After the two deputy ministers sent Chen Yang, the great god, out of the banquet hall, as soon as they turned around, they all showed bitter smiles on their faces. ,ybdu,

"Old Wang, look at this matter tonight. I think it's best for your organization department to coordinate. After all, today's dinner is led by your organization department."

Vice Minister Qin is indeed a veteran who has worked on the diplomatic front for many years, and he planned to throw the blame for offending foreign friends away as soon as he opened his mouth.

After Vice Minister Wang scolded Gou Niang secretly, he put on a bitter expression on his face, shook his head again and again and said: "Old Qin, this is not appropriate, our department has never been in contact with foreign parties. Many, and you are all good at outreach, we are far behind, now that something has gone wrong, it is even more inconvenient for us to intervene, and I am afraid that I will have to trouble you, the deputy minister, in terms of coordination."

Vice Minister Qin scolded the old slicker secretly, with a bitter look on his face, and said bitterly: "Old Wang, what you said is inappropriate. Tonight, I also cooperated with your organization department according to the requirements of the superiors. Workers, now something is wrong, our department is the most innocent, what I can do now is to cooperate with you to do a good job in the aftermath, Lao Wang, we still have to go according to the normal work procedures, besides, just now Didn't Secretary Huahai Chen already find someone to communicate with, saying that when the time comes, he will do the work of communicating with the French side, and finally the French side will have to send an apology letter to your ministry."

Vice Minister Qin pushed four, five and six in a few words. Of course, even she herself might not believe what she said at the moment.

Sure enough, Vice Minister Wang became angry when he heard it.His expression was not hesitant, and his words became rude: "Old Qin, I don't like to hear what you say. I am not questioning Secretary Chen's words, but Secretary Chen may not be familiar with the specific situation, but you are an old diplomat. , you don’t know, are these foreigners so easy to get rid of? I’m afraid there will be trouble in their embassy before tomorrow morning.”

In normal times, a senior official like Vice Minister Wang would not be so blunt, but tonight there was indeed a lot of trouble, and he was in charge of it.If there is a real trouble, the blame must be pinned on him.There was fire in his heart and he didn't let it go.

Deputy Minister Qin saw that Lao Wang was really angry, so she couldn't say anything more, she could only shake her head secretly, and sighed softly: "Oh, forget it, Lao Wang. Let's stop arguing, it's better now Think of a way to appease Fa Fang."

While the two big leaders were talking, Min Rou walked over directly.Asked: "Minister Wang, look, how will the next work be arranged?"

Vice Minister Wang raised his eyes and saw that it was Min Rou who came over, and he felt furious again, thinking that if you, a lesbian, were not pushy and uncooperative, how could so many things happen tonight.

It was inconvenient for him to say more when Chen Yang was still present, but now that Chen Yang has left, he got angry and replied with a straight face: "Everyone has run away, what else can I arrange? What? Let the comrades disperse."

Min Rou also guessed that the boss is getting angry now, so she didn't dare to say anything, just nodded her head, "Oh", and was about to turn around and walk away, but Vice Minister Wang stopped her and said, "Comrade Xiao Min, isn't it?" I want to criticize you, but you look at your work performance today..."

After Vice Minister Wang said a few words, he seemed to think of something, so he suppressed his anger, frowned, waved his hand at Min Rou, and sighed: "Hey, forget it, you go first."

But Min Rou hadn't had time to leave yet, at this time, there were bursts of hurried footsteps coming from the entrance of the banquet hall, Vice Minister Wang and others followed the sound and looked back, but they couldn't help being stunned.

It turned out that at this time, Leon, who had just left the banquet hall in a huff and less than half a cup of tea, unexpectedly came back for some reason, and one or two of them were out of breath and sweating profusely. From the way he looked, it was obvious that he came back in a hurry.

As soon as Leon entered the hall, without saying a word, he quickly ran to the confused deputy ministers Qin and Wang. After standing at attention, he bowed deeply and sincerely used his lame Chinese said: "Oh, honorable ministers, I am very sorry, please forgive our stupid behavior just now, here, please accept me and all the staff of our French delegation to the two ministers and yours. Sincere apologies from all the staff, sorry we were wrong and caused you trouble!"

Immediately afterwards, as soon as Leon finished speaking, all the French officials behind him, regardless of men and women, all bent down at ninety degrees and bowed like the Japanese.


Qin and Wang were stunned, almost thinking that they had misjudged the wrong person.And all the Chinese officials behind them who heard the news were equally shocked.

Indeed, although the previous dinners have always been held in a relatively relaxed atmosphere, Chinese officials can more or less sense the natural arrogance from these foreign friends. Compared with the scene in front of them, The behavior of a group of French people who are so humble, and can even be described as humble, really makes them feel very unacceptable.

Everyone at the scene was a little short-circuited and couldn't keep up, so that no one spoke for more than ten seconds, and Leon and his party put on a posture that if you don't say anything, I won't get up , bowed at ninety degrees without moving.

It took a long time for the two deputy ministers to come to their senses. They looked at each other and saw shock and a little bit of fear in each other's eyes. As for where the fear came from, only the two of them knew.

"Hehe, Mr. Leon, please hurry up first, let's talk about something."

As expected of Vice Minister Wang, who had been in the officialdom for many years, he had recovered in a daze. Although he spoke very politely at this time, there was already a hint of condescension in his tone.

"No, the two ministers, if you don't accept our apology personally, I and my entourage will never get up."

Leon really held a fearless professionalism and vowed to apologize to the end.

Deputy Minister Wang looked at each other and smiled, and hurriedly supported Leon happily and said, "Okay, Mr. Leon, we accept your apology, so it's okay for the head office."

Vice Minister Qin also smiled and persuaded: "Yes, Mr. Leon, you are all guests from afar. If there is any misunderstanding, we can just communicate."

After a lot of talking, Leon and the others seemed to be very reluctantly explained by the two ministers, and they all straightened up anyway.

It's just that Leon didn't seem to be enjoying himself, and immediately found Min Rou, first bowed again, and then seemed to regard Min Rou in front of him as a devil, trembling in French with fear Said: "Honorable Ms. Min Rou, I'm really, very, very sorry, please forgive me for all my stupid and ignorant actions just now, I'm sorry, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

That's not enough, the next thing that surprised everyone at the scene was that Leon didn't care about the so-called dignity of the national body, and raised his hand in front of Min Rou in front of everyone, He began to whip himself with a big mouth.

clap clap clap!

Min Rou was taken aback by his actions. After Leon slapped himself so much that the corners of his mouth were bleeding, she realized that she was a kind-hearted and soft-hearted woman after all, so she hurried out. The sound stopped Leon's self-mutilation behavior like epileptic seizures.

"Mr. Leon, please stop, I, I forgive you."

Leon stopped just now, stepped back respectfully, and continued to speak in French in a low voice: "Ms. Min Rou, thank you very much for accepting my apology. Here I have another A small request, I hope you can spare a little time to call Ms. Xiang from the Hongqi Fund, please!"

Ms. Xiang from the Red Flag Fund?

Min Rou was stunned for a moment, and then she finally came to a realization, but she really didn't expect Xiang Jin's movements to be so fast, and it took only a short while for these French guys to admit defeat.

Among the few women in Chen Yang's family, although she has met them all, she is not too close to anyone because of her work relationship, let alone a girlfriend with Xiang Jin. She is not as exquisite as a fairy. , I get along with everyone in the Chen family.

Thinking of going to thank Xiang Jin later, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, but after thinking about it, she would be with Chen Yang for the rest of her life anyway, and besides Chen Yang, she could not be bullied by anyone. The elder sister who is abroad is not easy to talk to, and she will never bow her head to the other party if she uses this matter to be sarcastic.


For Chen Yang, the shocking reversal that happened in the small banquet hall was already in his expectation, and he didn't think it was a big deal. In fact, as soon as he walked out of the door, he just threw the shit out of his mind up.

There was no way, it was the next thing he saw that made him vomit blood even more.

According to tonight's plan, he didn't see Liu Hongbing after he came out, so he just went straight to the Kington box.

After the waiter opened the door for him, he saw Liu Hongbing squatting on two low stools in an extremely unsightly posture from a distance, holding a large glass of unknown wine in his hand, his face full of alcohol He was drinking and drinking with a group of young men and women, while his so-called blind date partner, Geng Rongrong, was dressed like a goblin in front of him, joking and chatting with a group of friends.

You must know that Chen Yang promised Liu Haitian that Liu Hongbing, a brat, would have a serious blind date with a girl. Seeing the messy scene in front of him, especially Liu Hongbing, who was so stupid that he couldn't support the wall with mud, was there with him. How can he be happy when a group of people fight for wine.

Frowning, Chen Yang walked straight over. The box was very big and there were many people in it, but no one paid any attention to him. (To be continued..)

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