His death was imminent, and Wu Zhenbang couldn't care less about the so-called face problem anymore. He called the old Yanjing mansion for help without hesitation. There is a chance that he was killed, otherwise, no matter how courageous the police are, it is absolutely impossible to come to his house to raid his house without any rumors.

And after these three years, he has already figured out what kind of background and background Chen Yang is. This time he fell into Chen Yang's hands. The old man asked for help.

After this phone call, apart from incurring a stern reprimand, the other end of the phone just told him to find the nearest shop nearby to settle down first, and then just don't do anything else and just wait for the news there, and then There is no other content.

After putting down the phone, the tense look on Wu Zhenbang's face eased somewhat. He knew that if the old man said something, his little life would be saved at last. As for whether he could continue to stay in the country, he didn't dare to expect extravagantly. , at least save your life first.

However, when he escaped from Kai Mou before, he also thought about finding a hiding place to avoid the limelight first, but because he escaped hastily from another courtyard, he was only wearing a nightgown at this time, and he didn't say anything when he was cold. Well, the point is that you can't stay in a hotel in this state, and besides, there is a big living person hidden in the back room, which is really inconvenient.

Wish is the way of heaven and earth, just when Wu Zhenbang was at a loss, he tried to activate the pawns several times, and this Santana was miraculously activated by him again.

With a bang, he immediately listened to the sound of a fairy, "Don't dare to push it any further, shifted the gear carefully, and then slowly drove towards the intersection on the west side. There is a three-star hotel not far to the west." He thought about the committee's industry while driving, not to mention, it really gave him a useful relationship. When the province was engaged in the science and technology park project, he also participated in the bidding of several projects. A lot of water and rice for a deputy district chief. Although it is abrupt to call in the middle of the night, it is important to save lives. He can't control this much. He asked the deputy district chief to help open a room, which is a matter of one phone call. , it is not a difficult task.

Sure enough, although it was already one o'clock in the morning, the deputy head of the district didn't know which club he was still in. Wu Zhenbang made a phone call, and he was connected immediately, and he promised to help him, who was too young. No matter how small you are, be busy.

The deputy district chief, who didn't come home in the middle of the night, was very efficient. When Wu Zhenbang rushed to the Science and Technology Park Hotel, he had already explained the matter.The hotel not only arranged a suite with good conditions, but even sent a waiter to help send Ji Xianer upstairs, although Ji Xianer knew that there was something wrong when she saw her dazed look." The waiter was instructed by the manager "not to meddle too much.After settling down, "Wu Zhenbang's heart that has been hanging has been completely relaxed. In the room, he had just changed his clothes, and suddenly there was a piercing siren sound from downstairs." He was frightened this night. It's broken, and I thought to myself what are these [police] doing?" Could it be that they are immortals, and I just hid in less than 10 minutes, and I didn't find them so quickly?

At this time, when I heard the continuous sound of sirens, I could immediately tell that there were at least ten police cars coming down from the downstairs. I was startled, and quickly got up from the sofa, walked to the edge of the window sill, and opened the door. The curtain looked downstairs, and he was startled. My good boy, my good guy, what ten police cars, looking down, it was dark downstairs, and at least a few cars were parked in the small hotel courtyard at the moment. Ten police cars with blue and white police logos printed on them. In addition, many police officers were jumping off their pawns quickly. Without saying a word, they used police logo ropes to pull up a long barrier around the perimeter of the shop. The gate was firmly blocked, and it was not known what urgent task they were here for.

Just when he was terrified and wondering if the gang of [police] were coming to arrest him, the emergency phone that he had been holding tightly in his hand suddenly rang loudly after he entered the house.His heart skipped a beat, he picked it up and glanced at it quickly, and when he saw a familiar phone number, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time quickly pressed the call button.

Soon, a deep and serious voice came from the receiver: "Uncle San, I'm Jiangnan. I just heard about your business. Now the time is urgent, so I'll make a long story short. Just do as you hear."

"Jiangnan, tell me quickly." Wu Zhenbang was in a hurry.

"Third Uncle, you made too much trouble this time. The one named Chen has copied all of your warehouse in Xiaoxi Hutong, alas, forget it, it's too late to say this now. Anyway, remember, The situation is not good for you now. The old man has already greeted He Dongliang personally, but He Dongliang doesn't know what the Xizhou police are doing. Now he just asked the Provincial Public Security Bureau to send someone to protect you. [Police] You don't need to pay attention to it, but you are making such a big commotion here, I believe that the surname Chen will come to you soon. In short, you must remember that no matter what, even if you are caught, you must not admit that The batch of goods is yours. I will find a way to arrange someone to pick you up tomorrow morning, and then send you to the United States to hide for a while. As for the future, let’s go through this first.”

"Okay, Jiangnan, I'll listen to you, third uncle is waiting for your good news."

A huge stone fell to Wu Zhenbang's heart. Although he committed the crime of beheading this time, the old man personally greeted the top leaders in Lingxi. After receiving it, he will have a short period of time to save his life. He believes that with the means of his eldest nephew, it will be easy to secretly send himself out of the country. By then, it will be too late for the incident to happen here. The most likely thing is that the case will be over. In short, as for the big development, he was about to give up, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

Thinking of this, he looked at the busy police officers downstairs, and felt that they were not as scary as before. On the contrary, he felt that these police officers were extremely cute. After all, these people were here to protect him.

Of course, thinking of how much of the 30 billion worth of goods had been copied before it could be released, he was heartbroken and at the same time couldn't suppress his anger towards Chen Yang.

Thinking of Chen Yang, who ruined his big business this time, he involuntarily glanced towards the back room, only to see that the closed bedroom door was opened.And Ji Xian'er, who was covered in scars, was shrinking behind the door with a terrified expression, apparently planning to sneak out.

After a while, Ji Xian'er was thrown onto the big bed in the bedroom after being helped upstairs by the waiter, but after being bumped all the way, she woke up not long after she was on the bed. The strange environment, her mind was buzzing, she couldn't remember what was going on, she only remembered that she was knocked out in Wu Zhenbang's small attic, even though she didn't dare to think about it, she just hoped to escape to a safe place first. Besides, who knows, as soon as he opened the door, he met Wu Zhenbang's sinister gaze head-on.

"Damn you bitch, where else do you want to go?" After tearing his face apart, Wu Zhenbang looked like a hooligan, he got up viciously and strode towards Ji Xian'er as he spoke.He was full of unknown anger in his heart, and he was worried that he had no place to vent it. In addition, he also figured out that what happened tonight was indeed Chen Yang's stalking him behind his back. How can he hold back now that you are not Chen Yang's woman? I'll take some interest first now.

It has to be said that in just one hour, one after another, he has reached the point of life and death. He has reached the edge of perversion. When he looked panicked and nervous, some kind of perverted [excitement] unexpectedly surged in his heart.With a grinning grin, he rushed towards Ji Xian'er...

At the same time, the police has already set up the downstairs of the hotel. The team is led by the executive deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, named Ji Qiang. For an important position, Secretary He [Shu] received a call from the old leader this time and realized the urgency of the situation. Without knowing more information, he immediately arranged for Ji Qiang, whom he trusted, to come here with a full manpower Xingye , no matter what the matter is, you have to control the matter in your own hands first.It just so happened that Ji Qiang has been working on solving old cases in Xicheng District recently. After receiving a call from the big boss, he dared not delay for a while, so he hurriedly called dozens of people, and rushed here in a mighty car. After confirming that Wu Zhenbang was hiding in this hotel, he immediately sealed off the place according to the big boss's wishes, and waited for the provincial government to clarify the situation.

After finishing it, he quickly called He [Shu] Ji, He [Shu] Ji had fallen asleep again, so he called He [Shu] Ji's secretary Director Wu

"Director Wu, hello, let me report the situation to you. After investigation, Wu Zhenbang, the chairman of Dafa Development, is indeed staying in this hotel. Now, we have controlled the hotel, and we will only wait for the instructions of the leader to do it in detail. Deal with it accordingly." Director Wu over there obviously got an explanation from Secretary He [Shu], and immediately nodded calmly, and conveyed: "Secretary He [Shu] has rested now, but he has a few words If I want to tell you, one is that you immediately hurry up to find out what is going on with the Xizhou police? Then immediately take over the case and let your provincial department take charge of it; the other is that before the problem is investigated clearly, you must make sure As for Wu Zhenbang's personal safety, you know that Wu Zhenbang of the Great Development is a representative of the National People's Congress, and he is well-known in the business circles of Lingxi. This matter must not be handled hastily. Tomorrow morning, Secretary He [Secretary] must know the truth of the matter."

"Okay, Director Wu, I promise to complete the task." Ji Qiang said yes repeatedly, with an extremely humble attitude, just like He [Secretary] Ji himself on the other end of the phone.

However, after hanging up the phone, he seemed to be a different person, and once again there was a chilling air unique to public security officers on his dark face. He waved his hand and called a subordinate, and ordered: "Old Huang, hurry up!" Go to contact Xizhou and ask them what the hell they are doing. They ransacked the house of a National People's Congress representative in the middle of the night. Is there any national law and organizational discipline in my eyes? Now this incident has alarmed He Shu 〗Remember, if they can’t tell the reason, I’m going to ask them the responsibility of all the Xizhou Municipal Bureau team!” A middle-aged policeman with slightly bald hair received the order and hurried back to the car to contact work up.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Qiang still seemed to feel that something was wrong. Years of experience in fighting on the public security front told him that what happened tonight was too weird. His sixth sense has always been very effective. Maybe there will be more At the same time, thinking of Secretary He [Shu] Qian Dingwan's confession that he quickly recruited another police officer to arrange security work outside, and ordered very solemnly: "Lao Lan, this is the land of your Xicheng branch. I have to ask your people to take good care of this place, Secretary He [Shu] personally explained, if something happens to Wu Zhenbang here, I will only ask you."

"Jiting, don't worry, I've already asked people to deploy defenses layer by layer, so nothing can go wrong." Bureau Lan said with a flattering smile, took out a pack of cigarettes while talking, and handed one to Ji Qiang then asked again, "Ji Ting, what's going on? The Xizhou Municipal Bureau is too fucking messy. They went to Wu Zhenbang's house in the middle of the night? Is Wu Zhenbang easy to provoke for the development?"

Ji Qiang took the cigarette, took a sip, and then frowned and said: "I don't know what these bastards are doing, but I don't think it's easy, let's just do our job well." Then he patted Lanju's Shoulder, "Okay, Lao Lan, you stay here and stare, no matter who comes, don't let anyone in, I'll go up and meet Wu Zhenbang to communicate with him." Lan Ju was speechless for a while, and said deeply to Ji Qiang Why is he in the provincial capital, the provincial capital city, the current district bureau chief? He looks majestic, but he actually gets a lot of anger, especially when he is in charge of such weird things that he has never seen in this rich area. reason.

But Lan Jue's judgment was very accurate. Just after Ji Qiang walked for a while, he saw dots of light on the road in the distance moving rapidly in his direction. It seemed that pawns were rushing over. , In less than a few minutes, after a burst of dust, several Mitsubishi off-road pawns of all colors stopped outside the cordon at the hotel entrance.

Soon, after a series of bang bang bang bang bang, more than a dozen Feng police in uniform jumped under the car, and then broke the cordon to break in without saying a word.

"Hey, which bureau are you from? What do you want to do? Didn't you see that there is a cordon here?", Bureau Lan saw that something bad was going on, quickly threw the cigarette butt, and blocked it in two or three steps.And it was only at this time that he could see clearly that the leader of the group of [police] soldiers was a young man who seemed to be in his early thirties.

Obviously, this stern-faced young man is naturally Chen Yang who rushed over after hearing the news. He originally brought his policemen to search the area of ​​the Science and Technology Park. Not long ago, the old Huang from the Provincial Department After getting in touch with Li Zhixian, he found out that Wu Zhenbang really didn't run away, but actually hid here. He was overjoyed, and he led the people here first, but when he saw so many policemen present, Moreover, the entire Chung shop was sealed off, and he immediately realized that Wu Zhenbang might have sent reinforcements.He had already let Wu Zhenbang slip under his nose once before, this time no matter what, he couldn't play the bad show of catching and releasing Cao again.

It's just that the [police] in front of them are obviously from the nearby urban district bureau, and there are still a lot of them, so it is definitely impossible to force their way.

He glanced at the middle-aged police officer who came up to meet him, and he could more or less judge from the epaulettes that this person should be one of the people in charge here, so he stopped immediately and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "I am the Xizhou Municipal Committee [Book] Secretary Chen Yang, I was in charge of the operation of the Xizhou Municipal Bureau this time. To put it simply, the major suspect in a drug trafficking case we just seized nearby is hiding in this hotel. Comrade, you can cooperate with our work." Lan Ju was stunned when he heard this, he really didn't expect that the young man in front of him was actually the [Secretary] of the Municipal Party Committee, but he often read newspapers and TV, but He also heard about Chen Yang, the youngest secretary of the municipal party committee in the whole province, and the dozen or so policemen behind Chen Yang. Just now, what Ji Qiang said before he went upstairs was still in his ears, how could he readily get out of the way and let Chen Yang and others go in.

Seeing that Chen Yang put down his words, he immediately lifted the cordon and was about to rush in, he quickly raised his chest, stopped Chen Yang and said in a deep voice, "Secretary Chen, my surname is Lan, and I am the public security officer in the west city of Spring City." Director of the branch, I don't know what your actions are, but the order I received from the provincial department is that no one is allowed to step into this hotel, of course, including you and your people, I'm sorry , I don’t think I can help you with this, so please cooperate with us.”

Chen Yang was worried about Xian'er's safety. Seeing that Xian'er was close at hand, he didn't have the mood to argue with the director of the Xicheng Branch, so his face darkened immediately, and said: "Director Lan, I have asked someone to follow up on the specific case. The provincial department has communicated, you'd better not meddle in this case, you can't take the responsibility if there is a mistake in the case, tell your people to go away!", Chen Yang said this a bit bluntly, Bureau Lan I got a little nervous when I heard it, and I thought that you, a local official, came to the provincial capital to find something, and you are still playing around?

Immediately, his face darkened as well, and he snorted coldly: "If I don't get out of the way, is it possible that you still dare to force your way?"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen of his subordinates in the bureau who had been eyeing behind him immediately surrounded him in unison, and even a few police officers drew their guns.

As soon as Chen Yang saw the other party pulling out his gun, Li Zhixian was worried about what would happen to Chen Yang, so he immediately pulled out his gun from his waist. More than a dozen other comrades also came out with guns to carry out their missions, and they were also all together. Shuashua drew his gun and confronted each other.

In an instant, the originally harmonious scene immediately became tense. ! ~!

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