The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 86 Comrade Lieutenant?

It seemed a bit late for Chen Yang to understand. The two lands of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant had already been photographed, and the buyer was Shengchang Real Estate, which he had never heard of.

He has seen many speculators who took advantage of policy loopholes to advance the amount in his previous life. They would never honestly build a house after they took the land. Apart from exchanging the land for money, Chen Yang really didn't know what they would do?Even though it seems that they have suffered a loss by taking the land at a price that is much higher than the market price, but once the news is officially announced, the value of these two pieces of land, um, should also include the two broken factories that Xiao Hailiang bought It is very possible to skyrocket tenfold.Unless the news is inaccurate or the route changes, they won't be able to pick up the gold all over the ground.

Unfortunately, the chances of these two situations occurring are extremely small.

Chen Yang can now almost confirm that the news of the highway being launched is probably true.Although the route through the Dongshan territory is still not clear, but if what I expected is not bad, it is 100% the thin crooked line I drew on the map just now.

He could even guess that his old classmate Zhang Kai probably got involved this time too, and he might be the owner of Shengchang Real Estate, but he still couldn't figure out one thing, that Xiao Hailiang's Tiannan Is Zhang Kai the boss behind the investment? [

Although there are quite a few people in the agency who know about this kind of gossip, the number of people who can confirm it can be counted on one hand.Only those who are closest to the real power figures in the province can get first-hand information, and Chen Yang still vaguely remembers that Zhang Kai's family has recently lost power, and his father has also been transferred to a backward province in the south to be the third leader in poverty alleviation. No matter how long his hand is, it still won't reach here.Perhaps, if nothing else, there must be other princelings in the province involved in this money-grabbing operation.

But in fact, there is a common interest between this group of speculators and Chen Yang. They make money, while Chen Yang makes money from his political achievements. From a certain point of view, they are the ones who can get the finishing work of Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant. , In the words of later generations, this belongs to the category of win-win.

But for Chen Yang, the win-win situation in this way would only make him feel sick.

"Secretary Chen, can you answer my question now?" Fang Qing asked seriously, still sticking to her job.

Chen Yang got up from the ground. He could already guess what Fang Qing wanted to ask. He looked at Fang Qing curiously, and said to himself that this little reporter is quite capable, and any messy secrets can make people feel uncomfortable. She dug it out.

Fang Qing felt uncomfortable being stared at, tugged at the hem of her clothes, coughed twice, and signaled.

Chen Yang glanced at the long thick red line in the center of the map again, and asked without answering, "Don't you know everything?"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Hey, don't go!"

Fang Qing yelled, but Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to her, and entered the hall without looking back.She wanted to chase after her, but she was stopped mercilessly by the security guard at the door.

"I'm a reporter, let me in!" Fang Qing stuffed the press card into the security guard's hand, and then went inside.

"Sorry, miss, we don't welcome reporters here!" The security guard politely handed back the press card to Fang Qing, and at the same time closed the door of the conference hall.

"damn it!"

Fang Qing stomped her feet resentfully, but there was nothing she could do with the security guards. She walked back resentfully, knelt down and folded the map again.


It turned out that the Parker pen dropped in front of Chen Yang accidentally rolled to the ground, Fang Qing bit her lip, and was about to step on it as soon as she lifted her foot to vent her personal anger.

But as soon as her foot fell halfway, she suddenly exclaimed "Yeah", retracted her foot, bent down and picked up the pen again, and looked at it for a while. There was a slight crack, and she couldn't help it. She said to herself: "Isn't this the Zall series that was launched the year before last? The Guomao will sell for more than 1000?" While talking, she carefully brushed off the dust on the pen, and muttered angrily: "How much is your monthly salary for a county party secretary? Can you afford this kind of high-end pen? Hmph, I'm afraid no one will believe you if you tell me! How can you argue next time?"

Reporter Fang Da usually has a hobby, that is, he likes to collect all kinds of pens. The pen that Chen Yang threw away has been her favorite for a long time, but she has just been working for more than a year, and her salary and savings are very little. I have visited Guomao several times, but I have never been willing to buy it. [

This is good, that's what she said, but when she turned around, she actually confiscated the pen in her pocket, without any awareness of getting money back.

At around twelve noon, as soon as the auction ended, Chen Yang was invited to the Hyatt Hotel together with the members of the liquidation team.This hotel is the only five-star hotel in the city, and the people who can treat guests here are either rich or expensive.

The host was Deputy General Manager Wang of Shengchang Real Estate who had just won the two pieces of land in Maanshan Iron and Steel Plant. He reserved a spacious and luxurious vp box on the eighteenth floor.

After the entire previous auction, among the eight bids, only two pieces of land in Maanshan Iron and Steel Works were auctioned off, and the rest were all passed in.Therefore, as the highest-ranking leader in the box, although he felt awkward, Chen Yang expressed his gratitude to Shengchang Real Estate on behalf of the Dongshan County Party Committee for their strong support for Dongshan's economic construction.

Deputy General Manager Wang was very modest, and kept telling the officials present that this was what they should do, and at the same time toasted everyone one by one, and the etiquette was very good.During the meeting, he also said that Dongshan has obvious advantages in geographical location. The head office is very optimistic about Dongshan's future development prospects.

Regarding this, Chen Yang could only sneer in his heart.

Just halfway through the meal, he didn't want to stay any longer, and got up to say goodbye to the happy crowd.Mr. Wang, Bureau Liu of the Municipal State-owned Assets Bureau and others tried to persuade him to stay, but he still insisted on leaving with excuses.

After reaching the elevator door, Chen Yang absently pressed the button next to it.

After a while, with a ding, the elevator arrived.

The door opened, and there were only four young female officers in military uniforms standing inside. Judging from their epaulets, they should be female students of the military academy, chatting and laughing non-stop in the elevator.

Huh?Are the soldiers also come here to be corrupt these days?

Chen Yang was surprised, so he couldn't help but take a second look when he went in.Perhaps because they thought Chen Yang smelled of alcohol, several female students frowned and moved inside, muttering.

Chen Yang couldn't help smiling when he saw it, and pressed the number one button.

After the elevator restarted, he realized that the elevator continued to go up again. Looking at the number plate on the right side of the door, the signal light on the 25th floor was on.I guess I didn't pay attention just now and pressed the wrong button to go upstairs, otherwise the elevator in front would not stop.

Not long after, the 25th floor arrived, and as soon as the door opened, the female military students inside couldn't wait to rush out, surrounded a woman who was also wearing a military uniform, and greeted affectionately.

After everyone went out, Chen Yang pressed the close button.

"and many more!"

A crisp female voice sounded, and immediately after that, a hand stuck out from the middle of the elevator door that was not fully closed.


The elevator door opened again, and there was a short-haired girl standing outside the door. She had a beautiful face, but her expression was so cold that it was impossible to stare at her. [

"Chen Ruonan, why are you here?"

Chen Yang exclaimed in surprise, not only because he met Chen Ruonan suddenly, but also because of the well-tailored military uniform on Chen Ruonan and the epaulette with two stars on his shoulder.

Comrade Lieutenant?

Chen Yang couldn't believe his eyes.

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