In the following week, as expected, Chen Yang was greeted by relevant parties many times, and the level of people interceding for the case became higher and higher. In the end, even Secretary Wan of the Municipal Legal Committee called him personally, hoping that he would Don't spend too much energy on such a trivial matter, you should concentrate on economic construction. In the end, Secretary Wan also implicitly expressed his dissatisfaction with his meddling in the work of the political and legal system.

Just like that, on the one hand, Chen Yang demanded a thorough investigation, and on the other hand, someone kept walking behind the scenes, and the case seemed to be stuck without any progress.And the two main suspects were tougher than the other. If Chen Yang hadn't been able to withstand the pressure, the case would have been hastily closed.He even heard people say that Ji Xian'er, who was locked in a small black room, yelled and yelled in the cage almost every day, constantly yelling at Chen Yang for being a bitch.

Chen Yang was not surprised by all the above, but he also vaguely realized that if the matter dragged on, he might have fallen into the other party's tricks. In the officialdom, such things often dragged to the end and there was no result.Not to mention that I couldn't fall in the end, and I offended a lot of people because of it, which is a big taboo in the officialdom.

Therefore, at nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday, Chen Yang held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee, and several heads of the County Public Security Bureau were also notified by him to attend the meeting. [

At the meeting, Zhang Dahai, deputy director of the county bureau, first notified the standing committee members of the sudden case.

The case was actually very simple, and there was nothing to talk about. In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Dahai finished speaking and sat down.During this period, Chen Yang kept sipping tea, quietly observing the expressions of everyone in the venue.

The faces of the members of the Meng family are particularly ugly. As for the fence-sitting faction, they maintain their usual style, and no one can offend anyone if they have nothing to do with themselves.In fact, everyone knew what it meant for Chen Yang, who hadn't asked for a meeting for more than a month, to bring this case up for discussion alone this time.This is the case in officialdom, often a little trouble can make people think of more problems.

After Zhang Dahai finished his report, Chen Yang asked everyone to express their views on the case.

Sure enough, as he expected, a group of people headed by County Magistrate Meng all spoke out their opinions one after another. They believed that the case was still in the investigation stage, and the people involved in the case were policemen from the police station, so they were more sensitive. image, it is suggested that the case should be dealt with coldly.The only thing that surprised Chen Yang was that the attitude of Huang Yong's brother-in-law, Secretary Xiao, was extremely firm and he demanded to investigate to the end, as if he was a comrade in the trenches.

After everyone finished expressing their opinions, Chen Yang took a sip of tea, and slowly asked Director Qiu of the Public Security Bureau who attended the meeting temporarily: "Director Qiu, I heard that Huang Yong and others retracted their confessions before, and it is because of this that the case has been dragged on. on, right?"

Director Qiu will be [-] next year, and he has served as director for two terms. He has made no achievements in his tenure but has been peaceful. He never expected to get into such a big trouble before retiring. When Secretary Chen asked him, he quickly got up and replied: "Chen Secretary, we can’t say that the confession was retracted, but because the transcripts on the night of the crime were transferred to the city bureau for review, we made a transcript of the suspect again. And in the past few days, we have all An investigation was conducted, but none of the victims investigated said there was any incident."

Speaking of this, Director Qiu looked up at Chen Yang, only to see that Chen Yang was also looking at him with a smile, his heart skipped a beat, and he scolded Huang Yong, a bastard who was not easy to mess with, but he messed with the secretary of the county party committee. I also knew that Chen Yang, as the person involved, was always an unavoidable hurdle. After pondering for a while, he explained embarrassingly: "Secretary Chen, you don't know that Director Li of the Municipal Bureau personally called and said that he wanted to transfer the transcripts. It's not easy for us to handle the review." Director Qiu was afraid that he was too much troubled by this case, so he said everything that should be said and should not be said in front of many members of the Standing Committee.

"Then what is your opinion on how to deal with it?" Chen Yang continued to ask.

Director Qiu had been prepared for this, and replied directly: "Secretary Chen, the city bureau's opinion is to deal with it coldly. Our bureau's party committee has held a special meeting to discuss it. After all, this is not a murder case, nor does it involve any injuries. Relevant persons were dismissed from their public positions, fined between 1 and [-] yuan, and they were required to report to the local police station every three days while they were released on bail."

"Secretary Chen, I have reservations about the decision of the bureau's party committee." Zhang Dahai interjected.

Chen Yang waved his hand to signal Zhang Dahai to stop. Director Qiu's solution was inconsistent and somewhat unreasonable. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was a product of compromise. The other party obviously wanted to give him an explanation. , they will be cautious and constrain their hands, otherwise the major issue will be turned into a trivial matter.

At the same time, he knew very well in his heart that Xiao Wuhai must have done a lot of small tricks behind his back these days, but firstly, he had no evidence in hand, and secondly, he felt that this incident alone was not enough to get rid of Xiao Wuhai .Moreover, judging from Xiao Wuhai's performance just now, maybe his previous thoughts were too simple. Xiao Wuhai did not stand up to speak for his brother-in-law, but instead demanded a thorough investigation. I really underestimated this old official. fritters.And after this incident, Chen Yang gradually realized that Xiao Wuhai was indeed from the army, his comrades were everywhere, and his energy in the system was really not small.If a person like this doesn't make a big mistake, it's best to be able to draw him under his command.

After pondering for a while, Chen Yang made a concluding speech: "Director Qiu, I have no opinion on your solution. I think this matter should be handled according to the resolution of your bureau's party committee."

As soon as this remark came out, the venue was silent.Not only were the members of the Meng faction puzzled, but even Secretary Lu and others from the Faction Sitting on the Fence could not figure out what was going on.Is this the result of Chen Yang holding an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee with great fanfare?

"Secretary Chen, you..." Zhang Dahai belongs to Chen Yang. He didn't understand what Chen Yang was doing at the moment, but Chen Yang waved his hand to stop him just as he opened his mouth.

"There are still a few days until the Chinese New Year. I hope that everyone will do a good job in preparing for the year before and draw a successful conclusion to this year's work. Alright, this is the end of today's meeting. Let's adjourn the meeting."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he was the first to leave the conference room.Before getting up, he glanced at Secretary Xiao meaningfully. Secretary Xiao was startled, so he had to smile at him awkwardly.He obviously didn't want to hide this little action from the standing committee members in the conference room, and everyone started to speculate.Before heading out the door, County Magistrate Meng said something to Secretary Xiao meaningfully: "Hehe, old Xiao, you are quite quick, and you have already greeted Secretary Chen." Secretary Xiao wanted to explain, but never Speaking of.

Before leaving get off work in the morning, Chen Yang welcomed an unexpected visitor in his office. [

"Hey, Secretary Xiao, rare guest, please take a seat." Chen Yang stood up with a smile and welcomed him.

"Secretary Chen, don't be so polite. I came here just to say thank you." Secretary Xiao said awkwardly, rubbing his hands.For such a long time, he has been playing against Chen Yang, and now he is really a little embarrassed.

"Secretary Xiao, whether this matter is big or small, you still have to take good care of your little brother-in-law in the future, and next time, I'm afraid no one will be able to keep it." Chen Yang said, and took it out of the drawer. A stack of documents was handed over to Secretary Xiao.

Secretary Xiao took it over and glanced at it briefly, his face gradually turned pale. This document listed in detail the numerous crimes that Huang Yong committed in the traffic police force in the past two years, including bribery and reselling trademarks. There are all kinds of problems. It's not big but there are a lot of them, not to mention insurance, it will be a big trouble for anyone who gets involved.After only a few glances, he couldn't take it any longer, and raised his head to look at Chen Yang in horror.

"It's all minor problems, Secretary Xiao, you don't have to pay too much attention to them, just teach him a lesson."

Secretary Xiao nodded blankly.

"By the way, Secretary Xiao, Lao Qiu from the Public Security Bureau seems to be old enough to retire, right?"

Secretary Xiao's expression froze, and he continued to nod.

"Then do you have someone in mind to replace him?"

Secretary Xiao shook his head and said, "No, it's still under investigation." In fact, he had already decided on the candidate half a year ago. Deputy Director Pang, who was ranked fourth in the Public Security Bureau, was the son of his old leader.

Chen Yang nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I think Comrade Zhang Dahai is good, with high ideological awareness and one of the best professional abilities in the bureau. You can focus on investigating him. If there is no problem, just talk to the city bureau."

"Oh, yes, Secretary Chen." Secretary Xiao nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I'm a little sleepy, so I won't keep you, let's talk another day."

Chen Yang issued a eviction order, and Secretary Xiao left Chen Yang's office angrily.

Looking at the back of Secretary Xiao leaving, Chen Yang took a sip of tea, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and said to himself, "Hehe, is it really monolithic?"

The case has now come to an end. All the people involved in the case were punished according to the resolution of the County Public Security Bureau, but Huang Yong was an exception. He has to spend this year in prison.

In the next few days, Chen Yang's work focused on condolences to cadres and workers at the grassroots level, running from unit to unit non-stop.Anyway, he planned to celebrate the New Year at Xiang Jin's house this year, and there was nothing to worry about at home, but he was extremely busy every day.

However, on the morning of the 29th year, a phone call from Yanjing completely ruined his idea of ​​staying in Dongshan for the New Year.

It was still his sister who called.

"Chen Yang, it's me." It was the same cold opening line.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang was a little puzzled, where did she get her mobile phone number.

"Dad asked me to inform you that you must come back before the New Year's Eve." [

"Didn't I call back and tell my dad that I won't go back to celebrate the New Year this year? He didn't have any objections then!" Chen Yang wondered.

"Anyway, I've notified you. You can decide if you come back or not." It was a so-called voice.


There was a busy tone on the phone.

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