The magnificent performance hall of the Great Hall of the People is currently performing a performance on the central stage to commemorate the 56th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The military art workers of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, the most powerful in the army.

Under the stage, the gray-haired veteran army cadres enjoyed a series of cultural programs specially prepared for them by the song and dance troupe. Don't look at these old revolutionaries who have lost all their teeth and can't speak very well, but Back in the day, if any veteran cadre here was randomly pulled out, the title could scare people to death.

Because it is commemorating the 56th anniversary of the War of Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, all the old military leaders who participated in the meeting put on the uniforms that represented their lifelong glory. At the same time, they proudly arranged all the military medals they had won neatly on the left. on the chest.Looking around, almost every table is a bright piece, it can be said that the stars are shining and shining.

In the fringes around the venue, there are still a few senior reporters from the People’s Daily, the People’s Liberation Army Daily and other party newspapers and military newspapers wandering around, choosing the right angle to press the shutter of their cameras from time to time, leaving a memory for this solemn moment. Download valuable video data.

Of course, not only these, in fact the party and state leaders, as well as a few local officials and social celebrities also attended this event, and watched this grand cultural performance together.

At the big round table at No. 8, among seven or eight white-haired veterans, there was one wearing a dark tunic suit.A young man with black hair, among this group of old military leaders in military uniform, no matter how low-key this young man is, he still looks extraordinarily eye-catching. There is no way, he is the only one who can sit down here Such a youth representative.

Thanks to the fact that this is a party of high political significance, the political literacy of the media staff is not generally high, even if it is easy to find this. News from youth officials who are eligible to sit here and watch the show.

While watching theatrical performances.From time to time, the young man chatted and laughed with the old military leaders around him.Listening intently to these old generals talking about their military careers, it seems that the atmosphere at this table is quite harmonious.

And this young man who looked particularly eye-catching at the party was none other than Chen Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huahai City, who was invited to participate in this commemorative event on behalf of Huahai City.

Speak the truth.When I just received the letter from the Central Office.He still hesitated to come over.After all, he was only invited to attend, and he only attended the least important party, so he was completely optional.He is not an indispensable figure like the elders. In addition, it is approaching the end of the year, and Hua Hai’s work schedule is very heavy recently. Yu Qiang just called him and told him, and in the end he had no choice but to honestly put down the work at hand and fly over from Huahai to watch such a performance that was really not bright in his eyes.

But he wouldn't feel bored this night, just listening to the old military leaders at his table talking about the mountains was already worth his special trip.

"Mr. Zhou, aren't you bragging? You also went to the Battle of Songgufeng? Didn't you just say that you stayed in Zhisi to recuperate your wounds before the second battle?"

Chen Yang looked at a gray-haired old man next to him with doubts on his face, and pointed out the old man's flaws in the context without politeness.

The old man curled his lips when he heard the words, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a big sip of tea, and then retorted unhurriedly: "You little Chen, how many questions do you know? Ask the people around you Old man, I was the Zhengyin division commander of the 38th Division of the 113th Army at that time. Our army received the order from Boss Peng to outflank and block it. I got anxious when I received the order, and immediately got out of the hospital bed and followed the large army. On Pine Bone Peak, I led our division to fight against a Fifth Division of the US Army, a First Cavalry Division, and a brigade of the British Army. Oh, yes, there is also a Turkish brigade. Stay with those fully mechanized coalition forces!"

The old man boasted brazenly, while several other old military leaders beside him laughed, but no one refuted him.

Chen Yang also laughed when he heard the words, and immediately echoed: "Hey, Mr. Zhou, after your 38th Army won the second battle, Mr. Peng said in a telegram that the 38th Army is long live. You are so arrogant, why doesn't Mr. Peng say more about it?" One sentence, long live your 113th division, so you can be the leader of the serious Wansui division."

Because of Boss Peng's joke, the 38th Army had the well-known nickname of "Long Live Army" after the second battle, and it was because of Chen Yang's joke.

"You brat, are you deliberately making fun of my old man?"

Old man Zhou blew his beard and glared at Chen Yang.

"Old Zhou, calm down, how dare I."

Chen Yang hurriedly smiled and picked up the teapot and became a waiter, pouring tea for these cutest people on the battlefield in the past.

The happy time is always short. During the chatting and chatting, the party gradually came to an end. At this time, a well-known CCTV host who was born in the military strode to the center of the stage, and first made a regular poem recitation to the leaders present. Enthusiastically praised the heroic volunteer commanders and fighters who fought in the DPRK, and finally introduced loudly: "The following is the last program of this performance, a solo by Comrade Lin Yu, a young performing artist from the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department The song, "My Motherland", please enjoy the leaders and guests here."

Soon, host Zhu retreated behind the scenes, and the curtain slowly opened behind, and Lin Yu appeared in the center of the stage in a green military uniform, and behind her was a large number of music from the Central Orchestra. The members of the troupe made the soundtrack on the spot, and a famous conductor with a straight waist stood on the podium and prepared to direct the orchestra to make the soundtrack.

Not long after, as the baton drew a strong and powerful arc in the air, the melodious prelude to the song sounded, and after that, the huge projection screen hanging on the central curtain slowly displayed a picture of precious All of the old historical photos and videos are precious documents taken by war reporters in the hail of bullets, and some of them are even top-secret archives that have never been made public in front of the Chinese people.

As these old photos continued to flash before everyone's eyes, the entire banquet hall immediately became completely silent, and there seemed to be a heavy solemnity that people could clearly feel in the scene.

Chen Yang could even vaguely feel that when these incomparably precious old photos were displayed one by one along with the melody of the song, the veteran generals sitting beside him all raised their backs in unison. Straightforward, and they didn't intend to chat anymore, everyone was staring at the old photos that flashed across their eyes.

Chen Yang knew that even though the projection screen was huge enough, many of them could no longer see the content of Qingchu's photos, but even so, they still stared at the pictures that carried them with their already cloudy eyes. Old photos of that glorious history and boundless emotion.

The eyes of many old generals were wet at some point, including Zhou Lao who had been laughing loudly in front of him, especially when a photo taken by the famous writer Wei Wei on the Songgufeng battlefield after the second battle was displayed, Zhou Zhou After seeing the shocking layers of corpses in the photo, he, who was the commander of the 38th Division of the 113th Army at the time, could no longer restrain his excitement. Tears filled his eyes instantly, and his thin body couldn't help trembling slightly .

"Old Zhou, the martyr has rested in peace, you should take care of your health."

Chen Yang gently held Zhou Lao's trembling hand, and comforted him in a very low voice.

Just at this moment, Lin Yu's singing voice sounded out slowly.

"Good mountains, good water, good place, all the roads are so broad, my family lives on the shore, and when friends come, there is good wine. If the jackal comes, there are shotguns to greet it. This is a powerful motherland, where I grew up."

It has to be said that even though Lin Yu was once a queen of the pop music scene, her singing style has changed a lot, and when she sang this revolutionary song decades ago with her heavenly voice, she was still the same. It is so touching, even the most critical ears may not be able to find her flaws.

And her emotional singing pushed the atmosphere of the entire banquet hall to a climax. Almost everywhere, many old generals who were strong in the past could be seen uncontrollably choking up.

Chen Yang is also listening to Lin Yu's singing attentively at this moment. In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, when he first met Lin Yu, an underage girl, he had already heard Lin Yu sing this song. Back then, He had been deeply moved by Lin Yu's singing before, and this evening was even more so. He had almost never shed tears. At this moment, in such an environment and amidst Lin Yu's moving singing, he seemed to be I also started to feel a little sore in the nose.

"What's wrong with this stinky girl, what are you doing so sensational!"

Chen Yang didn't want to face up to his fragility, but complained about Miss Lin in his stomach.

At the end of the song, Lin Yu bowed deeply to everyone. Then, when the curtain fell slowly, the old generals who were still immersed in the past remembered it. After that, there was an instant sound in the banquet hall. There was a thunderous applause.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what was the name of this little girl introduced earlier? She sings really well!"

Elder Zhou sighed in admiration with some unfinished thoughts.

"It seems to be called Lin Yu, the singer of Zongzheng."

Chen Yang sweated, but still answered honestly. (to be continued...)

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