Chen Yang didn't stay at the scene of the car accident for too long. Not long after Lin Gang arrived, he briefly explained to Lin Gang, and then returned home quickly.

Of course, after this incident happened, he was in no mood at all. After returning home, he squinted his eyes for a while and slept for more than two hours. office, called back Lin Gang who had been guarding the traffic police all night.

In less than half an hour, Lin Gang returned to the municipal party committee, and immediately went into Chen Yang's office to give Chen Yang a detailed report on the handling of the accident.

The accident process was not complicated, and Lin Gang blocked the news completely according to Chen Yang's intention. After quickly clearing the accident scene, Lin Gang personally summoned several people from the traffic police team, including Captain Zhou, to participate in the accident. The grassroots comrades involved in the investigation of the accident held an emergency meeting, which was considered to unify the minds of the relevant personnel. In addition, while the hospital was doing its best to treat the injured, Lin Gang also arranged for someone to go to the hospital to watch over it, which was regarded as a good measure of secrecy. measure.

At least so far, everything has not been derailed, and the news has not leaked, and everything is still under Chen Yang's control.

"Well, you handled it very well." Looking at Lin Gang whose eyes were bloodshot after staying up for most of the night, Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then gave instructions again, "You should work harder today, I have given Lao Liu from the Propaganda Department has been on the phone, and I will call all the leaders of Huahai's news media later, and hold a briefing meeting, and you will preside over the meeting, and set the tone of the news during the recent period."

"Okay. Secretary, I'll go get ready right away."

Although he has been busy for a long time, Lin Gang's energy is particularly vigorous at this time. After all, the boss can let him take the lead in handling the aftermath at this time, which is undoubtedly a kind of absolute trust in him.

"Well, well, you go to prepare first."

Chen Yang nodded, indicating that he could go out.

After Lin Gang left the office, Chen Yang picked up his cell phone and was about to call Yanjing.But he hesitated.He still didn't dial the number in the end.

Yes, no matter what the considerations are, he doesn't intend to get too deep into it.

But what Chen Yang didn't expect was that he was hesitant.But in fact Director Wang didn't trust him that much.It was almost ten o'clock.Zhou Qiang called him in a hurry, saying that a few people came from Yanjing and asked the traffic police team to hand over all relevant evidence about the accident scene last night to them.Because these people were so powerful, how could Zhou Qiang, the captain of the small traffic police brigade, control the situation? He had no choice but to ask Chen Yang for instructions immediately.

Soon, Lin Gang, who was still presiding over the editor-in-chief meeting, also called back and forth. The comrades guarding the hospital reported that the staff from Yanjing requested that the injured be transferred to Yanjing immediately for follow-up treatment.

Chen Yang could guess where these people came from without even thinking about it. He was just secretly surprised that it was people from the Ninth Bureau to deal with the aftermath, and the speed was so fast. It was obvious that the arrangements had been made in advance before communicating with him. However, if this matter is really spread, it will definitely be another big event. It seems that Director Wang is really red-eyed this time.

Even, at this moment, a dangerous signal faintly appeared in Chen Yang's heart.

There is no way, Chen Yang knows that it is impossible not to make this call.He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and quickly dialed Wang Yun's private mobile phone number.

"Director Wang, I'm Chen Yang, isn't it appropriate for you to make such an arrangement?" The situation was urgent, and Chen Yang didn't care about any detours, and expressed his attitude as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Chen Yang, I'm in a bad mood right now, so let's deal with this matter as I want." Wang Yun's voice was very low, and he had obviously made a decision.

Chen Yang was silent for a while, and then continued: "Director Wang, I know you are very sad now, but I still have to say that such an arrangement is unwise, if in the future..."

"Let's talk about the future, okay." Wang Yun's tone was a little impatient, and he cut off Chen Yang's words coldly, "Chen Yang, don't bring up this matter from now on, I just want to ask you, You are still worthy of my trust as always, aren't you?"

The corners of Chen Yang's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Wang Yun was also silent for a while, and then hung up the phone without saying a word.

Putting the beeping mobile phone on the desk, Chen Yang opened the drawer, took out a tube of Chunghwa cigarettes, lit one, took a deep breath, then got up and walked to the window sill , gently opened the heavy curtains, and a ray of warm sunlight immediately sprinkled on his body.

Chen Yang looked up at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, but unconsciously frowned.

Yes, even though the phone call just now lasted less than 5 minutes, and the two of them didn't say a lot together, in just a few minutes, Chen Yang had already made an extremely difficult choice.

Many times, once a rift occurs, it will continue to spread in an unpredictable direction and expand to become a gap that will never be bridged, or in the officialdom, there will never be eternal trust.

Wang Yun was like this, so was Chen Yang.

Of course, Chen Yang is aware of the serious consequences of his choice, but he has no choice. Between the principles he has always insisted on and some huge interests, he can only choose what he insists on. If he no longer adheres to this principle, then he will no longer be Chen Yang.

Slowly smoked the cigarette, the wrinkles lingering between Chen Yang's eyebrows still did not dissipate, he did not hesitate any longer, and quickly walked back to the desk, picked up the red phone on the desk that he rarely used On the phone, after dialing a few numbers on the dial, he picked up the receiver and said in a deep voice, "I'm Chen Yang, Secretary of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee. Please answer the call from Secretary Gao immediately."


Although it seems that the problem is very serious, in fact, the impact of this traffic accident in Huahai quickly dissipated invisible.It was so fast that people were dumbfounded. In fact, the total time from the occurrence of the accident to the complete disappearance of the incident did not exceed ten hours.

Therefore, except that Chen Yang himself knew clearly, in the eyes of any outsider, this incident had no impact at all. Apart from causing irreparable harm to the person concerned, it had nothing to do with anyone else at all.

Fortunately, Chen Yang is already a mature official after all, and he has seen a lot of big storms, so he didn't just get caught up in this matter.Instead, he simply pulled himself out of the matter.Regarding the follow-up of this matter, he has an attitude of no longer caring about it. Anyway, under the current situation, he has already done everything he can do, as for the result.How will the future develop.He couldn't give a clear judgment for the time being.So I just stopped worrying about it completely.

Perhaps because he noticed that Chen Yang had encountered a problem, Li Qiuhe and Min Rou didn't bother him anymore. Li Qiuhe left Huahai by plane in the afternoon according to the original work plan.Of course, she herself has a lot of official business to deal with, and she came to Huahai as a sneaky errand, and Min Rou didn't stay for many days longer than her. After completing the work tasks arranged by the Ministry, he also left Huahai.

Of course, when they left, Chen Yang took the time to see them off in person. When they were at the airport, Chen Yang could clearly feel the reluctant affection of the two women, but there was no way. It is often beyond the control of human subjective will, and now is not the time for children to love each other.

After the two women left, Chen Yang's life and work have returned to normal. Of course, his work is much easier now than when he held two jobs, and he no longer keeps his eyes on How to engage in economic development, but put almost all the energy on the quality of the cadre team and the work of party building, especially the "eight regulations" he made a while ago, under his high pressure, soon in the Grassroots units of all sizes in Huahai have implemented it.

For many grassroots cadres, these "eight regulations" are definitely a nightmare existence, let alone high-ranking cadres, even some hidden benefits that the most grassroots cadres could have enjoyed have all been cancelled. Chen Yang mercilessly took down the heads of several units who committed crimes against the wind. For a while, all the cadres complained in private, even the bosses of entertainment venues in the city. Stop, but at most these people can only complain in private. In front of Chen Yang, the big boss of Huahai, no one dares to say a word, and for the people of Huahai, the masses Their attitude is exactly the opposite, and they firmly support the "eight regulations" formulated by the Huahai Municipal Party Committee with Secretary Chen as the core.

At the beginning of September, Huahai ushered in a grand event that shook the domestic economic circles. Yan's International, the top domestic private giant, officially announced its return from the U.S. stock market to the China Exchange, and held a grand return ceremony at the China Exchange.

Chen Yang, as the behind-the-scenes manipulator who facilitated this matter, was invited by Mr. Yan Lingguo, the global president of Yan's International, to attend this grand comeback ceremony with pleasure.

At 9 o'clock, half an hour before the stock market opened, the return ceremony was held on time in the large conference hall of the China Exchange.

Numerous well-known international and domestic media gathered in this conference hall, and the nine members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, including Chen Yang, and all board members of Yan's International, witnessed this historic moment together.

On the rostrum, Chen Yang and Yan Lingguo sat in the middle, smiling and facing interviews from well-known media reporters. Of course, Chen Yang basically appeared at the ceremony as a mascot at this time. The reporter They focused their questions more on Yan Lingguo, a prominent figure in the domestic economic circles, especially in the private enterprise circles. Especially in recent years, Yan Lingguo has almost ceased to appear in the public eye. Naturally, these reporters would not Miss this great interview opportunity.

The first person who got the chance to ask questions was a blond foreigner who spoke fluent Huahai Mandarin and asked Yan Lingguo: "President Yan, hello, I am Henry, the chief reporter of Global Economics in Huahai. You know, since your Yan's International was listed in the United States, it has achieved great success, and the stock price of Yan's International has also continued to maintain at a fairly high price. It can be said that if you want to expand the scale of financing, American investors will definitely I will actively participate with the greatest enthusiasm. To everyone’s surprise, you choose to return to the A-share market at this time. Oh, sorry, I have to be objective, your domestic A-share market is not at this stage Mature, and I'm afraid I can't bear the huge financing needs of Yan's International, so please allow me to ask you a question, what is the main reason for Yan's International to return to the A-share market?"

have to say.The Chief Reporter Henry has done his homework.And the question he raised was undoubtedly what hundreds of reporters at the scene wanted to know. After all, in the eyes of many people in the circle, Yan's international return trip was not a very wise choice, especially in Yan's International is under the premise of aggressively purchasing overseas non-renewable resources.The commercial outlook for the comeback tour is murky.

About this question.Although Yan's International has issued an official statement to explain it before.However, most people in the circle were not very impressed by the statement with strong diplomatic rhetoric. They all wanted to know the real reason. To be precise, they wanted to hear for themselves how Yan Lingguo, the chairman of Yan International Said.

therefore.When Henry raised the question, the scene immediately fell silent, and all eyes were on Yan Lingguo.

Yan Lingguo took the microphone handed over by the staff beside him with a smile on his face, and said in his very standard Mandarin: "First of all, on behalf of Yan's International, I would like to thank all friends from the press for coming here today. The reason why Yan's International chose to return to the A-share market is that the group has issued a formal statement to give a detailed explanation..."

Speaking of this, Yan Lingguo stopped for a while, and there was a lot of commotion at the scene. Obviously, everyone was very dissatisfied with Yan Lingguo's answer.

"Hehe, everyone, don't worry, I think, if I also read that statement according to the script, everyone will definitely not spare me."

Yan Lingguo was a little humorous, and the reporters on the scene also laughed and applauded.

After everyone's applause stopped, Yan Lingguo continued to smile and said: "Well, I know that everyone is very interested in the question raised by reporter Henry just now. In this way, time is limited, so I will make a long story short. So there is actually only one real reason why I chose to return to the A-share market, that is, I am very optimistic about Huahai's development prospects. Of course, if it is more accurate, then it should be said that I am very optimistic about Huahai's economy under the leadership of Secretary Chen Yang , will have unprecedented development prospects and scale in the next ten years or even a longer period of time. Based on this judgment, I think I have no choice but to make the most beneficial choice for the group.”

After Yan Lingguo finished speaking loudly, there was a burst of thunderous applause at the scene, and countless flashlights flashed on Yan Lingguo's handsome smiling face. At the same time, more media reporters also turned their cameras to sit beside Yan Lingguo Chen Yang as the mascot.

At this time, Mayor Lin Kun, who was sitting on the other side of Yan Lingguo, also had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold. Obviously at this time, his heart was very complicated and contradictory, and at the same time he was a little sour.

Indeed, as the second-in-command of Huahai, the mayor who is in charge of economic work, during the return trip of Yan's International, he has always been just a spectator or a clerk who follows the instructions and operations. The specific work is done. A lot, but in the end he didn't get any of the limelight and benefits that should have been given. All the glory and achievements have nothing to do with him, especially what Yan Lingguo said just now, which almost made Lin Kun spit blood out of anger.

Lin Kun was really unwilling to be an unknown supporting role, but at this time, all the shots and flashes were not available to him, and even no reporter took the initiative to ask him questions.

Lin Kun, who was in a bad mood, even had the idea of ​​picking someone up and leaving on the spot, but when he glanced at Chen Yang who was answering reporters' questions with a smile on his face, he finally restrained the devil in his heart and continued to stay honestly. down.

"I am very grateful to Chairman Yan for being so optimistic about Huahai's future prospects. As the secretary of Huahai's municipal party committee, I feel that the burden on my shoulders is even heavier. Domestic private companies listed overseas have a sufficiently attractive financing market, and I firmly believe that within ten years, the financing scale of the domestic A-share market will surpass that of the US market..."

When Chen Yang kept putting the satellites on, Yan Lingguo had a pleasant smile on his face, but he kept complaining in his heart, "Am I enough to cooperate with you this time?"If it weren't for my grandson's face, I wouldn't go back to the country to raise funds even if I was beaten to death. With the current amount of funds in the market, what can I, Yan's International, do?Hmph, after the opening of the market, the index will drop by one or two hundred points. Then I will see where will you put your face?Will it surpass the US market in ten years?I said Secretary Chen, can you be more reliable, kid?

It's no wonder that Yan Lingguo kept complaining at this time. The board of directors of the group actually rejected the return to A-shares many times. However, under Chen Yang's strong request, Yan Lingguo finally had to violate the laws of business and forcibly approved it on the board of directors. This extremely sensational decision. (To be continued..)

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