The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 350 Confrontation

Before Chen Yang could rush back to Zhouzhuang, a very strange call came to Chen Yang's cell phone.

This mobile phone is Chen Yang's work mobile phone. Under normal circumstances, people who are not of a certain level will not know the number of his work mobile phone.

Therefore, after Chen Yang picked it up and took a look, he immediately guessed who was calling, and he connected the phone without thinking too much.

"Chen Yang? I'm Tian Guodong." As soon as the phone was connected, there was a majestic voice with a hint of anger.

"Hehe, Boss Tian, ​​do you have anything to do with me?" Chen Yang actually understood the other party's meaning at this time, but he didn't take the initiative to point it out.

Boss Tian on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and then said lightly: "Chen Yang, I'm not interested in making detours with you. I, Tian Guodong, are not in your way, and you are not in my way." After a pause, he continued, "You're a smart man, trust me you can understand me."

"Heh!" Chen Yang laughed, "President Tian, ​​I'm afraid you are wrong, I, Chen Yang, have never been a smart person."

"Hmph!" Boss Tian snorted coldly, "That's how it is."

After finishing speaking, the phone hung up, and the smile on Chen Yang's face immediately disappeared, replaced by a stern expression.

In fact, Chen Yang knew very well who the big backer behind Boss Tian was. As far as the current domestic-political-structure is concerned, the big backer behind Boss Tian still has considerable influence.It is precisely because of the existence of this mountain that the principal has been constrained in many ways.In fact, in the subsequent high-level political struggles, Mr. Xi was not actually the principal's first choice. Another secretary Li, who was born in a regiment department with a growing reputation, was the principal's first choice.But there is no way. Facing the huge pressure brought by conservative forces, the principal can only choose to compromise, but this is precisely where Chen Yang's real opportunity lies. Background, and this is also the most important reason why the headmaster has always favored him, if it is not that he is too young.I'm afraid he will now be the headmaster's number one candidate.

Therefore, for Chen Yang.The next ten years will be nothing more than a transitional period, and the next ten years will be the glorious moment when he truly moves towards the pinnacle of power.On this point, in fact, to a certain extent, it has won the approval of many old comrades in the central government.Before the two sessions were held not long ago, the central government had convened more than 600 active and retired senior cadres to conduct an anonymous democratic appraisal of the first-echelon-successor-cadres under the age of 55.In the end, Mr. Xi won the approval of more than 400 old comrades, but Mr. Xi's opponent did not get a high evaluation, and his immediate superior in the ministry evaluated him as arrogant, domineering, domineering, and even in the In private, he said that he would kick him out of Yanjing even if he did not hesitate to retreat in the future.

It was precisely during this important Veteran Cadre Appraisal Conference that a thorough appraisal of the second-tier successor cadres was also conducted, which surprised some people.Chen Yang won the approval of more than 70% of the old comrades, and Chen Yang's opponents of the same age group were not enough to compete with Chen Yang. The immediate boss of President Xi's opponent actually favored Chen Yang Plus.She commented that Chen Yang is solid and courageous in his work. The most rare thing is that he dares to innovate, do things and take responsibility. He is the first choice for the second echelon-successor-cadres. Enthusiastic comrades enter the "game".

But objectively speaking, in fact, Chen Yang's many practices at work are not much different from Mr. Xi's opponents.It is also domineering and domineering.

It's a pity that politics is so delicate.Chen Yang, who was optimistic by the principal that he could carry the banner of the regiment in the future, was also favored by the older generation of red-nobles because of his blood background. In addition, the students in the class loyal to him were actually from all over the country. The representatives of the young generation promoted by the big and small political factions, the influence of the young talents in these major factions in their respective faction families is increasing day by day. In the future, only after Chen Yang takes office can he truly balance the interests of various factions It was also for this reason that in this central review, in addition to the "Chen" faction who had a firm stand, many old comrades who were not very familiar with Chen Yang also gave Chen Yang a very high evaluation.This once again confirms the headmaster's foresight. If the headmaster hadn't ordered Chen Yang to be an ordinary teacher in the party school from a dignified main hall-level cadre, I am afraid that Chen Yang would not be in the party now. Such a super high support rate.

Of course, Chen Yang in the early years would not understand all this, but as his age and experience increased, his vision gradually became clearer, and at the same time, he also understood how heavy the burden on his shoulders was. .

It is precisely because his understanding of politics has gradually deepened that he is more aware of the great meaning of the big backer behind Boss Tian. The root cause of getting up but having to be wary.Therefore, even though he didn't give Boss Tian any face on the phone, but after hanging up the phone, the things that need him to consider the balance became more prominent.

Chen Yang's special car didn't go very far, so it took less than 10 minutes to turn around and come back. Soon, the driver, Lao Pan, parked the Audi car more than 100 meters away from the Zhouzhuang Police Station.

From the car, Chen Yang could see from a distance that the gate of the police station was surrounded by heavily armed People's Liberation Army soldiers, but the big iron gate of the police station was closed tightly, and the courtyard was very empty without a single policeman. , even the security guards in the guard room were scared and hid in early. If it wasn't for the need to wait for the final order from above, the big iron gate at the entrance of the police station obviously couldn't stop these well-trained wolf-like tigers at all. of the officers and soldiers.

"Old Pan, drive the car over there!"

Chen Yang ordered coldly.

Master Pan, who had always obeyed Chen Yang's orders unconditionally, was uncharacteristically at this time.After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Secretary, if you drive the car over, I'm worried about your safety."

It's not that Master Pan is timid. As a veteran who has been in the army for more than ten years, Master Pan has seen many such scenes. , but the troops have never been taken seriously.His own personal safety doesn't matter much, but if Secretary Chen put himself in danger because he drove the car over.He can hardly escape the blame, let alone.He has driven Chen Yang for the past few years, and he has already regarded himself as Chen Yang's person. He still expects to succeed in the future with his master, so why would he do such a thing that puts his master at risk.This is an uncharacteristically risky and direct remonstrance.

"Yes, Secretary Chen, you, you'd better not go there."

Lin Yu quickly followed Lao Pan's words and persuaded Chen Yang in a low voice.Although she never interfered with Chen Yang's work, when she saw a group of gun-wielding soldiers outside the gate of the police station, she couldn't help but break the rules she set for herself.

It was only then that Chen Yang remembered that Lin Yu was also in the car. He didn't mind putting himself in danger, but if it was because of this that Lin Yu suffered inexplicable harm, it would not be what he wanted to see.

He pondered for a while.Chen Yang waved his hand and said to Lao Pan, "Okay, Lao Pan. You stay in the car and take care of Lin Yu. I'll go over and have a look."

"Secretary, absolutely not, this"

"Secretary Chen, no, I don't want to stay in the car. If you want to get out of the car, I will go with you."

Lin Yu and Lao Pan were startled when they heard what they said, and hurriedly spoke to stop Chen Yang.

Chen Yang has made up his mind.Unable to refuse, he said to Lin Yu: "Xiao Yu, don't make trouble, just stay in the car for me honestly, do you hear me?" Then he turned around and said to Old Pan, "Old Pan, how much are you doing?" Thing, remember it for me, your task is to stay in the car and keep an eye on Lin Yu, understand?"

Under Chen Yang's unpleasant reprimand, Lao Pan could only obey his master's instructions: "Yes, secretary, I understand."

Although Lin Yu was very worried, Chen Yang didn't give her a second choice at all at the moment, and she could only obediently stay in the car in the end.

Soon, Chen Yang got out of the car, and walked quickly towards the police station without saying a word.

As soon as Chen Yang approached the gate, he was immediately stopped by several soldiers holding submachine guns: "What are you doing, stop!"

Faced with the questioning of these little soldiers who only knew how to obey the orders of their superiors, Chen Yang was not angry. He knew in his heart that these soldiers were just tools in the hands of some people, and they were not to blame, let alone he knew At most, these fighters were just trying to scare themselves, but they wouldn't really dare to shoot and wound people in broad daylight.

Therefore, although he stopped in his tracks, he showed no trace of fear on his face, and just lightly reported his identity to a few young soldiers: "Little comrade, I am Chen Yang, secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee, the cadres you lead Which one is it, tell him to come and see me immediately!"

Even if the soldiers don't know much about officialdom and politics, they obviously know what the title of secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee means.It's just that they don't usually watch the Huahai news, and Chen Yang looks very young in casual attire at the moment, which is obviously very different from the older and dignified official-level official they imagined. , can't you just say who you are and others have to believe it?

"Are you the secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee?" A soldier asked with a puzzled expression, "Okay, please show your work ID."

Let alone the work permit, Chen Yang didn't even bring his wallet with him when he went out today.Just when there was some difficulty, there was a rush of footsteps from the direction of the courtyard gate not far away, and then Lin Gang's anxious voice was heard: "Secretary, why did you come here in person?" Followed, Lin Gang Immediately, he ordered Qin Gang, the director of the police station who was rushing down the stairs beside him, "Qin Police Station, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you open the door quickly and let Secretary Chen come in."

It turned out that Lin Gang, Director Qin, and the comrades in the police station were hiding on the second floor to wait and see. They didn't expect to see Chen Yang coming alone after watching for a long time. How could they dare to continue hiding upstairs? They were so busy He went downstairs quickly, and hurried over to meet Chen Yang.If something happened to Chen Yang here, their crime would be serious.

But the voice that Lin Gang shouted made the little soldiers who stopped Chen Yang hear it clearly, when they clashed with the police station earlier.They already knew that Lin Gang was the secretary of Secretary Chen of the Municipal Party Committee, so how dare they doubt Chen Yang's identity at this moment, and they were stunned.Then they all hurriedly put away the guns they were holding with fear on their faces.

One of them quickly turned around and reported to the leading officer, while the rest of them obediently stepped out of the way and watched Chen Yang walk towards the gate.

Of course, Chen Yang couldn't be like Lin Gang and others who were so frightened that they all hid upstairs. When he reached the gate of the police station, he stopped. Soon, Director Qin also quickly opened the big iron gate, and joined Lin Gang .Leading the police and the auxiliary police, a total of two No. 30 people quickly guarded Chen Yang on both sides.

Needless to say, Chen Yang's arrival undoubtedly made the policemen a lot more courageous.Although they faced more than 100 officers and soldiers armed with live ammunition as before, but at this moment they raised their heads and chests up one by one, and confronted each other without fear.

It was the first time Director Qin had such close contact with Chen Yang, the big boss of Huahai.In such a tense and complicated situation again, for a moment, he was extremely excited, his heart was beating violently, and the blood in his body seemed to be on fire. He quickly issued a military order and said loudly: "Secretary Chen, please rest assured, All comrades in the institute and I will do our best to ensure your safety!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly took out a May 100th pistol from his waist.The momentum is also scary.I have to say that Director Qin at this time was a different person from when he was surrounded. I heard that more than [-] people from the military division had come.He was so frightened that he asked the security guard to lock the iron door, and then he was the first to hide on the second floor. How could he be as arrogant as he is now.

The rest of the policemen and co-policemen also followed suit, pulling out their guns and batons one after another, looking menacing.

The soldiers surrounding the door not far from the opposite side saw this posture, and immediately raised their guns to confront the police, and the scene got a little out of control.

Director Qin flattered me.It made Chen Yang a little dumbfounded, if it really depends on your broken guns and sticks.I have to become a living target for soldiers of the human army.

Fortunately, Chen Yang has always cared for the comrades at the grassroots level, and he didn't bother to criticize Director Qin, so he quickly ordered in a deep voice, "What are you doing! Put away the guns for me!"

What Chen Yang said was not only to director Qin and others, but also to order those soldiers to put down their guns.

Of course, his words obviously had little effect on the soldiers. These soldiers put down their submachine guns after seeing the police putting away their guns again, and the tense atmosphere at the scene eased a little.

At this moment, a military jeep stopped at the gate of the police station with a hiss, and two officers jumped out of the car, one with the rank of colonel and the other with the rank of major.

As soon as the two got out of the car, they hurried towards Chen Yang.

The leading colonel officer is obviously the leader of these soldiers. He came to Chen Yang quickly after three steps and two steps. First, he took a small look at Chen Yang, and after confirming that he was correct, he quickly took the initiative and whispered: "Secretary Chen, hello!"

Chen Yang nodded slightly. Chen Yang naturally didn't care about the ignorance of grassroots cadres and ordinary officers and soldiers, but for the senior officer in front of him, Chen Yang's face was not very good-looking, and asked in a deep voice: "You What is your name and what is your position? Who allowed you to openly lead troops to besiege government agencies and units?"

The colonel was made to bow his head by Chen Yang's series of shouts and questions. He couldn't bear the heart of resistance at all, and quickly replied: "Secretary Chen, my name is Zhang Feng, and I am the deputy chief of staff of the military division headquarters. Come to the Zhouzhuang Police Station to ask for someone."

"Hmph, orders from superiors? Are you here to ask for someone?" Chen Yang snorted coldly with disdain, and said unceremoniously, "You can tell me clearly, which order from your superiors did you take? Who are you here to ask for? Who gave you the power to come to the police station to ask for someone? What if you don’t have someone? Do you want to get rid of this police station? Hmph, you people are simply lawless and reckless! Just what you are doing now , and what is the difference between those criminals who do evil?"

Deputy Chief of Staff Zhang was so scolded by Chen Yang that he didn't dare to lift his head, let alone answer Chen Yang's question.It's no wonder that he originally received the order from the military division to come here to fish someone out. As for who it is, he doesn't know who it is. He only knows that since the higher-ups ordered him to do so, it's not like he hasn't done this before. In the past, whenever soldiers in the army caused trouble in the local area, it was usually the military sub-district who came forward to find the important person in the local area, and the local government never made it difficult for the army. Most of them honestly let the army take people away I took it back to deal with it myself, but I don’t know what happened today. He first brought two people over to communicate with the police station. Who knew that the police station’s tone was very hard this time, and even though he acted hard and soft, he just refused to give the person to the police station. After handing it over, the two sides even quarreled in the end, so after obtaining the consent of his superiors, he immediately transferred the security company of the military division. This time the police station was very tough, closed the big iron gate and went up to the second floor. In a word, if you have the ability, you rush in to snatch people, otherwise, don't expect the police station to send people out obediently.

Deputy Chief of Staff Zhang is not an idiot either. Calling the guards here is actually just to scare the police station. If he really wants to use force to attack the police station, the nature will become much more serious. I am willing to take the blame easily, and I am busy turning around to ask the leader what to do next. A soldier here reported that the secretary of the municipal party committee, Chen Yang, came over in person. How could he dare to stay longer? No, he hurried over here . (to be continued)i752

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