The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 32 The rain is coming

There is a folk proverb that goes like this: When a tree falls, the monkeys scatter, but when a wall falls, everyone will be scattered.

Before Chen Yang's wall fell down, someone had already started.Oh, it can't be completely called o, it can only be said to clear the relationship.

At 07:30 on Tuesday morning, before it was time to go to work, the Longmen County Party Committee urgently held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee.At this time, Chen Yang was still entangled with the group of reporters at the gate of Jiangzhou People's Hospital.

The initiator of the meeting was naturally Secretary Tan, the top leader in the county. He set the meeting time before going to work. Explain clearly at the party committee. [

These two incidents are not big, they just happen to happen at this sensitive time.It's actually not difficult to solve it, just replace the judges quietly, make an application for the contestant to voluntarily withdraw from the competition, and then find friends in the press to do more work, and tend to treat it as a general case in publicity Dealing with it will make it a big deal.

But one is that the time is too tight now, and the other is that someone is afraid that someone will make small moves one after another behind the scenes. Once the masses are incited, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, Secretary Tan, who has been in the officialdom for many years, is very keenly aware that he can no longer express his ambiguous position this time. He must disengage from the game as soon as possible and clear the relationship, otherwise, someone who wants to catch his little pigtail will be big. Making a fuss is not worth the candle.

To be honest, it was quite difficult for him to make this decision. After all, the competition has been going smoothly since the start of the competition, and the public opinion from all walks of life is still more positive than negative.But just in case, he still had to reluctantly give up this political achievement that seemed to be in his hands.It seems that at critical moments, Secretary Tan has never lacked the courage of a strong man to cut his wrists.

The enlarged meeting of the county party committee was held in a timely manner and was very successful. It was rare for the standing committee members to take the initiative to speak out, and with one exception, they said that they had long had opinions on the selection activities, but for the sake of the overall development of the county's economy, they have been holding back.In short, it is after the fact one after another, and the relationship is more clear than the other.

As the person in charge of the unit where the accident occurred, Sun Hai had the honor to leapfrog to attend this enlarged meeting.At the meeting, he reprimanded the criminals who did evil, and at the same time made a profound self-criticism.He said that as the deputy director of the draft organizing committee, he did not perform his duties well, which caused such vicious cases, and felt very sorry for the party and the people.In addition, he also mentioned the position of "deputy director" many times in the review, which is self-evident.

The strange thing is that Chen Yang, who is the director of the organizing committee, has not received a notice asking him to come to the meeting. Although he is not in Longmen now, he should at least say hello, but no one thought of doing this Do.

At the end of the meeting, Secretary Tan set the tone for this matter—severely punish the murderer, make every effort to ensure social stability, and investigate all kinds of problems arising from the competition. In addition, before the matter has a result, the selection activities will temporarily shut down.

The first three points are not a big problem, but this last point, the lethality of the suspension of activities is too great.It is foreseeable that once the activities are suspended, it will cause a series of unnecessary troubles and many malicious speculations in the society.For example, those sponsors who invested money in the game must be a big problem that cannot be avoided.

It's not that Secretary Tan hasn't thought about these issues, but he can't care so much now. Keeping the black yarn on top of him is the business, and everything else is nonsense.What's more, his goal of using the talent show to attract the attention of investors has already been achieved. Now Longmen has initially opened up its popularity inside and outside the province. The beauty and simplicity of Longmen, as well as its good image of openness and hospitality have been recognized by people.

Chen Yang's warning didn't make the reporters restrain themselves much. On the contrary, they all thought it was a good opportunity to become famous.The Jiangzhou Morning Post, Evening Post, Metropolis Daily, and various TV stations reported to varying degrees the two vicious cases that occurred last night at the Longmen County Cultural Bureau.

The morning paper is a party newspaper, and the content they publish is relatively subtle, only reporting in detail from the nature of the case itself and the specific circumstances of the victim's murder; The suspenseful method is ingeniously adopted, which is quite different from the general news articles, and it has whetted people's appetite for novelty. At the end, it is specially noted that it is serialized, and readers are asked to pay close attention to further follow-up reports; Look at this incident from the perspective of a gossip worker, dig deep into various related inside stories, and use clues and materials provided by many anonymous interviewers to fiddle with a similar four-cornered love story. Of course, the most special It's still the title they chose-"Draft Gate". I have to say that in the early 90s, a title of this type was really an epoch-making initiative.

In addition to the above-mentioned three most influential newspapers in the city, some tabloids also reprinted the news one after another, following closely.In addition, in terms of TV stations, both Channel [-] and Cable TV produced a special topic to follow up on this matter, while Channel [-] was calm, except for a short news in Jiangzhou News at noon, which did not even last five seconds .

According to an auntie who worked inside the station, that morning, Fang Qing, a beautiful reporter who rushed back to the station excitedly with first-hand interview materials to rush to issue a press release, was called to the director's office alone.No one knew what the two of them were talking inside, but the director's roar could be heard through the thick office door.In addition, after leaving the director's office, reporter Fang was ordered to take a two-week holiday.This is not a rumor, many people in the stage saw Fang Damei with a black face, holding a big cardboard box out of the courtyard.

All in all, Jiangzhou at this moment really feels like the rain is about to come.In less than 24 hours, these news, whether factual or gossip, quickly spread to every corner of the entire Jiangzhou and its six subordinate counties through various media, and even spread to the provincial capital.After all, Professor Hu Bozhi, one of the victims, still has a certain influence in the domestic art world.

The Cultural Bureau of Longmen County, which is at the center of the storm, led by director Sun Hai, held a meeting of all cadres and workers as soon as he went to work on Tuesday morning. At the meeting, Sun Hai announced the urgent order from the county party committee to suspend activities with a serious expression, and proposed Immediately set up a rectification team, with him personally as the team leader, and the two deputy directors as the deputy team leaders.What about Chen Yang?Sorry, sorry, didn't hear him mention it.

The first item was passed quickly, and all cadres and workers unanimously raised their hands in favor.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Hai threw out the second item of the meeting. In view of the negligence of Comrade Chen Yang at work that led to this bad situation, he proposed to remove Comrade Chen Yang from the post of director of the organizing committee to facilitate a comprehensive investigation If there are problems in it, the accounts of the organizing committee will be uniformly handed over to the rectification team.Because most of the employees in the bureau worked part-time in the organizing committee, in order to vigorously advocate the principle of democracy, Sun Hai handed over the right to vote to the employees again.

However, what surprised him was that although Chen Yang was not at the scene, his words were left behind for a long time. Except for a few leaders above the department level on the stage who raised their hands to express their support, the other cadres and workers present seemed to be at a loss. After a while, no one raised their hands to agree to the proposal to remove Comrade Chen Yang from the post of director, and the meeting immediately fell into a stalemate. [

The embarrassment lasted for nearly 5 minutes. In the end, Sun Hai had no choice but to resort to his trump card. He moved the topic to the general meeting for discussion and decision at the next small meeting of the Standing Committee.It has to be said that Sun Hai has a deep understanding of what is called democratic centralism.In principle, centralization should be followed by democracy. Now that democracy is not possible, centralization is the only option.

Ten minutes later, at the group discussion meeting of the Standing Committee, the issue of dismissing Chen Yang as the director of the organizing committee was easily passed unanimously.

Why is it unanimous vote?It's very simple, Chen Yang is not there.

Chen Yang, who was once again ignored as air resistance, was carefully looking at the freshly released Jiangzhou Metropolis Daily. At this time, more than 72 hours had passed since the incident.For the past three days, he has been staying in a hotel near Jiangzhou People's Hospital. Because the hospital received a notice that Professor Hu was critically ill, he could not leave for the time being, and the patient's family members did not.In addition, he turned off the pager, not because he wanted to escape, but because those reporters were really annoying.

Regarding the situation of Longmen, he also got a general idea of ​​it through Director Liu who returned to the county first.He laughed off the resolution passed by the Longmen County Party Committee and the news that he had been dismissed by the Bureau Party Committee.He had already guessed all these in advance, and if it was him, he would definitely do the same.The officialdom is a big garbage dump, and everyone has it. He knew this a long time ago.

In Metropolis Daily, news about the draft took up two full pages. Because of the unexpectedly good response after the "draft gate" was released, the front-line reporters of the Metropolis Daily were more motivated, and once again dug out a A batch of little-known inside stories have been published one after another related reports about age, sex and bribery, rape, internal appointment, leadership, etc. For a time, Luoyang was expensive, and newspaper sales hit a record high.It has to be said that the current president of the Metropolitan Daily is indeed a capable person. With the help of this series of related reports, he successfully opened up the provincial capital market.A few years later, he has become the president of China Entertainment Media, one of the top three large groups in China, and said in an interview that he only seized such an opportunity in his life, and it was Longmen's talent show that made him so successful A brilliant career in a lifetime.

Some people take advantage of the opportunity to prosper, and naturally others will suffer.

The unlucky person was Chen Yang's friend, Wang Zhonghe, the editor-in-chief of the county newspaper.

On the second day after the incident, he detailed and affectionately counted the great changes that the talent show had brought to Longmen County over the past two months. There are more people, and more people come to Longmen to invest and travel. Longmen's local products are also well-known, selling well in the whole province and even surrounding areas, and the income of workers will naturally rise accordingly.At the end of the article, his words inappropriately alluded to the unscrupulous practices of some local officials. At the same time, he shouted that the game must not be terminated halfway, and must continue.

The publication of this press release directly led to two consequences.

[-]. Editor-in-chief Wang was transferred to the newspaper federation as the chairman of the union.

[-]. An article also signed by him was published on the Longmen Daily the next day. The title was: "In the tide of reform and opening up, we must always resist the invasion of corrupt and degenerate ideas of the bourgeoisie." The article criticized the talent show The adverse effects brought about, such as corrupting the minds of the people in the county, etc., the main argument is that recently the number of small hair salons in the county has gradually increased.

Damn, where is this going!

It is hard to believe that these two articles with completely different arguments were written by the same person.

Afterwards, someone claimed to have seen Editor-in-Chief Wang, oh no, it was Chairman Wang who rushed to the office of the new editor-in-chief angrily, and tore up a dozen copies of the newspaper he had just bought from the street in front of the new editor-in-chief.The new editor-in-chief is a genius, he smiled instead of anger, walked over and patted Chairman Wang on the shoulder, and persuaded him earnestly, "Old Wang, you are too straightforward, so it is easy to suffer in the officialdom."Listen to my brother, if you organize a few more mass activities in the guild, you will still have a chance in the future.

Chairman Wang gave a cold answer to the new editor-in-chief's kind teaching, sorry, I am different from you, I don't know what an official is, I only know that I am an editor!

Chairman Wang's words were resounding, and since then, they have become a good story in newspapers.

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