The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 368 Dancing

At this time, Fang Qing was completely concerned and confused, and she just liked to think wildly. In fact, even if she was not here at this time, it was impossible for Chen Yang to dance ballroom dancing with a girl. In fact, what annoyed Chen Yang most was this kind of meaningless social occasions.

Soon, Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, Wen Yan rejected Xiao Liao's invitation: "Hehe, Xiao Liao, you young people are going to play, I have something to do later, so I won't get involved with you young people. "

Although Fang Qing pretended to be calm and breezy, she was listening to Chen Yang with her ears pricked up. At this moment, she heard that Chen Yang politely rejected the little girl's invitation, and she was quietly relieved. , Spit secretly, hmph, you're smart!

Although Xiao Liao felt a little sad when he heard this, it was expected. After all, the story of a black-bone chicken turning into a phoenix only existed in legends, not to mention that Secretary Chen was such a busy person, how could he have the spare time to hang out here like them, so She wasn't too disappointed, anyway, if she could show a small face in front of Secretary Chen today, she had achieved her goal. If Secretary Chen really liked her, then she would definitely have a chance in the future.So he just replied with a smile on his face: "Alright then, Secretary Chen, then I'll go there first."

"Go." Chen Yang nodded his head lightly, and waved his hands with a smile.

Soon, Xiao Liao and other young publicity officers happily went down to the dance floor in pairs, and the other cadres from the Huahai Propaganda Department, who had pretended to invite Fang Qing to dance, also came out. Fang Qing politely rejected any accidents, although they were very disappointed in their hearts.But after all, Secretary Chen was here, and they didn't dare to make a mistake, so they all turned their attention to the other guests in the reception.

After a while, everyone left, only Chen Yang and Fang Qing remained here.

Although they were all gone, Chen Yang still looked at Fang Qing with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

Fang Qing originally wanted to put on a show and let Chen Yang air for a while, but she felt embarrassed when Chen Yang stared at him in front of the crowd.Couldn't help turning her pretty face aside.Looking at the dancing crowd on the dance floor with a guilty conscience, she blushed slightly, lowered her voice and said angrily, "You, what are you doing staring at me all the time?"

"What do you say?" Chen Yang chuckled lightly.Asked without answering.

"What did I say?" Fang Qing bit her lower lip and said.She hated Chen Yang's bad expression the most.Often times like this, she has no ability to resist Chen Yang at all.While talking in a low voice, she subconsciously lowered her head and took a quick look at her clothes.I was afraid that Chen Yang would notice if there was something wrong with me.

"Secretary Chen, hello, I am Lu Hai, a reporter from Hong Kong Economic Weekly. I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you have time now?" A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes suddenly appeared with a notebook and a pen in his hand , interrupted their conversation.At the same time, several other reporters also gathered around.

"Secretary Chen, I am a special reporter for the Economic Special Issue of the Southern Times. I also have a few questions I would like to ask you."


"Hehe, everyone, don't worry, take your time."

Chen Yang couldn't help shaking his head and gave a wry smile. At the same time, he could only put away his thoughts of continuing to tease Fang Qing. After giving Fang Qing an apologetic look, he bit the bullet and continued to deal with these all-pervasive reporters.

After he managed to get rid of these pestering reporter friends, he turned around, only to realize that Fang Qing hadn't left this time, and just stayed by the side to watch him deal with several major newspaper reporters.

"Secretary Chen, you are really a busy person. Now I believe it." Fang Qing said softly, but anyone could hear the grievance in her stomach.

Chen Yang originally wanted to make fun of her, but he knew what he meant when he heard the words, so he couldn't help but feel soft, so he smiled helplessly and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's go, there are people coming and going here. , let's go over there."

Fang Qing came to Huahai this time to work. Of course, the most important thing in her heart was to meet her lover. Although she deliberately didn't tell Chen Yang before she came, she had inquired about it in private, and knew that Chen Yang would participate in this meeting. The press conference and the reception that followed, otherwise, with her personality that she never likes to socialize, she slapped her butt and left long after the press conference was held earlier, why would she stay here to participate in this boring reception.

And it would be true to say that she came to Hua Hai with a stomach full of grievances, but after all, she reunited with her sweetheart after a long absence. The mood faded away, and I longed to find a quiet place with my lover to say something considerate.

"Why are you going there?" Although she nodded in her heart, she still had a tone of indifference.

"Hehe, why?" Chen Yang laughed, "I said Reporter Fang, Editor Fang, Director Fang, it's okay for you to have a drink with me, the secretary of the municipal party committee?"

Fang Qing's pretty face turned hot, and she gave Chen Yang a quick look. Although she didn't say anything, she still followed behind Chen Yang obediently, and walked to the corner where Chen Yang had stayed by the window where there were few people.

After standing still, Chen Yang took another glass of brandy from the tray of the passing waiter and handed it to Fang Qing. After Fang Qing took it, she didn't drink it. Instead, she held the goblet and turned her head to look out the window. After walking over, he said softly, "Do you know? Before Xiaojun's summer vacation, I went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for him. Their class teacher has been praising our Xiaojun all the time. Also, Xiaojun has grown taller during this time." It’s quite a lot, and he’s grown up, I think when you return to Yanjing in a while, you might not be able to recognize him.”

Chen Yang didn't speak, but just raised the wine glass in his hand, and took a sip of the brandy lightly.

The wine is authentic good wine brought over by air from France, and it tastes sweet, but at the moment he feels a little sour in his heart. To tell the truth, what he owes the most in his life is his family, but this is something he has no way to change Facts, and don't look at his current official career is smooth sailing.But in fact, every time he takes such a small step up, he will feel a lot of pressure, and he will feel like walking on thin ice all the time. Now he can't tolerate even the slightest misstep, otherwise it will be harmful to him, and even to him. For the family, it will be a disaster that ordinary people can't imagine.As the saying goes, if you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance, but for Chen Yang.Today, he has no way out at all.He can only go forward indomitably on the road of officialdom to the end, and only when he has enough power, or when he really reaches the peak, maybe then he can really breathe a sigh of relief.Only then can we truly have the ability to protect our own family members.And before that.He can only choose to sacrifice the time spent with his family that is easily available in the eyes of ordinary people.

It seems that Chen Yang's mood is a little depressed.After Fang Qing finished speaking, she felt a little bit regretful. In fact, she also knew that she really shouldn't say these disappointing things, but she just couldn't help it.Just like all the mothers in the world, when the child has even the slightest change and achieved a little insignificant achievement, he always wants to share the child's growth and progress with his significant other, the child's father.

She turned her head, glanced at Chen Yang, and said with a smile: "You don't know, Xiaojun has become the monitor of their class this semester, and he is also a three-good student. He is the first kid in their class to wear a red scarf." Woolen cloth."

Fang Qing talked endlessly about her precious son, and her face was unconsciously filled with a mother's unique pride.However, Chen Yang felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. He raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Fang Qing who was smiling lightly. The corners of his mouth moved, but finally he couldn't say a word.

"Don't look at me like this, I always feel weird." Fang Qing wrinkled her small and exquisite nose lightly, curled her lips and said, suddenly seemed to think of something, covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, Said: "Hehe, you know, our little devil originally wanted to hide it from me, saying that he was going to be the first to tell his bad father the news of him being the monitor, and at such a young age, he had been talking to his father all day long. Just like adults, he doesn't play outside with other children during the holidays, but just studies his so-called cabinet formation plan at home. All the class cadres who talked about him were replaced, hehehehe, tell me, who did our little official fans learn from?"

Chen Yang coughed lightly with a depressed face, but he finally felt much better.

He picked up the glass, sighed softly, then touched the wine glass in Fang Qing's hand, the corner of his mouth moved, and after a while he whispered: "Come, drink with me, I have worked hard for you all these years, I, I'm sorry for you..."

"Don't say such things."

The circles of Fang Qing's eyes turned red, and as she spoke, she quickly turned her face to the side, and at the same time raised her head slightly, for fear that if she couldn't help it, tears would roll down uncontrollably.

She quickly drank half a glass of brandy in one gulp, then raised her head and said in a slightly trembling voice: "I beg you, you, don't tell me this kind of thing again, I don't like to hear it Yes." After a pause, she continued, "Yes, sometimes I get angry with you and like to fight with you, but you know it in your heart, and I never blamed you. What's more, you let me have Xiaojun, I, I am very grateful to you in my heart, as long as, as long as you have me and Xiaojun in your heart, I will be content in this life..."

Chen Yang looked at Fang Qing who was trembling slightly, but his heart was filled with warmth. He didn't say anything, but silently lowered his head and took a sip of wine. Smiling, Fang Qing said with a smile: "Well, I will listen to you. Since you don't like to hear it, I won't say anything you don't like to hear from now on."

Chen Yang's words seemed to have a kind of magical power, and Fang Qing's trembling body immediately returned to normal. She turned her head, although her eyes were still slightly moist, but there was also a smile on her face, a little shy While gently rubbing the red eye circles with the back of his hand, he said in a low voice, "It's all because of you, you want me to look ugly on purpose, don't you?"

Chen Yang laughed, and when he was about to say something more, an uninvited guest appeared next to him.

"Oh, sorry to bother you two."

Chen and Yang followed the sound and looked at the person who suddenly appeared to speak. This was a young man in a decent blue suit, who looked about thirty.His hair was combed meticulously, and he wore a pair of expensive gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, making him look like a gentleman.

After this person interrupted other people's chatting, he didn't feel impolite in the slightest. Instead, he greeted Chen Yang with a smile on his face: "Hehe, hello, Secretary Chen, I would like to introduce myself, my surname He, his name is He Yunkai. He is the Asia Pacific investment director of Goldman Sachs Investment Bank. It is a pleasure to meet you here."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised when he reported his name. After all, he looked quite young, and he was already able to get involved in Goldman Sachs, a financial monster that the United States used to carry out financial aggression against other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. .It can't help but be impressive.

But this person appeared at the reception at this moment.Probably some business partners invited by Yan Lingguo.

Of course.With Chen Yang's status, even if the president of Goldman Sachs head office stood in front of him, he wouldn't feel that there was anything special, so he waited for this person to report himself uninvited.Chen Yang just nodded his head politely, and said with a light smile: "Hehe, hello, who is Director He? As a government official of Huahai, I welcome you Goldman Sachs Investment Bank to Huahai to inspect investment. What's wrong with greeting you?" place, Mr. He forgive me a lot."

"Hehe, Secretary Chen, you are too polite." He Yunkai had a modest smile on his face, but his eyes seemed a little frivolous. Fang Qing who was beside Chen Yang cast a glance, and after less than a few words with Chen Yang, she immediately turned to Fang Qing, looked at Fang Qing with a smile on her face, and asked, "This beautiful lady, hello ,May I ask you are?"

Fang Qing originally had a good chat with her lover here, but now she was upset when someone interrupted her. She thought that this person has no manners at all, so how can she disturb others?What about the executives of international investment banks? It's really annoying.

Therefore, at this time, I didn't look directly at the personable Director He, but patiently squeezed out a formulaic smile and said, "Hello, I'm a reporter, and I'm here to interview Secretary Chen."

"Hehe, beautiful lady, can you tell me your name? Oh, I'm sorry, although I'm being rude, but I still have to praise you from the bottom of my heart. The cheongsam you wear today is really charming."

Director He didn't know if he had stayed abroad for too long. Not only did he speak with a foreign accent, he was bold and straightforward, and he didn't have the strings of domestic officialdom rules in his mind. Originally, he came here rashly at this time. It's very unruly, but he still picks up girls in front of other leaders, this is simply...

I really don't know whether to call him stupid, or there are really people in this world who are ignorant and fearless.

Undoubtedly, as soon as he said these words, Chen Yang's face darkened slightly.

And Fang Qing hated this person even more in her heart. Although Director He's praise at this time was indeed well-founded, Fang Qing's improved black cheongsam paired with a gray long trench coat was indeed extremely charming. Retro, fashion and beautiful, but the reason why Fang Qing dresses up so carefully is not only for you to admire, but not for his lover. You don't need to come here to praise me for doing your shit. ?

It's a pity that this is a public place, and it's inconvenient for her to lose her manners, so she can only patiently say, "Thank you." After speaking, she turned to look at Chen Yang and asked, "Secretary Chen, why don't you go to work first? I will interview you again when I have time."

Before Chen Yang could nod his head, Director He, who was being left alone, continued to pester him without hesitation: "Oh, ma'am, please wait a moment, I'm sorry, to be honest, our company is planning to take advantage of this Yan's International The opportunity to return to the A-share market and invest in China, you see, since you appear at this reception, you must also be a reporter for the economic column, otherwise, see if I can have a chance to chat with you alone for a while... ...."

To be honest, this Director He's performance at this time is already a bit too much. Let alone being entangled, he is still in front of Chen Yang, the top leader of Huahai. After a while, the security guards drove this fly-like man out of the house.

But having said that, Chen Yang felt a little wronged at Director He at this time. Director He is also an executive of an international investment bank, and he is usually a gentleman. After seeing Fang Qing, a beautiful woman, It was only then that he ran over recklessly, wanting to find a chance to have some beautiful stories with the beauty.Otherwise, with his title of Investment Director of Goldman Sachs Investment Bank Asia Pacific, he really has a certain amount of capital.

Speaking of which, there are actually quite a few beauties at this reception. After all, it is an important reception organized by Yan's International, and many beautiful women are present, but Director He doesn't know what's going on. I was chatting with a group of friends over there just now. At that time, he just glanced this way, and in a blink of an eye, he spotted Fang Qing who was hiding in the corner chatting with Chen Yang, and immediately made up his mind secretly that he must contact this beauty today.Then he ran over regardless.Seeing that Fang Qing was about to leave now, he was not willing to give up.

Chen Yang has been a man for two generations, and he has seen a lot of young and rich men's tricks of picking up girls, so he knows that since this bug is after Fang Qing.Then even if Fang Qing leaves at this time.This bedbug must be chasing after him, too.In order to make him die, Chen Yang said straightforwardly: "Then who, Mr. He is. Reporter Fang is the female companion I invited, so excuse me."

After all, Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Director He's reply, he turned around and Fang Qing stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "Come on, Reporter Fang, let's go dance."

Fang Qing originally wanted to avoid suspicion, but she never expected that her sweetheart, who always liked to put on a show in front of outsiders, would invite her to dance so generously at this moment. Hi, even Director He, who is standing next to him with a stupid face, doesn't seem to be so annoying anymore. After all, without this annoying ghost appearing and messing around again and again, how could the old man of the Chen family be forced to be so bold and generous all of a sudden?

"Oh, yes, Secretary Chen."

With a shy and excited smile on her face, Fang Qing gently put her hand in Chen Yang's.

Soon, the two completely regarded Director He as air, and walked straight towards the central dance floor...

Isn't it just a secretary of the municipal party committee? What the hell, huh, let's wait and see about this matter, I don't believe I can't get this girl's contact information!

Director He stared fixedly at the backs of the two leaving, feeling a surge of resentment in his heart.However, I don't know if he is really not familiar with the domestic officialdom structure, or if he really has some supernatural ability, he dares to underestimate Chen Yang, such a dignified Huahai Municipal Party Committee Secretary?


No matter how depressed and angry Director He was, it didn't affect the two of Chen Yang who stepped into the dance floor. Although the two had no chance to dance together, they had a natural tacit understanding. When Chen Yang naturally put his right hand on the On Fang Qing's soft and slender waist, Fang Qing, who has almost never danced ballroom dancing with men, not only did not feel any discomfort, but pursed her lips and chuckled and said in a low voice: "Hehe, that's great, I didn't expect me In this life, there is still time to dance with Secretary Chen, I wonder if I will have a chance to be on the front page of your Huahai party newspaper tomorrow?"

"If you like it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Chen Yang replied with a light smile.In fact, Chen Yang knew very well that since he led Fang Qing onto the dance floor, he immediately attracted countless surprised and inexplicable looks from around him. It got a little messy, it was really hard to imagine what kind of weird feeling it would be to dance with Secretary Chen on the dance floor, but at this time, Chen Yang seemed very generous, without any restraint or uneasiness.

Although I can't remember how many years ago I did this kind of ballroom dance last time, but at this moment Chen Yang's dance steps are very skillful, leading Fang Qing to walk briskly on the dance floor, and Fang Qing also followed He cooperated very well, allowing Chen Yang to hold one hand tightly, while the other lightly rested on Chen Yang's broad shoulders, dancing lightly in Chen Yang's arms, without the slightest feeling of discomfort, From the looks of outsiders, they look like a pair of dance partners who have been together for many years, which is extremely pleasing to the eye.

"You know, you are very well dressed today." Walking to the sound of melodious dance music, Chen Yang leaned closer to Fang Qing's ear, and whispered a compliment.

It's rare to be praised by her sweetheart, Fang Qing was very happy in her heart, but said narrowly: "I'm already beautiful, did you just know today?"

"Hehe, what I'm talking about is that your cheongsam is very beautiful." Chen Yang smiled, and the right hand on Fang Qing's waist also exerted a little strength, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly, even Very wretchedly, in front of the public, she began to fondle Fang Qing's soft and boneless waist with her palm back and forth.

If another man did this, I'm afraid he would be treated like a hooligan by his girlfriend immediately, but Fang Qing obviously didn't have the power. No matter how much she did, there was nothing she could do.What's more, although her face is slightly hot, she actually enjoys her husband's intimacy in her heart.

"Aren't you afraid of being seen by your subordinates?"

Fang Qing lowered her eyes with a blushing face, moved her face closer to Chen Yang and asked softly.

"Hehe, isn't it just to ask the guests to dance, there is nothing to worry about." Chen Yang replied with a smile on his face, and his hands became more vigorous.

"Be gentle, I will shout if I can't take it anymore." Fang Qing bit her lip and warned softly with a blushing face.

"Hehe, it's up to you." A smirk appeared on Chen Yang's face, "I can't take it anymore, what should I do that night?"

Fang Qing blushed even more when she heard the words, she raised her head and gave Chen Yang a quick look, but said in a low voice like a dissatisfied mosquito: "I'm not afraid of you when there is no one, I'm afraid that you should be afraid when the time comes Me." After saying this, she became even more shy, and quickly lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang laughed, and then continued: "By the way, if you don't have anything else to do later, you can go home early and cook some special dishes for me to try. I haven't eaten a meal in half a month. Home cooking."

"Fuck you, I'm not your nanny, why should I cook for you?"

Fang Qing said flatly, but she had already planned this in her heart a long time ago. This time, she had already made up her mind that the interview work could be done in about three days, but she didn't plan to return to Beijing so soon, at least she had to She stayed in Huahai for ten days and a half months. If her son hadn't been taken to the Fang family's old house as soon as he was on vacation, she would definitely have to bring her son here this time, but she also made arrangements for her. As soon as the work was done, I called home and asked someone to send Xiaojun over, so that the three of them could live together for a while. Although my son was very sensible since he was a child, he never said he wanted to find his father, but she Why doesn't the mother know that the son has always been looking forward to living with his father in his heart.

Chen Yang chuckled lightly, knowing that the woman in his arms was wrong, but let her be fine.

When the two of them were dancing on the dance floor and talking about homely things that outsiders could not imagine, the person who was most shocked outside was probably Director Wang Gang who came to Huahai with Fang Qing to work. At this moment, his mouth Zhang Deboss, this Xiaofang, this, is this Xiaofang from our unit?She, didn't she say that she can't dance?

Director Wang stared dumbfounded at Chen and Yang, who were embracing and dancing on the dance floor, and the surprise in his heart was beyond words. (To be continued..)

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