In the days that followed, Chen Yang moved into the county party committee guest house. When Xiang Jin left, he didn't complain, but devoted himself to his work more wholeheartedly.Because he knows that only when he is so strong that he is no longer subject to anyone, is he qualified to say no to others, otherwise, everything is just empty talk.This road may be very long and difficult, but he also firmly believes that sooner or later he will reach the other side.And I have more than ten years of foresight than others, this is my biggest advantage.

After New Year's Day, a new year is ushered in, and the clock is turned to 1996.

Chen Yang and his team members participated in the summary and commendation meeting held in the city. At the meeting, Dongshan's team was repeatedly named and praised by Secretary Zhao, and formally conveyed the provincial organization department's announcement on the official appointment of Comrade Chen Yang as the Dongshan County Party Committee Secretary's notice. The name of the "generation" secretary officially became history.

At the same time, with the care and help of Chen Yang, Caoshang Village in Liushu Town established a Xinyuan Food Co., Ltd. relying on grain processing. The main product "Guifei" beverage was put into production as scheduled. It is the first series in Jiangnan Province that uses natural vegetable sweat as raw material. Beverage products have aroused the rush of reports from various media in the province. [

However, Chen Yang has not had time to enjoy the joy of success in the future. On January 16th, a provincial tabloid called New Century Metropolis Daily disclosed an explosive news on the sub-page about cadres in a certain county eating and drinking. The source of the news is unknown, but the article cites many examples, which are convincing and supplemented by photos as evidence.It's just that the cadre in the photo is eating and drinking in the box, and laughing and playing with the lady who is accompanying the drink next to him.However, the face of the person involved was mosaiced.Although the article did not point out the real place name, any sensitive cadres and the masses can guess that the "a certain county" in this report refers to Dongshan County, which has recently experienced a gratifying economic growth.

At the same time, the investigation team led by Wu Da, deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, entered Dongshan to investigate the loss of state-owned assets and bureaucratic issues in the restructured China.

Before, there were a lot of black materials about Chen Yang, but they were all kept in the drawer of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.But this time is different, this time the reporting materials were submitted directly to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the informants did not dare to use their real names. One was written by a veteran party member who claimed to be a 30-year-old party member of the Magang Plant, and the other It was written by a former financial backbone of the county bed sheet factory.The content of the report is similar, all of which accuse the county party committee of engaging in black-box operations in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and wantonly embezzling state-owned assets.

It is precisely at this time that the country is taking stricter measures on such issues. Once these two materials were submitted, they immediately attracted the attention of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and sent the documents to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Then the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatched Deputy Secretary Wu Lead the team down to investigate in person.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally Chen Yang, the secretary of the county party committee who is in charge of all work, and Xiao Wuhai, the secretary of the political and legal committee, personally participated in the restructuring of the bed sheet factory and the bankruptcy of the malleable iron and steel factory, and because he had a close relationship with Xiao Hailiang who took over the bed sheet factory and the electronics factory. The relationship between relatives also became the target of public criticism for a while.

Negative news about him came one after another, so Chen Yang had to pay attention to it.

The problem of news reports is not difficult to solve. In this era of extremely strict news control, there is no need for him to come forward. The day after the article appeared in the newspaper, the newspaper was severely criticized by the superior department and ordered to suspend publication for a period of rectification. moon.

Although the relevant departments acted quickly, the news still caused many adverse effects on Dongshan.From Chen Yang's point of view, the opponent's goal has obviously been achieved.

On the second day after the investigation team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection came down, Xiao Wuhai went to the office to find Chen Yang, cursing that Meng Weiguo and Wang Laowu must be behind the scenes.

Regarding this, Chen Yang had long been concerned about it. With the passage of time and the steady progress of various tasks, his influence among the cadres in Dongshan became more and more powerful, so that the cadres of the original county magistrate Meng gradually fell into disrepair. Now that he is the top leader, the voices of members of the Meng faction can hardly be heard in the current Standing Committee.It's no wonder County Magistrate Meng doesn't hold a grudge against this.Especially for Xiao Wuhai, the first domino to fall to Chen Yang, Magistrate Meng hated it to the bone.As for Wang Laowu, needless to say, Chen Yang's vigorous shareholding system reform has seriously blocked his way of making money, and he has invited Chen Yang to dinner several times but failed, and it has only been less than a year. With layers peeled off, he, a state-owned enterprise tycoon who used to be a leader in Dongshan, has become a loner.

As an outsider, Chen Yang didn't know that Wang Laowu had financial problems.In fact, it is impossible for anyone to sit in the position of Wang Laowu to be absolutely clean.And the reason why he has been holding back all this time is because he doesn't want to disturb the foundation of Dongshan.After such a long period of observation, he found that although Dongshan's cadres were more or less faulty, they did not violate the major issues of right and wrong, and this pool of water was always like this, and it was impossible for him to change much by himself.If all these cadres who have received small favors from Wang Laowu are really eliminated, the reputation of the entire Dongshan will be completely stink.And he may gain a good reputation among the masses because of this, but in the eyes of senior leaders, doing so is a very immature political performance. Evaluation, even if you are promoted in the future, you will be excluded or vigilant by your colleagues.

But now and then, after more than a year of operation, the time is basically ripe.Now that the other party is in a hurry to get rid of him, then he must give the other party some color.

The first method that Chen Yang thought of was to ask Zhang Dahai of the county bureau to send his confidants to monitor Wang Laowu and County Magistrate Meng and other people related to him 24 hours a day. Take a sauna, take a bath, find an escort, etc., and immediately take action to detain them first, and try to get some materials.

But to Chen Yang's surprise, the other party seemed to have sensed the wind, and Zhang Dahai never found a chance to arrest people for isolation and inspection in the following time.

On the other hand, Chen Yang and Secretary Wu of the Commission for Discipline Inspection also had several conversations behind closed doors, and it went well. Secretary Wu unilaterally expressed his trust in Chen Yang.Of course, Chen Yang also knew that this was just lip service, and there would be no shortage of investigation procedures.Due to the large number of restructured enterprises, the investigation team's evidence collection work is quite heavy, so they simply stayed in Dongshan and never left.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Yang stayed in the office alone. During this period of time, he was under a lot of pressure. If he worked too late, he usually stayed in the office to rest.

He lit a cigarette, and in the lingering smoke, he thought carefully about the chaotic situation in front of him.

A few minutes ago, he had just received a call from Wu Gang.On the phone, Wu Gang was in a low mood. According to him, he was recently investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The old man in his family strictly ordered him not to leave the house for half a step, and not to have any contact with anyone.He called secretly, just to ask Chen Yang to help keep Xiao Hailiang, otherwise, not to mention that his two factories were ruined, I am afraid that the plan to build a vocational secondary school in Dongshan that had been discussed before would also be ruined.

Chen Yang knew very well that Wu Gang was forced to have no other way to call him secretly. Now the two of them have faintly become grasshoppers on a rope, and both of them are damaged.In fact, even without Wu Gang's call, I still have to keep Xiao Hailiang. Although I don't have any financial problems, if I can't keep Xiao Hailiang, then I have to wear the big hat of poor supervision, and this stain is likely to last forever. It can't be erased.Of course, Wu Gang couldn't believe everything he said, and it was possible that he said it for his father. After all, even if he didn't mention his background, the big bosses of the provincial party committee should still know it well. [

In addition, Wu Gang's words also reminded Chen Yang of what Mr. Yu mentioned to him before, the struggle caused by the high-level provincial party committee due to the approaching change of term. Mr. Yu once warned him not to get involved, but the current situation is that his It is very likely that it has become a pawn in the struggle of high-level power, and I have no way of knowing how the gamers will play.

As for the municipal party committee, after seeing that Dongshan's economy has a faint tendency to take off, who would not want to make a profit from it, and the most direct and effective way is to break up Dongshan's team and bring in their own people.It would be great if Chen Yang, the leader, could be smeared and squeezed out.

This feeling of being a pawn makes Chen Yang very uncomfortable. He doesn't like being manipulated by others, but right now he doesn't have any information from high-level officials, and the only one he has a good relationship with, Mr. Yu, is seconded back to the Central Party School to do policy research. He couldn't see the chaos clearly.The only thing he can do now is to go his own way and let the gamers watch the fun.

At this time, the mobile phone on the desk suddenly rang, and he picked it up to see that it was Xiao Wuhai calling, inviting him to sit at home.

Putting down the phone, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile. This old Xiao was also jumping in a hurry recently. The investigation team couldn't find any faults here, so they naturally put the breakthrough on Lao Xiao, and he didn't have to think that he must have financial problems. Not to mention his nephew Xiao Hailiang, at least on the issue of the bankruptcy of the Ma Steel Plant, his old classmate Zhang Kai must have given him a lot of benefits, otherwise, how could this guy behave so outrageously at the Standing Committee discussing whether to implement bankruptcy that day ah.During this period of time, the investigation team talked repeatedly, and he might not be able to resist. If it weren't for the fact that he was covered by his comrades, and it was a system, the investigation team might have isolated him long ago.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yang drove the car directly to the bottom of Xiao Wuhai's house.

Xiao Wuhai had been looking forward to it in the yard for a long time. When he saw Chen Yang's car lights flashing, he hurried up to meet him. He graciously helped to open the car door, and said repeatedly: "Secretary Chen, I'm really sorry. , I'll let you go there yourself at this late hour."

It could be heard that Xiao Wuhai's voice was full of anxiety.

Chen Yang got out of the car with a smile, and entered the house with Xiao Wuhai.

Xiao Wuhai's wife, Huang Juan, is the deputy director of the County Education Bureau. She is considered an intellectual. When she saw Chen Yang, she hurriedly greeted him politely: "Secretary Chen, hello."

"Hehe, hello, Director Huang." Chen Yang went to the County Education Bureau to attend several meetings because of the preparation of the vocational secondary school, and he also knew Huang Juan.

After Huang Juan poured tea for the two of them, she made a sensible excuse and went out for a walk.

"Secretary Chen, the limelight is tight these days, otherwise we will go to the restaurant to eat and chat." Xiao Wuhai sighed.

"Old Xiao, don't be too polite, just talk about the business." Chen Yang knew that Xiao Wuhai must have something important to discuss when he called him here.

Xiao Wuhai stopped being polite, moved closer to Chen Yang, and got to the point.

It turned out that the matter was about his brother-in-law Huang Yong.Xiao Wuhai knew that Chen Yang couldn't get used to Huang Yong, and he also knew that his brother-in-law was not a cheap lamp. After Huang Yong was released from the detention center, he found a relationship to help Huang Yong open a small restaurant in Longmen. It's been a while.However, recently seeing that the rumors are not so tight, Huang Yong reverted to his old ways, and went back to Dongshan from time to time to find those cronies and friends for drinking and picking up girls.

It's also a coincidence that he and Wang Laowu's son Wang Qiang can be regarded as buddies, and they often hang out together, but recently I heard that his brother-in-law was investigated because of the Ma Steel Plant. Feeling uneasy for a moment, they went to Wang Qiang to talk, and when they disagreed, the two turned their faces on the spot.Huang Yong used to be a policeman, and his temper was not ordinary. He took a few younger brothers and tied Wang Qiang on the spot. After being beaten and kicked by Huang Yong's gang, Wang Qiang urinated at that time, and revealed his father in a hurry. He had a long-term financial relationship with the county magistrate Meng and the presidents of several banks in the county, and he personally found the person who wrote the report letter to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Huang Yong was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly told his brother-in-law about it.No, as soon as Xiao Wuhai received the news, he immediately called Chen Yang to discuss it.

After Chen Yang listened to it, he thought that Huang Yong had done a lot of immoral things in normal times, but this time it really made him a blind cat and a dead mouse, and he did something serious for his brother-in-law. With these materials and witnesses, the investigation The people in the group have to be busy.Immediately asked: "Where is Wang Qiang now?"

"My brother-in-law is holding this meeting, and I don't know what to do." Xiao Wuhai looked at Chen Yang with a bitter face. Although Huang Yong handled this matter quite quickly, it was unreasonable after all. If you go out, you will inevitably be punished.

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said: "How about this, you immediately inform Huang Yong to hand over the person to the county bureau, let Zhang Dahai handle this matter, and the confession must be recorded, so that there is no mistake. As for Huang Yong's questions , Let them go through the procedures at the county bureau. I will inform Zhang Dahai later."

When Xiao Wuhai heard what Chen Yang said, he didn't intend to pursue it, and the county bureau was all his people, so the matter was settled in the blink of an eye.Hastily nodded in response. [

After finishing the matter, Chen Yang didn't stay any longer, and just took his leave and left.Not long after getting in the car, he called Zhang Dahai and briefly explained the matter. Zhang Dahai was also overjoyed, and repeatedly patted his chest to ensure that the task would be completed without any mistakes.

As for Huang Yong's question, Chen Yang didn't mention it much, but let Zhang Dahai follow the normal procedure, without covering up or condoning.It is estimated that after the matter is settled, Xiao Wuhai will naturally have a way to fish out his precious brother-in-law.

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