reborn family

Chapter 1010 Classmates Reunion

in the afternoon

He didn't rest all night, and the next morning, Nie Zhenbang, who didn't rest until he heard the negotiation was over, just woke up.

After washing up, there was a knock on the door, and Hong Feng came in from outside, holding a plate, three fried eggs, and a glass of milk in his hand.

Putting the dinner plate on the coffee table, Hong Feng said, "Secretary, you have something to eat."

As he said that, Hong Feng took out some materials from a briefcase next to him, put them aside, and continued: "Secretary, this morning, Governor Wen and Donggang have signed a contract. In addition, driven by this matter, The Hongjiang booth ushered in an even hotter scene. Many Donggang businessmen flocked here. Today, several tourism development projects have signed contracts with enterprises in Donggang. Excluding the Li Group, today, Hongjiang has signed projects reaching ten Three, the contract introduction fund reached 62 billion yuan.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded. While eating, he looked at the materials next to him. Most of them were reports on the work progress of the Travel Expo. Nie Zhenbang was not surprised by this.

Chinese people, sometimes, have such a blind obedience.Whether it is inland or Donggang, the nature is the same.

This is the driving effect. Just imagine, Donggang Li Group, what kind of company is this? It is a top [-] company in the world. This is a huge multinational company. The concept, Donggang Li's has invested in Hongjiang, what does this mean?This shows that Hongjiang is worth investing in.

Today, Nie Zhenbang is not surprised to have such a result. If there is no such effect, it will be abnormal.

After removing these materials, Nie Zhenbang continued to look at the materials below. Suddenly, Nie Zhenbang put down the tableware in his hand, raised his head and said, "Xiao Hong, when did this Jiang Yonghao call? Also, when is Lin Mohan from Liaodong Province call."

After the words were finished, Hong Feng immediately said: "Secretary, Governor Jiang called two hours ago. Governor Lin called at noon. At that time, you were resting, so I didn't bother you."

Nie Zhenbang is not an unreasonable person, he is still very clear about Hong Feng's intentions, his intention is good, and he shouldn't be too harsh.Immediately said: "Yes. I see."

After speeding up and eating the snacks quickly, Hong Feng carried the plate.After walking out, Nie Zhenbang also took out his phone and dialed the number Jiang Yonghao left behind. As soon as he got through, Jiang Yonghao's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Well, you Nie Zhenbang, you are still such a desperate Saburo!" What's the matter with the posture? There was such a big commotion last night. I didn't rest all night."

Jiang Yonghao, Nie Zhenbang's classmate at the Zhongyang Party School, four years ago, when Nie Zhenbang was still in the Sangong Office, Jiang Yonghao was the second youngest in the party school's provincial and ministerial-level cadre training class. After that, Nie Zhenbang worked in the Sangong Office A year later, he was transferred to Bashu.And Jiang Yonghao was also transferred from the position of the first deputy secretary of the League Central Committee to Qianzhou Province as the governor.Now, Jiang Yonghao has been the governor of Qianzhou.This year.Jiang Yonghao is exactly 47 years old.

This year's students are a rare group of contacts for Nie Zhenbang in the future, and many of them are young and vigorous. Nie Zhenbang values ​​​​these students very much.Also be careful.

Hearing Jiang Yonghao's slightly teasing but caring words, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said: "Brother Hao, you are mocking me. I am still young, so staying up late is nothing."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yonghao laughed and said: "You Nie Zhenbang, you are turning a corner and saying that we are old. I have no problem. Wait a minute, I want to see how you will face Zhao Changchang, Liu Yi, Chen Guoqing and others. Miss Li Yu."

Jiang Yonghao's words made Nie Zhenbang stunned for a moment. These people are all classmates in the same class, and they can be regarded as relatively young in that class.

At that time, Zhao Chang was 51 years old, Liu Yi was 53 years old, Chen Guoqing was 48 years old, and Li Yu was 53 years old.Four years later.Not only did everyone get older, but obviously, their positions also increased.

Nie Zhenbang was very shocked, and he couldn't believe it: "Old Hao, you mean, they are all here at the travel fair this time?"

Listening to Nie Zhenbang's words, Jiang Yonghao laughed and teased: "Oh, you thought that you, Nie Zhenbang, were the only ones who got promoted? Let's go back to normal. Back then, you had the lowest position. Now it's good, you've become the governor. Appoint the leader. We big brothers and sisters can't hold you back, can't we?"

As he said that, Jiang Yonghao said solemnly: "Chang Chang is now the governor of Jiangnan Province. Brother Liu Yi is also the governor of eastern Guangdong. He is the best on National Day, and now he is the head of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, just like you. On the contrary, Sister Li Yu, who is a woman, is now serving as the governor of Caiyun Province, which is also rare in China."

Nie Zhenbang was a little taken aback. Chen Guoqing, the former Propaganda Minister of Eastern Shandong Province, had not seen him for four years, but it was rare to reach the top of Eastern Shandong Province, which shows.There is also a big background behind the National Day.But sister Li Yu, Nie Zhenbang didn't even think of it.Nie Zhenbang is very clear about how difficult it is for female cadres in the system. It is indeed not easy for Sister Li Yu to jump from the position of organization minister to the governor of Caiyun Province.It is not easy than Chen Guoqing.

After a pause, Jiang Yonghao smiled and said, "Zhenbang, do you have time tonight, let's take this opportunity to get together?"

Nie Zhenbang nodded with a smile. What Jiang Yonghao meant, Nie Zhenbang knew very well that in his mind, these people were his connections. For the same reason, in the minds of these people, he was not their connections.Although, they also meet during the two sessions of the country, but this relationship needs to be managed.

Thinking of this, Nie Zhenbang also said cheerfully: "It's good to have a gathering, of course. In this case, I will arrange it in the evening, which is not far from here at the Chu Palace. In addition, I will also introduce some friends over here."

Don't even think about it, for sure, Lin Mohan called to get together.Nie Zhenbang simply made the decision instead of Lin Mohan.

Sure enough, next, Nie Zhenbang called Lin Mohan, and Lin Mohan talked about it, not only him, but also Tian Xujiang.After making an appointment with the two of them.

Nie Zhenbang also made a phone call to Li Laibao. The Chu Palace is on the territory of Chunan Province. Sometimes, money may not be able to solve the problem in this kind of place.Here, Li Laibao's identity is more useful than money.


eight pm

It is the golden business hours for the King Chu Palace. In the main hall of the King Chu Palace in the King Chu Restaurant, it is very lively and filled with a harmonious atmosphere.

There are not many people, there are only ten people in total, but once they go out, these people are all big figures who hold great power and guard the side.

The living room is covered with a thick Xingyue carpet, and the sofas are placed around it in a circular shape. In this way, there is no distinction between the main seat and the guest seat. It has to be said that the owner here has a clever mind.

However, naturally, Nie Zhenbang still occupies the core position. Next to Nie Zhenbang are Chen Guoqing and Jiang Yonghao. According to Li Yu, they are ranked according to age.

Nie Zhenbang looked around at the crowd, feeling a sense of arrogance. Present here are Heishui Governor Tian Xujiang, Liaodong Governor Lin Mohan, Guangdong Governor Liu Yi, Caiyun Governor Li Yu, Qianzhou Governor Jiang Yonghao, Ludong Chief Chen Guoqing, Jiangnan Governor Zhao Chang, together with Hongjiang's top leader Nie Zhenbang, and Hongjiang Governor Wengui.

It can be said that there are so many full-time leaders of the provincial party committee and provincial government in the whole country, but here there are eight of them at once, and one of them is Li Laibao, who is about to take over as the governor of Chunan Province. The owner of the restaurant is also personally responsible for the hospitality.

Looking around at the crowd, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "Big brothers and sisters, I haven't seen you in the past few years, but I still have the same demeanor, even better than before."

After the words fell, Li Yu smiled and said, "Okay, Nie Zhenbang, you are turning a corner and scolding the elder sister. You are 57 years old, are you still young? But you are only in your early forties, and the elder sister is very envious ah."

Li Yu fully grasped this advantage. Sometimes, women have a lot of disadvantages in the system, but women have incomparable advantages over men.In this case, Li Yu can be a very good softener.From this point of view, Li Yu's appointment as the governor of Caiyun is indeed not a fluke, Li Yu's wrist is very powerful.

Next to him, Liu Yi also smiled and said, "Li Yu is right. This time, in Hongjiang Province, you, Nie Zhenbang, took the top spot and beat us all. This time, you and Wen Province have to grow up and bleed."

Wen Baogui was also very shocked. At this moment, Wen Baogui finally saw the tip of the iceberg behind Secretary Nie.There are so many people who were in power at the time. Judging from the age of these people, Liu Yi and Li Yu are the oldest, but they are only 57 years old. Seven years later, they are just 64, and they have further opportunities.As for people, such as Chen Guoqing, Jiang Yonghao, and Zhao Changchang, the future of these three people may be the same as that of Secretary Nie, and they all have their sights on Jiuding.

However, these people, this is only Secretary Nie's own network, and this does not include the support from the Nie family and the Yang family behind them, this is the tip of the iceberg.

Listening to Liu Yi's words, Wen Baogui also smiled and said: "Governor Liu, there is no problem in entertaining guests. Hongjiang can achieve such a great result because of the good guidance of Secretary Nie, and it is also inseparable from the great efforts of the brothers' provinces and cities." Support. I tightened my belt and spent five years of salary to treat guests."

Wen Baogui showed his respect for Nie Zhenbang between the lines, which also made Nie Zhenbang's classmates look up to Nie Zhenbang. The future of this little brother is probably the best among all the classmates. This is rushing to the position of Mr. Qiao of.

After the words were finished, Chen Guoqing also smiled and said, "Governor Wen, you don't know that Secretary Nie of yours hides his secrets. His second uncle is a big rich man. This fee is not a problem for him."

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