Surrounded by several old classmates, Xiang Jin just went up to the corner of the stairs, but unexpectedly ran into Chen Yang who was rushing downstairs, both of them were startled.Xiang Jin quickly broke away from the hands of the two female classmates, ran to Chen Yang, and said in surprise: "Chen Yang, didn't you go to the bathroom just now, why did you come to the second floor?"

"The bathroom on the first floor was full, so I went to the second floor." Chen Yang responded casually, then looked at the others, and asked Xiang Jin, "Who are these?"

"Hehe, they are all my old classmates." Xiang Jin smiled and took Chen Yang's arm, and then proudly introduced to the male and female students who were stunned aside, "This is my boyfriend, Chen Yang."

"Wow, Xiang Jin, it seems that you are quite right." Jiajia shouted in surprise. [

"Hehe, Jiajia, stop talking nonsense here." Xiang Jin spat on Jiajia with a smile, and then introduced several classmates to Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, this is our high school monitor, Xiao Hailiang .”

"Hello, Mr. Xiao." Chen Yang extended his hand to Xiao Hailiang enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Xiao Hailiang shook hands with Chen Yang lightly, and at the same time glanced at Xiang Jin, remembering that he had chased after Xiang Jin for three years in high school, and he almost believed that there was a commotion in the school There were rumors about Xiang Jin who didn't like men. Seeing Xiang Jin snuggling up next to a man with a happy face like a little woman, a sense of depression welled up in his heart.

Chen Yang has met many people in his two lifetimes. At this moment, he took a look at Xiao Hailiang's eyes looking at Xiang Jin, and he still didn't understand the reason behind it, but he didn't think it was anything. It would be strange if no one pursued it.

After letting go, Xiao Hailiang took a closer look at Chen Yang, but didn't see anything special. He couldn't help but snorted secretly, but said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I just heard from Xiang Jin that you are still studying for a graduate student. I don’t know which school you study what major?”

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and there was a slight pain in his arm at the same time. It turned out that Xiang Jin pinched him lightly because he was afraid that he would leak his mouth. Why not just go to work, why tell that lie?But if he thought so, he wouldn't embarrass Xiang Jin in front of outsiders, especially in front of Xiang Jin's classmates, so he said frankly, "Hehe, I'm studying economics at the provincial party school, so I can't be regarded as serious. Graduate students, it's just a diploma, don't listen to Xiang Jin's nonsense."

When Chen Yang said this, several students began to think about it. Generally speaking, there are two types of people who go to the party school to mix their diplomas. One is the promising cadres in the government who are waiting for promotion, and the other is the society. It is no longer the correspondence classes that young people in regular schools study. This type of correspondence class is purely for diplomas.But I don't know which kind of Jin's boyfriend belongs to?With Xiang Jin's conditions and vision, the second type should be ruled out.

"Hehe, it turns out that Mr. Chen works in the government." Xiao Hailiang said with a smile. Before Chen Yang could answer, he then said with some emotion, "It's good to work in a government agency, but if you have the ability, you still need more money." Making some money is the real skill, Mr. Chen, are you interested in playing with me in the sea?"

These days, those who are officials are not as popular as those who are in business. Many people who do not do well in their work units have gone to the sea to make money, and it has indeed given birth to a group of rich people who have crossed the century.

Chen Yang smiled noncommittally: "Hehe, that's unnecessary."

Xiao Hailiang directly took Chen Yang's words as a polite way, and felt that he was saving face. Before he could say anything more, Xiang Jin interjected: "Let's stop standing here to block other people's way, let's chat in the box." Jin was obviously afraid that if he kept talking, Chen Yang would be in trouble if he slipped his mouth.

"Hehe, yes, yes." Xiao Hailiang nodded with a smile, and took the lead to lead everyone up to the box on the second floor.

Chen Yang and Xiang Jin were at the back. He lowered his voice and teased: "Xiang Jin, look at your male classmates just now, I'm afraid they are all interested in you, right?"

Xiang Jin chuckled, and asked back: "What's so strange? I told you clearly, back then in school, the people chasing me could not finish lining up from outside the school to the gate of our class. Ha ha, Just have fun."

Chen Yang said for a while, originally wanted to persuade Xiang Jin to say hello to her classmates and leave first, but seeing her in high spirits now, she couldn't say those words in a daze.

A group of people entered the box, and the waiter had been waiting for a long time, and handed over the menu attentively. Xiao Hailiang seemed to often go to big hotels to spend money. I don’t know if he ordered several famous dishes without looking at the menu. Not at all, his face sank immediately, and he said displeasedly: "What's going on with you, you don't have this or that?"

The waiter was so anxious that he was about to cry, and apologized again and again: "Sir, our small county is no better than a big place, why don't you order a few of our signature dishes?"

Xiao Hailiang threw the menu casually, and said, "I don't know what to order, so let's have a set meal according to your highest standard."

"Hey, yes, yes." The waiter heaved a sigh of relief, nodded repeatedly, and asked again, "Then what wine do you want to serve?"

Xiao Hailiang pondered for a while, then waved his hands and said, "Where is your red wine produced, and what year is it?"

The waiter hurriedly checked the menu, and replied: "Well, sir, our restaurant has the Great Wall Dry Red from 92, do you think?"

Xiao Hailiang shook his head, "no, no" muttered twice, waved his hand to the waiter impatiently, "Okay, let's try one first." After speaking, he looked at everyone, and said with a look of resignation, "There's a lady here, let's just take it easy, Xiao Gao, if you want to drink white, you can let them buy another Moutai. But let me declare in advance, I can't drink white right now." After a pause, He smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hehe, I have lived abroad for a long time, and I haven't learned any good things. I have learned to drink red wine like foreigners, and I have a mouthful."

Everyone saw that he was quite powerful, and they were secretly startled, thinking that the returnees are so awesome?And Xiang Jin took advantage of the time to help Chen Yang get the seasoning, and said in a low voice with disdain: "Cut, isn't he also from this small county, and he keeps saying 'here, you'" It’s a joy to say.”

"Hehe, I think your monitor classmate is quite cute." Chen Yang replied with a smile.

The food and wine were served soon, and everyone chatted while eating.

At first, a few classmates were quite curious about Chen Yang's identity, so they asked Xiang Jin to ask questions, but it was not convenient for Xiang Jin to talk too much, gradually the topics naturally revolved around Xiao Hailiang's study abroad life.Chen Yang was also happy to be at leisure, telling jokes with Xiang Jin from time to time.

And that Xiao Hailiang couldn't do without the word "America" ​​in his mouth, like "the knife and fork that I usually use in the United States for a long time, but now it is inconvenient to use chopsticks when eating Chinese food." "The toilets in the United States are not only sprinkled with perfume , and put a pot of roses." And so on.After a few rounds of drinking, when it came to getting up, he was the only one left on the wine table, talking about gambling in Las Vegas and the porn industry in the United States to a table of people, saying that there are American prostitutes on all sides of the room. Mirror, very exciting, as if he had tried it.

Several classmates were quite envious and listened with great interest.Although Chen Yang was a little impatient, he couldn't say much because of Xiang Jin's face.But Xiang Jin couldn't bear it anymore, and threw his chopsticks on the table, "Xiao Hailiang, can you let everyone take a breath, you have said America more than 1000 times!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people at the table froze like women from a good family who were suddenly robbed by gangsters while they were embroidering.Xiao Hailiang opened his mouth wide, with a chicken bone in his mouth in a dilemma.Fortunately, at this moment, the door of the box rang "duk tuk tuk", which resolved the embarrassment of the table.

Soon, the door of the box opened, and two people, a man and a woman, entered.

The man was very bulky, with a stubbled beard and a shabby beard.The woman was dressed in a fashionable way. She was wearing a spring dress before it was too hot. Her heels were at least five inches taller. She was wearing a pair of toad sunglasses, so she couldn't tell what she looked like.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Hailiang's face was overjoyed, he quickly stood up from his seat, went towards the door, and made a very gentlemanly gesture to the woman in sunglasses: "Miss Qi, you are so kind, please come in!"

The woman in sunglasses nodded, glanced up at the people in the room, and muttered with some displeasure, "Mr. Xiao, you are really annoying. Everyone wants me to entertain you." The sunglasses were taken off.

As soon as the sunglasses were taken off, everyone at the table was stunned. Not to mention, the girl in the sunglasses is really pretty.

"Chen Yang, look, is this woman Qi Xiaoling, the newcomer who has just become popular? Now there are juice commercials that she endorses everywhere on TV." Xiang Jin hesitated and tugged at Chen Yang who was aside.

Chen Yang looked up and gave Xiang Jin three words back, "I don't know!"It's no wonder that he usually doesn't watch TV at all except CCTV news.

"Isn't it her? I heard that she just received the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Newcomer. I really like her." Jiajia joined in the fun and said, her tone was a bit incredulous, her eyes were fixed on Qi Xiaoling, excited .

"Hey, it seems that Squad Leader Xiao really didn't brag to us, he really knows Miss Qi." The male classmate named Xiao Gao also clicked his tongue.

After a while, Miss Qi and the producer Tang were ushered by Xiao Hailiang to the main seat and sat down.

Xiao Hailiang clapped his hands and formally introduced to everyone: "Everyone, this lady, I think everyone should have seen it on TV, hehe, everyone recognizes it, yes, she is Ms. Qi Xiaoling, a popular film and television singer. The second is her manager, Mr. Tang."

Qi Xiaoling nodded to the crowd with a full face of arrogance. She didn't look down on these people from the small county, no matter what his status was.If she didn't happen to be filming here, she wouldn't have come to this corner at all.In particular, there seemed to be a much prettier beauty sitting on the table, which made her very upset. [

Jiajia stood up a bit cautiously, and said with a smile: "Miss Qi, I like your TV series very much. I heard that you are filming in our Dongshan recently, right?" Girls are born with a sense of envy for TV and movie stars.

Qi Xiaoling hummed, with an attitude of indifference, she turned her head to Xiao Hailiang and said, "Mr. Xiao, I've been filming for a whole day and I'm exhausted. I can only stay here for 5 minutes at most."

As long as Qi Xiaoling can hang around here, Xiao Hailiang will feel that he has enough face. He nodded with a smile and introduced his classmates to Qi Xiaoling one by one.

Every time someone was introduced, everyone raised their glasses to signal, while Qi Xiaoling impatiently raised her glass and licked it lightly as a way of saving face. When Xiao Hailiang introduced Xiang Jin, she let out a snort and gave a cold snort to Xiang Jin. She didn't even lick the toast at all, and slid directly to the next one. Xiang Jin didn't mind, and sat down with a smile.

"Miss Qi, this is Mr. Chen, um, a friend studying at the party school." Xiao Hailiang introduced with a smile.

As soon as Qi Xiaoling heard about this identity, she became angry, and wondered if this person surnamed Xiao really regarded me as his girlfriend, anyone dared to introduce me.He immediately nodded impatiently, glanced at Chen Yang quickly, and looked at the next person without even bothering to hold the wine glass, which made Chen Yang stop abruptly in the middle of his toast in embarrassment.

Xiao Hailiang wanted this kind of effect, and he pointed his finger to the next one very cooperatively, "This is Gao Qiang, and also my high school."


A crisp and abrupt sound interrupted Xiao Hailiang's words.

The people at the table were puzzled, and it took a while to realize that it was Qi Xiaoling who accidentally dropped the wine glass.

"It's okay, Miss Qi, I'll ask the waiter to help you again"

No one interrupted Xiao Hailiang this time, but he automatically froze on the spot.

Not only him, everyone in the box was stunned!

Including Chen Yang.

"Chen, Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I didn't recognize it was you just now!"

Qi Xiaoling almost staggered and flew towards Chen Yang, stammering, with an anxious look on her face.

When Qi Xiaoling said this, everyone was not stunned, but immediately dumbfounded.

Chen Yang was also taken aback, and hurriedly dodged his body for a while, narrowly dodging Qi Xiaoling who was rushing towards him. At the same time, his mind was spinning quickly, but he couldn't remember where he had seen Qi Xiaoling.After Xiang Jin was in a daze for a while, his heart tightened, and he subconsciously grabbed Chen Yang.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I, I'm fined with alcohol!"

Qi Xiaoling picked up someone's full glass of Moutai on the table, and drank it all down with a grunt. This posture is a bit like a heroine, which is not the same as the pretentiousness of the kitten adding water just now.


Several question marks popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

"Chen Yang, do you know Miss Qi?" Xiang Jin held Chen Yang tightly and asked suspiciously.

Everyone wanted to know this question, including Chen Yang, of course.He spread his hands with a look of regret, expressing that he was also baffled.

"Mr. Chen, don't you really know me? On New Year's Eve, I, I met you at the Yanjing Hotel, I met you!" Qi Xiaoling was so anxious that she was about to cry, and now she only had one Thought, no matter whether Chen Yang remembers her or not, she has to admit her mistake, otherwise, if Chen Yang looks back one day and thinks about it, her star road that has just started to improve may come to an end.

When Qi Xiaoling said this, Chen Yang really remembered that when he was in the box with Mr. Niu that day, there were indeed more than a dozen beautiful girls who came in, but at that time he went to teach Lin Yu a lesson. Appreciate the work one by one.Surprised: "You were also among those dozen or so girls that day?"

"Well, yes, yes, Mr. Chen, thanks to you, I am now a signed artist under the New York head office." Qi Xiaoling nodded again and again, and continued to apologize, "Mr. Chen, how I offended you just now, Your lord has a lot, you can punish me any way you want, I just ask you to forgive me once, just this time."

It was only then that Chen Yang suddenly realized that this Qi Xiaoling was Niu Gong's newly popular starlet, and she had such a hot scene in the box that day, no matter how stupid she was, she could still guess the relationship between herself and her boss up.

Seeing that Chen Yang was silent, Qi Xiaoling became impatient, looked around, and even picked up the half bottle of Moutai left on the table, and said tremblingly: "Chen, Mr. Chen, I, I didn't recognize it just now. For your sake, I'll take this wine, I'll drink it all in one go, and I'll pay you off, okay?"

After she finished speaking, she put the wine bottle into her mouth, and then raised her neck to drink the whole bottle.

Only then did the people watching the play come to their senses. Manager Tang and Squad Leader Xiao's eyes widened. They rushed over together, grabbed Qi Xiaoling's hand, and said repeatedly: "Miss Qi, you can't do it, you can't do it."

This Qi Xiaoling was also stubborn, and she insisted on pouring down her throat. After several people argued, she didn't drink much wine, but spilled it all over the floor.

Xiang Jin was also terrified. Drinking this stuff might kill someone. She was kind-hearted, and quickly pulled Chen Yang's sleeve, and whispered: "Chen Yang, what are you still looking at? Call me!" Miss Qi stop!"

"Miss Qi, I don't have any complaints with you, please stop." Chen Yang greeted with a smile.

Qi Xiaoling heard the sound of a fairy, and quickly stopped, she couldn't hold the glass just now, and God knows if she would faint here on the spot after drinking more than half of the bottle.Putting down the wine bottle, she didn't care about the people around her watching, she sat down on the stool next to Chen Yang, poured the wine for Chen Yang, and smiled cautiously: "Mr. "

Xiang Jin snorted softly at the side, Chen Yang knew what he meant, and didn't take the glass, waved his hand, then Qi Xiaoling didn't dare to toast anymore, and sat beside him embarrassingly, Manager Tang came over and whispered a few words She repelled all the words, and no one could persuade her to leave the seat next to Chen Yang.

A small turmoil dissipated, and everyone sat down one after another. When they looked at Chen Yang and the flattering Qi Xiaoling again, the turmoil in their hearts could not be described in any words.

There is only one question mark left in everyone's minds, who is Xiang Jin's boyfriend?

As the proprietor, Xiao Hailiang also sat back in his seat in despair, with the words "disbelief" written all over his face.Until now, he still can't believe the scene he saw just now.You must know that he has been working hard to pursue Qi Xiaoling, but this woman is so arrogant because of her reputation, she has repeatedly bumped him into a wall. Today, he also managed to get an appointment with Qi Xiaoling, and this is why he sent a big red envelope to her in private. Manager Tang did it.

The original intention was to show off in front of his classmates, and by such a coincidence, he met Xiang Jin, the goddess of student days, and he was so excited that he almost yelled "God open his eyes" a few times, but now

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