The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 34 To dig or not to dig?

Secretary Zhang of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has turned [-] this year. He is fat and white, with a benevolent look. It is difficult for people to associate him with the stern and strict secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.But in fact, those who are familiar with him know that he is definitely not a Maitreya Buddha.Let me ask, is a veteran who participated in the counterattack against Vietnam and won second-class merit really a Maitreya Buddha?

In peaceful times, few people would actually kill people (except for murderers), but Secretary Zhang did, and there were more than one.Now, he is fighting the enemy bravely in another battlefield where no gunpowder can be seen.Eight years of military career has cultivated his upright and resolute character, and more than ten years of official career has also taught him a tactful way of dealing with the world.On the battlefield, he killed as many enemies as possible, and in the officialdom, there were also many officials, big and small, in his hands, or even more.

The most difficult time was that he once led two of his subordinates to eat and live in the most famous Oriental Hotel in the provincial capital for a full week, and at the end he changed the cup at the dinner table, a deputy director of the Provincial Communications Department. Take the stolen goods and get it.In fact, he didn't have any valuable information on hand before, and all the detection work was just guessed by his intuition.He had no right to intervene in this case, and there was a lot of resistance from above, but he still did it, and he has not regretted it until now.Even though he had been dispatched from the provincial capital to Jiangzhou since then, he had never been able to move up after reaching the position of Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.Of course, setbacks make people grow, and he has since deeply realized the complexity of this battlefield. It is not just a matter of enthusiasm and fear of death, but more depends on the brain, and sometimes he has to learn It's better than a villain.

"Well, a temporary cadre assigned by the Provincial Youth League Committee, a top student in the Department of Economics of Yenching University, Director Chen, who is now making a lot of noise in the city, would really stretch out his hand to make such a small amount of money? Hehe, it's really interesting." [

Secretary Zhang looked at Chen Yang who was walking towards him with two disciplinary officers, shook his head with a smile on his face, and casually threw a file on the desk.I have to say that his eyes are quite old-fashioned.If you are not at his age, and without his rich experience in struggle, you cannot learn it.

In addition, he is still a little confused now. According to the procedure, this anonymous petition letter should be handed over to the county discipline inspection committee, but someone from the previous province called and asked him to personally interrogate this young cadre.Please note that the word "trouble" is used here, because almost everyone in the province knows that he is not a Maitreya Buddha.In addition, there is another point that made him even more dumbfounded. This call was made by Yu Qiang from the Provincial Youth League Committee himself. Based on his understanding of the current Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee, this is definitely a person who has a reputation for protecting his weaknesses.

Hmm, it's really interesting.

Chen Yang also found it very interesting.Because he found that this office is a little different from other places, and its characteristic is that it is long.It was really too long. From the time he entered the door, he walked for about a minute before reaching Secretary Zhang's desk.

The two cadres who brought him here left without saying hello.This is Secretary Zhang's work habit, and no one in the bureau knows it.

"sit down."

Secretary Zhang got up and pointed to the sofa beside him.

"Okay, Secretary Zhang." Chen Yang sat down very cooperatively, and at the same time looked at the chubby secretary curiously.He had heard of Secretary Zhang's name, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a long-awaited one.

Secretary Zhang also sat down, then took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and was about to light it, but stopped for some reason, handed the pack to Chen Yang, and asked, "Do you smoke, Xiao Chen?"

Chen Yang looked at the box of cigarettes that Secretary Zhang handed over, the two-dollar silver sand, he smiled and waved his hands, but he didn't pretend that he didn't know how to smoke, but touched his own Zhonghua from his pocket. He took it out, tapped the bottom of the box twice, took out one and handed it to Secretary Zhang, "Secretary Zhang, smoke mine, I'm a smooth smoker."

Secretary Zhang hesitated for a moment, and finally took the cigarette under the gaze of Chen Yang with a bright smile on his face.He has been doing discipline inspection work for so long, this is the first time he has received cigarettes from a suspect (let's put it this way), and even he himself is very strange.

But after thinking about it, Secretary Zhang understood that this young man did seem to have some knowledge. He was not like any suspect he had ever received.In front of him, those people were either awesome to death, or they were so humble and nervous that their faces were sweating.But this young man is not. He looks confident and free, and he is also aboveboard. He can't see even a little bit of nervousness at all.

What's more, the young man doesn't seem to be faking it.

Damn, even if this kind of temperament is not born with it, it can only be cultivated in a specific environment, and others can't pretend it if they want to.

Secretary Zhang was not too polite. He took the cigarette and lit it on his own. After taking a deep breath, he couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart, heh, the taste is really smooth. His pack of cigarettes is worth more than ten packs of mine. Bar.

Chen Yang also lit a cigarette. He actually guessed what the other party wanted to ask him, but it was a little strange. It seemed that Secretary Zhang didn't need to do it himself.

But he didn't speak, but waited for Secretary Zhang to ask.This is a kind of courtesy, but also a kind of wisdom.Taking the initiative to ask is no different from taking the initiative to explain.

"Xiao Chen, do you know why I brought you here?" Secretary Zhang asked nonsense, and he laughed himself after the question.

Chen Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "Hehe, I have too many problems now, they are being exposed everywhere, and they are all digging deep. I really don't know what kind of problems you came to me to know?" [

Secretary Zhang also laughed when he heard the words. He was also paying close attention to the news on the newspaper and TV.As a discipline inspection worker, he will not let go of any information that may be useful to him, even if it is gossip, he does not mind reading it.Similarly, he is also digging deep, and he is absolutely meticulous in his work.Facts have proved that it really allowed him to dig out a lot of useful information, but unfortunately, none of them could be found on Chen Yang, not even the edge.In other words, he did his job as a policeman for nothing.

Oh, not all, at least he hasn't dug deep into the report letter in front of him.It's not that he didn't want to, but that he encountered a big rock that gave him a headache as soon as he dug down.This stone was none other than Miss Xiang, who had a close relationship with one of his old leaders.

Until now, he still remembers that at the meeting that made his heart bleed, only his old leader slapped the table and stood up, "I can say responsibly, Zhang Jianguo is a good comrade! Hold on to a big ass!" It’s not enough to fan the flames, and now we have to hold a meeting to discuss expulsion from the party? Let me ask you, what the hell do you do other than hold a meeting to punish people? Who of you has carried a gun, who has been on the battlefield, and who has died for the republic Blood?" A full 10 minutes passed, and the huge venue was still eerily quiet.And the old leader's cursing words saved him.

But right now, the word "extremely close" in the report letter made him completely troubled.

To dig or not to dig?

This is really a headache.

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