Years later, at the end of May, on the morning of the 25th, just two months after the two sessions, without any rumors before, the Huahai Municipal Party Committee held a city-wide meeting of leading cadres, announcing Comrade adjustment decision.

Commissioned by the Central Committee, Comrade Yu Qiang, Minister of the Central Committee, read the decision of the Central Committee to the leading cadres of Huahai City at the meeting. At the meeting, Yu Qiang also announced the appointment of Comrade Tang Wenqiang by the Central Committee, and appointed Comrade Tang Wenqiang as a member of the Huahai Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and a secretary.

Unexpectedly, there was a chaotic situation in the venue, which showed that after many years of running Huahai, even though Chen Yang was about to step down as secretary, he was still able to make this adjustment in a low-key and safe atmosphere as scheduled.

After announcing the personnel adjustment decision of the Central Committee, Yu Qiang briefly introduced the situation of Comrade Tang Wenqiang. Comrade Tang Wenqiang is from Lingnan. He is 48 years old this year. , Assistant Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee.

Comrade Tang Wenqiang has a firm political stance, has a high level of policy theory, is familiar with party affairs and economic work, has strong organizational and leadership skills, is diligent and pragmatic, has a rigorous style of work, is decent, and is strict with himself, etc. A series of advantages.

Finally, Comrade Yu Qiang also expressed the hope that the city's leading cadres can unite closely around Comrade Tang Wenqiang, rely on the general public of the city, and make their own contributions to continue to promote the economic construction of Huahai City and the healthy development of various undertakings.

next.Secretary Tang Wenqiang, who took office as a new official, also made a statement. He knew very well that he was not the protagonist of this meeting, so he simply said a few words of thanks to the Central Committee for its care and trust, and how he will work hard in the future Work clichés and so on.

"Next, let our old secretary, Comrade Chen Yang, speak."

When Yu Qiang, who presided over the meeting, passed the microphone to Chen Yang who was next to him, the venue froze for an instant. Hold your breath.

Yes, everyone is eager to hear and see.At such a historic moment.Chen Yang, who has been in Huahai for eight years, is even legendary to some extent, and has almost been deified in Huahai. He is about to leave this city.What's going on in his head.What will he say before leaving office?

And so on.Everyone is curious and looking forward to it.

The moment Chen Yang on the rostrum picked up the microphone, the venue was silent for more than ten seconds.But then, there was a sudden burst of thunderous applause. Without any prior arrangement, all the leading cadres in the venue spontaneously stood up from their chairs and clapped desperately. Even Chen Yang hadn't Speaking of leaving office, many cadres had tears welling up in their eyes.


Chen Yang let out a deep breath, and he also stood up from his seat. Then, with his eyes that were no longer as sharp as usual, he slowly scanned the dark mass of cadres under the stage, watching These cadres were either familiar or unfamiliar faces. He stretched out his hand and pressed down, beckoning everyone to sit down.

"Comrades, please sit down!"

But unfortunately, no one is willing to sit down.This time, it was the first time in everyone's life, and of course it was more likely that it would be the last time that everyone refused to listen to Chen Yang's words.

Chen Yang's originally calm mood seemed to be gradually infected by the suddenly warm atmosphere of the scene. He raised his face slightly, took a deep breath, and managed to calm down his messy thoughts .

After a long pause, he did not force everyone to sit down, but delivered his departure speech in his characteristic deep voice.

"Comrades, I have been working in Huahai for eight years and six months. These eight years have been a very unusual and extraordinary life experience for me. I have experienced many major, difficult, and urgent matters. I and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee Together with the majority of party members, cadres and masses in the city, we will resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the central government, seize historical opportunities and deal with severe challenges on the basis of previous city leadership groups, and make our own contributions to Huahai's great leapfrog development. I should do my best. Today, I think I can finally say to the comrades present here and the 300 million people in Huahai with a clear conscience that I have fulfilled my job of succeeding Secretary Gao Ming at this meeting. The promise everyone made..."

When Chen Yang said this, there was another burst of spontaneous applause at the conference site, which interrupted his speech.

The applause lasted for nearly 3 minutes, and then slowly stopped under Chen Yang's constant gestures.

A somewhat gratified smile appeared on Chen Yang's face, and he continued to speak slowly: "Yes, I am sincerely happy for the development and changes of Huahai in the past eight years, and for being able to fight side by side with my comrades and the people of Huahai. , I am very honored to have done some work that I should do. For more than eight years, all of us have devoted all our time and energy to work and united for the cause of the party, for the land of Huahai, and for the benefit of the people. , Willing to dedicate, no complaints and no regrets, devoted a lot of effort and sweat, and forged a sincere and profound friendship."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang continued to speak affectionately: "I have worked in several places from south to north since I started working. Huahai is another hometown of mine. I love this hometown and the people of Huahai very much. I will never forget it." During the nearly [-] days and nights I have worked in Huahai, I will never forget the close comrades who fought side by side with me, and the strong support of the people of Huahai for my work. On the occasion of leaving office, in addition to asking everyone to In addition to continuing to supervise and help my future work, I also want to say a few words to everyone sitting here. Is this person real or fake? Everyone must keep these three principles in mind, first, don’t welcome him, second, don’t give him any kindness, and third, don’t allow him to do anything.”

"Finally, please allow me to personally express my sincere gratitude to all the old leaders present here, several teams in the city, various regions, departments, party members, cadres and masses in the city. , to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect!"

Having said that, Chen Yang moved the microphone away.He bowed deeply to the hundreds of leading cadres under the stage.

There is no doubt that.There was once again thunderous and deafening applause in the Great Hall.And the cameras from multiple angles at the scene immediately desperately captured this historic and precious shot...

Most of the cadres on the scene were almost single-handedly promoted by Chen Yang in the past few years. Although Chen Yang had extremely strict requirements on everyone, at this moment.The eyes of the cadres were moist. Although they felt a lot of reluctance towards Secretary Chen in their hearts, everyone knew that Secretary Chen would have a bright future and great achievements after he left. The old secretary sent his most heartfelt blessings, and hoped that one day in the future, he could see the old secretary fully displaying his talents on a bigger and broader stage...

Although Lin Kun bit the bullet and had to stand up, but to be honest, he felt a lot of emotions at this time, and what made him even more unexpected was that although he failed to compete for the post of secretary as he wished, But at this moment, when he could really hear the news of Chen Yang's resignation with his own ears, he suddenly felt a sense of relief, as if the heavy mountain that had been weighing on his shoulders had been lifted away. He felt a thousand times more relaxed.Although, he didn't actually work with Chen Yang for a very long time, less than a year if he was fully engaged, but in such a short period of time, he really felt what Chen Yang brought to him The depressive feeling that made him unable to breathe was fortunate that Chen Yang had finally left, otherwise, he would even wonder if he would suffer from depression or something like that if he continued to work with Chen Yang.

He suddenly glanced at the new secretary Tang Wenqiang who was standing on the other side of Chen Yang, and couldn't help humming softly in his heart: "Hmph, to Secretary Chen, I admit that I can't help it, are you Tang Wenqiang? hehe……"


The Huahai Municipal Party Committee Guest House is located near the beautiful Lingshan Natural Scenic Area. A group of newly built villas are located on the edge of a small lake in the scenic area. Weeping willows are planted on the embankment, and the willow branches are swaying in the breeze. , end is a rare summer beauty.

At this moment, under a willow tree on the bank, Chen Yang was sitting on a small rattan chair, accompanying Yu Qiang to fish and rest here.

Yu Qiang lit a cigarette, then turned his head to look at Chen Yang, who was concentrating on fishing, and joked with a smile: "How is it, are you in a bad mood now?"

"Hehe, that's not enough." Chen Yang smiled lightly, and then sighed softly, "Oh, of course, it's not at all, no matter what, I'll stay here It has been more than eight years, and now I am about to leave, I still feel a little bit reluctant in my heart."

"Hehe, why, are you worried about Comrade Wen Qiang's ability to control?" Yu Qiang continued to ask.

Chen Yang shook his head, looked at Yu Qiang and said, "Comrade Wen Qiang, I am quite optimistic about him, besides, I also believe that the candidate selected by your teacher Yu will be able to easily be the top leader of Huahai. "

"Hehe, you, don't put a high hat on me. This time, it's your own decision, and it has nothing to do with me." Yu Qiang replied with a smile, and then suddenly said with some emotion, "But this time It's quite dramatic to say it, if Fang Tonghe hadn't expressed his attitude abruptly at the meeting and supported my proposal, I think, just your third uncle and the others, I'm afraid your matter will be dirty..."

Although Yu Qiang spoke lightly at this time, Chen Yang could more or less guess what kind of thrilling scene it was at the meeting to determine Hua Hai's successor.

"Hehe, but now that the dust has settled, we don't need to think about it any more." Yu Qiang smiled, looked at Chen Yang, and suddenly changed the subject, "I talked to the principal about your work a few days ago. Arrangement, I guess what the principal means..."

Having said that, Yu Qiang stopped talking, just looked at Chen Yang with a smile, as if he wanted to wait for Chen Yang to ask.

It's a pity that Chen Yang didn't seem to care about his next work arrangement at all, but stared intently at the buoy floating on the lake. Just as the two were talking, the small buoy suddenly plunged into the water. As soon as it sank, the corners of Chen Yang's mouth hooked slightly, and he was not in a hurry to pull the line, but flicked the fishing rod lightly and slowly slipped the big fish that had already been hooked, and said with a big smile: "Teacher Yu!" , I caught a big fish this time, it seems that you will have to pay for dinner tonight, hehe..."

Before they came, the two had agreed that whoever caught the first fish would win, and the loser would have a treat at night.And Yu Qiang can be regarded as a master at fishing. Looking at Chen Yang's sophisticated posture, he knew that he seemed to be losing this time, so he couldn't help but said very depressed: "You are lucky, you really want to eat me tonight." Yes, you just wait for me to help you order some vegetables and tofu..."

Chen Yang laughed when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "Haha, Teacher Yu, I don't care if you pay the money anyway."

"Hehe, you kid..." Yu Qiang laughed loudly as he said.

On May 31, after presiding over his last meeting of all leading cadres in Huahai, within a few days, Chen Yang left the city where he had worked and lived for more than eight years.

Although, over the past eight years, he has brought about earth-shaking changes in this city almost by himself, but when he really left, it was the same as when he first came to this city eight years ago. Same, very quiet, low-key, peaceful, as if...he had never been to this place.

Doesn't Xu Zhimo have a very famous poem?

He walked away gently, waving his sleeves, without taking a cloud!

Yes, this is probably the sentence that best suits Chen Yang's state of mind at the moment.

He didn't choose the most convenient and fast means of transportation, he didn't take a plane, he didn't take a high-speed rail, and he didn't take a high-speed car. Instead, he chose the slowest means of transportation. Yes, he chose to leave the city by boat.

As for why, he himself didn't know.

He just vaguely remembered that eight years ago, he came to Huahai by boat, and now that he was about to leave, there was still a beginning and an end...

Of course, when he came eight years ago, he came with Chen Ruonan, and at this moment, when he really left, Chen Ruonan was still by his side...


The whistle of the departing cruise ship blew, and Chen Yang, dressed in casual clothes, stood on the deck, leaning on the side of the boat with both hands, watching the harbor in the distance, and maybe the city, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. in his eyes...

"Why, you still can't bear it at this time?"

Chen Ruonan held her husband's arm and asked softly from the side.

Chen Yang shook his head, smiled without saying a word.

"Hehe, I was looking forward to your leaving Huahai early, and now I finally got my wish..."

Chen Ruonan curled his lips and looked at his lover beside him. On his pretty face, there was a gentle and moving smile, just like the gentle sea breeze blowing on his face at this moment. (To be continued..)

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