reborn family

Chapter 1022 Order to Drop Out


"That's right!"

"Are you okay?"

These three sentences, the first sentence was said by Nie Zhenbang, the second sentence was said by Dong Zhiping, and the third sentence was said by Dong Wan.

This said, the whole scene was completely chaotic.Dong Wan trembled with anger and stood up.Dong Wan has always been extremely strict in the education of her children.Dong Wan has always been very strict with a loving mother who often loses her children.

As someone who has experienced the environment in the capital city, Dong Wan is very clear about how many playboys there are in the circle.Therefore, Dong Wan's teachings to Dong Zhiping have always been very strict.Plus, some special circumstances at home.

Some things were not made clear, so Dong Zhiping's identity was only known to some interested people, and most people still didn't know it.

"Could it be that my son has entered the rebellious period of youth?" Nie Zhenbang pondered in his heart.

But the matter is not over yet, here, Dong Zhiping just finished speaking, next to him, Nie Panpan stubbornly raised his head and said: "Yes, brother is right, we are right."

Nie Wenwen also joined in the fun and said, "We are right."

The sky is turned upside down, the sky is turned upside down.This was the only thought Dong Wan and the three daughters had at the moment, and they all stood up.Seeing that a storm is coming.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang came out in time, stood in front of the three children, stopped the three who were about to explode, and said: "Calm down, calm down, wife, calm down, whether it's at work or at home, parents This type of style of work is unacceptable. Since the children insist on their own views, they cannot rely on power to suppress them. They must be given a chance to speak up. Such suppression, such rough interference, I think, even if they admit it, You won’t be convinced either, you say, right?”

The third daughter is not an illiterate person who has never read a book. Although education is strict, she is not a person who believes that a filial son will be born under a stick.After pondering for a while, the three of them sat down. Dong Wan's gaze was still very severe, she looked at Dong Zhiping and said, "Nie Zhiping, tell me. Why do you think you are right?"

In the household registration booklet, Dong Zhiping follows his mother's surname, and his name is Dong Zhiping. However, at home, it is generally customary to call him Nie Zhiping.

Before Dong Zhiping could speak, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile again: "Wan'er, look, it's easier to talk while kneeling. It feels oppressive. I think it's better to sit and talk."

After the words fell, Anna glared at Nie Zhenbang, and said with a smile: "You, just be your good person. When the time comes, when you raise three dudes, you will clean up their mess. Kind father, strict mother, You arranged it well."

That's what she said, but Anna still nodded and said, "Sit down and talk about what's going on. Today, the three of you, if you can't say a single ugly person, you should be punished at all. .”

In such a special family, the three children are very clear that the words of the three mothers are effective.

The three of them stood up, sat next to each other, looked at each other, and finally fell on the eldest sister Nie Wenwen.

Nie Wenwen looked at her parents, and then said, "I can't blame Zhiping and Panpan for what happened today. This time, our school is on holiday, but the teachers in Panpan and Zhiping's class are mandatory. They are in the summer vacation. Why should I enroll in a cram school? Zhiping is okay, he didn’t say anything, but Panpan didn’t want to. He confronted the teacher. The teacher, who has no education at all, not only said that our family has no money, but slapped his face to pretend to be fat, and came to study some nobleman School. What's more, they said that they would order Panpan to drop out of school. Zhiping couldn't see it, so he stood up and said a few words, but the teacher went too far, and insulted Zhiping for being uneducated, and that's when the fight broke out."

Hearing these words, the adults fell silent. The three daughters were clear about Dong Zhiping's character, especially Dong Wan, who was his own son. He had a calm personality, didn't talk much, and was very introverted.However, Dong Wan is very clear that Dong Zhiping has a lot of burden for him to change his surname to Dong.The elders of the family, this is the Ni Lin in this child's heart, this teacher, is so outspoken, isn't this stimulating him?It's normal to be impulsive.

However, on the surface, words cannot be said that way, Dong Wan looked very serious, looked at Dong Zhiping and said: "Nie Zhiping, I know what you think. But, no matter what, you can't hit people with your hands. A gentleman is humble and polite. Hitting someone is the behavior of a reckless man. This is wrong."

The voice fell, and Nie Zhenbang next to him said: "Zhiping, you played well. To be a teacher, you should set an example for your disciples. He dislikes the poor and loves the rich, speaks rudely, and insults students. This kind of person is no longer worthy of being called Teacher. A man, a man, is alive. If you can’t even protect your own family and maintain the minimum dignity, what’s the use of being a modest gentleman. Take action when it’s time to act. It should be bloody. Huaxia just lacks bloody After finishing speaking, Nie Zhenbang ignored Dong Wan's eyes, looked at the three women and said, "In recent years, the Ministry of Education and many ministries have issued notices many times. , to make up lessons for elementary and middle school students. This is a violation of the regulations. This Western Australia International School is obviously in violation of the regulations. Moreover, it also uses coercive means, which is even worse."

After speaking, Nie Zhenbang paused and said: "You all know that the three of them, Yaya, have all studied abroad. They are very used to the relaxed environment abroad. They are not familiar with this kind of cramming education in China. Not satisfied with the habit. What’s more, it’s a summer vacation and they have to make up classes, how could they agree, this kind of conflict is inevitable.”

"I see it this way. Tomorrow, the three of you will go to the school. See what the school responds and say. That's it for now. Children, you should enjoy the fun of learning in a relaxed way, not like now, Forced to learn."

To be honest, Dong Wan's three daughters are not stubborn people, especially Dong Wan and Li Lixue. They have lived abroad for many years after taking charge of the Tenglong Consortium. They have seen Western educational methods and concepts. It's all laissez-faire development.Of course, this is learning.In terms of character, the management is relatively strict.

Listening to Nie Zhenbang's words, the three of them also knew that what Nie Zhenbang said was true. With a sigh, Dong Wan also nodded and said: "It seems that this can only be the case. I think it's still early, and it's still in the past today." , after all, it was the children who hit the teacher, so it seems more sincere."

When Dong Wan finished speaking, Anna had already stood up.The three of them walked out with their three children, and a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle quickly drove out of the underground parking lot.

Western Australia International School is a well-known private aristocratic school in the Red City. From elementary school to high school, it can be done in one step here.

Moreover, the International School of Western Australia has business exchanges with many universities in Australia. High school students who graduate from the Western Australian school can obtain admission opportunities to Australian universities. Most of the relatives of relatives, rich people and government officials put their children here.

At the beginning, the reason why Anna chose this school was also because of this Western-style education method.I think the three children are easy to accept.

When the car drove into the school, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. Under the guidance of Nie Wenwen, a group of people walked into the first grade teacher's office.

As soon as he entered the office, there was only a 36-year-old man in a short-sleeved silk T-shirt.Above, there is also a flower logo.Montagut is not cheap either.

Seeing Dong Wan, Yang Anna and the others, the man's expression changed immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "The three of you are the parents of Dong Zhiping, Nie Panpan and Nie Wenwen. Do you understand how you were educated?" The rules of respecting teachers and respecting morals are over, and there is no tutor. They are so rude and audacious that they dare to beat the teacher. Now, I officially inform you that the three of them will not come from next semester.

Find another school. "

The man had a haughty attitude, his nostrils were almost turned up to the sky, he was supercilious, and he didn't have any restraint in his speech, he was uneducated and rude when he spoke.

Immediately, Yang Anna's anger immediately rose. When did the daughter of the Yang family receive such idleness.Originally, Anna Yang was a little annoyed at the beating of the three children, but now?Anna Yang felt that it was a light blow.This kind of person should be beaten to death.As a teacher, how can you educate students without the appearance of a teacher.

Standing up, Anna Yang looked at the man and said in a deep voice, "Excuse me, what is the teacher's name? What position do you hold in Western Australia School?"

Yang Anna's questioning tone immediately made the man stand up, without any backing down, looked at the three people and said, "What position I hold has nothing to do with you, and I'm not afraid to tell you, expel these three bad students I still have the power. I am not afraid to tell you, my surname is Wu, and my name is Wu De. If you have the ability, you can ask the leaders of the education department to make a theory, and you can ask the principal Tan of the school. The three of them, I I will be expelled. Don't think that having a few stinky money is great. I have seen this kind of student a lot. I save money and go to a noble school. I can't afford any tuition fees. I really think I am a university student. Rich people, this kind of school is not a place for people like you to come to."

From the beginning to the end, Wu De believed that the three of Nie Wenwen were just the group whose family conditions were not bad. There were many such people in Western Australia International School, and their families had some financial conditions.For the sake of their children's future, they live frugally and send them here to study.

However, if this kind of grassroots dare to challenge their own prestige, they will be severely punished, otherwise, wouldn't the world be turned upside down?

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