has already fallen into Wu Zhenbang's eyes, and Wu Zhenbang stretched out his hand calmly, and pressed his big hand on the door of the guest room, "Hehe, Mr. Ji, this is not how you treat guests. "

Ji Xian'er failed to close the door, her face suddenly changed, and she scolded: "Wu Zhenbang, what do you want to do?"

Instead of being angry, Wu Zhenbang smiled and said, "What do you want to do? Hehe, Mr. Ji, it seems that I should be asking you this question?"

Now that the face has been torn apart, and everyone is smart, there is no need to talk too much nonsense, Ji Xian'er stopped talking, her pretty face sank, and immediately issued the order to evict: "Wu Zhenbang, this is my hotel, if you don't Leave immediately, don't blame me for calling security."

After finishing speaking, she immediately turned her head and walked back into the living room. At the same time, she quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag, and she was about to call the police on the spot.

Seeing this, Wu Zhenbang outside the door didn't follow in, but just laughed and said, "Hehe, Mr. Ji, do you think that since I'm here, I'll be scared off by your few words?"

Ji Xian'er ignored him, and continued to dial with her head down. However, when she pressed the call button, raised her head slightly, and was about to speak into the microphone,

"Husband, I"

She didn't finish the warning call as she wished, because in the few seconds she dialed the phone, there were two more young men in black in the living room, standing on the left and the right. She was not far away, and they each held a shiny black May-four pistol in their hands, and Sen Leng's muzzle was pointing at her head

"If you have anything else to say, hurry up?"

Chen Yang's slightly impatient voice came from the other end of the phone.

Ji Xian'er didn't dare to speak, although she knew that as long as she warned the police, Chen Yang on the other side of the phone should not have gone far, and would be able to rush back to the hotel immediately, but

Yes, she didn't dare, she was afraid that if Chen Yang came back, he would immediately fall into the same dangerous situation as her, even though she was already in danger at this moment, but the first reaction in her mind was still worrying about Chen Yang .

She gripped the phone tightly with trembling hands, subconsciously raised her eyes and glanced at the door, only to see Wu Zhenbang was smiling and waving his hand at her lightly, which meant that she could do whatever she wanted. but she

"Ji Xian'er, what are you doing? If you don't talk anymore, I will do it. Also, I will go back to Xizhou later. You should think about it carefully tonight, and come back to Xizhou tomorrow. Did you hear me"

On the phone, Chen Yang's voice kept coming, but Ji Xian'er could only listen dumbfounded, not daring to say a word, not even daring to breathe, because she was afraid that Chen Yang would hear something, and Chen Yang If Yang sensed something was wrong, he would definitely come back immediately, but she didn't want Chen Yang to come back at this time, because the other party had guns in his hand, and there were more than one

Time passed quickly, and 5 minutes later, Ji Xian'er with a gray expression appeared at the door of the hotel, followed by a young man in black, who was not striking. It seemed that nothing serious happened, but you just need to be careful After a while, you will notice that the right hand of the young man in black beside her is always stuck in his jacket pocket, and there seems to be a hard object hidden in his pocket.

At this time, a black Rolls-Royce slowly drove to a parking spot facing the street in the outer courtyard of the hotel. After stopping, the driver got out of the car calmly, and then bent down respectfully and opened the rear compartment door. Ji Xian'er, who was able to get here, smiled slightly, bowed and made a gesture of invitation: "Miss Ji, please get in the car."

Ji Xian'er's empty eyes swept across the carriage, but she saw that in the spacious rear carriage, Wu Zhenbang was looking at her with a smile, his legs crossed and a thick Cuban cigar in his hand.I really don't know when Wu Zhenbang went downstairs, he was already one step ahead of her, and he was already waiting for her in the car.

At this time, the street was very lively with people coming and going. As long as Ji Xian'er yelled "Help" in the street, countless people's eyes would be drawn to this direction, but unfortunately, the only reason left in her mind Let her throat be dumb at this moment.

Because she knew very well in her heart that before she yelled "Help", the young man in black behind him would immediately pull the trigger in his hand. At that time, even if the gods came, it would not work.

In other words, although she knew she was in a dangerous situation at this time, she was not yet at the end of her rope, and the glimmer of hope for survival had not been completely wiped out, which made her cautious and did not dare to act rashly.

Under the polite coercion of the other party, even though she had a thousand or ten thousand reluctances in her heart, she still had no choice but to get into the rear compartment.

A pleasant voice sounded, and the door closed.This kind of top-of-the-line sedan with millions of dollars is different. It seems that even the sound of closing the door is much more pleasant than that of a garbage truck worth tens of thousands of dollars.

It's just that this voice heard Ji Xian'er's ears, but she didn't hesitate to hear it from hell. She didn't know where the other party would take her after the door was closed, and what the other party wanted to do?Did he kill himself to vent his anger?She didn't know, really didn't know, she only knew that at this moment, her heart was full of fear and crazy yearning for Chen Yang.This is normal. When people reach the most critical moment, they will always unconsciously miss their loved ones.

The Hyatt Hotel is located in the old city center, with narrow streets and heavy traffic of people and vehicles. This black Rolls-Royce does not seem to be in a hurry, and is slowly moving forward with other vehicles.

Just when the car turned out of a crowded intersection, Ji Xian'er, who had been trembling all over, suddenly trembled more violently, and she seemed to be pushed to the limit by the eerie and gloomy atmosphere in the car , slapped the car window with both hands violently like crazy, and shouted: "Put me out of the car, you bastards, quickly let me out of the car!"

"Ji Xian'er, what's wrong with you, this doesn't look like your style."

Wu Zhenbang looked at Ji Xian'er, who was slamming on the car window like a madman, and yanking the hidden car door with all his might, with a smile. The change in mentality may start from this moment. In his eyes, there is no Ji Xianer who is the president in the world, and there is only a living woman named Ji Xianer. Unfortunately, he Being able to decide this woman's life or death made him feel very comfortable. If it wasn't for the finishing touches at hand, I'm afraid he would have become a beast in this car now.

And his eyes were unscrupulously roaming around Ji Xian'er's exquisite and beautiful figure.

Ji Xian'er has an impeccable face, soft and beautiful, quiet and charming, her thin lips are as moist as pecking water, always wanting to open and close, her small and tall nose is smart, and her dark eyes exude a touch of maturity. -The charm unique to women.

All in all, everything about Ji Xian'er seemed so perfect, and weeds were growing wildly in his body.

And she is wearing a black one-piece winter dress at the moment, which is considered a good fit. Her figure is exquisite and well-proportioned. On her legs, she wears a pair of black stockings and a pair of white high-heeled shoes. The whole heel is golden, and the circle under the toe is a golden pattern.Not to mention, this pair of high heels is really beautiful, and it looks even more beautiful when paired with her golden lotus feet and breasts.

Thinking that it would not be long before this flower-like beauty would submit to him, tactfully and happily, his heart couldn't help beating wildly. Deep down in his heart, he wanted to make this first time extremely comfortable, and even hoped to completely surrender the woman in front of him from the bottom of his heart. I'm afraid he couldn't help it on the spot.

Finally, Ji Xian'er was afraid that the frequency of opening the car window would become slower and slower. Finally, when the originally clear and tall figure outside the car window gradually became blurred and drifted away, she slumped and gave up on this useless thing. Resisting, she slumped on the soft and comfortable sofa seat with a dead face, but her eyes were still staring blankly at the blurry figure that had turned into a black spot.

Her mind was in a mess, and she thought of many things in a flash. If everything could start over, then she could be [-]% sure that she would never quarrel with Chen Yang again, and would obediently listen to Chen Yang. Don't just find something to do all day long.Her body still has the liquid after having sex with Chen Yang not long ago. Every time after making love with Chen Yang, she always reluctantly took a few contraceptive pills. She didn't want to take it, but because Chen Yang Her identity is sensitive, and she has children again, but she dare not kill too many people. She never considers her feelings, and always forces her to take medicine. This is what she heard in the woods by the Xizhou reservoir The reason why Qing was so irritated after those words, she thought,

But for some reason, at this moment, her lower body couldn't help twitching violently. Perhaps it was because Wu Zhenbang's eyes that suddenly became sinister and evil not far away made her suddenly realize something.

"What would you like to drink? A drink or wine, or a whiskey?"

Wu Zhenbang casually opened a small freezer next to him, took out two transparent and exquisite goblets, turned his head and smiled at Ji Xian'er, and asked in a gentlemanly manner.

Ji Xian'er's pretty face was pale, without a trace of blood. She sat with her back leaning against the car door, staring vigilantly at Wu Zhenbang who looked like a demon in front of her, without saying a word.

"Hehe, don't worry, take it easy, okay?"

Wu Zhenbang is still such a gentleman, he smiled and gestured, then took out a bottle of beautifully packaged foreign wine from the freezer on his own initiative, poured the wine into the glass slowly, and said to himself with a relaxed face: "I know you What are you worried about, but don't worry, although what you did annoys me, who told me to like you, I can forgive you for what you did before, but "

Having said that, he picked up two wine glasses filled with a small glass of whiskey, handed one of them to Ji Xian'er, and said with a smile, "Just, I hope you won't let me down again in the future, my patience But there is a limit, my little fairy."

In the eyes of Ji Xianer, his demeanor, which looks like a gentleman to outsiders, is like a devil, and what he said at the end made Ji Xianer suddenly feel a sense of enlightenment, and goosebumps jumped all over his body. Woke up.

Immediately afterwards, I saw her body twitch violently, stretched out her hand regardless and waved forward, closed her eyes and shouted: "Get out of here!"

With a bang, Wu Zhenbang was hit on the arm that was handing the cup. With a shake of his hand, the cup in his hand fell to the carpet under his feet, and the white liquid spilled all over the floor.

Ji Xian'er, on the other hand, seemed to be out of control. She leaned against the car door and trembled non-stop, staring at Wu Zhenbang in horror. She could already vaguely guess the other party's purpose. At this moment, she just regretted it. She would have known that she would have called out for help just now when she was desperately trying to die on the street. Indeed, she would rather die than hope that she would be defiled by this pervert.

It's just that things are out of her control. Even if she wants to die now, she probably won't be able to.

"Okay, since you don't want to drink, I won't force you, hehe, I have plenty of ways and time to wait for you to be good."

There was no trace of anger on Wu Zhenbang's face, he took out a white square scarf with a smile, looked at Ji Xian'er with a smile, and said in a dark voice while wiping the splashed wine on the back of his hand.

Ji Xian'er looked at the other party's confident look. She had been in the society for a long time, and she had been exposed to all kinds of indecent activities. Naturally, it was not difficult to hear the other meaning in the other party's words. , her heart involuntarily plummeted down, and her trembling body suddenly trembled even more.


At the same time, at a crowded intersection on Jiefang North Road, Chen Yang was hesitating at the intersection. He glanced at his mobile phone, his face seemed a little hesitant.

No wonder, after he received Ji Xianer's inexplicable call just now, he thought it was Xianer's prank, but after he walked two streets all the way, he hesitated a little, wondering if he should go back, After all, Xian'er's temperament is somewhat weird, and listening to her phone calls is weird, and it would be really troublesome if she got into the horns and did something stupid.

Finally, after hesitating on the spot for a while, he decided to let go of his so-called masculinity, go back and explain the matter clearly, and do Tongji Xian'er's work.

Of course, at this moment, he probably never imagined that even if he rushed back, he could only accept the bitter fruit of going to Loukong alone.

Chen Yang's movements were quick, and since he hadn't gone far, it took him about ten minutes to return to the lobby on the first floor of Hyatt.He came out in a hurry just now, and he didn't even hand in the room card back to the front desk, so it's easy now, he just got on the elevator and went to the eighth floor.

Walking all the way back to the door of Room 809, this time he didn't open the door directly to enter, but knocked on the door twice before shouting inside: "Xian'er, open the door."

Obviously, he was doing useless work.

After yelling twice, seeing that there was no answer inside, he felt a little nervous for no reason, and immediately took out his room card and opened the door without saying a word.

After entering the house, he saw that everything was not much different from before he left, but after searching the back room, he didn't see anyone from Xian'er. Although he was very surprised, he was somewhat relieved, he was most afraid of What's more, after breaking in, if you see Xian'er hiding in the bathroom and cutting her pulse or something, it will be really bad.He was frightened by such things in his previous life. He remembered that once, Yan Yue had cut his wrists once. If he hadn't been rescued in time, he would have died.

Fortunately, these things didn't happen, but the question came again, where did Xian'er go?He counted the time, from the time he left to the time he came back, it only took about half an hour, so where could Xian'er go?And the lights are still on in this room, obviously Xian'er should have just been out not long ago.

While he was in a trance, his eyes were suddenly dazzled by something in the back room, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be a very simple diamond ring on the bedside table in the back room.

This diamond ring was given to Xian'er by him. On weekdays, Xian'er loves this diamond ring like a jewel, and it can be said that she never leaves her body, that is, she will take it off for a while when taking a bath.

No, something must have happened

In the next second, a terrible thought suddenly popped into Chen Yang's mind.

Then I saw his expression change, and he rushed out of the room without looking back.

ps: There will be a [-]D chapter in the evening, so don’t worry.

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