reborn family

Chapter 1002

Such a situation was unexpected by all the members of the Standing Committee, neither Qin Guanghan nor Yao Dingguo. **Wen Baogui and He Yusheng, the two former leaders of Hongjiang Province, the two people who could quarrel over their positions and made Zhang Tianyue angry, would actually make such a choice at this moment.

This... this is simply unbelievable.Is Nie Ji so scary?

Although puzzled, the matter is already like this.No one dared to say anything more.

Next, Chen Le and Xu Hongzhuan from Nie Zhenbang's department, including Wei Lin, also expressed their opinions one after another. Although the contents of the speeches were different, the meanings all came to the same goal by different routes, and it was an attitude.I agree with the opinion of the Organization Department.

Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang is also very satisfied. In his lineage, there are three confidantes in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, plus Wei Lin who is close to him. This is four votes, and his own vote is five.Just right, it happened to be stuck on this line.

The control over the Standing Committee is very strong, but it will not make people feel that it is complete control, and it will not cause Zhong Yang's taboo and criticism. Now, both Wen Baogui and He Yusheng are acting according to their own face, although It's temporary, but it's enough to do a lot of things.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "In that case, I'll vote with a show of hands."

As the top leader, whether to vote on the resolutions of the Standing Committee is a big killer for the party committee.This is also the best way to maintain their own prestige.

Just like now, when the wind in the Standing Committee is one-sided, Nie Zhenbang can control the direction of the meeting and enter the voting process.However, if there is a problem that cannot be solved, then the top leader can temporarily shelve the proposal.This is a huge advantage, which is incomparable to Zheng Fu's full-time job.

The voting process that follows.Naturally, there is no suspense.As Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, Li Weiran, Xu Hongzhuan, Chen Le and Wei Lin all raised their hands and stood beside them.Both Wen Baogui and He Yusheng expressed their support. At this moment, if you don't raise your hand, isn't it slapping yourself in the face?The two followed closely behind and raised their hands.Already seven votes.Next, Yao Dingguo, Qin Guanghan and Zhou Chuanjia all raised their hands in agreement.

Gong Zheng, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Yihong, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Chen Dongliang, Commander of the Military Division also raised their hands in agreement.Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang nodded in satisfaction, raised his right hand with a smile, and said, "Unanimous approval.**"

talking.Nie Zhenbang looked at Li Weiran and said: "Minister Weiran, you are the head of the organization department, and you don't bother the two masters. Next, I think you will talk to these comrades on behalf of the organization. In addition, the organization department, You can also start preparing for the announcement of the proposed appointment. After the announcement period, you can arrange to take office."

The meeting is here, it has come to an end, here.After Nie Zhenbang announced the end of the meeting, everyone stood up.

As soon as he returned to the office, Hong Feng whispered behind him as soon as he entered the door: "Nie Ji."

Turning his head, he saw Gong Zheng, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, standing behind him. He was taken aback for a moment, but Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Comrade Gong Zheng is here, please come in."

He was very enthusiastic and welcomed Gong Zheng into his office.He sat down on the sofa in the reception area.He took out a cigarette and handed it to Gong Zheng.

Next to him, Hong Feng was pouring tea, and Nie Zhenbang was also thinking in his heart, Gong Zheng was in Hongjiang.In the province, he is a relatively silent person.He doesn't talk too much, doesn't matter much, as if, the affairs in Hongjiang Province have nothing to do with him, and all his thoughts are put on the discipline inspection work.

For Gong Zheng, Nie Zhenbang is satisfied and appreciates it. Over the years, Nie Zhenbang has held official positions in many places. **.Because, in poor places, public opinion and the media don't pay much attention.The less outside supervision, the greater the effect of power, and the easier it is to breed a hotbed of corruption.However, in Hongjiang Province, up and down, the government is fairly clear.This made Nie Zhenbang very satisfied.This is also inseparable from Gong Zheng's work.

Normally, Gong Zheng didn't come to the door easily, but every time Gong Zheng came to the door, something would happen. Wasn't Gong Zheng the one who sent the report letter against Xu Hongzhuan?

After pondering for a while, and organizing his thoughts and words, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Comrade Gong Zheng, smoke."

Nie Ji lit the fire himself, which made Gong Zheng feel a little flattered. On weekdays, he and Nie Ji had the least contact. Basically, apart from the communication at work, the most was when they met on the way to and from work. Just nod.

For Nie Ji, Gong Zheng admired him very much, as an old discipline inspector.The name Nie Zhenbang is no stranger to Gong Zheng. As early as more than ten years ago, when he was the deputy secretary of the Hongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Nie Zhenbang was a cadre of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Afterwards, the Three Public Offices and the discipline inspection department kept in close contact.All these made Gong Zheng very familiar with and admired Nie Zhenbang.

Time has passed, and he has only risen half a step, while Nie Zhenbang has become his squad leader in one fell swoop.

Nie Zhenbang doesn't care much about this. After all, Nie Zhenbang's ability, background and potential are stronger than his own, and some things cannot be envied. , Gong Zheng admired it very much.

After pondering for a while, Gong Zheng was also organizing his thoughts and words. After a pause, he said, "Nie Ji, this time I'm here, there is mainly one thing I want to report to you."

As he said that, Gong Zheng paused for a moment, and continued: "Nie Ji, before the Qing'an County case was closed, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection received a lot of reports that some real estate and affordable housing in Hongcheng City and Jingshan City During the project, there were many problems. On the one hand, the land price was transferred to the real estate company at an extremely low price to make huge profits. In addition, during the construction of affordable housing, there were many incidents of falsely claiming affordable housing. However, these affordable houses are sold at the price of commercial houses, earning a huge price difference."

After finishing speaking, Gong Zheng stared at Nie Zhenbang and said, "Nie Ji, do you see...?"

Although the Commission for Discipline Inspection is the unit that handles cases nationwide, it has strong autonomy in corruption, but anyway, the Commission for Discipline Inspection must also be included in the jurisdiction of the party committee, and it is still under the leadership of the provincial party committee. An immutable fact.

Sometimes, the Disciplinary Committee also needs the guidance of the Provincial Party Committee to handle cases. Sometimes, in the middle of case handling and economic construction, case handling makes way for economic construction, which is also a normal thing.

Nie Zhenbang was also contemplating. Nie Zhenbang was no stranger to the methods of the discipline inspection department, on the contrary, he was very familiar with them.From now on.

Once this matter is dug out, it will definitely be a major event in Hongjiang Province. At present, the country is strictly controlling housing prices. Zhong Yang and the Government Council.Both Mr. Qiao and Mr. Mu have repeatedly emphasized and reiterated the strict control of housing prices, which fully demonstrates Zhong Yang's determination to control housing prices.

Although the housing prices in Hongjiang Province are not high among other provinces and cities, they are absolutely high compared to Hongjiang's economic income level.

Regarding the control of real estate, I have not freed up my hands yet, and this kind of thing happened. It is conceivable that no matter who the person who reported is, what is the purpose, and who is it aimed at.However, what is certain is that this matter is by no means groundless.It is by no means a fabrication without any factual basis.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang looked at Gong Zhengdao: "Gong Ji, what I mean is that this matter can only be put aside for the time being."

When Nie Zhenbang said this, he also had to bear the responsibility. If he was a little careless, he would give people the feeling that he was taking sides.

Looking at Gong Zheng, Nie Zhenbang just wanted to see the changes in Gong Zheng's expression, and just wanted to see what kind of mentality Gong Zheng had.

At this moment, Gong Zheng didn't hesitate, nodded and said, "I also think it's time to let it go."

Gong Zheng's words, on the contrary, made Nie Zhenbang heave a sigh of relief. Just now, if Gong Zheng did not hesitate and simply nodded and agreed, Nie Zhenbang would still have to think carefully, but now?However, Nie Zhenbang understood it a little bit. It seems that Gong Zheng's thinking is similar to his own. He has seen the essence of the matter and doesn't want to be used by others.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang nodded and said: "Currently, the main work of the Provincial Party Committee is to focus on economic construction. Under the premise of the Tourism Expo, other things must temporarily make way for the Tourism Expo. Of course , This kind of thing is definitely not groundless. Regarding this kind of thing, in my opinion, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can use the form of unannounced visits in advance to conduct unannounced visits and investigations on the construction and distribution of affordable housing in Hongcheng City and Jingshan City to collect materials and evidence. Gong Ji, we will keep in touch and communicate about this matter at any time, and if there is any situation, you can call me at any time."

Nie Zhenbang's concerns are also very serious. Under such circumstances, nothing can happen in Hongjiang Province at the booth of the Travel Expo. This is not just a matter of image and face, it is a matter of relationship to the overall situation of not to be taken lightly.

Just imagine, on your side, participating in the Travel Expo, no matter how well you talk about Hongjiang's investment environment, but suddenly, Hongjiang has a serious social problem. However, what do investors think?how to think?Isn't this slapping yourself?

Gong Zheng also nodded at this moment. Gong Zheng knew what Nie Zhenbang meant.Then he nodded and said: "I will definitely follow Nie Ji's instructions." (To be continued...)


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