The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 81 Discussion

Mr. Niu only stayed in Dongshan for three days, and left in a hurry because the office in the provincial capital was in a hurry.

In the next two months or so, Chen Yang arranged for a restructuring working group headed by Xiao Wuhai to conduct on-the-spot investigations at Maanshan Iron and Steel Works, but judging from the information reported by the working group one after another, it was not optimistic.Since 1992, the sales volume of the Malleable Iron and Steel Plant has dropped sharply year by year. The company’s management is poor, the cost of products remains high, and bad debts have reached a shocking 3000 million yuan, resulting in slow capital turnover. The company has suffered serious losses and has completely ceased production. According to the financial report as of July this year, the company's accumulated losses have reached more than 7 million yuan.

The ultimate goal of restructuring is to improve the quality of the enterprise, improve the enterprise system, broaden the living space of the enterprise, and increase the wages and benefits of workers.But judging from the content shown in the latest financial report of the Masteel Iron and Steel Plant, this is no longer a question of whether to reform or not.

And more importantly, Dongshan is not a resource county. Even if the county party committee makes great efforts to restructure it successfully, it will be difficult to obtain sustainable development opportunities only by relying on some small iron mines around it.If this matter is put in ten years' time or Maanshan Iron & Steel Works is a private enterprise and a foreign enterprise, then Chen Yang doesn't even need to think about it, just go bankrupt and settle it. [

As the largest enterprise in Dongshan County, Maanshan Iron and Steel Works, the bigger the stall, the greater the risk, and the greater the danger. Once it goes bankrupt, the shock will be greater. If it goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt, and many government officials may be involved.

During this period of time, Chen Yang personally followed the working group to Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant to visit many cadres and workers. Seeing the confused eyes of those workers who only received 30% of their salary every month, he felt very uncomfortable.Judging from the several work conferences he held specifically on the issue of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant, the general argument among the Standing Committee is to adopt conservative treatment, maintain the status quo, and wait for the market or policy trends to improve.To put it bluntly, it is half-dead and exhausted, anyway, as long as nothing happens.Otherwise, no matter whether it is restructuring or bankruptcy, no one will thank him, including those workers who are not much better than receiving relief.

However, this consumption is completely contrary to his original intention of coming to Dongshan.He originally wanted to make some achievements. To put it bluntly, he wanted to use this springboard to pave the way for his future political future. How could he continue to waste himself with this?Moreover, as a person who is familiar with the domestic and foreign political and economic development situation in the next ten years, he can even foresee the future of Malan Iron and Steel Plant-a dead end!Bankruptcy is only a matter of time, or who will operate it.

Chen Yang's head felt a little swollen after closing the third report materials submitted by the working group. This determination is really difficult.

At this moment, the telephone on the desk rang.

"Secretary Chen, the conference room is ready. Will you send out the material you asked me to prepare this morning?"

"Well, let's go."

Chen Yang responded, hung up the phone, and ruthlessly stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray before getting up.

Ten minutes later, in the county committee meeting room, the standing committee members sat down in their familiar positions one by one.

The theme of this meeting still revolved around the restructuring of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant. This kind of meeting had been held no less than ten times before. Therefore, the atmosphere of the meeting place was relatively relaxed. It was not until Chen Yang entered the meeting place that everyone stopped talking.

After Chen Yang sat down, Xiao Dong held a stack of materials and handed them out one by one.The members of the Standing Committee each had a copy and started to read it.

This is a document of intent drafted by Chen Yang last night regarding the bankruptcy of the Masteel Iron and Steel Plant. The content is not much, just one page, and it took less than 5 minutes for the Standing Committee members to read it all.But after watching it, everyone's expressions changed, and the whole venue was no longer as relaxed as it was before the meeting, and became solemn in an instant.

Seeing everyone's stunned expressions, Chen Yang seemed not to want the atmosphere to become too dignified, and said with a smile: "Everyone has read the information, that's right, the purpose of our meeting today is to discuss the feasibility of the bankruptcy of the Malleable Iron and Steel Plant. Come on down, let's talk about our opinions."

Perhaps this topic was too sudden, and the members of the Standing Committee were not yet mentally prepared for it. After Chen Yang finished speaking, no one expressed his opinion for a long time, and the meeting hall was silent.

Chen Yang looked at the county magistrate Meng, "Comrade Weiguo, you have been in charge of Dongshan's economy for a long time, and you know the situation of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant, so I'll let you talk about it first."

Magistrate Meng frowned, thinking quickly while drinking tea.To be honest, he is not psychologically prepared at all now. In the previous meetings, there was no sign that Chen Yang was going to attack Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant at all.Moreover, he is also very clear about what the bankruptcy of Maanshan Iron and Steel Works means. If it is done well, there may be another "Dongshan experience", but if it is not done well and a series of problems are caused, then the entire Dongshan team will affected.In other words, if this matter is done well, you, Secretary Chen, have the greatest credit. If it is not done well, everyone here will suffer with you, and he, the second in command, will not be able to please him.What's more, in the event of bankruptcy and liquidation of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant, pulling out the carrots and bringing out the mud will definitely involve a series of relevant officials.

After pondering for a moment, he unequivocally expressed his opposition: "Comrade Chen Yang, I think this idea is too simple, and many issues have not been considered. I have different opinions on this."

"Oh, let's hear it." Chen Yang was not surprised by Magistrate Meng's objection.

County Magistrate Meng didn't think much about it this time, and immediately went on to say: "First of all, the Masteel Iron and Steel Plant is the benchmark of the county's state-owned enterprises. Doing so will have a very bad influence on the masses. The common people will think that it is the leader of our Dongshan leadership team. Unfavorable conditions lead to the bankruptcy of such a large state-owned enterprise. Secondly, I wonder if Comrade Chen Yang has considered, if the Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant goes bankrupt, how will the more than 3000 employees in the factory be arranged? If this problem is not resolved, it will lead to A series of social contradictions, the consequences are unimaginable.”[

"Well, Comrade Wei Guo's opinion is very good." Chen Yang nodded. It's not that he didn't think about these two issues, but now he just put forward a preliminary intention, just to hear the opinions of the Standing Committee members.Then he said to the crowd, "Comrade Wei Guo has already talked about his views just now, everyone should also talk about it."

As soon as Chen Yang's words fell, Xiao Wuhai answered, "Secretary Chen, I think the bankruptcy of the Ma Steel Plant should have been put on the agenda long ago."

As soon as Xiao Wuhai's words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, including Chen Yang.

Xiao Wuhai didn't seem surprised by everyone's surprise, and continued to talk eloquently: "Some time ago, according to the request of the county party committee, I brought the working group down to the factory. Through research, I found that, let alone whether I can find investment Even if the county party committee can really find an investor and successfully restructure the Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant by attracting capital and shares, judging from the current operating environment, it is difficult to change the plight of the Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant. The county party committee just threw it on the employees and investors. If the business operation does not improve in the future, the unfavorable situation that Comrade Wei Guo just mentioned will also happen, and the conflict may become more serious. Therefore, I think the short-term pain is better than the long-term pain, and it must be completely resolved. There is no better way to solve the problem of the Mala Iron and Steel Plant than to make it go bankrupt."

Having said that, he stopped, glanced at everyone with firm eyes, and said loudly: "Indeed, if the county party committee really decides to let Maanshan Iron and Steel Works go bankrupt, and the aftermath work is not done well, it will have a great impact on all of us." Not good, people who hold the idea of ​​"one more thing is worse than one less thing" in the Standing Committee are absolutely mainstream, but I always believe that as a party member and cadre, we must first consider the interests of the people, not our own official position Therefore, I firmly support Secretary Chen's proposal."

It has to be said that Xiao Wuhai's eloquent words have completely subverted his smooth and sophisticated image in the eyes of everyone. This is simply a glorious image of party members and cadres in the new era who dare to take responsibility, dare to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and are not afraid of offending others. Well!Of course, it can also be said that this is a typical manifestation of political immaturity and irrationality.

And Chen Yang was even more surprised. What Xiao Wuhai said seemed to have said everything he wanted to say.In the officialdom, many times, if the leader wants to say something that is inconvenient to say, his close subordinates will say it for him.Although Xiao Wuhai has now made it clear that he wants to get closer to him, the relationship between the two has not yet reached this level.Moreover, based on his understanding of Xiao Wuhai, it is impossible for this old Xiao to have anything to do with the above-mentioned glorious image.

After Xiao Wuhai finished his impassioned speech, the scene was silent for 3 minutes, and he drank tea in a godlike manner.

Next, with the introduction of Xiao Wuhai, those who were closer to Chen Yang, such as Secretary Lu and others, speculated one after another. It is said that if it was not for Chen Yang's instruction, it is impossible for Old Xiao to behave so childishly, like a political stupefied The same as the head.Thinking about it this way, and under the pressure of this situation, everyone had to make a choice immediately, to protect themselves wisely or to support Chen Yang's motion?

After a long silence, everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and a heated discussion was launched around whether to go bankrupt or not.Although the Standing Committee, headed by County Magistrate Meng, still expressed opposition, there were also voices supporting the bankruptcy of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant.

Chen Yang originally just wanted to test out everyone's views on the bankruptcy of the Masteel Iron and Steel Plant, but he did not expect that such a heated debate would be triggered as soon as it came up, and the effect was not bad, which surprised him.

At this time, seeing that the two parties were in dispute, he had to stand up and make a conclusion: "The discussion just now went very well. Whether you agree or disagree, it is everyone's responsible performance."

After affirming it first, he continued: "What is the sign of development? I think that as far as the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in our province is concerned, in a word, those who can 'live' should make great efforts to get rid of the burden. Change the system and mechanism as soon as possible, quickly introduce new vitality, promote its new life, and help it grow; we must make up our minds to let it die completely, and we must not let it become a stumbling block to our economic development in Dongshan. but,"

Chen Yang changed the topic, "As the largest state-owned enterprise in Dongshan, we must be cautious about its problems. I can also express my position here that the problems of Ma Steel Plant can no longer be dragged on like this. Will Finally, I will ask people to sort out a set of bankruptcy plans and submit them to the municipal party committee as soon as possible, and the leaders at all levels of the municipal party committee will give specific guidance. As for whether the municipal party committee agrees to the bankruptcy liquidation of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant, the entire leadership team of our county party committee must Twist into one rope, unify our thoughts, try our best to persuade the leaders of the municipal party committee, and show the determination of our Dongshan entire team.”

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he looked at Magistrate Meng meaningfully: "Comrade Wei Guo, what do you think?"

"I agree to report my opinions to the municipal party committee, and the leaders of the municipal party committee will guide the work." County Magistrate Meng nodded firmly.In his opinion, even if Chen Yang submitted the bankruptcy plan, the municipal party committee would never agree to it. Chen Yang insisted on submitting the bankruptcy plan to the municipal party committee because he was unhappy with it.

Next, the rest of the Standing Committee expressed their opinions one by one, and they all supported Chen Yang's approach of kicking the ball to the Municipal Committee.

In fact, they didn't know that Chen Yang didn't do this because he wanted to kick the ball. As he said before, he had already made up his mind.His real purpose of holding this meeting and reporting is just to test where the resistance will come from.

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