At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, with the sound of gun salutes, countless bright fireworks were ignited in the sky beside the Huangpu River, instantly lighting up the entire night sky on the Huangpu River as if it were daytime. At the time point that is valued by the people of the country, the riversides on both sides of the strait are full of people who come to watch the fireworks. If the city government hadn’t introduced various security measures in time, just seeing the large crowds of people on the two straits surging, I am afraid that at any time All may lead to unexpected tragedies.

Of course, in the eyes of the vast majority of Chinese people, only when the Lunar New Year has passed can it be regarded as the beginning of a new year, at least for Chen Yang.

As the ruler of this city, Chen Yang is not in the mood to share the joy with the people at this moment. Instead, he stays at home in a seaside villa, shuts himself in the study, and quietly thinks about some things he has to face. some work problems.

In fact, as far as Chen Yang has been in charge of Huahai for many years, he has already managed Huahai as a monolith. Even though the central government made drastic personnel changes to the Huahai Standing Committee last year, many factions are trying to gain certain authority in Huahai. The right to speak, but in fact the effect is not great. The new forces represented by the mayor Lin Kun have not been able to launch any serious challenge to Chen Yang. As a result, he fell directly to Chen Yang's pier, making people who are familiar with officialdom shatter their glasses.

Perhaps there is a factor in this that the central government hopes that Huahai's political situation will be stable and not interfere too much, but it is more obviously because of Chen Yang's golden signboard.After all, Huahai's officialdom has been run by Chen Yang for so many years. Almost all the grassroots officials in the second and third tiers have been replaced, and almost all the new cadres are promoted by Chen Yang. If you really want to leverage Huahai by replacing a few standing committee members The iron plate of officialdom is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the new forces in Huahai represented by Lin Kun wisely chose a strategy of avoiding their edge, one word - wait!

Yes, just wait!

This may seem like a helpless move, but it is actually the most pragmatic strategy right now.Everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible for Chen Yang to stay in Huahai for the rest of his life.Everyone knows.After Chen Yang's current term expires, [-]% will be promoted to the central government. As for where he will be, no one knows yet, but Chen Yang's resignation from Huahai is definitely a certainty.After all, count his two years as mayor.Until now.He has been in Huahai for almost seven or eight years. In fact, even Chen Yang himself is very young in his heart. After his term as secretary expires.If he cannot be transferred to the central government as he wishes, it will definitely be a major setback for his political life. In fact, since the Second Plenary Session of the Central Committee in September last year, he has gradually begun to make arrangements.

All in all, his departure and promotion is a good thing for him and others.The only thing that bothered Chen Yang a little was who would replace him at the helm of Huahai, a huge ship that had entered the fast lane of economic development after he was transferred from Huahai.

Lin Kun?

Chen Yang has never regarded this deputy with a strong background in the northern faction as the best candidate to succeed him. Although it seems now that the main intention of the higher-ups to parachute Lin Kun down was to hope that Lin Kun could take over smoothly, but this is just some It’s just the faction’s good wishes, there’s still a lot to do here, and if Chen Yang is willing, he has the means and space to operate a person he likes and absolutely trusts to take over the helm of Huahai. This is definitely not his bragging, in fact The current political energy behind Chen Yang is definitely something that no one dares to underestimate. Even if the regiment behind him and the background of the Chen family are left behind, his so-called "Chen Yang family" team is enough to make many people worry about it. Weigh it carefully inside.

Undoubtedly, the most ideal successor in Chen Yang's mind is to choose one of his direct descendants, but the problem is that although his students are gradually emerging in the political arena, there is really no one who is suitable. Candidates do not mean lack of ability, but that the level is not up to the requirements.If he continues to serve another term, then this problem will be much easier to solve. At that time, it will be almost enough to make an exception for promotion, instead of the current situation, even if it is the two closest candidates, Gao Zimin from Lingnan and his The two Guo Detians who were brought to Huahai are only department-level cadres now, and it is difficult for them to meet the requirements for promotion.

Of course, what made Chen Yang even more troublesome was that there was no mistake in his original judgment. Since Wang Jing died in a car accident in Huahai, the relationship between him and Wang Yun had an irreparable crack. They still maintain a seemingly inseparable relationship, but in fact, both of them know in their hearts that it is impossible to return to the original close partnership, and as time goes by, the rift will become deeper and deeper, and It is conceivable that in the more than two years before the central government-renewal, Wang Yun, who has a high voice to enter the next team, will definitely operate a lot, and the key position Wang Yun is in is really too powerful. It is beneficial for him to operate, and he did not get the title of chief military adviser for nothing. In fact, judging from the recent heavyweight personnel transfers in the officialdom, there is already a faint shadow of Wang Yun behind him. Moreover, since his son's accident, Wang Yun gradually got closer and closer to several major factions that had differences with the regiment. All of this was obviously laying the groundwork for the work before the change of office.

What frustrates Chen Yang the most is that even Huahai, which he has been running for many years, seems to be affected. The information collected from his channels shows that Wang Yun has already regarded the future leader of Huahai as an important bargaining chip to communicate with some related factions. After making an exchange, he even heard from some cadres who are close to Wang Yun that Wang Yun mentioned in private more than once that even if Chen Yang returns to Yanjing in the future, he will definitely be Chen Yang. Young kicked to an irrelevant position.

Perhaps this tone is a bit loud, or this is gossip without any basis. After all, it is like this in the officialdom, and the taste will completely change when a word is passed around, but it may not be without reason!


The clock on the wall rang.

Chen Yang gently pressed his swollen forehead.Glancing at the big clock on the wall, it was already quarter past zero.

It seemed that he had been sitting for too long, and his body was a little stiff, so he stood up and stretched, then pushed open the small door in the study room, and walked straight to a large balcony outside the door, leaning on the hollow carved iron He made the railing and looked towards the sea in the distance.

Perhaps because tonight is the New Year's Eve, the seaside is full of people who spend the whole night celebrating the New Year's Eve, and people are setting off fireworks to their heart's content.Laughing and playing.Even when Chen Yang stayed on the balcony at home, he could hear the innocent laughter and cheers of the children coming from the direction of the sea from time to time...

Hearing the children's clean and innocent laughter, Chen Yang's originally frowning brows seemed to gradually relax.Especially when thinking about the not-too-distant future.A few lovely little members will be added to my family.The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Hehe, I really don't know if Ozawa knew that he had a new brother or sister, would he sneak away to complain to his grandma like last time.

I think of my adoptive mother Li Duanyu.Chen Yang felt a little sad in his heart. Speaking of which, he has been busy with work these past few years, so he rarely has time to accompany his mother to fulfill his filial piety, even though every time he went to Ningxi to see his parents, his mother always Tell him to return to Huahai as soon as he has nothing to do. Work is the most important thing, but Chen Yang knows in his heart that in fact, his mother is eager to be with the second elder every day. There is no shortage of Chen Yang's salary. A man like Chen Yang who is as busy as a cow all day long, might as well resign from his official position and go home to enjoy the family happiness.

After so many years of Chen Yang, the only thing his mother is satisfied with him is that he continued to add incense to the old Chen family. To be honest, Chen Yang really didn't dare to let his mother know that she might add it again. Now that I have a new grandson or granddaughter, it's not that I'm worried that my mother will reprimand me. In fact, after all these years, it's impossible for me to completely hide those things from my mother.

And Li Duanyu, the adoptive mother who raised Chen Yang for more than ten years, had long regarded Chen Yang as her own son. Otherwise, she would never have forced Chen Yang to marry Chen Ruonan back then. Naturally, Chen Yang's child Li Duanyu is also unceremoniously treating all of them as his grandchildren. Not to mention, the mothers of Xiang Jin, Xian'er, and Qiu He all know about it. Taking it away, so that little Chen Xi didn't follow Xian'er because she was a child, and she was not very close to Xian'er when she grew up. Because of this, Xian'er secretly cried a lot by herself.

Therefore, Chen Yang was worried that once his mother found out, she would definitely take her grandson or granddaughter with her on her own initiative.

Hehe, if Jiang Xin gave birth to a child in the future and was really snatched away by her mother, would she work hard with me?

Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Speaking of which, he never expected that since the spring breeze with Jiang Xin in Yanjing last time, it was pretty good at first. Even if the two of them couldn't be together often, they would basically call each other the next day, but it didn't take long , Jiang Xin’s phone call could not be reached, and later he found out that Jiang Xin avoided him because she was pregnant and refused to answer his phone calls. What made Chen Yang most depressed was that Jiang Xin was the one who heard the news. That superb cousin called him to tell him, and at this time Jiang Xin had already hid abroad, and she didn't even want to listen to his phone calls anymore, she played a game of losing contact with him thoroughly, if Chen Yang learned from her excellent cousin that Jiang Xin is determined not to contact him before giving birth to the baby. I am afraid that Chen Yang will really use some personal connections to find Jiang Xin who has been hiding in England by digging three feet. up.

In fact, Chen Yang knew very well that there was only one reason for Jiang Xin to hide from him like this, and she was afraid that he would force her to take away the child. He even repeatedly stated that he did not have this when talking on the phone with her best cousin. I mean, but Jiang Xin didn't believe it at all. I really don't know what was going on in her mind, who did she think of herself as?

No way, Chen Yang finally gave up the idea of ​​getting in touch with Jiang Xin for the time being. Fortunately, with that superb cousin passing the conversation in the middle, he could grasp Jiang Xin's situation in time, so he wouldn't be too worried.

Perhaps it was because he had been standing on the balcony for a long time, and there was some wind blowing from the seaside, and Chen Yang gradually felt a little chill on his body, but the weather was fine tonight, so he didn't want to rest too early, so he rubbed his hands together, He took a deep breath, and was about to take out a cigarette from his pocket to relieve his fatigue, when his body suddenly felt warm, but someone gently helped him put on a thick coat.

Chen Yang quickly turned his head, stretched out his hand to gently hug the woman into his arms, and asked with concern: "Xiao Jin, why are you still up so late?"

The woman didn't speak, but just reached out and hugged his arm, put her warm face gently on his shoulder, then shook her head lightly, and said, "I'm not very sleepy, besides, I'm still on jet lag. It’s not fully adjusted.”

That's right, this gentle woman in a cotton nightgown is Xiang Jin who just flew back to China from the United States within two days.

It's strange to say that maybe the women of the Chen family had some tacit understanding in private. After learning the news of Xiang Jin's return to China, they unexpectedly didn't come to Huahai to accompany them at this time when other people's family members were reunited. Chen Yang celebrated the new year, but everyone was busy with their own affairs.Of course, maybe they think more about them among the few women, that is, Xiang Jin is the rarest to meet Chen Yang. After all, the Hongqi Fund is now in the hands of Xiang Jin, even though Xiang Jin's subordinates A large number of managers are in charge of the business, but she, the behind-the-scenes president, still has to sit in person, so she may not have time to go back to China several times throughout the year, and even if she does, she will spend two or three days in a hurry I had to fly back to the US for the holidays.

Seeing Xiang Jin's obviously tired face but unwilling to rest, Chen Yang felt a little distressed, so he smiled and said, "It's very windy here, why don't I go rest with you."

But Xiang Jin shook his head lightly again, "Don't, I want to accompany you, you don't know, when I was alone in the United States, I always missed the moment when the two of us watched the scenery together, that is, this time , so I don’t feel so alone.”

"Okay, then let's stay a little longer." Chen Yang smiled softly, and was about to continue the previous action and take out the cigarette.

"Don't smoke, okay?"

Xiang Jin stopped with a rare frown, and then lightly stroked his already tall belly: "I don't want my son to smoke second-hand smoke, so just bear with it." (To be continued...)

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