The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 277 A Great Victory

During the two sessions, a large number of young senior cadres of a new generation emerged. Their open speeches and wise performances have attracted great attention from the media at home and abroad. The media at home and abroad have wondered whether the exchange of blood at the top of the Communist Party has come too violently. , And whether these new generation of high-ranking officials will formally enter the stage of history from this point on.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is Lin Kun, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee from Yanjing. Ye Cheng, who was elected as the vice-governor of the Liaobei Provincial Government at the age of 46, also received extensive attention from the media at home and abroad. It is said that a series of influential proposals of the Liaobei delegation came from this person. Then came the two sessions.

But the person who is really active on this big political stage, the one who pays the most attention is Chen Yang, who was extremely low-key at the two sessions.

Indeed, before the convening of the Two Sessions, there were rumors of discord within the Huahai delegation. At the same time, large discussions about whether the development speed of the East China New District of Huahai City was overheated appeared in the newspapers from time to time. It can be said that for the Huahai delegation and Chen Yang himself To put it bluntly, the two sessions have been put under the microscope by the media before the two sessions are held. We just wait for the meeting to begin. Once there are discordant voices from the representatives of the Huahai Group, I believe a new round of media coverage will be ushered in immediately. Stir fry.

But all of this, after Pei Ming, one of the nine elders, made a loud and high-profile statement at the Fifth Plenum held during the Two Sessions, all the hype about whether Huahai's economy was overheated immediately died down.

indeed.At this session of the Central Party Congress, Pei Ming made an important speech as the secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee. In his speech, he highly praised some of the economic development that Huahai City has achieved in the past year when he accepted the appointment of the Central Committee as the Secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee. At the same time, it affirmed the Huahai Municipal Government's strategic concept of further accelerating the comprehensive construction of the East China New Area.

This very official statement of Pei Ming's Standing Committee immediately seemed to drop a heavy bomb in the calm officialdom. His attitude of standing up in such a high-profile way to support Chen Yang also made quite a few people stunned. Returning to the glasses, the resulting effect was that some of the discordant voices of the Huahai delegation that were about to move were immediately muted, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes disappeared invisible before they had time to jump out and do something, and in the subsequent two sessions in process.The voices of the Huahai regiment were unprecedentedly consistent.The speeches of all the representatives, including their proposals, were extremely harmonious. They were all based on the speech of the Standing Committee of Pei Ming, and they began to tout a series of fruitful results achieved by the East China New Area. The media were disappointed.For the Huahai group that did not have any news hype.They also had to unanimously choose to silence collectively.

To everyone's surprise.This was just the beginning. At the Politburo meeting that followed, Pei Ming submitted a request to the central government to step down from his post as secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee.He gave three reasons. First, after a smooth transition throughout the year, all party members and cadres in Huahai City, under the leadership of Comrade Chen Yang, have withstood the test and completely eliminated the negative effects of the Wu case on Huahai. All the energy has been put on economic construction, which has been proved by various economic data in the first three quarters of this year, and this is also the situation that the central government hopes to see.The second point, he believes that after more than a year of development in Huahai, the municipal party committee and municipal government team has proved that they have the ability to control the overall direction. They are a capable and courageous team that is fully worthy of the trust of the central government.The third point is that he is out of personal work considerations. After all, although he also serves as the secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee, he also has a lot of work. It is difficult to control the overall situation of Huahai. Now that the Huahai team has achieved a smooth transition, I hope The central government can give full consideration to the benefits of local work and approve his request to step down as secretary of the Huahai Party Committee.

In the end, after intense discussions among the 25 Politburo members present at the meeting, the Politburo agreed in principle to the request of Pei Ming Standing Committee member. differences.

Originally, as the mayor of Huahai, it was a matter of course for Chen Yang to succeed Pei Ming as the leader. It was unanimously opposed by several committee members who were biased towards the northern department. The reasons they put forward were also very good. After all, Chen Yang was too young, and he had served as the mayor of Huahai for a short period of time, and he had not yet completed his term. In addition, after the re-administrative division of 23 major large cities across the country at the two sessions, Huahai will be officially designated as a provincial city just like Yanjing, and Chen Yang was only promoted to the rank of deputy minister the year before last. It is also mentioned that the ministerial level does not conform to the organizational procedures.

Similarly, there are quite a few members who support Chen Yang's replacement of Pei Ming's Standing Committee, especially several members of the Chen faction, including Wu Zhigao, Secretary of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, He Liguo, Secretary of the Eastern Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Yun, Director of the Central Office. At this critical moment, he chose to support Chen Yang without hesitation. Although Chen Yaoguo, secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee, Chen Yang's third uncle, did not make a clear statement at the meeting, it is clear that if it is necessary to make a decision by secret ballot in the end If it is decided, he will [-]% vote for it.

In the end, it was the principal who made the decision to end this heated debate within the Politburo.Of course, the headmaster obviously didn't expect that the transition period of more than a year had passed, and he had made a special arrangement. Who knew that he would encounter such a big resistance that he had to frown. He put forward his opinion in favor of letting Chen Yang replace Pei Ming, and then let the meeting enter the democratic process of secret ballot.

Although it was a secret ballot, after the principal expressed his attitude, many committee members who held neutral views immediately had a bottom line in their hearts.

Isn't that right? Although the committee members present at the meeting were a little overwhelmed by the sudden attack of Pei Ming, in the final analysis.If it hadn't been for the president's approval, how could Peiming's Standing Committee choose to propose so abruptly at this meeting that he would be removed from the post of Huahai Municipal Party Committee Secretary.After all, in the eyes of most members, the time for Pei Ming to step down is not ripe, and Hua Hai has been undercurrents recently. Besides, Pei Ming has always been partial to the northern faction. Otherwise, I would never have sat in this position.After the chaos in Huahai last year.The reason why the principal didn't encounter any resistance when he proposed to allow Pei Ming to take care of Hua Hai's work was mainly because of this consideration.The principal's appreciation for Chen Yang is well known, but you, Chen Yang, can be promoted in Huahai, but you have to wait until after next year's general election.At that time, the political forces of all parties will compete.Even if Chen Yang finally got his wish and became a regular.Other forces will naturally gain a lot of benefits from it.But who would have thought that after this year passed, Pei Ming would make such a choice.It really made people not psychologically prepared at all, and didn't even leave time for others to organize a counterattack.

Sure enough, the final voting results also confirmed this point. Chen Yang finally won the approval of 25 of the 18 committee members. The meeting also made a decision on the spot. Comrade Chen Yang replaced Pei Ming as the secretary of the Huahai Municipal Committee At the same time, Comrade Chen Yang was removed from the post of mayor of Huahai City Government, and the specific successor will be discussed at the next Politburo meeting.

And when the final decision of the Politburo was made, at the party congress that followed, Chen Yang once again went to the alternate word as he wished. In the secret ballot of more than 2000 party representatives, he was elected As a member of the Central Committee, of course, this time he will not encounter any resistance when he is elected as a member of the Central Committee as the freshly released secretary of the Huahai Municipal Committee.

After the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hua Hai's political and economic status in the country, Chen Yang's ranking in the party has also risen shockingly to within 150. Although he has not yet been able to enter the Politburo as he wished, for him, This is already the best result he can achieve at this stage.

At the same time, it is quite surprising that the rumors that the central government intends to elect two more members of the Politburo before the change of office next year, which had been circulated in a serious manner before this plenary session, have not been confirmed. and this matter.As for why such a change occurred, no one else knows except the 25 leaders of the Politburo.However, after the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, there was a surprisingly unanimous interpretation of this matter, that is, the central government did not add personnel to the Politburo at this plenum, and the biggest possibility was to allow Chen Yang to enter the Politburo next year. Paving the way, after all this incident, if the principal's preference for Chen Yang can no longer be seen, then he might as well gouge his eyes out.

After the successful conclusion of the Fifth Plenary Session, the one-week Two Sessions are still in full swing. Of course, the Fifth Plenary Session is also the focus of all media attention, and every resolution passed at the meeting will also be viewed by the media with a magnifying glass. Be interpreted and analyzed.

Therefore, it is conceivable that, as the biggest winner of the Fifth Plenum of the Central Committee, the news that Chen Yang will be appointed as the secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee, and that he was elected as a member of the Central Committee also spread quickly like an invisible breeze. It has been all over the domestic political arena, and it has attracted the attention of all the big and small media at home and abroad. This undoubtedly pushed Chen Yang, who tried his best to keep a low profile, to the cusp of the storm again.

The major media, which had been quieted down just now because of Pei Ming's high-profile statement, became lively again, and then some media requests for an exclusive interview with Chen Yang were sent to the Huahai delegation in the Hyatt Regency. The location of the big hotel, even the CCTV program group with an obvious official background, which specializes in reporting news about the two sessions, is surprising. You must know that the CCTV two session reporting team has always focused on people's livelihood and economic issues when covering the two sessions. Regarding the reform proposal, conducting an exclusive interview with Chen Yang, a political celebrity like this, is neither in line with the rules nor in line with the tradition.

But it is obvious that Chen Yang will not be disturbed by all the chaos in front of him. He asked the staff around him to politely reject all interview invitations to him, no matter whether they are domestic or foreign, and no matter what the media has. Background, all in all, he doesn't meet any of them, let alone show any unnecessary limelight at this time.

During the entire two sessions, he only delivered short speeches of no more than 5 minutes when Pei Ming's Standing Committee member came to the Huahai Group for a discussion.

Unfortunately, although he has maintained a low-key attitude during the two sessions.However, the all-pervasive media still found an unexpected breakthrough in the news of the two sessions with all kinds of clues after digging deeply into him, a political celebrity.

On the first day of the two sessions, a representative from the Ganning Province delegation released the first satellite of the plenary session. He put forward a proposal to suggest that the central government require party members and cadres of all government agencies to disclose their personal assets.This person is Liu Dong, a deputy mayor of Ningcheng, the capital of Ganning Province, and a very ordinary deputy department-level cadre. Go to the Central Party School for further study, and finally.After verification.This person was a student in Chen Yang's class who was teaching at the party school at the time.

On the second day of the NPC and CPPCC, the secretary of the county party committee of a state-level poverty-stricken county in the western province of Sichuan, a small cadre at the department level released another satellite. He boldly submitted a statement to the central government about his desire to disclose all Proposals for institutional consumption.It is quite curious.This little-known department-level cadre named Gao Yuanchao also came from a prominent official family.His father is actually a deputy governor of the current head office of the People's Bank of China.Finally, it was verified that this person also had the experience of studying at the Central Party School in 9901.And he was actually a student in Chen Yang's class.

On the third day following that, a deputy secretary-general surnamed Liao from the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee of Subei Province put forward a motion, expressing deep concern about the wanton construction of luxurious buildings and pavilions by government agencies across the country.In the end, it was found out that unfortunately, this person was also Chen Yang's student.

On the fourth day, Xiao Qiang, the mayor of a prefecture-level city in Lingnan, an economically strong province, submitted to the National People's Congress a draft proposal on the definition of corruption. In the draft proposal, he stated his views bluntly. The current law on the definition of corruption can no longer keep up with the development of the situation. He suggested that the original detailed rules of the death penalty should be changed to more than 100 million. As long as the fixed amount is reached, the death sentence will be executed immediately. , At the same time, it is recommended that the High Court abolish the fake sentence of death reprieve for all terrorists, and as long as the standard is met, those who deserve to be killed will be killed without mercy.

As soon as this proposal came out, it is said that the young Mayor Xiao was immediately approached by the head of the Lingnan Regiment to talk to him that night. The specific content of the conversation is unknown, but he was obviously dealt with seriously by the head of the group, because no one was watching at the meeting after that. Been to him.At the same time, he was also given a new nickname of "Killer" by many people in the circle. What surprised the media even more was that after verification, this "Killer" also came from a member of the 99th class of the Central Party School. In the training class for department-level cadres, the head teacher of their class was unfortunately Chen Yang.

Next, after in-depth digging by the media, among all the representatives who had made speeches and proposals at the two sessions, they came up with such a list. Li Baohua, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Yun, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Zhou Heping, Director of the Second Department of Cadres of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wait, wait, etc. Behind this long list of 16 people, there is a common point that is not easy to detect. Indeed, in Yanjing, at the two sessions, high-ranking officials gathered, and their official ranks may be It's not eye-catching, but they all have one thing in common. They were all students of Chen Yang, and all of them have certain political backgrounds in their families.

When all this was unearthed by the hands of the media, it had to attract the attention of some interested people in the political arena, and because their common teacher, Chen Yang, happened to be a popular politician now, and had just been appointed by the Politburo as a political figure. The top leader of Huahai, and was by-elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee. The student officials in the background, and his students released one after another eye-catching satellite proposals at the two sessions, not to mention whether they have ever been instructed by their teacher Chen, but all of this, Isn't it enough to attract the attention of the major factions?

Yes, just imagining this huge political force, which was suddenly outlined by the media for granted, is enough to make everyone wary and even shocked.

"Is this the so-called 'circle'?"

A special report published in Time Magazine in the United States adopted such a title, and the cover of the weekly magazine chose a black silhouette as the cover character for the first time. Above the head of this black, thinking-like silhouette is A big red question mark.

Although the American media did not give the specific identity of the silhouette, anyone who is a little familiar with Chen Yang can recognize it at a glance. This black silhouette of thinking is actually based on a certain moment of Chen Yang's thinking at the two sessions. Of course, it was obviously secretly filmed by reporters.

The text of the weekly special report is in the form of reporting on the high-level political structure of the Republic in the past, and it clearly shows this thing they call the circle with rich pictures and texts.

They also chose Chen Yang's side silhouette and placed it on the top layer of the entire graphic structure, and then drew 65 red thin lines down the line, and at the end of the thin line was a character profile. Including the character's name, current position, family background, etc., the information is very complete, and even some analysis of the character's background from their perspective, such as which faction of the republic the family behind the character belongs to, etc., and then according to These analyzed data link the possible anxiety of the character with the background behind other characters with lines again.

Among the dense, criss-crossing lines, even those who are familiar with domestic officialdom and political ecology may have to spend ten days and a half months to really figure out the relationship between these 60 people. It is to figure out the intricate relationship between their respective backgrounds.

Originally, the deputy editor-in-chief named Henry who carefully concocted this special report hoped that through his own analysis and drawing, he could finally figure out how Chen Yang and the political forces derived from him were in the Republic. The status and development prospects in the political map, but unfortunately, the more in-depth analysis, the deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine known as the number one China hand in the United States had to express disappointment that he couldn't figure out the complicated relationship.

It is indeed too difficult for this Mr. China Hand. In fact, even people in the domestic official circles may not really understand all the core content of this political structure map, let alone analyze it to draw the final conclusion.

The reason is very simple. According to the relationship network shown in this picture, almost all of Chen Yang’s more than 60 students have backgrounds, and their background relationships involve all major political factions or influential people in the country. A wealthy family, of course, includes, but there are also many. For example, Gao Qi, the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city in northern Liaoning Province, has a strong Ye family background behind him. His mother is the youngest daughter of the old man of the Ye family. , his relationship with Ye Cheng, the representative of the third generation of the Ye Clan, is still a cousin. As we all know, the Chen Clan and the Ye Clan have always been two major factions with different political demands.

Behind such an intricate relationship, it is strange that Henry, a China expert, can figure it out.

Not only that, even if Chen Yang had the opportunity to look at the relationship diagram he created, he would probably be overwhelmed.In fact, Chen Yang never thought about it so much, let alone thinking so complicatedly. He just hoped to bring out a few more young cadres who could do something.

At the end of the whole special report, Mr. Henry, a China hand, had to show his American-style humor in a rather regretful tone. Sorry, dear readers, the political wisdom of the Chinese is really beyond our comprehension. Let's wait and see if this circle really exists, and what kind of position it can occupy in the future political landscape of China. I'm very curious about this!Oh, of course, before that, I think I have to go to the hospital to recuperate for a while.

Later, according to gossip, after barely concocting this special report, deputy editor-in-chief Henry passed out directly when delivering the manuscript, and was sent to the hospital for half a month before recovering. (To be continued. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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