The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 331 What Does It Matter To Me?

"Secretary Chen, our group came to the Chinese Navy Division to perform a sympathy performance this time. We hope to invite you as a special guest to attend this evening. Oh, yes, our sympathy performance is tonight in the auditorium of the Military Division. held."

Lin Yu's matter was not complicated, and he could finish it in just one sentence.

In fact, even if she didn't tell Chen Yang how much she could guess, after all, it was just a trivial matter for Lin Yu to find him.If this matter had been left for a while ago, he would definitely have no time, but after he unloaded the government's big mess recently, he has a lot of free time to control, and he can spare time to read when he goes to the military sub-district to watch a party. time to come.

Of course, it was rare for Xiao Linyu to beg himself once, so Chen Yang naturally wanted to put on airs.

He frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and said, "Tonight? It seems that I have arranged to meet some people here. I don't know if I can spare some time then."

"Ah? Do you have other work arrangements?"

Lin Yu's face suddenly collapsed when she heard the words. Although before coming here, the leader of the regiment told her that Secretary Chen of Huahai must attend the party, but in fact, for her, whether Chen Yang would go to see their regiment Her performance was second to none, she just hoped to spend more time with Chen Yang.

Seeing Lin Yu's disappointed expression, Chen Yang chuckled secretly. It seemed that the effect was good, and then he changed the subject: "But, since my little baby opened the mouth, I have to push back no matter how important the entertainment is." It's not. Otherwise, my little baby would have to be withdrawn by their leader."

Lin Yuqiao blushed, only then did she realize that Chen Yang was just teasing herself.But he still turned his worries into joy and grabbed Chen Yang's hand to confirm: "Really? Can you really come over?"

Chen Yang laughed, and frivolously touched Lin Yu's face with his right hand, and said, "As for whether it's true or not, the most important thing is to see your performance."

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Yang with his small mouth slightly opened, not knowing what Chen Yang meant by that.

"Hehe, don't you understand?" Chen Yang smirked.He said earnestly, "Xiaoyu. You have been in the entertainment circle anyway, haven't you heard of the word 'hidden rules'? Don't talk about it, you should be familiar with how to serve a man, right?"

It was only then that Lin Yu suddenly realized, but she never thought that her husband would tease her like this.The little face turned even redder immediately, and she couldn't help but threw herself into Chen Yang's arms, and kept clenching her fists and hitting Chen Yang's chest, while blushing and whispering: "You're necrotic, obviously Knowing that people have the thinnest skins, they make fun of them with such nasty words for no reason...."

Chen Yang laughed out loud, letting Lin Yu's limp little fist beat him.Strange to say, among the women in his family, the one he likes to flirt with the most is Lin Yu.As for the reason, he couldn't say it. I'm afraid it was mainly because Lin Yu was the easiest to blush with embarrassment.

Tired of crooked for a long time.Chen Yang finally remembered clearly that this is an important place for office work. At least he didn't eat Lin Yu alive here. Le Duo just put his hand into Lin Yu's standard shirt and petticoat, and ruthlessly molested him. Lin Yu had been reading for a long time about his sensitivity, and then he finally let go of this little sheep who let him get whatever he wanted.

It's just that he can control his body, but Lin Yu is under the frivolity of his lover.He fell in love unconsciously, after Chen Yang stopped his heinous behavior.Her face was still flushed, her upturned breasts with perfect breasts undulated violently, and her breathing became obviously disordered and rapid. If Chen Yang hadn't let go of her in time, she might have been uncontrollable and wanted to be on the spot. Orgasm once again.

So long after Chen Yang let go of her, she was still cuddling softly in Chen Yang's arms, panting and unable to move, with her two little hands powerlessly resting on Chen Yang's shoulders, biting Chen Yang's ear with a red face, and whispering in a low voice : "You made people look like this, I don't care how you let people go out to meet people later, I don't want to leave, you, you have to be responsible to the end.",

Chen Yang didn't expect Lin Yu, who was always pure and shy, to say these words, he was slightly startled, and thought that this girl seemed to be led badly by Xian'er and the others.

And no matter what Chen Yang does, it is impossible for Chen Yang to have such a thing as a golden house hidden during working hours. After all, his office is full of people, and people will come to report work from time to time, but there is no way to keep such a super beauty Son stay here.

Thinking of this, he patted Lin Yu's face, and said seriously, "Okay, Xiaoyu, I still have a lot of work to do here, so we can talk about it when we meet tonight. .”


Lin Yu got up from his arms with some reluctance, lowered his head and fastened the buttons of his clothes that Chen Yang had messed up, but still murmured in a low voice: "You are the worst, you make people unable to go It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t go down.”

Chen Yang was sweating when he heard the words, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "Xiaoyu, who did you learn this from? You weren't like this before, right?"

Then Lin Yu made a "puchi" sound, covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Hee hee, Sister Xian'er told me that she said that you are the most prudish person, and I have to deal with you like this when I'm with you. .”

This fairy!Okay, don't teach specifically to teach these low-level interesting things!

Chen Yang was furious, and was about to say something, but Lin Yu had already stood up, bent down and kissed Chen Yang lightly on the cheek, and said with a coquettish smile, "Honey, I'll go first, you remember?" Promise me that you will definitely come tonight."

Seeing that Lin Yu was about to walk towards the door, Chen Yang remembered something, so he stopped her again and asked, "Wait a minute, Xiao Yu, where are you going now?"

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and replied, "I have nothing else to do, so I'll just go back to the military division."

"Oh?" Chen Yang frowned slightly, "Isn't Mayor Lin invited from your regiment?"

"Mayor Lin? The head of the group invited him personally."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and said with some surprise: "Your head is really good at employing people. Send you, a little girl, to invite me."

Lin Yu's pretty face turned hot when he heard the words, and then he explained embarrassingly: "I took the initiative to tell the group leader that I came to invite you to the party."

Chen Yang frowned even more after hearing this, but he quickly returned to normal.Smiling, he said to Lin Yu, "Okay then, you can do your own work first, and let your team leader know later that I don't have any other important arrangements tonight, so I'm sure I'll find time to go there."


Lin Yu happily agreed, and then left Chen Yang's office.

After Lin Yu left, Chen Yang's brow that had just been loosened unconsciously frowned again.

It wasn't because Lin Yu and the head of the labor group went to invite the mayor in person instead of himself, but he was worried that Lin Yu, an ignorant girl, would be foolishly used as a gun without knowing it.

After all, few people who were close to him knew about his relationship with Lin Yu.Other outsiders didn't know anything about it, even when he arranged for Lin Yu to work in the Zongzheng Song and Dance Troupe.He didn't show up in person, but found other relationships. To put it bluntly, so far.No one in Lin Yu's group knew about Lin Yu's relationship with him, and it was precisely because of this that he was somewhat worried about Lin Yu.

We must know that although the labor union is not as messy as the entertainment circle, it is not that simple. In fact, many beauties in the labor union have an affair with a certain leader. This is almost an open secret.

It was also because of this that he was very afraid that Lin Yu's stupid initiative to invite Ying to invite him to the party might give the leaders of their regiment the impression that Lin Yu was also a girl who was obsessed with climbing the dragon and the phoenix.If they really left such an impression on their regiment leaders, it would obviously not do Lin Yu any good, let alone anything else.Lin Yu alone is definitely the number one personal qualification in their regiment, and it is impossible for her regiment leaders to read their minds.

Of course, Chen Yang was worried because he was worried, but after all, it was just some random thoughts of his, and with his current status, there were really few people who would make him afraid.What's more, he has absolute confidence in Lin Yu.Except for him, no other man would let this girl touch her.Secondly, if there were some nasty things that happened in the so-called labor groups that he had seen before, he would definitely be able to settle things easily.

After thinking wildly for a while on the sofa, he laughed at himself, took back his thoughts on Lin Yu, and refocused his energy on the heavy work of the day.

It's just that Chen Yang didn't know at this time, his conjecture was quite reliable, and the world was really as dirty as he imagined.


As for Lin Yu after leaving Chen Yang's office, she was like a happy bird at the moment, returning to the military division in the car with a happy face, and started her busy preparations for the rehearsal in the military division's auditorium.

If it was a few months ago, Lin Yu would not have had so much work to do, all she had to do was prepare her own show, but since she was nominated as the deputy director of the singing group a while ago, the burden on her shoulders has eased. Now she is not only able to take care of herself, she also has to assist their director to do a good job in the work of the group. Of course, there are also many coordination problems in interpersonal relationships, and these are obviously not her What she is good at and likes, she pushed it several times to think about not being the so-called deputy director, but the leader of the regiment has been doing her job, and she is a person who is not very good at rejecting others, so she can only agree in the end Down, so that now she is much busier than before.

Take tonight's performance as an example. Not only does she have to perform on stage, but she also has to help the singers in the group choose songs, audition, rehearse, etc. There is a lot of work waiting for her to do.Ever since she rushed back from Chen Yang's place in the morning, she has been busy with reading until now, it's past lunch time, and she is still too busy to take time off.

At this time, a beautiful girl who had just tried the sound on the stage walked up to Lin Yu who was studying the score with her head down, and asked with a worried face, "Sister Lin, how is my singing in this part? Does it need to be improved?"

Lin Yu pursed his lips lightly, and then gestured to the girl with the music book: "Xuanxuan, your verse is ok, but your singing in the chorus is still too full of emotion. The chorus still needs to take back the emotions as much as possible, understand?"

"Oh, yes, Sister Lin, I'll try the pronunciation again later as you just said."

The girl hurriedly read her head and responded.She is a college student who just graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music this year.The direct gaze has always been extremely high, but in front of Lin Yu, the former superstar, she can only be honest and obedient.Of course.She has always been a die-hard fan of Lin Yu when she was in school, and now she has the opportunity to get in touch with idols and even receive guidance from idols. For her, even if this job does not pay wages, she is still happy. Not from ear to ear.

Lin Yu raised his head and glanced at Xuanxuan as he spoke. When he saw the evening dress with a very low front on her body, he couldn't help frowning secretly, and said, "Xuanxuan, I don't think it's okay for you to wear this dress to perform on stage at night. It’s too solemn, so let’s change it later. It’s better to ask the costumer to find you a navy uniform, which will match your show better.”

"Okay, Miss Lin."

When it comes to idols, Xuanxuan has always followed blindly.What's more, Lin Yu's opinion is quite positive.

It's a pity that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even a girl like Lin Yu who has always been indifferent to the world will also be envied and hated by others.No, she never thought of looking for trouble, but the trouble came to her on its own initiative.

Just as Lin Yu was conscientiously and responsibly guiding the singers in the group, a sour voice sounded beside the two of them.

"Hey, Xiao Lin, it's already time to read the clock, and you're still busy giving instructions to the little girls?"

Lin Yu was slightly taken aback.Xun Sheng looked over, and it turned out that there were several young women in their thirties walking towards her together.

She quickly took the initiative to say hello to a young woman in a purple dress, "Sister Xiaoyan, hello."

"Hehe. Xiaolin, I didn't say you, you, you are too old-fashioned in thinking, I think the little girl looks good in this dress, from which point of view. I don't think there is anything undignified Well, let’s talk about it again. The song I heard this little girl singing just now is not a military camp song, so I don’t think you need to wear a military uniform.”

This Feng-Shao-sister-woman named Xiaoyan put on a stick with a smile on her face, and pointed at the members of the Lin Yu group in a few words.

After all, she is a senior in the regiment, and Lin Yu's personality has never been a competitive person, so she smiled and said: "Sister Xiaoyan, you have rich experience, I will think about it later."

Xiaoyan originally wanted to find something to adjust, but Lin Yu had a good temper, and she had nothing to do with it, so she curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Xiao Lin, it's not that I want to criticize you, you are responsible. Qiang, this is a good thing, but you don’t want to read all this, and if you don’t eat, you can’t let the little girls in your group starve with you, right?”

Lin Yu was choked up and didn't know what to say for a moment.

It's just that although she has nothing to do with the world, her subordinates and fans are different. That girl named Xuanxuan can't tolerate others pointing at her idol, and she jumps out immediately regardless of her own qualifications Cursing back: "Hehe, sister Xiaoyan, it's none of your business whether we're hungry or not? You have this spare time, so I advise you to hurry up and think about how to keep your husband safe."

I have to say that these little girls born in the 80s have strong mouths, and their determination to defend their idols is definitely beyond what ordinary people can imagine. As soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately made the provocative sister Xiaoyan blush, even though this sister Xiaoyan Her husband, the fact that a colonel in a certain military region hooked up with a dancing girl in the regiment was already an open secret in the regiment, but no one dared to speak out so bluntly in front of her.

"Xuanxuan, don't say a few words."

Lin Yu slightly frowned and scolded his subordinates.

Although Xuanxuan hurriedly kept her mouth shut, she still cast a provocative look at Sister Xiaoyan.

Sister Xiaoyan was so angry that she snorted coldly, if she didn't know that Xuanxuan's family had a background in reading, she would have dared to tear the mouth of this stinky girl on the spot.

"Let's go, Xiaoyan."

At this time, the few people who came with sister Xiaoyan saw that something was wrong, so they persuaded her one after another.

Sister Xiaoyan left wearing a frosty mask, and said while walking, "Hmph, I hate this kind of person the most. He pretends all day long. To put it bluntly, he is not a little star in the entertainment industry. Believe it or not, don't look at her now pretending to be like a pure and pure saint. She is too lazy to talk to anyone. Sooner or later, she will show her fox tail. It's not that she doesn't want to laugh now, but she is very good at pretending, just wait and see , if a big leader comes to see the performance, you can see if he will laugh like a flower and hook up..."

Sister Xiaoyan spoke in a moderate voice, but it was just enough for Lin Yu to hear her clearly.

Lin Yu was so angry that she bit her lips secretly. Fortunately, she was easy-going and there were a lot of gossip like this in the group.But Xuanxuan next to her couldn't bear it any longer, this sister Xiaoyan's insulting her idol made her more angry than insulting her parents, she immediately scolded viciously: "Sister Lin, believe it or not, I'll wait for you later!" I'm going to tear the mouth of this stinky bitch."

"Forget it, Xuanxuan, the mouth grows on other people, so they can say whatever they like, and let's do our own work well." Lin Yu still had an indifferent expression, but he still couldn't bear it in his heart. Live a little uncomfortable.To be honest, the atmosphere in this aspect of the group is really not very good, let alone those girls who are not yet married, whenever they encounter large-scale performances, they will try their best to win the limelight. Besides, it's just to show yourself for the big leaders who can sit under the stage. Once a big leader likes you, what do you have to worry about in this life?Even many women who are obviously married and have children are like this. This makes Lin Yu very helpless. It is really hard for her to imagine how these women can do such despicable things. Can a woman give up for money? Have all your dignity?Can a man and a woman sleep in the same bed without love?

I have to say that Lin Yu is still too young.

Just when Lin Yu was filled with emotions, a woman in her 40s walked towards her quickly and said in a hurry: "Xiao Lin, put down your hands first, Mayor Lin is here, you Go quickly."

Lin Yu was puzzled when he heard the words, what does it matter to me that Mayor Lin is here?Secretary Chen is almost here! (to be continued)

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