The officialdom of rebirth

Chapter 88 Establishing a School

Chen Ruonan was embarrassed to refute the face of several students, and Wu Gang was also kindly inviting, so Chen Yang had no choice but to follow the crowd into the box.

After sitting down at the table, after a brief chat, Chen Yang learned that Chen Ruonan had not been in the army for a long time. After graduating from the National People's University in July, he was specially recruited to work in the National Defense University. He is currently a regular teacher in the Department of Political Science and Education and a freshman in the 95th class of the department. Several girls are students in her class as a political counselor.And this time she brought a group of students to Jiangzhou Radar Academy to represent the National Defense University for an inter-school exchange activity, and she arrived in Jiangzhou late last night.

Soon, the exclusive waiter of the private room came to the table with the menu and asked Wu Gang, "Mr. Wu, is it still the same as the previous table?"

Wu Gang waved to the waiter, pointed to a few laughing girls, "Let them order." [

"Okay, sir." The waiter hurriedly distributed the menu to several girls.

Wu Gang took out his cigarettes, handed one to Chen Yang, and after lighting them up, he said with a smile, "Hehe, Secretary Chen, speaking of which, we two really flooded the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family."

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words, but asked, "Why is there still a friend in front of Mr. Wu?"

Wu Gang secretly scolded the waiter for being talkative, and said with a smile: "Hehe, a few friends in business, Xiaoqin called me earlier to ask for a treat from my elder brother. I have no choice but to send them away first."

"Oh, that's it." Chen Yang smiled dully, and took a sip of his tea.

After a while, the food and wine were served.

Those girls in Chen Ruonan's class were so cheerful that they completely overturned Chen Yang's image of a soldier.Although he doesn't drink, he also speaks openly. It seems that he should have a good relationship with Chen Ruonan in school before, otherwise he will be a little bit reluctant to let go in front of the teacher.

Wu Gang seemed to have completely forgotten the little festivities between him and Chen Yang, and kept persuading him to drink and make some jokes during the dinner, which made Chen Yang think highly of him again.

"Secretary Chen, I heard that you and Xiao Kai are classmates?" Wu Gang suddenly asked after a few glasses of wine.

Xiao Kai?

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and immediately realized that Wu Gang was referring to Zhang Kai. He couldn't help being surprised, and suddenly thought, what if Wu Gang knew Zhang Kai very well?So the two pieces of land in Ma Steel Plant?

Yes, it must be so.

Hey, I was still wondering how Lao Niu met this young man on Baique Mountain. I dare say he went there to see the terrain that day.

It was only then that Chen Yang suddenly realized that Zhang Kai got the news from Wu Gang. Both of them were in business. It was probably because Wu Gang couldn't eat that much by himself, or he felt unsafe, so he just partnered with Zhang Kai. up.

Seeing that Chen Yang was silent, Wu Gang raised his glass with a smile, and said cheerfully, "Secretary Chen, I would like to toast you. The misunderstanding between the two of us before is all in this glass of wine, okay?"

Chen Yang didn't expect Wu Gang to be so generous and bear it. He raised his eyes and glanced at him, but he couldn't see any affectation in the other party, and his face was sincere.

After thinking about it again, I understood a little bit.

Maybe I really think too much. If I were Wu Gang, since I already knew the identity and background of the other party, I would not want to provoke a troublesome opponent for a small matter. In the final analysis, one more friend is far better than one more friend. The enemy is much better, and how much is face worth, haha.

Laughing to himself, he raised his glass to touch Wu Gang, and when he was done, he put down the glass and asked straight to the point: "What business does Mr. Wu do?"

It wasn't appropriate to ask this question just now, but now that the other party has a heart to make friends, it's okay to ask.

Chen Yang changed his name, and when he heard that Wu Gang's ears tasted different, he thought it was a good signal, so he smiled and replied: "Hehe, I opened an investment company, a small business, and I'm just messing around. The old man at home refuses to help, and often makes irresponsible remarks, so I need to take care of you, Secretary Chen."

As soon as Chen Yang heard the words "investment company", Chen Yang had a clue in his mind. It turned out that Wu was the behind-the-scenes boss of Tiannan Investment just now, and he said with a smile, "Hehe, that's just a coincidence. I just have an idea here."

"Oh, let's hear it." Wu Gang was delighted in his heart. It seemed that Chen Yang was not as difficult to get along with as Zhang Kai told him before.

Chen Yang nodded, and said frankly: "Well, it's like this, Mr. Wu. In the past six months or so, our private enterprises in Dongshan have increased a lot. Some state-owned enterprises in the county were trying to expand their scale after the restructuring, but the new The skills training for workers has been unable to keep up, and the children in the nearby villages can’t afford to go to college, so I was thinking about setting up a vocational technical school in the county, but I don’t know if you are interested, Mr. Wu?”

This is not a whim for Chen Yang. During this period of time, Dongshan’s private enterprises have developed quite well, but Dongshan does not have a technical school for training ordinary workers. Although the impact is not visible yet, he knows very well that in the 21st century What is most lacking is talents. Over time, if the quality of workers cannot keep up, it will definitely restrict Dongshan's subsequent development.It's just that he has typed up the report on the establishment of a vocational secondary school for almost two months, and asked Mr. Yu to help him find the relationship with the Provincial Department of Education, who gave supportive opinions, but the city's finances couldn't come up with money. The report can only be temporarily shelved.

Having said so much, in fact, his real thought at the moment is just one sentence, you guys have made money in Dongshan, you should spit it out to support the construction of the county!He originally wanted to go back and think about how to blackmail Zhang Kai, but since you, Wu Gang, have bumped into him, it's just like what you said, it's better to hit the sun than to choose another day.

Wu Gang didn't expect that Chen Yang would become so direct after drinking with him, asking him for money. You must know that running a school is not a joke, and the investment is large and the results are slow, especially for private schools. With policy support, it is even more difficult to make money.

Wu Gang looked at Chen Yang waiting for his answer with a smile, and was so angry in his heart that he couldn't help cursing inwardly, your scheming political achievements have actually been calculated on my head!Damn, if I don't agree to you, do you really dare to build a park on my land?

The resentment in Wu Gang's heart soared rapidly, but the smile on his face didn't fade at all. After pondering for a moment, he laughed and replied, "Secretary Chen, you opened your mouth. What else can I say? It can only be a condition." I strongly support it. But Secretary Chen, let’s talk about it first, I can’t do the thing of slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat.”

"Hehe, Mr. Wu, it's enough to have your words. On behalf of the more than 50 people in the county, thank you in advance. I think the school will be named after you in the future." Chen Yang also smiled , raised his glass, and then murmured to himself, "Wu Gang Secondary Vocational Technical School, um, it sounds a bit awkward."

Hearing Chen Yang's chanting, Wu Gang became even more angry, thinking that you know that my old man won't let me get this kind of limelight, so don't be silly!Damn, don't bring someone as hurtful as you, right?

Wu Gang scolded his mother in his stomach, and his handsome little white face also turned red, and now he simply stopped pretending, leaned back, and drank the wine sullenly.

Seeing Wu Gang's current appearance, Chen Yang felt that this guy was quite cute, and it seemed that he was not as obtrusive as before.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think, I heard from Teacher Yu before that Deputy Secretary Wu of the Provincial Party Committee seems to be fighting fiercely with others. Wu Gang is walking a tightrope to make money at this time. Isn't he afraid that people will grab his pigtails and mess with him? Dad?

After thinking about it, he smiled and shook his head again, heh, who can explain such things clearly!

The two men were drinking and chatting, and the girls next to them were chatting and laughing around Chen Ruonan, and the atmosphere was harmonious.Time passed quickly, and after about an hour or so, everyone was full of wine and food.

After paying the bill, Wu Gang answered the phone and rushed to the market in a hurry.Before leaving, he tried to invite Chen Yang, but he didn't mind after being declined, so he said hello and left first.And the few girls continued to go shopping, so they didn't continue to pester Chen Ruonan.

Chen Ruonan was not in a hurry to go back to Leiyuan, after Chen Yang drove out from the parking lot, he got into Chen Yang's Jetta.

As soon as the car door was closed, Chen Yang started the car and asked, "By the way, I remember that Dad sent you to a military academy before. Didn't you want to die? Why are you thinking about it now?" As he spoke, he couldn't help but Turning his head to the side, he looked enviously at the epaulet with two stars on Chen Ruonan's shoulder.

Chen Ruonan caught Chen Yang's petty tricks. She puffed her chest out and said proudly, "Envy me, you have no hope in this life." She knew a lot about Chen Yang's dream that had been shattered for n years. Clearly.

"Stop showing off in front of me. Is a lieutenant amazing? I think if Dad hadn't found his old comrades-in-arms, with your physique, you are still a soldier. If you go to the military academy to clean the toilet, they won't bother to accept you!" Chen Yang replied angrily. [

"Don't underestimate people with your old eyes, I really recruited here." Chen Ruonan snorted disdainfully, and said, "I know you're jealous, I'm too lazy to be as knowledgeable as you." Said After finishing, he turned his face away and looked out.

Chen Yang smiled, looked at his watch and said, "Let me take you around Jiangzhou while it's still early. Tell me, where do you want to go first?"

Chen Ruonan thought for a while before saying, "How long does it take to go back and forth from here to where you live?"

"At least four or five hours." Chen Yang calculated the time and replied, "Why, want to visit my small county?"

"Well, I wanted to meet your girlfriend at first, but I'm running out of time. I have to go back to the team for vacation at night. Anyway, I'm going to stay here until New Year's Day. You can bring her to see me when you're free." Looking at the scenery outside the car, Chen Ruonan replied casually.

Although he knew that Chen Ruonan just said it casually, without any other meaning, but Chen Yang still felt awkward.Then he changed the subject: "By the way, you are working now, will Mom give you pocket money back?"

In terms of finances, his treatment is completely different from that of Chen Ruonan. He has never received a penny of pocket money from his adoptive parents since he was a child, and his money is tight. His adoptive mother wanted to secretly give him money, but After being scolded several times by his adoptive father, he didn't dare to take it anymore.However, Chen Ruonan never left his body all day long, and money was never a problem.Therefore, Chen Yang was very curious, if the girl was working now, would the adoptive mother still send money to her like before.

Chen Ruonan looked back at Chen Yang curiously, curled his lips and said, "Do you have no money?" Then, he opened his satchel, took out a stack of bank cards, and picked out the latest peony card, "This card Mom helped me do it yesterday, so I'll use it for you first."

"I didn't mean that." Chen Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suddenly felt that Chen Ruonan's words were not quite right. Did mom do it for you yesterday?"

Chen Ruonan hummed and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Chen Yang broke out in cold sweat, grabbed Chen Ruonan's hand, and asked, "Didn't you just arrive in Jiangzhou yesterday? No, I mean, Mom is here now." where?"

Chen Ruonan frowned and pulled Chen Yang's hand away, "Mom is discussing business in Hucheng. I met her in a hurry when I got off the plane yesterday." After a pause, he said, "But I guess Mom is still angry now. It's okay, just yesterday you said you were disobedient in front of me, I don't think you should make fun of yourself, just make a phone call later and say hello."

Mom didn't tell me when she arrived in the provincial capital, what on earth did she want to do?

Chen Yang cursed secretly, quickly took out his mobile phone, and called Xiang Jin.The phone was connected, but no one answered after waiting for a long time.

Well, what the hell is going on, it's past three o'clock, Xiang Jin should get up for lunch break, right?

After thinking about it, he called Xiang Jin's house again.This time it only rang twice and the other party connected.

"Auntie, is Xiang Jin there?" Chen Yang ignored the greetings and asked directly.

"Hehe, it's Xiao Chen." Xiang Jin's mother responded cheerfully, and then said strangely, "Xiao Jin went out early this morning and said she was going to the provincial capital to do some errands. Why, she Didn't I go with you?"


Chen Yang was holding the phone, not knowing what to say.

"What's the matter, Xiao Chen, what's the matter?" Seeing that Chen Yang didn't respond for a long time, Xiang Jin's mother also became anxious.

Chen Yang came back to his senses, and quickly replied: "Oh, it's nothing, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, he quickly hung up the phone and was about to call Ms. Li's cell phone, but at this moment a call came in.

At first glance, it turned out to be Ms. Li's mobile phone number.

Chen Yang's heart sank suddenly, and he quickly pressed the call button.

"Mom, have you gone to see Xiang Jin?" Chen Yang asked directly without any greetings, his voice urgent.

There was no answer on the phone for a long time.

"Mom, say something!" Chen Yang's voice became slightly agitated, and Chen Ruonan couldn't help pulling away his hand holding the phone, and scolded him, "Chen Yang, why are you talking to our mother?" Talk!"

"Don't bother me!" Chen Yang shook his hand, and leaned closer to the microphone, but heard Ms. Li's voice slowly coming over, and asked with some surprise, "Xiao Yang, are you with Ruonan now?"

"Well, I came across it by chance today." Chen Yang replied, and then said, "Mom, I'm going to the provincial capital now."

"Well, come if you want. It just so happens that I have something to tell you face to face."

Ms. Li finished speaking coldly, then hung up the phone with a snap.


A series of busy voices came quickly, and Chen Yang knew that his adoptive mother must be angry again.Taking a deep breath, he turned to Chen Ruonan and said, "Get out of the car first, I'm going to the provincial capital soon."

Chen Ruonan glared at Chen Yang back, and said, "I'll go with you, so that you won't upset Mom again."

"That's up to you!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he quickly hit the accelerator, and the car sped away in the direction of leaving the city

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