The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 361 Dancing

For ordinary people, a big cadre like Lin Kun will only be a legendary existence, but for a popular son like Wang Jing who is very popular in the circle of Yanjing princelings, Mayor Lin really doesn't count. What a great person, after all, he has come into contact with almost all high-ranking uncles and uncles in his life circle since he was a child. Therefore, after hearing Lin Kun's kind words, Prince Wang didn't feel embarrassed at all. After a few minutes, he led some of his so-called friends to the presidential box.

These few friends of his are all young and beautiful girls, apart from him, there is no other male friend.

Fortunately, Lin Kun was no stranger to the manners of these young masters from the capital. When he saw Wang Jing leading these girls in, he stood up and greeted them with a faint smile.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Lin, to trouble you again, did you not delay your business?"

Wang Jing also knew how to be polite and took the initiative to say hello to Lin Kun with a smile, and said to the girls behind him, "Wei Wei, Zi Zi, come quickly, this is the one I gave to you." You mentioned Mayor Lin of Huahai."

The girls were not afraid of life, and came over to say hello to Lin Kun one after another.

Lin Kun smiled lightly and nodded to these girls, then reached out and patted Wang Jing's shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile: "Hehe, don't be polite to your Uncle Lin, we are going to leave anyway, You can ask the waiters here to rearrange it later, you young people can play slowly."

At this time, Tan Lun, Gao Hua and other senior officials of the municipal party committee also saw Wang Jing's uninvited guests.Seeing Lin Kun chatting and laughing happily with the young man in charge, he reckoned that this young man must have a lot of background, so they also came over one after another.Smiling, he asked Lin Kun: "Mayor, this young man looks very energetic. Is this the friend you invited over?"

"Hehe, Lao Tan, Lao Gao, let me introduce you, this is one of my nephews. He just came from Yanjing." Lin Kun obviously didn't intend to expose Wang Jing's line, so he just gave Wang Jing a casual look. Lao Gao and the others gave a brief introduction.

"Minister Tan. Hello."

"Secretary Gao, hello, just call me Xiao Wang."

At this time, Wang Jing didn't think too much, and shook hands with the leaders of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee very politely.

Tan Lun.Gao Hua is a person with good eyesight. Although he doesn't know the background of Xiao Wang, it is obvious that the background that makes Lin Kun pay so much attention to him is obviously unusual. After exchanging pleasantries, Lin Kun looked at his watch and called Secretary-General Wu Came over, planning to explain something before preparing to leave.

"Secretary-General, that's it. We're almost done tonight. Go and call Director Xiao Min and our comrades over."

Secretary-General Wu immediately agreed and turned around to ask someone to go.

On the other hand, Wang Jing was stunned when he heard the words "Director Xiao Min".His eyes hurriedly scanned the box, and as expected, he soon saw Min Rou who was sitting and chatting with several people at this moment.

Although Min Rou didn't dress up very much, she wore a simple and rigorous suit and skirt, and her hair was casually draped behind her head, but for a beauty of Min Rou's level.No matter how much she doesn't like to dress up, she can still easily kill those vulgar fans in seconds.In particular, Min Rou's mature-female charm exuded from the bottom of her body, which made Wang Jing's eyes shine when he saw it.

Speaking of which, Wang Jing has taken a fancy to Min Rou ever since he came to Huahai with Min Rou. It happened here unexpectedly, this is really hard to find, and it took no effort, how could he miss such a good opportunity, and hurriedly said to Lin Kun: "Uncle Lin, look at your place as soon as I come here. I'm leaving, I'm so embarrassed, so, you can stay a little longer." After a pause, he immediately said, "Besides, I didn't know that you were with Director Min and the others. I came to Huahai On the way, Director Min took good care of me, no, I have to say hello to Director Min later."

Lin Kun didn't expect that there would be such a problem. Although it was a bit strange, he still agreed with a smile: "That's fine, then let's sit down for a while, and we, uncle and nephew, can have a good chat."

Wang Jing smiled and said yes, followed by an apology immediately, and then dropped the group of girlfriends he brought, and walked straight to the place where Min Rou and the others were chatting.

As soon as he approached, he greeted Min Rou with a smile: "Director Min, hello, remember me."

Min Rou didn't have any liking or dislike for Wang Jing, who was a graduate student, and it was only at Chen Yang's arrangement to accompany her along the way, but she was quite disgusted with the other two girls who came with Wang Jing Yes, she had been waiting for Chen Yang to come to pick her up, so she saw Wang Jing and the others as soon as they entered the box. She had just met this young man by chance, so she planned to pretend not to be familiar with him. Forget it if you see it, but at this time Wang Jing took the initiative to come up to say hello. She had no choice but to squeeze out a smile and greet the other party: "Hehe, Xiao Wang, hello."

"Hehe, thanks to Director Min for taking care of you along the way, I originally wanted to find a time to invite Director Min to have a meal to express my thanks, isn't it just a coincidence, I have to have a drink with you, Director Min later. "Wang Jing warmly invited.

Min Rou's head got dizzy when she heard the words, she quickly declined with a smile and said: "It's fine to drink, I'm not as good as you young people, I drank a lot before, and my head still hurts now, let's talk about it next time, next time I have a chance .”

"Director Min, look at what you said, it makes you seem a generation older than us. I don't like to hear this, or it's better. If you don't mind Director Min, I'll call you Sister Min Cheng No?"

Although Wang Jing is a serious son-in-law, but this set of scenes is very relaxed and casual, and it is close to it in a few words.

Min Rou was not in the mood to recognize such a younger brother, and was having a headache on how to answer.Lin Kun also came over at this time, and asked her with a smile: "Why, Xiao Min. Are you old acquaintances in Yanjing?"

Min Rou hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Where, I'm also with Xiao Wang and his two friends who I just met yesterday when I came here on the same road together."

"Hehe, let's stop standing here, let's sit over there and chat slowly." Lin Kun greeted with a nonchalant smile.

Min Rou couldn't refuse, so she could only follow her to the sofa and sat down again, then she was a little absent-minded, looking at the door of the box from time to time.I just hope that Chen Yang will come over quickly so that she can end this meaningless and slightly embarrassing entertainment as soon as possible.

But Min Rou and the others just sat down and didn't chat a few words.Gorgeous dance music sounded in the box, and soon, led by the lesbians brought by Secretary-General Wu, Tan Lun Gaohua and other senior cadres left the stage happily.Dance with these girls who are full of youthful breath.

Lin Kun looked at the couples of temporary dance partners dancing on the small dance floor in the middle with a smile on his face, and nodded secretly, obviously satisfied with the arrangement of Secretary-General Wu, thinking in his heart that after the first dance music ended, , How should I word it to invite Min Rou to dance with me?

And Wang Jing's eyes lit up when he saw someone dancing ballroom dancing, and he thought to himself, maybe these government officials know how to play, and they actually danced ballroom dancing?It's really open and aboveboard to eat women's tofu.But that's fine too.It saved me a lot of trouble, and later I have to try out how exciting Sister Min's sexy little waist is.

Just thinking about it, Wang Jing's lower body seemed to be ready to move.Subconsciously glanced at Min Rou who was sitting next to her.Enlarged breasts, slender waist, buttocks, tsk tsk, she is just like a little stunner who is so awesome.

Min Rou has been absent-mindedly listening to the dry chat between the uncle and nephew, her eyes wandering.I just feel that the days are like years, and I have to take a look at the door of the box from time to time.It's just that she couldn't guess at this time, she seemed to have become the prey to be hunted and killed in the eyes of the uncle and nephew nearby.

Ever since, the dance music of just a few minutes seemed to be very difficult for the three of them. After the dance music ended, the three of them felt like they let out a sigh of relief.

After all, Wang Jing was young, and his heart was almost suffocated by Min Rou. Seeing such a beautiful woman sitting next to him and not being able to kiss Fang Ze, for a son like him, it was even more uncomfortable than hanging himself.

Therefore, the first dance song could barely stop, and he immediately got up from the sofa, bowed slightly, stretched out his hand to Min Rou, and extended an invitation to Min Rou with a smile on his face in the most standard gentlemanly gesture: "Sister Min, I wonder if I have the honor to ask you to dance?"

This time, not only Min Rou was taken aback, but even Lin Kun who was sitting next to her was also taken aback, his face changed suddenly, and he felt quite caught off guard.

"No, no, I'm really sorry, Xiao Wang, I don't know how to dance, you should go ask those girls to dance with you."

Min Rou quickly rejected the other party's kindness without hesitation.

Of course, she obviously told a big lie at this time. In fact, she can dance all kinds of ballroom dances, such as slow three slow four or tango, and she can dance quite well. Jumping again, it's not that there is no chance, but her body instinctively rejects the closeness of any man. This has a lot to do with her nightmarish experience back then. In fact, even Chen Yang, she was extremely repulsive back then. If it weren't for the countless close contacts with Chen Yang by accident, she would have adapted to Chen Yang's body so naturally after getting along with Chen Yang, and now, she has developed to the point where Chen Yang only needs a little With some intimate contact with her, her body will have a very strong reaction, and she can't wait to melt into Chen Yang's body.

It's just that, except for Chen Yang, she is still the same as before, instinctively repelling any other man, and even the reason why she doesn't like to shake hands with others is also a big reason.

At this time, let alone dancing ballroom dancing with a big man, I am afraid that even if another woman came, she would definitely refuse without hesitation.It is also because of this that at most she has danced with Chen Yang at home and danced a few ballroom dances at home. She has never done it outside in a formal occasion, although her superb dancing skills are in vain. .But this is also something that can't be helped.

Under normal circumstances, being rejected is naturally not a pleasant thing, for the prince.This is even more so at this time. As the top prince of Genzhengmiaohong-a member of the party, he has never encountered such an embarrassing situation in his life. People dance, but even if he asked a woman he didn't know to dance before, he never missed it, but he never expected it.At this time, it was a big somersault.

Seeing that Wang Gongzi still maintains a handsome and gentlemanly appearance, but his face is full of embarrassment.Lin Kun was really relieved in his heart, indeed, he didn't realize it until this time, so this kid actually had Min Rou's thoughts?This discovery made Lin Kun really angry.He didn't expect that he would actually attract a wolf. If it wasn't for Wang Jing's background, maybe Wang Jing would have turned his face on the spot and denied Min Rou as soon as he extended his hand to invite Min Rou.

If Min Rou was really invited to dance on the dance floor by this smelly and shameless son, then Mayor Lin would really regret it.

Fortunately, Min Rou's performance at this time made Lin Kun heaved a sigh of relief. He thought to himself, she is indeed the woman Lin Kun likes, and she is still reliable at critical moments. I feel much more comfortable.This brat almost ruined your good business, Uncle Lin, what are you doing here so stupidly?If you don't give it to Uncle Lin, get out of here!

really.Wang Gongzi really can't pretend at this time, the expression on his face is really ugly and ugly, if it is not because there is Lin Kun sitting next to him, with his son brother's temper, he might have turned his face at this time .

Lin Kun got up and patted Prince Wang's stiff shoulder.He laughed and smoothed things over: "Hehe, Xiao Wang. Forget it, Xiao Min may not be very familiar with you, so don't mind too much."

Prince Wang was finally able to take advantage of this step to withdraw his hand, but he didn't show any gratitude to Lin Kun in his heart, instead he cursed secretly, Nima, you don't know me well, do you know Lin Kun?

Not to mention, Lin Kun really thought so, and he quickly looked at Min Rou again, and invited with a smile, "How about this, Xiao Min, we've been sitting for such a long time, why don't we Let's go out together to do some activities, get sweaty, let the smell of alcohol go away, hehe, it's not too difficult to dance with me, right?" While talking, ignoring Wang Jing's expression, he stretched out his hand to Min Rou, Made an inviting gesture.

Wang Jing's complexion changed upon hearing this, it was as if he had slapped his prince in the face on the spot.It's a pity that Lin Kun didn't even bother to look at him any more at this time, no matter how angry he was, it was useless.

Min Rou seemed to be mentally prepared. She had already guessed that Lin Kun would definitely come to invite her, so her expression was much calmer than before. Of course, her answer was the same as before.

She quickly waved her hand and declined with a embarrassed face: "Mayor Lin, as I said just now, I really can't dance, you can see if this works, if you want to sweat, I'll tell us to work Let Xiao Gao in the group dance with you, she is very good at ballroom dancing."

"Hmph, Xiao Min, isn't it appropriate for you to do this? Can you really not know how to dance? I don't think so?"

Lin Kun's face immediately darkened when he heard the words, he retracted his hand in a somewhat ugly manner, and his voice became gloomy in an instant.

It's no wonder, with his majestic mayor of Huahai, he can already be regarded as accommodating a lesbian like you, right?I won't talk about the previous things, whether you Min Rou are shy or want to escape, but I, Lin Kun, will never embarrass you, so that you can't get off the stage, right?But what are you doing now?What about ballroom dancing?After all, this is a normal way of communication between men and women, right?You Min Rou don't even want to give me this bit of face?In front of others, let me be a mighty mayor?

Just when Lin Kun was burning with anger, Wang Jing next to him was so happy that he almost couldn't laugh out loud.If Lin Kun was a cadre with a slightly lower rank, I'm afraid he could say some sarcastic remarks that would make Lin Kun even more embarrassed at this time.

Min Rou didn't expect that Lin Kun would turn his back when he said it, and she was really shocked. To be honest, she was already a little panicked at this time. After all, Lin Kun's identity was different, and the aura of this turn was really scary.

She subconsciously glanced at the door of the box, but she still didn't wait for the person she had been looking forward to for a long time to come in.

After hesitating for a while, she held the Kun bag in embarrassment, stood up, lowered her head, and confessed to the dark-faced Lin Kun: "I'm sorry, Mayor Lin, I let you down. I think I still Let's go first."

But as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Kun scolded with a sullen face: "Min Rou, you are too much! What are you thinking in your mind? Who do you think of me, Lin Kun? Who do you think of our comrades here? Is it your enemy? Why, everyone can dance, but you can't, or don't you want to? Can you give me Lin Kun a reason?"

I have to say, after all, it is a leader who has been in a high position for a long time. The voice of these words is not loud, but every word and every sentence makes people tremble with fear.

Min Rou was also frightened, her pretty face turned pale, and she stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.

"Talk? Why don't you say it? Aren't you quite good at giving reasons?"

Lin Kun continued to hum coldly with a straight face.

At this time, the eyes of other people were obviously also attracted by Mayor Lin's thunderous anger, the music stopped abruptly, and everyone was silent as if they didn't dare to speak.

"Min Rou, go and dance, show me the dance!"

Just when no one dared to speak, there seemed to be a faint voice sounding in this quiet moment that made people panic. (to be continued) i752


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