"Hmph, Lei Biao, I really didn't expect you to be so nasty, even Xiaomei! I don't have a nasty old classmate like you!" Xiang Jin replied coldly.

"Hehe." Lei Biao laughed, "Xiang Jin, I was really wronged, otherwise, let's ask Xiaomei and let her tell her, and see how I, Uncle Lei, have wronged her. "

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Li Mei who had been bowing her head in silence.

Li Mei felt Lei Biao's two playful eyes staring at her. At this moment, she was so regretful that her intestines were green. How could she really believe what Sister Jin said, saying that with her husband, everything can be done? Certainly?Isn't this an international joke?Can Lei Biao offend these few people?

Didn't hear Li Mei's squeak, Lei Biao immediately became a little impatient, turned up the volume, coughed and said: "Xiaomei, what are you doing in a daze, talk, tell Xiang Jin, what am I doing to you, look at her Get angry like this."

Li Mei trembled from being reprimanded, so she raised her head quickly, tugged Xiang Jin's sleeve lightly, and said in a low voice: "Sister Jin, forget it, forget it, I, I'm fine, Uncle Lei He didn't do anything to me, it was all, it was all a misunderstanding, he was very, very good to me..."

"Xiaomei, what are you talking about?"

Seeing that Li Mei became so cowardly and timid after being yelled at twice by Lei Biao, Xiang Jin immediately became angry. If she hadn't been concerned about her body, she really wanted to push this cowardly girl away on the spot Well, think about it, Mr. Mei was such a strong person back then.How could the younger generation be born so unbearable.

In fact, Xiang Jin really wronged Li Mei. This society is very realistic, and not everyone has her confidence. Faced with the current situation, what choice can she make?Is it really tough to the end with a rich and powerful person like Lei Biao?It's a joke, that might give a reputation of not being afraid of power, but there are only two endings, one is death.The second is to die ugly.

Yes.This is the reality of this society!

Lei Biao smiled in satisfaction, and looked at Xiang Jin who was trembling with anger again: "Hehe, you heard everything, Xiang Jin?"

"Lei Biao. You..." Xiang Jin choked.For a while, I didn't know how to refute the other party.Too.Now that the person involved keeps claiming that nothing is wrong, who else is she going to stand up for?

"Hehe, nothing else?" Lei Biao spread his hands with a smile.

"Hehe. Mr. Lei, are you really all right?"

Chen Yang, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly laughed.

What Lei Biao was waiting for was Chen Yang's words. He wished that Chen Yang would take the initiative to find something, which happened to be what he wanted. He immediately turned his face to look at Chen Yang, and asked with a fake smile: "Why? , Xiao Chen, what else do you have to say?"

"Gao Jian, I really don't have one." Chen Yang smiled and said, "I just know that in this box today, one counts as one. I'll give you two minutes to think about whether you need to surrender to the nearby police station."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, everyone was shocked!

Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded, even Director Liu, who had been leaning on the sofa and keeping his legs crossed, was startled. He raised his eyelids rarely, and glanced at Chen Yang through the sunglasses. The hand on the girl's shoulder beside him began to gently stroke the girl's tender shoulder back and forth.

Li Mei was also completely dumbfounded. At this time, she wanted to die, her mind was blank, and she kept circling a sentence, could it be possible that sister Jin’s husband came from Mars? Can you speak it?

Sure enough, the people in the private room were only stunned for a few seconds, and then they broke out into bursts of heartfelt laughter one after another. Even the three Huaxi girls who had been carefully sitting with them couldn't help it. Covering his small mouth, he chuckled lightly.

Apparently, they had the same thoughts as Li Mei. If the unexpected visitor in front of him wasn't an alien, he must be out of his mind.

Lei Biao laughed so hard that his tears almost flowed out. It took a lot of effort from the boss to suppress his smile, then shook his head with a smile, looked at Chen Yang and said, "Xiao Chen, are you sure you really Are you kidding me?"

Chen Yang's expression remained the same, and he still had a flat expression of neither joy nor anger. He ignored Lei Biao's provocation, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and then said lightly, "It's ten past one o'clock. If you don’t take the initiative to surrender in minutes, then I’m sorry, I think I should call the police.”

"Call the police?" Lei Biao rubbed his face vigorously, and managed to suppress the surging smile back, then his face suddenly became serious, and he shouted loudly: "Xiao Chen, you are enough, I tell you, you The joke is not funny at all! How do you report it to the police? What are you reporting to us? What evidence do you have?"

"Hehe, evidence?" Chen Yang finally laughed, and glanced around coldly, "Okay, I've made an agreement with you guys. In Huahai, my words are evidence!"


Once again, the whole box was completely shocked by Chen Yang's words.

But it's a pity that in the next second, everyone including Director Liu, who has been pretending to be deep and cool, couldn't help laughing softly. The shaking of their heads was obviously because they were amused by Chen Yang's funny words, and they broke their pretense. The golden body and feel helpless.

Li Mei cried out in her heart, stretched out her hands and covered her face firmly.Yes, although she wasn't smiling, and she really couldn't laugh, but she really didn't have the courage to continue watching the tragedy that was very likely to happen next.No wonder, although she is just a girl who hasn't worked for a few years, she usually reads the news online. What good will happen if she offends a bunch of rich and powerful bosses like Chen Yang?

As for the girls in Huaxi, although they were not stingy with their youthful and sweet smiles at this time, there seemed to be something more in the eyes they looked at Chen Yang.Indeed, although the man in front of me is quite funny, but being able to pretend to be this kind of state is indeed very exciting to the girls. Of course, the prerequisite is that this matter ends here, and nothing will happen next. occur.

It's a pity that what should happen can't always be avoided.

Director Liu, who had been watching the show with his legs crossed, seemed very dissatisfied with being teased by Chen Yang. He lazily got up from the sofa, shook his head slightly, and lit a cigarette. Walked towards Chen Yang.

When Lei Biao saw Director Liu getting up and coming over, he hurried over and smiled cautiously, "Xiao Liu, I'm sorry for disturbing your interest, look, how about I drive him away...... "

Lei Biao made a special trip this time for the big man behind Director Liu. In order to make friends with the big man behind Director Liu, he spent a lot of time, not only investing huge sums of money in filming for this master, but also always acting like a grandson. Serve carefully, there is no such thing as a boss.

Director Liu waved his hand at Lei Biao impatiently, interrupted him, then went straight to Chen Yang and stopped, looked Chen Yang up and down a few times, and then said lightly: "Hehe, okay Ah, pretending to be like that." Then he turned his head and asked Lei Biao as if no one else was there, "By the way, Lao Lei, what is this person's background?"

Lei Biao wished that this vile young man in the capital would abuse Xiang Jin's bastard husband for him, so he hurriedly replied, "Ghost knows, he seems to be a local civil servant in Huahai."

"Heh!" Director Liu smirked and asked Lei Biao, "Do you want me to call my second uncle?"

"Hehe, Young Master Liu, what's the use of it!" Principal Zhang, who had been watching the show, got up and walked over at some point, and then hurriedly interjected, "Young Master Liu, I know everyone in the city. The deputy chief of the sub-bureau is a parent of one of my students, and I will give him a call later and ask him to call a nearby police station to go on duty."

When the few people in front were sitting and chatting, Director Liu calmly revealed his background a little bit, so at this time Principal Zhang couldn't wait to come forward to flatter him.

"That's it, it's up to you." Director Liu nodded indifferently, then turned his head to look at Chen Yang again, pointed at Chen Yang's face with a finger, and said in a calm voice: "Today You are lucky, I don’t care about you when I’m in a good mood, now I will give you 2 minutes to disappear in front of me immediately, and?”

Chen Yang has been watching the live drama in front of him with cold eyes. At this time, Director Liu's finger is about to poke him in the face, but his expression remains unchanged, only after Director Liu finishes speaking, he seems to smile. Fei smiled and said, "Really? So generous, you can still let me go?"

"Hehe, you can go, but..." Director Liu laughed, then suddenly changed the subject, pointed to Xiang Jin who was standing behind Chen Yang, raised his eyebrows, and snorted coldly, " She can't do it yet!"

Look, Liu Shao is really awesome!The aristocrats in the capital, as expected, made different reactions!

Lei Biao, who was still somewhat displeased with Director Liu's downplaying letting Chen Yang go, was relieved now, and couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

Xiang Jin was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, especially seeing Director Liu treat her husband so rudely, how could she bear it anymore, and snorted coldly: "Bastard!"

Director Liu was startled when he heard the sound, and looked at Xiang Jin with cold eyes, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and said, "Woman, you made me angry, and I will say it one last time, you, stay with me later ..."

"You fart!"

Xiang Jin's pretty face turned cold, and he suddenly picked up a cup of hot tea on the table, and splashed it on Director Liu's face without saying a word... (to be continued...)

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